include $(TOPDIR)/
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/
define Package/ddns-scripts
- SECTION:=net
- CATEGORY:=Network
- SUBMENU:=IP Addresses and Names
- TITLE:=Dynamic DNS Scripts
- PKGARCH:=all
- MAINTAINER:=Christian Schoenebeck <>
+ SECTION:=net
+ CATEGORY:=Network
+ SUBMENU:=IP Addresses and Names
+ TITLE:=Dynamic DNS Scripts (with IPv6 support)
+ PKGARCH:=all
+ MAINTAINER:=Christian Schoenebeck <>
define Package/ddns-scripts/description
- A highly configurable set of scripts for doing
- dynamic dns updates
+ A highly configurable set of scripts for doing dynamic dns updates.
+ NEW in this version:
+ - IPv6 support
+ - force communication to IPv4 or IPv6 only
+ - DNS server support
+ - using BIND host if installed
+ - DNS requests via TCP
+ - Proxy server support
+ - log file support
+ - support to run once
define Build/Prepare
define Package/ddns-scripts/install
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)
- $(CP) ./files/* $(1)/
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/config
+ $(INSTALL_CONF) ./files/etc/config/* $(1)/etc/config
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/hotplug.d/iface
+ $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/etc/hotplug.d/iface/* $(1)/etc/hotplug.d/iface
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/init.d
- $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/etc/init.d/ddns $(1)/etc/init.d/
+ $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/etc/init.d/* $(1)/etc/init.d/
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/ddns
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/usr/lib/ddns/service* $(1)/usr/lib/ddns
+ $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/usr/lib/ddns/*.sh $(1)/usr/lib/ddns
+define Package/ddns-scripts/postinst
+ #!/bin/sh
+ # if run within buildroot exit
+ [ -n "${IPKG_INSTROOT}" ] && exit 0
+ # add new section "ddns" "global" if not exists
+ uci -q get > /dev/null || uci -q set'ddns'
+ uci -q get > /dev/null || uci -q set'%F %R'
+ uci -q get > /dev/null || uci -q set'250'
+ uci -q commit ddns
+ # clear LuCI indexcache
+ rm -f /tmp/luci-indexcache >/dev/null 2>&1
+ exit 0
+define Package/ddns-scripts/prerm
+ #!/bin/sh
+ # if run within buildroot exit
+ [ -n "${IPKG_INSTROOT}" ] && exit 0
+ # stop running scripts
+ /etc/init.d/ddns disable
+ /etc/init.d/ddns stop
+ # clear LuCI indexcache
+ rm -f /tmp/luci-indexcache >/dev/null 2>&1
+ exit 0
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,ddns-scripts))
-# In order to enable dynamic dns you need at least one section,
-# and in that seciton the "enabled" option must be set to one
-# Each section represents an update to a different service
-# You specify your domain name, your username and your password
-# with the optins "domain", "username" and "password" respectively
+# Please read ddns.sample
-# Next you need to specify the name of the service you are
-# connecting to "eg.". The format of the update
-# urls for several different dynamic dns services is specified
-# in the /usr/lib/ddns/services file. This list is hardly complete
-# as there are many, many different dynamic dns services. If your
-# service is on the list you can merely specify it with the
-# "service_name" option. Otherwise you will need to determine
-# the format of the url to update with. You can either add an
-# entry to the /usr/lib/ddns/services file or specify this with
-# the "update_url" option.
-# We also need to specify the source of the ip address to associate with
-# your domain. The "ip_source" option can be "network", "interface"
-# or "web", with "network" as the default.
-# If "ip_source" is "network" you specify a network section in your
-# /etc/network config file (e.g. "wan", which is the default) with
-# the "ip_network" option. If you specify "wan", you will update
-# with whatever the ip for your wan is.
-# If "ip_source" is "interface" you specify a hardware interface
-# (e.g. "eth1") and whatever the current ip of this interface is
-# will be associated with the domain when an update is performed.
-# If "ip_source" is "script" you specify a script to obtain ip address.
-# The "ip_script" option should contain path to your script.
-# The last possibility is that "ip_source" is "web", which means
-# that in order to obtain our ip address we will connect to a
-# website, and the first valid ip address listed on that page
-# will be assumed to be ours. If you are behind another firewall
-# this is the best option since none of the local networks or
-# interfaces will have the external ip. The website to connect
-# to is specified by the "ip_url" option. You may specify multiple
-# urls in the option, separated by whitespace.
-# Finally we need to specify how often to check whether we need
-# to check whether the ip address has changed (and if so update
-# it) and how often we need to force an update ( many services
-# will expire your domain if you don't connect and do an update
-# every so often). Use the "check_interval" to specify how
-# often to check whether an update is necessary, the "retry_interval"
-# to specify how often to retry in case the update has failed, and
-# the "force_interval" option to specify how often to force an
-# update. Specify the units for these values with the "check_unit",
-# the "retry_init" and the "force_unit" options. Units can be
-# "days", "hours", "minutes" or "seconds". The default force_unit
-# is hours, the default retry_unit is seconds and the default
-# check_unit is seconds. The default check_interval is 600 seconds,
-# or ten minutes. The default retry_interval is 60 seconds, or one
-# minute. The default force_interval is 72 hours or 3 days.
+config ddns "global"
+ option date_format "%F %R"
+# option run_dir "/var/run/ddns"
+# option log_dir "/var/log/ddns"
+ option log_lines "250"
-config service "myddns"
- option enabled "0"
- option interface "wan"
- option use_syslog "1"
+config service "myddns_ipv4"
option service_name ""
- option domain ""
- option username "myusername"
- option password "mypassword"
- option use_https "0"
- option force_interval "72"
- option force_unit "hours"
- option check_interval "10"
- option check_unit "minutes"
- option retry_interval "60"
- option retry_unit "seconds"
- #option ip_source "network"
- #option ip_network "wan"
- #option ip_source "interface"
- #option ip_interface "eth0.1"
- #option ip_source "script"
- #option ip_script "path to your scrip"
- option ip_source "web"
- option ip_url ""
- #option update_url "http://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD][DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]"
+ option domain ""
+ option username "your_username"
+ option password "your_password"
+ option interface "wan"
+ option ip_source "network"
+ option ip_network "wan"
+config service "myddns_ipv6"
+ option update_url "http://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD][DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]"
+ option domain ""
+ option username "your_username"
+ option password "your_password"
+ option use_ipv6 "1"
+ option interface "wan6"
+ option ip_source "network"
+ option ip_network "wan6"
--- /dev/null
+# Here you find a description on every parameter supported
+# and used by ddns-scripts and corresponding LuCI application
+# Inside your ddns configuration file (/etc/config/ddns)
+# you might not find some of below described options.
+# This is because you don't need to define options
+# if using there defaults. The LuCI application will delete
+# options that configured to there default values.
+# If you have a working ddns configuration from old ddns-scripts (Version 1.x)
+# everything will function the same with new scripts
+# without any changes to the configuration.
+# If you like to use this file for your configuration then
+# use a copy, because the used software to modify the
+# configuration files will throw away all empty lines
+# and those starting with # (comments).
+# Global application settings
+config ddns "global"
+ ###########
+ # set date format to use for display date in logfiles
+ # and LuCI web application.
+ # For codes see man pages of date command.
+ # default: "%F %R" (ISO 8601 format)
+# option date_format "%F %R"
+ ###########
+ # set run directory to use for .pid and .update files
+ # there will be a separate file for every running service section
+ # default: "/var/run/ddns"
+# option run_dir "/var/run/ddns"
+ ###########
+ # set log directory to use for .log files
+ # there will be a separate file for every running service section
+ # default: "/var/log/ddns"
+# option log_dir "/var/log/ddns"
+ ###########
+ # set number of lines stored in .log file before auto truncated
+ # default: "250" lines
+# option log_lines "250"
+# DDNS service settings
+# for each service you want to serve you need a separate configuration
+# if you need IPv4 and IPv6 you need to setup 2 separate configurations
+# with different names. (i.e. "myddns_ipv4" and "myddns_ipv6")
+# do not use white-spaces or dashes "-" or "@" ":" "!" or
+# other special characters inside name.
