docker-compose: Update to version 2.3.2
What's Changed:
- 2.3.2:
- Fix json format for version command by @victor-timofei
- filter containers after project has been rebuilt from resources by
- publish a draft release with auto generate release notes by
- map --interactive to StdinOpen by @ndeloof
- 2.3.1:
- Support COMPOSE_IGNORE_ORPHANS for compose run by @PIG208
- don't try to start dependencies when there are none by @ndeloof
- don't failed when trying to stop or rm services with no containers
ru… by @glours
- 2.3.0:
- Don't wait forever for unhealthy dependencies by @benesch
- Add progress output while waiting for dependencies by @benesch
- Discard env_file section on convert/config by @ulyssessouza
- Return only numbers in short version by @guillaumerose
- Don't SetRawTerminal() when exec is run with -T by @x-yuri
- only remove volumes set by compose file by @ndeloof
- Set NetworkMode correctly according to network priorities by
- go.mod: v1.0.4 by @thaJeztah
- Fix typo in reference/ by @danBamikiya
- Fix pause/unpause by only applying to running containers by
- use CustomLabels for composeV2 metadata and not impact service
hash by @ndeloof
- use golangci-lint-action by @ndeloof
- Adds support to list the config files on docker compose ls by
- declare --volume as an alias for --volumes by @ndeloof
- bump buildx to 0.7.1 by @ndeloof
- Wait and scale 0 by @glours
- Bump from 1.5.8 to 1.6.0 by
- COMPOSE_REMOVE_ORPHANS can be set to always apply --remove-orphans
by @ndeloof
- Using start, stop, restart from outside the working directory
using --project-name (#9147) by @arhemd
- exclude com.docker.compose.image label from service hash by
- Bump compose-go 1.0.9 by @ulyssessouza
- Bump compose-go 1.1.0 by @ulyssessouza
- Bump docker/distribution -> v2.8.0 by @ulyssessouza
- report external volume name not found by @ndeloof
- Bump from 1.6.0 to 1.6.1 by
- file. Update slack sign-up link by @teror4uks
- Add function to convert strings to bool by @ulyssessouza
- Add -i and -t to run and exec by @ulyssessouza
Signed-off-by: Javier Marcet <>