tplink-safeloader: TP-Link EAP615-Wall v1 support
Support creating images for the TP-Link EAP615-Wall v1.
Original partition layout:
partition fs-uboot base 0x00000 size 0x80000
partition partition-table base 0x80000 size 0x02000
partition default-mac base 0x90000 size 0x01000
partition support-list base 0x91000 size 0x00100
partition product-info base 0x91100 size 0x00400
partition soft-version base 0x92000 size 0x00100
partition os-image base 0xa0000 size 0x380000
partition file-system base 0x420000 size 0x970000
partition user-config base 0xd90000 size 0x60000
partition mutil-log base 0xf30000 size 0x80000
partition oops base 0xfb0000 size 0x40000
partition radio base 0xff0000 size 0x10000
In OpenWrt, the os-image and file-system partitions are merged into a
single firmware partition.
Signed-off-by: Stijn Tintel <>