+config service "myddns"
+ ########### Basic settings ########################
+ ###########
+ # enable/disable this service section
+ # default: "0" disabled
+ option enabled "0"
+ ###########
+ # detecting/sending IPv4 or IPv6 address to the DDNS provider
+ # set to "1" if you want to use IPv6
+ # default: "0" use IPv4
+ option use_ipv6 "0"
+ ###########
+ # defines the network as defined in /etc/config/network
+ # to be monitored for up/down events to start via hotplug
+ default: "wan" for IPv4
+ default: "wan6" for IPv6
+ option interface "wan"
+ ###########
+ # Next you need to specify the name of the service you are
+ # connecting to "eg.". The format of the update
+ # urls for several different dynamic dns services is specified
+ # in the "/usr/lib/ddns/services" file for IPv4 and in
+ # "/usr/lib/ddns/service_ipv6" file. This list is hardly complete
+ # as there are many, many different dynamic dns services.
+ # If your service is on the list you can merely specify it with the
+ # "service_name" option. Otherwise you will need to determine
+ # the format of the url to update with. You can either add an
+ # entry to the "/usr/lib/ddns/services" or "services_ipv6" file
+ # or specify this with the "update_url" option.
+ # default: none
+ option service_name ""
+ # sample:
+ # "http://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD][DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]"
+# option update_url ""
+ ###########
+ # You must specify your domain/host name, your username and your password
+ # as you get from you DDNS provider. Keep an eye on providers help pages.
+ #
+ # Your DNS name / replace [DOMAIN] in update_url
+ # default: none
+ option domain ""
+ # Username of your DDNS service account / replace [USERNAME] in update_url
+ # default: none
+ option username ""
+ # Password of your DDNS service account / replace [PASSWORD] in update_url
+ # default: none
+ option password ""
+ ###########
+ # use HTTPS for secure communication with you DDNS provider
+ # personally found some providers having problems when not sending
+ # updates via HTTPS. Yyou must not specify "https://" in update_url.
+ # It's modified by the scripts themselves
+ # Needs GNU Wget (with SSL support) or cURL to be installed.
+ # default: "0" do not use HTTPS
+ option use_https "0"
+ # if using HTTPS (see above) the transfer program tries to verify
+ # the providers server certificate. For verification there needs to be
+ # the counterpart on this machine. Specify the path or path/file where
+ # the transfer program can find them. (might need package CA-certificates)
+ # if you don't want to verify servers certificate (insecure) you should
+ # this parameter to "IGNORE" (in capital letters)
+ # default: "/etc/cacert" path where CA-certificate package is installed
+ option cacert "/etc/cacert"
+ ###########
+ # for logging and control if everything work fine you can get information inside
+ # system log . Critical Errors are always send to system log.
+ # You can define which information you like to log
+ # 1 == info, notice, warning, errors
+ # 2 == notice, warning, errors
+ # 3 == warning, errors
+ # 4 == errors
+ # default: "0" off
+ option use_syslog "0"
+ ###########
+ # for logging and control if everything work fine you can get information inside
+ # log file. You find the file per default in /var/log/ddns/[sectionname].log
+ # The path can be modified for all log files in section (see above)
+ # default: "1" on
+ option use_logfile "1"
+ ########### Advanced settings #####################
+ ###########
+ # you need to specify how ddns-scripts should detect you current local ip.
+ # the ip_source could be set to "network", "web", "interface" or "script"
+ # the parameters below specifying the additional information needed for
+ # the corresponding ip_spource configuration
+ # default: "network"
+ # ip_source "network" additional uses option ip_network and detects the
+ # current local ip on network as defined in /etc/config/network
+ # default: "wan" using IPv4
+ # default: "wan6" using IPv6
+ option ip_source "network"
+ option ip_network "wan"
+ # ip_source "web" additional uses option ip_url and detects the current
+ # local ip from special web sides that response with the ip address of
+ # calling host. If you are behind a firewall/NAT this is the best option
+ # since none of the local networks or interfaces will have the external ip.
+ # default: "" using IPv4
+ # default: "" using IPv6
+# option ip_source "web"
+# option ip_url ""
+ # ip_source "interface" additional uses option ip_interface
+ # ip_source "interface" uses one of the locally installed physical interfaces
+ # to detect independent from network they configured to.
+ # default: none
+# option ip_source "interface"
+# option ip_interface "eth1"
+ # ip_source "script" additional uses option ip_script
+ # it's useful if you want to write your own script to detect the
+ # current local ip. put full path into ip_script option.
+ # The script must be executable.
+ # default: none
+# option ip_source "script"
+# option ip_script ""
+ ###########
+ # force_ipversion option will set the "-4" respectively "-6" parameter
+ # on command line of transfer and DNS lookup program.
+ # So the whole communication uses the selected IP version between both ends.
+ # needs GNU Wget or cURL installed for transfer and
+ # BIND's host for DNS lookup.
+ # default: "0" disabled
+ option force_ipversion "0"
+ ###########
+ # normally the current (in the internet) registered ip is detected using the
+ # local defined name lookup policies (i.e. /etc/resolve.conf etc.)
+ # Specify here a DNS server to use instead of the defaults.
+ # you can use hostname or ip address
+ # IPv6 address must be in squared brackets "[...]"
+ # i.e. ""
+ # default: none
+# option dns_server ""
+ # By default every DNS call is made via UDP protocol
+ # Some internet provider offer modems that cache UDP DNS requests.
+ # They also redirect calls to external servers to local.
+ # To force the usage of TCP for DNS requests enable this option
+ # Needs BIND's host program be installed
+ # default: "0" disabled
+# option force_dnstcp "0"
+ ###########
+ # If a Proxy is need to access HTTP/HTTPS pages on the WEB
+ # it can be configured here also for sending updates to the
+ # DDNS provider. If you configured use_https='1' above, you
+ # need to setup your HTTPS proxy here, otherwise your
+ # HTTP proxy. !!! You should not detect your current IP
+ # ip_source='web' (see above) because this request is also
+ # send via the configured proxy !!!
+ # Syntax: [user:password@]proxy:port !port is required !
+ # default: none
+# option proxy ''
+ ########### Timer settings ########################
+ ###########
+ # defines the time interval to check if local IP has changed
+ # After the first start and first update send, the system will
+ # wait this time before verify if update was successful send.
+ # !!! checks below 5 minutes make no sense because the Internet
+ # needs about 5-10 minutes to sync an IP-change to all DNS servers !!!
+ # accepted unit entry’s: 'seconds' 'minutes' 'hours' 'days'
+ # minimum 5 minutes == 300 seconds
+ # default 10 minutes
+ option check_interval '10'
+ option check_unit 'minutes'
+ ###########
+ # force to send an update to service provider, if no change was detected.
+ # consult DDNS providers documentation if your DDNS entry might timeout.
+ # accepted unit entry’s: 'seconds' 'minutes' 'hours' 'days'
+ # minimum needs to be greater or equal check interval (see above)
+ # A special setting of '0' is allowed, which forces the script to run once.
+ # It sends an update, verify if update was accepted by DNS
+ # (retry if not) and finish. Useful if you want to start by your own (i.e. cron)
+ # default 3 days == 72 hours
+ option force_interval '72'
+ option force_unit 'hours'
+ ###########
+ # if error happen on detecting, sending or updating the
+ # script will retry the relevant action for retry_count times
+ # before stopping script execution.
+ # default: 5
+ option retry_count '5'
+ ###########
+ # if error happen on detecting, sending or updating the
+ # script will retry the relevant action.
+ # here you define the time to wait before retry is started
+ # accepted unit entry’s: 'seconds' 'minutes' 'hours' 'days'
+ # default: 60 seconds
+ option retry_interval '60'
+ option retry_unit 'seconds'
--- /dev/null
+#set -vx
+[ -d /etc/ssl/certs ] || {
+ echo "CA-Certificates not istalled - please install first"
+ exit 1
+NUMCERT=$(find /etc/ssl/certs -name *.crt 2>/dev/null | wc -l)
+NUMLINK=$(find /etc/ssl/certs -type l 2>/dev/null | wc -l)
+[ $NUMLINK -gt 0 ] && {
+ echo "File-Links already exist. Exiting"
+ exit 0
+[ -f /usr/bin/openssl ] && OPENSSL="EXIST"
+[ -z "$OPENSSL" ] && {
+ opkg update || exit 1
+ opkg install openssl-util 2>/dev/null
+for CERTFILE in `ls -1 $(1)/etc/ssl/certs`; do \
+ HASH=`openssl x509 -hash -noout -in /etc/ssl/certs/$CERTFILE`
+ while [ -h "/etc/ssl/certs/$HASH.$SUFFIX" ]; do
+ let "SUFFIX += 1"
+ done
+ ln -s "$CERTFILE" "/etc/ssl/certs/$HASH.$SUFFIX"
+ echo "link $HASH.$SUFFIX created for $CERTFILE"
+[ -z "$OPENSSL" ] && opkg remove --force-remove --autoremove openssl-util 2>/dev/null
-# /usr/lib/dynamic_dns/
+# /usr/lib/ddns/
-# Written by Eric Paul Bishop, Janary 2008
+# Original written by Eric Paul Bishop, January 2008
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2.0
-# This script is (loosely) based on the one posted by exobyte in the forums here:
+# (Loosely) based on the script on the one posted by exobyte in the forums here:
+# extended and partial rewritten by Christian Schoenebeck in August 2014 to support:
+# - IPv6 DDNS services
+# - setting DNS Server to retrieve current IP including TCP transport
+# - Proxy Server to send out updates or retrieving WEB based IP detection
+# - force_interval=0 to run once (usefull for cron jobs etc.)
+# - the usage of BIND's host instead of BusyBox's nslookup if installed (DNS via TCP)
+# - extended Verbose Mode and log file support for better error detection
+# function __timeout
+# copied from
+# @author Anthony Thyssen 6 April 2011
+# variables in small chars are read from /etc/config/ddns
+# variables in big chars are defined inside these scripts as global vars
+# variables in big chars beginning with "__" are local defined inside functions only
+#set -vx #script debugger
. /lib/
. /lib/functions/
+SECTION_ID="" # hold config's section name
+VERBOSE_MODE=1 # default mode is log to console, but easily changed with parameter
+LUCI_HELPER="" # set by, if filled supress all error logging
+PIDFILE="" # pid file
+UPDFILE="" # store UPTIME of last update
+# directory to store run information to.
+RUNDIR=$(uci -q get || RUNDIR="/var/run/ddns"
+# NEW # directory to store log files
+LOGDIR=$(uci -q get || LOGDIR="/var/log/ddns"
+LOGFILE="" # NEW # logfile can be enabled as new option
+# number of lines to before rotate logfile
+LOGLINES=$(uci -q get || LOGLINES=250
+CHECK_SECONDS=0 # calculated seconds out of given
+FORCE_SECONDS=0 # interval and unit
+RETRY_SECONDS=0 # in configuration
+OLD_PID=0 # Holds the PID of already running process for the same config section
+LAST_TIME=0 # holds the uptime of last successful update
+CURR_TIME=0 # holds the current uptime
+NEXT_TIME=0 # calculated time for next FORCED update
+EPOCH_TIME=0 # seconds since 1.1.1970 00:00:00
+REGISTERED_IP="" # holds the IP read from DNS
+LOCAL_IP="" # holds the local IP read from the box
+ERR_LAST=0 # used to save $? return code of program and function calls
+ERR_LOCAL_IP=0 # error counter on getting local ip
+ERR_REG_IP=0 # error counter on getting DNS registered ip
+ERR_SEND=0 # error counter on sending update to DNS provider
+ERR_UPDATE=0 # error counter on different local and registered ip
+# format to show date information in log and luci-app-ddns default ISO 8601 format
+DATE_FORMAT=$(uci -q get || DATE_FORMAT="%F %R"
+# regular expression to detect IPv4 / IPv6
+# IPv4 0-9 1-3x "." 0-9 1-3x "." 0-9 1-3x "." 0-9 1-3x
+# IPv6 ( ( 0-9a-f 1-4char ":") min 1x) ( ( 0-9a-f 1-4char )optional) ( (":" 0-9a-f 1-4char ) min 1x)
-#loads all options for a given package and section
-#also, sets all_option_variables to a list of the variable names
+# loads all options for a given package and section
+# also, sets all_option_variables to a list of the variable names
+# $1 = ddns, $2 = SECTION_ID
- pkg_name="$1"
- section_id="$2"
- # this callback loads all the variables
- # in the section_id section when we do
- # config_load. We need to redefine
- # the option_cb for different sections
- # so that the active one isn't still active
- # after we're done with it. For reference
- # the $1 variable is the name of the option
- # and $2 is the name of the section
+ local __PKGNAME="$1"
+ local __SECTIONID="$2"
+ local __VAR
+ # this callback loads all the variables in the __SECTIONID section when we do
+ # config_load. We need to redefine the option_cb for different sections
+ # so that the active one isn't still active after we're done with it. For reference
+ # the $1 variable is the name of the option and $2 is the name of the section
- if [ ."$2" = ."$section_id" ]; then
+ if [ ."$2" = ."$__SECTIONID" ]; then
option_cb() { return 0; }
+ config_load "$__PKGNAME"
+ # Given SECTION_ID not found so no data, so return 1
+ [ -z "$__ALL_OPTION_VARIABLES" ] && return 1
- config_load "$pkg_name"
- config_get "$var" "$section_id" "$var"
+ config_get "$__VAR" "$__SECTIONID" "$__VAR"
+ return 0
+# starts updater script for all given sections or only for the one given
+# $1 = interface (Optional: when given only scripts are started
+# configured for that interface)
+ local __EVENTIF="$1"
+ local __SECTIONS=""
+ local __SECTIONID=""
+ local __IFACE=""
+ config_cb()
+ {
+ # only look for section type "service", ignore everything else
+ [ "$1" == "service" ] && __SECTIONS="$__SECTIONS $2"
+ }
+ config_load "ddns"
- #if ip source is not defined, assume we want to get ip from wan
- if [ "$ip_source" != "interface" ] && [ "$ip_source" != "web" ] && [ "$ip_source" != "script" ]
- then
- ip_source="network"
+ do
+ config_get __IFACE "$__SECTIONID" interface "wan"
+ [ -z "$__EVENTIF" -o "$__IFACE" = "$__EVENTIF" ] || continue
+ /usr/lib/ddns/ $__SECTIONID 0 > /dev/null 2>&1 &
+ done
+ [ -n "$LUCI_HELPER" ] && return # nothing to report when used by LuCI helper script
+ [ $VERBOSE_MODE -gt 0 ] && echo -e " $*"
+ if [ ${use_logfile:-0} -eq 1 -o $VERBOSE_MODE -gt 1 ]; then
+ [ -d $LOGDIR ] || mkdir -p -m 755 $LOGDIR
+ echo -e " $*" >> $LOGFILE
+ # VERBOSE_MODE > 1 then NO loop so NO truncate log to $LOGLINES lines
+ [ $VERBOSE_MODE -gt 1 ] || sed -i -e :a -e '$q;N;'$LOGLINES',$D;ba' $LOGFILE
+ return
- if [ "$ip_source" = "network" ]
- then
- if [ -z "$ip_network" ]
- then
- ip_network="wan"
+ [ $use_syslog -eq 1 ] && logger -p -t ddns-scripts[$$] "$SECTION_ID: $*"
+ return
+ [ $use_syslog -ge 1 -a $use_syslog -le 2 ] && logger -p user.notice -t ddns-scripts[$$] "$SECTION_ID: $*"
+ return
+ [ $use_syslog -ge 1 -a $use_syslog -le 3 ] && logger -p user.warn -t ddns-scripts[$$] "$SECTION_ID: $*"
+ return
+ [ $use_syslog -ge 1 ] && logger -p user.err -t ddns-scripts[$$] "$SECTION_ID: $*"
+ return
+critical_error() {
+ [ -n "$LUCI_HELPER" ] && return # nothing to report when used by LuCI helper script
+ verbose_echo "\n CRITICAL ERROR =: $* - EXITING\n"
+ [ $VERBOSE_MODE -eq 0 ] && echo -e "\n$SECTION_ID: CRITICAL ERROR - $* - EXITING\n"
+ logger -t ddns-scripts[$$] -p user.crit "$SECTION_ID: CRITICAL ERROR - $* - EXITING"
+ exit 1 # critical error -> leave here
+# extract update_url for given DDNS Provider from
+# file /usr/lib/ddns/services for IPv4 or from
+# file /usr/lib/ddns/services_ipv6 for IPv6
+get_service_url() {
+ # $1 Name of Variable to store url to
+ local __OLD_IFS=$IFS
+ local __NEWLINE_IFS='
+ __FILE="/usr/lib/ddns/services" # IPv4
+ [ $use_ipv6 -ne 0 ] && __FILE="/usr/lib/ddns/services_ipv6" # IPv6
+ #remove any lines not containing data, and then make sure fields are enclosed in double quotes
+ __SERVICES=$(cat $__FILE | grep "^[\t ]*[^#]" | \
+ awk ' gsub("\x27", "\"") { if ($1~/^[^\"]*$/) $1="\""$1"\"" }; { if ( $NF~/^[^\"]*$/) $NF="\""$NF"\"" }; { print $0 }')
+ for __LINE in $__SERVICES
+ do
+ #grep out proper parts of data and use echo to remove quotes
+ __NAME=$(echo $__LINE | grep -o "^[\t ]*\"[^\"]*\"" | xargs -r -n1 echo)
+ __URL=$(echo $__LINE | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"[\t ]*$" | xargs -r -n1 echo)
+ if [ "$__NAME" = "$service_name" ]; then
+ break # found so leave for loop
+ done
+ eval "$1='$__URL'"
+ return 0
+get_seconds() {
+ # $1 Name of Variable to store result in
+ # $2 Number and
+ # $3 Unit of time interval
+ case "$3" in
+ "days" ) eval "$1=$(( $2 * 86400 ))";;
+ "hours" ) eval "$1=$(( $2 * 3600 ))";;
+ "minutes" ) eval "$1=$(( $2 * 60 ))";;
+ * ) eval "$1=$2";;
+ esac
+ return 0
+__timeout() {
+ # copied from
+ # only did the folloing changes
+ # - commented out "#!/bin/bash" and usage section
+ # - replace exit by return for usage as function
+ # - some reformating
+ #
+ # timeout [-SIG] time [--] command args...
+ #
+ # Run the given command until completion, but kill it if it runs too long.
+ # Specifically designed to exit immediatally (no sleep interval) and clean up
+ # nicely without messages or leaving any extra processes when finished.
+ #
+ # Example use
+ # timeout 5 countdown
+ #
+ ###
+ #
+ # Based on notes in my "Shell Script Hints", section "Command Timeout"
+ #
+ #
+ # This script uses a lot of tricks to terminate both the background command,
+ # the timeout script, and even the sleep process. It also includes trap
+ # commands to prevent sub-shells reporting expected "Termination Errors".
+ #
+ # It took years of occasional trials, errors and testing to get a pure bash
+ # timeout command working as well as this does.
+ #
+ ###
+ #
+ # Anthony Thyssen 6 April 2011
+ #
+# PROGNAME=$(type $0 | awk '{print $3}') # search for executable on path
+# PROGDIR=$(dirname $PROGNAME) # extract directory of program
+# PROGNAME=$(basename $PROGNAME) # base name of program
+ # output the script comments as docs
+# Usage() {
+# echo >&2 "$PROGNAME:" "$@"
+# sed >&2 -n '/^###/q; /^#/!q; s/^#//; s/^ //; 3s/^/Usage: /; 2,$ p' "$PROGDIR/$PROGNAME"
+# exit 10;
+# }
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ case "$1" in
+ --)
+ # forced end of user options
+ shift;
+ break ;;
+# -\?|--help|--doc*)
+# Usage ;;
+ [0-9]*)
+ TIMEOUT="$1" ;;
+ -*)
+ SIG="$1" ;;
+ *)
+ # unforced end of user options
+ break ;;
+ esac
+ shift # next option
+ done
+ # run main command in backgrouds and get its pid
+ "$@" &
+ command_pid=$!
+ # timeout sub-process abort countdown after ABORT seconds! also backgrounded
+ sleep_pid=0
+ (
+ # cleanup sleep process
+ trap 'kill -TERM $sleep_pid; return 1' 1 2 3 15
+ # sleep timeout period in background
+ sleep $TIMEOUT &
+ sleep_pid=$!
+ wait $sleep_pid
+ # Abort the command
+ kill $SIG $command_pid >/dev/null 2>&1
+ return 1
+ ) &
+ timeout_pid=$!
+ # Wait for main command to finished or be timed out
+ wait $command_pid
+ status=$?
+ # Clean up timeout sub-shell - if it is still running!
+ kill $timeout_pid 2>/dev/null
+ wait $timeout_pid 2>/dev/null
+ # Uncomment to check if a LONG sleep still running (no sleep should be)
+ # sleep 1
+ # echo "-----------"
+ # /bin/ps j # uncomment to show if abort "sleep" is still sleeping
+ return $status
+__verify_host_port() {
+ # $1 Host/IP to verify
+ # $2 Port to verify
+ local __HOST=$1
+ local __PORT=$2
+ local __TMP __IP __IPV4 __IPV6 __RUNPROG __ERRPROG __ERR
+ # return codes
+ # 1 system specific error
+ # 2 nslookup error
+ # 3 nc (netcat) error
+ # 4 unmatched IP version
+ __RUNPROG="nslookup $__HOST 2>/dev/null"
+ __ERRPROG="nslookup $__HOST 2>&1"
+ verbose_echo " resolver prog =: '$__RUNPROG'"
+ __TMP=$(eval $__RUNPROG) # test if nslookup runs without errors
+ __ERR=$?
+ # command error
+ [ $__ERR -gt 0 ] && {
+ verbose_echo "\n!!!!!!!!! ERROR =: BusyBox nslookup Error '$__ERR'\n$(eval $__ERRPROG)\n"
+ syslog_err "DNS Resolver Error - BusyBox nslookup Error: '$__ERR'"
+ return 2
+ } || {
+ # we need to run twice because multi-line output needs to be directly piped to grep because
+ # pipe returns return code of last prog in pipe but we need errors from nslookup command
+ __IPV4=$(eval $__RUNPROG | sed '1,2d' | grep -o "Name:\|Address.*" | grep -m 1 -o "$IPV4_REGEX")
+ __IPV6=$(eval $__RUNPROG | sed '1,2d' | grep -o "Name:\|Address.*" | grep -m 1 -o "$IPV6_REGEX")
+ }
+ # check IP version if forced
+ if [ $force_ipversion -ne 0 ]; then
+ [ $use_ipv6 -eq 0 -a -z "$__IPV4" ] && return 4
+ [ $use_ipv6 -eq 1 -a -z "$__IPV6" ] && return 4
- current_ip='';
- if [ "$ip_source" = "network" ]
- then
- network_get_ipaddr current_ip "$ip_network" || return
- elif [ "$ip_source" = "interface" ]
- then
- current_ip=$(ifconfig $ip_interface | grep -o 'inet addr:[0-9.]*' | grep -o "$ip_regex")
- elif [ "$ip_source" = "script" ]
- then
- # get ip from script
- current_ip=$($ip_script)
- else
- # get ip from web
- # we check each url in order in ip_url variable, and if no ips are found we use dyndns ip checker
- # ip is set to FIRST expression in page that matches the ip_regex regular expression
- for addr in $ip_url
- do
- if [ -z "$current_ip" ]
- then
- current_ip=$(echo $( wget -O - $addr 2>/dev/null) | grep -o "$ip_regex")
- fi
- done
+ # verify nc command
+ # busybox nc compiled without -l option "NO OPT l!" -> critical error
+ nc --help 2>&1 | grep -iq "NO OPT l!" && \
+ critical_error "Busybox nc: netcat compiled with errors"
+ # busybox nc compiled with extensions
+ nc --help 2>&1 | grep -q "\-w" && __NCEXT="TRUE"
- #here we hard-code the dyndns checkip url in case no url was specified
- if [ -z "$current_ip" ]
- then
- current_ip=$(echo $( wget -O - 2>/dev/null) | grep -o "$ip_regex")
- fi
+ # connectivity test
+ # run busybox nc to HOST PORT
+ # busybox might be compiled with "FEATURE_PREFER_IPV4_ADDRESS=n"
+ # then nc will try to connect via IPv6 if there is an IPv6 availible for host
+ # not worring if there is an IPv6 wan address
+ # so if not "forced_ipversion" to use ipv6 then connect test via ipv4 if availible
+ [ $force_ipversion -ne 0 -a $use_ipv6 -ne 0 -o -z "$__IPV4" ] && {
+ # force IPv6
+ __IP=$__IPV6
+ } || __IP=$__IPV4
+ if [ -n "$__NCEXT" ]; then # nc compiled with extensions (timeout support)
+ __RUNPROG="nc -w 1 $__IP $__PORT </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1"
+ __ERRPROG="nc -vw 1 $__IP $__PORT </dev/null 2>&1"
+ verbose_echo " connect prog =: '$__RUNPROG'"
+ eval $__RUNPROG
+ __ERR=$?
+ [ $__ERR -eq 0 ] && return 0
+ verbose_echo "\n!!!!!!!!! ERROR =: BusyBox nc Error '$__ERR'\n$(eval $__ERRPROG)\n"
+ syslog_err "host verify Error - BusyBox nc Error: '$__ERR'"
+ return 3
+ else # nc compiled without extensions (no timeout support)
+ __RUNPROG="__timeout 2 -- nc $__IP $__PORT </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1"
+ verbose_echo " connect prog =: '$__RUNPROG'"
+ eval $__RUNPROG
+ __ERR=$?
+ [ $__ERR -eq 0 ] && return 0
+ verbose_echo "\n!!!!!!!!! ERROR =: BusyBox nc Error '$__ERR' (timeout)"
+ syslog_err "host verify Error - BusyBox nc Error: '$__ERR' (timeout)"
+ return 3
- echo "$current_ip"
+verify_dns() {
+ # $1 DNS server to verify
+ # we need DNS server to verify otherwise exit with ERROR 1
+ [ -z "$1" ] && return 1
+ # DNS uses port 53
+ __verify_host_port "$1" "53"
+verify_proxy() {
+ # $1 Proxy-String to verify
+ # complete entry user:password@host:port
+ # host and port only host:port
+ # host only host unsupported
+ # IPv4 address instead of host
+ # IPv6 address instead of host [xxxx:....:xxxx] in square bracket
+ local __TMP __HOST __PORT
- if [ "$verbose_mode" = 1 ]
- then
- echo $1
+ # we need Proxy-Sting to verify otherwise exit with ERROR 1
+ [ -z "$1" ] && return 1
+ # try to split user:password "@" host:port
+ __TMP=$(echo $1 | awk -F "@" '{print $2}')
+ # no "@" found - only host:port is given
+ [ -z "$__TMP" ] && __TMP="$1"
+ # now lets check for IPv6 address
+ __HOST=$(echo $__TMP | grep -m 1 -o "$IPV6_REGEX")
+ # IPv6 host address found read port
+ if [ -n "$__HOST" ]; then
+ # IPv6 split at "]:"
+ __PORT=$(echo $__TMP | awk -F "]:" '{print $2}')
+ else
+ __HOST=$(echo $__TMP | awk -F ":" '{print $1}')
+ __PORT=$(echo $__TMP | awk -F ":" '{print $2}')
+ # No Port detected ERROR 5
+ [ -z "$__PORT" ] && return 5
+ __verify_host_port "$__HOST" "$__PORT"
- if [ "$use_syslog" = 1 ]
- then
- echo $1|logger -t ddns-scripts-$service_id
+__do_transfer() {
+ # $1 # Variable to store Answer of transfer
+ # $2 # URL to use
+ local __URL="$2"
+ local __ERR=0
+ # lets prefer GNU Wget because it does all for us - IPv4/IPv6/HTTPS/PROXY/force IP version
+ if /usr/bin/wget --version 2>&1 | grep -q "\+ssl"; then
+ __PROG="/usr/bin/wget -t 2 -O -" # standard output only 2 retrys on error
+ # force ip version to use
+ if [ $force_ipversion -eq 1 ]; then
+ [ $use_ipv6 -eq 0 ] && __PROG="$__PROG -4" || __PROG="$__PROG -6" # force IPv4/IPv6
+ fi
+ # set certificate parameters
+ if [ $use_https -eq 1 ]; then
+ if [ "$cacert" = "IGNORE" ]; then # idea from Ticket #15327 to ignore server cert
+ __PROG="$__PROG --no-check-certificate"
+ elif [ -f "$cacert" ]; then
+ __PROG="$__PROG --ca-certificate=${cacert}"
+ elif [ -d "$cacert" ]; then
+ __PROG="$__PROG --ca-directory=${cacert}"
+ else # exit here because it makes no sense to start loop
+ critical_error "Wget: No valid certificate(s) found for running HTTPS"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # disable proxy if no set (there might be .wgetrc or .curlrc or wrong environment set)
+ [ -z "$proxy" ] && __PROG="$__PROG --no-proxy"
+ __RUNPROG="$__PROG -q '$__URL' 2>/dev/null" # do transfer with "-q" to suppress not needed output
+ __ERRPROG="$__PROG -d '$__URL' 2>&1" # do transfer with "-d" for debug mode
+ verbose_echo " transfer prog =: $__RUNPROG"
+ __DATA=$(eval $__RUNPROG)
+ __ERR=$?
+ [ $__ERR -gt 0 ] && {
+ verbose_echo "\n!!!!!!!!! ERROR =: GNU Wget Error '$__ERR'\n$(eval $__ERRPROG)\n"
+ syslog_err "Communication Error - GNU Wget Error: '$__ERR'"
+ return 1
+ }
+ # 2nd choice is cURL IPv4/IPv6/HTTPS
+ # libcurl might be compiled without Proxy Support (default in trunk)
+ elif [ -x /usr/bin/curl ]; then
+ __PROG="/usr/bin/curl"
+ # force ip version to use
+ if [ $force_ipversion -eq 1 ]; then
+ [ $use_ipv6 -eq 0 ] && __PROG="$__PROG -4" || __PROG="$__PROG -6" # force IPv4/IPv6
+ fi
+ # set certificate parameters
+ if [ $use_https -eq 1 ]; then
+ if [ "$cacert" = "IGNORE" ]; then # idea from Ticket #15327 to ignore server cert
+ __PROG="$__PROG --insecure" # but not empty better to use "IGNORE"
+ elif [ -f "$cacert" ]; then
+ __PROG="$__PROG --cacert $cacert"
+ elif [ -d "$cacert" ]; then
+ __PROG="$__PROG --capath $cacert"
+ else # exit here because it makes no sense to start loop
+ critical_error "cURL: No valid certificate(s) found for running HTTPS"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # disable proxy if no set (there might be .wgetrc or .curlrc or wrong environment set)
+ # or check if libcurl compiled with proxy support
+ if [ -z "$proxy" ]; then
+ __PROG="$__PROG --noproxy '*'"
+ else
+ # if libcurl has no proxy support and proxy should be used then force ERROR
+ # libcurl currently no proxy support by default
+ grep -iq all_proxy /usr/lib/* || \
+ critical_error "cURL: libcurl compiled without Proxy support"
+ fi
+ __RUNPROG="$__PROG -q '$__URL' 2>/dev/null" # do transfer with "-s" to suppress not needed output
+ __ERRPROG="$__PROG -v '$__URL' 2>&1" # do transfer with "-v" for verbose mode
+ verbose_echo " transfer prog =: $__RUNPROG"
+ __DATA=$(eval $__RUNPROG)
+ __ERR=$?
+ [ $__ERR -gt 0 ] && {
+ verbose_echo "\n!!!!!!!!! ERROR =: cURL Error '$__ERR'\n$(eval $__ERRPROG)\n"
+ syslog_err "Communication Error - cURL Error: '$__ERR'"
+ return 1
+ }
+ # busybox Wget (did not support neither IPv6 nor HTTPS)
+ elif [ -x /usr/bin/wget ]; then
+ __PROG="/usr/bin/wget -O -"
+ # force ip version not supported
+ [ $force_ipversion -eq 1 ] && \
+ critical_error "BusyBox Wget: can not force IP version to use"
+ # https not supported
+ [ $use_https -eq 1 ] && \
+ critical_error "BusyBox Wget: no HTTPS support"
+ # disable proxy if no set (there might be .wgetrc or .curlrc or wrong environment set)
+ [ -z "$proxy" ] && __PROG="$__PROG -Y off"
+ __RUNPROG="$__PROG -q '$__URL' 2>/dev/null" # do transfer with "-q" to suppress not needed output
+ __ERRPROG="$__PROG '$__URL' 2>&1"
+ verbose_echo " transfer prog =: $__RUNPROG"
+ __DATA=$(eval $__RUNPROG)
+ __ERR=$?
+ [ $__ERR -gt 0 ] && {
+ verbose_echo "\n!!!!!!!!! ERROR =: BusyBox Wget Error '$__ERR'\n$(eval $__ERRPROG)\n"
+ syslog_err "Communication Error - BusyBox Wget Error: '$__ERR'"
+ return 1
+ }
+ else
+ critical_error "Program not found - Neither 'Wget' nor 'cURL' installed or executable"
+ eval "$1='$__DATA'"
+ return 0
- local event_interface="$1"
+send_update() {
+ # $1 # IP to set at DDNS service provider
+ local __IP __URL __ANSWER __ERR
- config_cb()
- {
+ # verify given IP
+ [ $use_ipv6 -eq 0 ] && __IP=$(echo $1 | grep -v -E "(^0|^10|^127|^172|^192)") # no private IPv4's
+ [ $use_ipv6 -eq 1 ] && __IP=$(echo $1 | grep "^[0-9a-eA-E]") # no IPv6 addr starting with fxxx of with ":"
+ [ -z "$__IP" ] && critical_error "Invalid or no IP '$1' given"
+ # do replaces in URL
+ __URL=$(echo $update_url | sed -e "s#\[USERNAME\]#$username#g" -e "s#\[PASSWORD\]#$password#g" \
+ -e "s#\[DOMAIN\]#$domain#g" -e "s#\[IP\]#$__IP#g")
+ [ $use_https -ne 0 ] && __URL=$(echo $__URL | sed -e 's#^http:#https:#')
+ __do_transfer __ANSWER "$__URL"
+ __ERR=$?
+ [ $__ERR -gt 0 ] && {
+ verbose_echo "\n!!!!!!!!! ERROR =: Error sending update to DDNS Provider\n"
+ return 1
- config_load "ddns"
- for section in $SECTIONS
- do
- local iface
- config_get iface "$section" interface "wan"
- [ -z "$event_interface" -o "$iface" = "$event_interface" ] || continue
- /usr/lib/ddns/ $section 0 > /dev/null 2>&1 &
- done
+ verbose_echo " update send =: DDNS Provider answered\n$__ANSWER"
+ return 0
- local uptime
- read uptime < /proc/uptime
- echo "${uptime%%.*}"
+get_local_ip () {
+ # $1 Name of Variable to store local IP (LOCAL_IP)
+ local __RUNPROG __IP __URL __ANSWER
+ case $ip_source in
+ network )
+ # set correct program
+ [ $use_ipv6 -eq 0 ] && __RUNPROG="network_get_ipaddr" \
+ || __RUNPROG="network_get_ipaddr6"
+ $__RUNPROG __IP "$ip_network"
+ verbose_echo " local ip =: '$__IP' detected on network '$ip_network'"
+ ;;
+ interface )
+ if [ $use_ipv6 -eq 0 ]; then
+ __IP=$(ifconfig $ip_interface | awk '
+ /Bcast.*Mask/ { # Filter IPv4
+ # inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
+ $1=""; # remove inet
+ $3=""; # remove Bcast: ...
+ $4=""; # remove Mask: ...
+ FS=":"; # separator ":"
+ $0=$0; # reread to activate separator
+ $1=""; # remove addr
+ FS=" "; # set back separator to default " "
+ $0=$0; # reread to activate separator (remove whitespaces)
+ print $1; # print IPv4 addr
+ }'
+ )
+ else
+ __IP=$(ifconfig $ip_interface | awk '
+ /inet6/ && /: [0-9a-eA-E]/ && !/\/128/ { # Filter IPv6 exclude fxxx and /128 prefix
+ # inet6 addr: 2001:db8::xxxx:xxxx/32 Scope:Global
+ FS="/"; # separator "/"
+ $0=$0; # reread to activate separator
+ $2=""; # remove everything behind "/"
+ FS=" "; # set back separator to default " "
+ $0=$0; # reread to activate separator
+ print $3; # print IPv6 addr
+ }'
+ )
+ fi
+ verbose_echo " local ip =: '$__IP' detected on interface '$ip_interface'"
+ ;;
+ script )
+ # get ip from script
+ __IP=$($ip_script)
+ verbose_echo " local ip =: '$__IP' detected via script '$ip_script'"
+ ;;
+ * )
+ for __URL in $ip_url; do
+ __do_transfer __ANSWER "$__URL"
+ [ -n "$__IP" ] && break # Answer detected, leave for loop
+ done
+ # use correct regular expression
+ [ $use_ipv6 -eq 0 ] \
+ && __IP=$(echo "$__ANSWER" | grep -m 1 -o "$IPV4_REGEX") \
+ || __IP=$(echo "$__ANSWER" | grep -m 1 -o "$IPV6_REGEX")
+ verbose_echo " local ip =: '$__IP' detected via web at '$__URL'"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # if NO IP was found
+ [ -z "$__IP" ] && return 1
+ eval "$1='$__IP'"
+ return 0
+get_registered_ip() {
+ # $1 Name of Variable to store public IP (REGISTERED_IP)
+ # return codes
+ # 1 no IP detected
+ # set correct regular expression
+ [ $use_ipv6 -eq 0 ] && __REGEX="$IPV4_REGEX" || __REGEX="$IPV6_REGEX"
+ if [ -x /usr/bin/host ]; then # otherwise try to use BIND host
+ __PROG="/usr/bin/host"
+ [ $use_ipv6 -eq 0 ] && __PROG="$__PROG -t A" || __PROG="$__PROG -t AAAA"
+ if [ $force_ipversion -eq 1 ]; then # force IP version
+ [ $use_ipv6 -eq 0 ] && __PROG="$__PROG -4" || __PROG="$__PROG -6"
+ fi
+ [ $force_dnstcp -eq 1 ] && __PROG="$__PROG -T" # force TCP
+ __RUNPROG="$__PROG $domain $dns_server 2>/dev/null"
+ __ERRPROG="$__PROG -v $domain $dns_server 2>&1"
+ verbose_echo " resolver prog =: $__RUNPROG"
+ __IP=$(eval $__RUNPROG)
+ __ERR=$?
+ # command error
+ [ $__ERR -gt 0 ] && {
+ verbose_echo "\n!!!!!!!!! ERROR =: BIND host Error '$__ERR'\n$(eval $__ERRPROG)\n"
+ syslog_err "DNS Resolver Error - BIND host Error: '$__ERR'"
+ return 1
+ } || {
+ # we need to run twice because multi-line output needs to be directly piped to grep because
+ # pipe returns return code of last prog in pipe but we need errors from host command
+ __IP=$(eval $__RUNPROG | grep "^$domain" | grep -m 1 -o "$__REGEX")
+ }
+ elif [ -x /usr/bin/nslookup ]; then # last use BusyBox nslookup
+ [ $force_ipversion -ne 0 -o $force_dnstcp -ne 0 ] && \
+ critical_error "nslookup - no support to 'force IP Version' or 'DNS over TCP'"
+ __RUNPROG="nslookup $domain $dns_server 2>/dev/null"
+ __ERRPROG="nslookup $domain $dns_server 2>&1"
+ verbose_echo " resolver prog =: $__RUNPROG"
+ __IP=$(eval $__RUNPROG)
+ __ERR=$?
+ # command error
+ [ $__ERR -gt 0 ] && {
+ verbose_echo "\n!!!!!!!!! ERROR =: BusyBox nslookup Error '$__ERR'\n$(eval $__ERRPROG)\n"
+ syslog_err "DNS Resolver Error - BusyBox nslookup Error: '$__ERR'"
+ return 1
+ } || {
+ # we need to run twice because multi-line output needs to be directly piped to grep because
+ # pipe returns return code of last prog in pipe but we need errors from nslookup command
+ __IP=$(eval $__RUNPROG | sed '1,2d' | grep -o "Name:\|Address.*" | grep -m 1 -o "$__REGEX")
+ }
+ else # there must be an error
+ critical_error "No program found to request public registered IP"
+ fi
+ verbose_echo " resolved ip =: '$__IP'"
+ # if NO IP was found
+ [ -z "$__IP" ] && return 1
+ eval "$1='$__IP'"
+ return 0
+get_uptime() {
+ # $1 Variable to store result in
+ local __UPTIME=$(cat /proc/uptime)
+ eval "$1='${__UPTIME%%.*}'"
-# /usr/lib/dynamic_dns/
+# /usr/lib/ddns/
-# Written by Eric Paul Bishop, Janary 2008
+# Original written by Eric Paul Bishop, January 2008
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2.0
-# This script is (loosely) based on the one posted by exobyte in the forums here:
+# (Loosely) based on the script on the one posted by exobyte in the forums here:
-. /usr/lib/ddns/
-if [ -z "$service_id" ]
- echo "ERRROR: You must specify a service id (the section name in the /etc/config/ddns file) to initialize dynamic DNS."
- return 1
-#default mode is verbose_mode, but easily turned off with second parameter
-if [ -n "$2" ]
- verbose_mode="$2"
-# Leave this comment here, to clearly document variable names
-# that are expected/possible
+# extended and partial rewritten by Christian Schoenebeck in August 2014 to support:
+# - IPv6 DDNS services
+# - DNS Server to retrieve registered IP including TCP transport
+# - Proxy Server to send out updates
+# - force_interval=0 to run once
+# - the usage of BIND's host command instead of BusyBox's nslookup if installed
+# - extended Verbose Mode and log file support for better error detection
-# Now use load_all_config_options to load config
-# options, which is a much more flexible solution.
+# variables in small chars are read from /etc/config/ddns
+# variables in big chars are defined inside these scripts as global vars
+# variables in big chars beginning with "__" are local defined inside functions only
+#set -vx #script debugger
+[ $# -lt 1 -o -n "${2//[0-3]/}" -o ${#2} -gt 1 ] && {
+ echo -e "\n USAGE:"
+ echo -e " $0 [SECTION] [VERBOSE_MODE]\n"
+ echo " [SECTION] - service section as defined in /etc/config/ddns"
+ echo " [VERBOSE_MODE] - '0' NO output to console"
+ echo " '1' output to console"
+ echo " '2' output to console AND logfile"
+ echo " + run once WITHOUT retry on error"
+ echo " '3' output to console AND logfile"
+ echo " + run once WITHOUT retry on error"
+ echo -e " + NOT sending update to DDNS service\n"
+ exit 1
+. /usr/lib/ddns/ # global vars are also defined here
+VERBOSE_MODE=${2:-1} #default mode is log to console
+# set file names
+PIDFILE="$RUNDIR/$" # Process ID file
+UPDFILE="$RUNDIR/$SECTION_ID.update" # last update successful send (system uptime)
+LOGFILE="$LOGDIR/$SECTION_ID.log" # log file
+# VERBOSE_MODE > 1 delete logfile if exist to create an empty one
+# only with this data of this run for easier diagnostic
+# new one created by verbose_echo function
+[ $VERBOSE_MODE -gt 1 -a -f $LOGFILE ] && rm -f $LOGFILE
+# Leave this comment here, to clearly document variable names that are expected/possible
+# Use load_all_config_options to load config options, which is a much more flexible solution.
+# config_load "ddns"
+# config_get <variable> $SECTION_ID <option]>
-#config_load "ddns"
+# defined options (also used as variable):
+# enable self-explanatory
+# interface network interface used by hotplug.d i.e. 'wan' or 'wan6'
-#config_get enabled $service_id enabled
-#config_get service_name $service_id service_name
-#config_get update_url $service_id update_url
+# service_name Which DDNS service do you use or "custom"
+# update_url URL to use to update your "custom" DDNS service
+# domain Your DNS name / replace [DOMAIN] in update_url
+# username Username of your DDNS service account / replace [USERNAME] in update_url
+# password Password of your DDNS service account / replace [PASSWORD] in update_url
-#config_get username $service_id username
-#config_get password $service_id password
-#config_get domain $service_id domain
+# use_https use HTTPS to update DDNS service
+# cacert file or directory where HTTPS can find certificates to verify server; 'IGNORE' ignore check of server certificate
+# use_syslog log activity to syslog
-#config_get use_https $service_id use_https
-#config_get use_syslog $service_id use_syslog
-#config_get cacert $service_id cacert
+# ip_source source to detect current local IP ('network' or 'web' or 'script' or 'interface')
+# ip_network local defined network to read IP from i.e. 'wan' or 'wan6'
+# ip_url URL to read local address from i.e. or
+# ip_script full path and name of your script to detect local IP
+# ip_interface physical interface to use for detecting
-#config_get ip_source $service_id ip_source
-#config_get ip_interface $service_id ip_interface
-#config_get ip_network $service_id ip_network
-#config_get ip_url $service_id ip_url
+# check_interval check for changes every !!! checks below 10 minutes make no sense because the Internet
+# check_unit 'days' 'hours' 'minutes' !!! needs about 5-10 minutes to sync an IP-change for an DNS entry
-#config_get force_interval $service_id force_interval
-#config_get force_unit $service_id force_unit
+# force_interval force to send an update to your service if no change was detected
+# force_unit 'days' 'hours' 'minutes' !!! force_interval="0" runs this script once for use i.e. with cron
-#config_get check_interval $service_id check_interval
-#config_get check_unit $service_id check_unit
-load_all_config_options "ddns" "$service_id"
-#some defaults
-if [ -z "$check_interval" ]
- check_interval=600
-if [ -z "$retry_interval" ]
- retry_interval=60
-if [ -z "$check_unit" ]
- check_unit="seconds"
-if [ -z "$force_interval" ]
- force_interval=72
-if [ -z "$force_unit" ]
- force_unit="hours"
-if [ -z $use_syslog ]
- use_syslog=0
-if [ -z "$use_https" ]
- use_https=0
-#some constants
-retrieve_prog="/usr/bin/wget -O - ";
-if [ "x$use_https" = "x1" ]
- /usr/bin/wget --version 2>&1 |grep -q "\+ssl"
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]
- then
- if [ -f "$cacert" ]
- then
- retrieve_prog="${retrieve_prog}--ca-certificate=${cacert} "
- elif [ -d "$cacert" ]
- then
- retrieve_prog="${retrieve_prog}--ca-directory=${cacert} "
- fi
- else
- retrieve_prog="/usr/bin/curl "
- if [ -f "$cacert" ]
- then
- retrieve_prog="${retrieve_prog}--cacert $cacert "
- elif [ -d "$cacert" ]
- then
- retrieve_prog="${retrieve_prog}--capath $cacert "
- fi
- fi
-#determine what update url we're using if the service_name is supplied
-if [ -n "$service_name" ]
- #remove any lines not containing data, and then make sure fields are enclosed in double quotes
- quoted_services=$(cat $service_file | grep "^[\t ]*[^#]" | awk ' gsub("\x27", "\"") { if ($1~/^[^\"]*$/) $1="\""$1"\"" }; { if ( $NF~/^[^\"]*$/) $NF="\""$NF"\"" }; { print $0 }' )
- #echo "quoted_services = $quoted_services"
- for service_line in $quoted_services
- do
- #grep out proper parts of data and use echo to remove quotes
- next_name=$(echo $service_line | grep -o "^[\t ]*\"[^\"]*\"" | xargs -r -n1 echo)
- next_url=$(echo $service_line | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"[\t ]*$" | xargs -r -n1 echo)
- if [ "$next_name" = "$service_name" ]
- then
- update_url=$next_url
- fi
- done
-if [ "x$use_https" = x1 ]
- update_url=$(echo $update_url | sed -e 's/^http:/https:/')
-verbose_echo "update_url=$update_url"
-#if this service isn't enabled then quit
-if [ "$enabled" != "1" ]
- return 0
-#compute update interval in seconds
-case "$force_unit" in
- "days" )
- force_interval_seconds=$(($force_interval*60*60*24))
- ;;
- "hours" )
- force_interval_seconds=$(($force_interval*60*60))
- ;;
- "minutes" )
- force_interval_seconds=$(($force_interval*60))
- ;;
- "seconds" )
- force_interval_seconds=$force_interval
- ;;
- * )
- #default is hours
- force_interval_seconds=$(($force_interval*60*60))
- ;;
-#compute check interval in seconds
-case "$check_unit" in
- "days" )
- check_interval_seconds=$(($check_interval*60*60*24))
- ;;
- "hours" )
- check_interval_seconds=$(($check_interval*60*60))
- ;;
- "minutes" )
- check_interval_seconds=$(($check_interval*60))
- ;;
- "seconds" )
- check_interval_seconds=$check_interval
- ;;
- * )
- #default is seconds
- check_interval_seconds=$check_interval
- ;;
-#compute retry interval in seconds
-case "$retry_unit" in
- "days" )
- retry_interval_seconds=$(($retry_interval*60*60*24))
- ;;
- "hours" )
- retry_interval_seconds=$(($retry_interval*60*60))
- ;;
- "minutes" )
- retry_interval_seconds=$(($retry_interval*60))
- ;;
- "seconds" )
- retry_interval_seconds=$retry_interval
- ;;
- * )
- #default is seconds
- retry_interval_seconds=$retry_interval
- ;;
+# retry_interval if error was detected retry in
+# retry_unit 'days' 'hours' 'minutes' 'seconds'
+# retry_count #NEW# number of retries before scripts stops
+# use_ipv6 #NEW# detecting/sending IPv6 address
+# force_ipversion #NEW# force usage of IPv4 or IPv6 for the whole detection and update communication
+# dns_server #NEW# using a non default dns server to get Registered IP from Internet
+# force_dnstcp #NEW# force communication with DNS server via TCP instead of default UDP
+# proxy #NEW# using a proxy for communication !!! ALSO used to detect local IP via web => return proxy's IP !!!
+# use_logfile #NEW# self-explanatory "/var/log/ddns/$SECTION_ID.log"
+# some functionality needs
+# - GNU Wget or cURL installed for sending updates to DDNS service
+# - BIND host installed to detect Registered IP
+# verify and load SECTION_ID is exists
+[ "$(uci_get ddns $SECTION_ID)" != "service" ] && {
+ [ $VERBOSE_MODE -le 1 ] && VERBOSE_MODE=2 # force console out and logfile output
+ [ -f $LOGFILE ] && rm -f $LOGFILE # clear logfile before first entry
+ verbose_echo "\n ************** =: ************** ************** **************"
+ verbose_echo " STARTED =: PID '$$' at $(eval $DATE_PROG)"
+ verbose_echo " UCI CONFIG =:\n$(uci -q show ddns | grep '=service' | sort)"
+ critical_error "Service '$SECTION_ID' not defined"
+load_all_config_options "ddns" "$SECTION_ID"
+verbose_echo "\n ************** =: ************** ************** **************"
+verbose_echo " STARTED =: PID '$$' at $(eval $DATE_PROG)"
+syslog_info "Started"
+case $VERBOSE_MODE in
+ 0) verbose_echo " verbose mode =: '0' - run normal, NO console output";;
+ 1) verbose_echo " verbose mode =: '1' - run normal, console mode";;
+ 2) verbose_echo " verbose mode =: '2' - run once, NO retry on error";;
+ 3) verbose_echo " verbose mode =: '3' - run once, NO retry on error, NOT sending update";;
+ *) critical_error "ERROR detecting VERBOSE_MODE '$VERBOSE_MODE'"
+verbose_echo " UCI CONFIG =:\n$(uci -q show ddns.$SECTION_ID | sort)"
+# set defaults if not defined
+[ -z "$enabled" ] && enabled=0
+[ -z "$retry_count" ] && retry_count=5
+[ -z "$use_syslog" ] && use_syslog=0 # not use syslog
+[ -z "$use_https" ] && use_https=0 # not use https
+[ -z "$use_logfile" ] && use_logfile=1 # NEW - use logfile by default
+[ -z "$use_ipv6" ] && use_ipv6=0 # NEW - use IPv4 by default
+[ -z "$force_ipversion" ] && force_ipversion=0 # NEW - default let system decide
+[ -z "$force_dnstcp" ] && force_dnstcp=0 # NEW - default UDP
+[ -z "$ip_source" ] && ip_source="network"
+[ "$ip_source" = "network" -a -z "$ip_network" -a $use_ipv6 -eq 0 ] && ip_network="wan" # IPv4: default wan
+[ "$ip_source" = "network" -a -z "$ip_network" -a $use_ipv6 -eq 1 ] && ip_network="wan6" # IPv6: default wan6
+[ "$ip_source" = "web" -a -z "$ip_url" -a $use_ipv6 -eq 0 ] && ip_url=""
+[ "$ip_source" = "web" -a -z "$ip_url" -a $use_ipv6 -eq 1 ] && ip_url=""
+[ "$ip_source" = "interface" -a -z "$ip_interface" ] && ip_interface="eth1"
+# check configuration and enabled state
+[ -z "$domain" -o -z "$username" -o -z "$password" ] && critical_error "Service Configuration not correctly configured"
+[ $enabled -eq 0 ] && critical_error "Service Configuration is disabled"
+# verify script if configured and executable
+if [ "$ip_source" = "script" ]; then
+ [ -z "$ip_script" ] && critical_error "No script defined to detect local IP"
+ [ -x "$ip_script" ] || critical_error "Script to detect local IP not found or not executable"
+# compute update interval in seconds
+get_seconds CHECK_SECONDS ${check_interval:-10} ${check_unit:-"minutes"} # default 10 min
+get_seconds FORCE_SECONDS ${force_interval:-72} ${force_unit:-"hours"} # default 3 days
+get_seconds RETRY_SECONDS ${retry_interval:-60} ${retry_unit:-"seconds"} # default 60 sec
+verbose_echo "check interval =: $CHECK_SECONDS seconds"
+verbose_echo "force interval =: $FORCE_SECONDS seconds"
+verbose_echo "retry interval =: $RETRY_SECONDS seconds"
+verbose_echo " retry counter =: $retry_count times"
-verbose_echo "force seconds = $force_interval_seconds"
-verbose_echo "check seconds = $check_interval_seconds"
+# determine what update url we're using if a service_name is supplied
+# otherwise update_url is set inside configuration (custom service)
+[ -n "$service_name" ] && get_service_url update_url
+[ -z "$update_url" ] && critical_error "no update url found/defined"
#kill old process if it exists & set new pid file
-if [ -d /var/run/dynamic_dns ]
+if [ -d $RUNDIR ]; then
#if process is already running, stop it
- if [ -e "/var/run/dynamic_dns/$" ]
- then
- old_pid=$(cat /var/run/dynamic_dns/$
- test_match=$(ps | grep "^[\t ]*$old_pid")
- verbose_echo "old process id (if it exists) = \"$test_match\""
- if [ -n "$test_match" ]
- then
- kill $old_pid
- fi
+ if [ -e "$PIDFILE" ]; then
+ ps | grep -q "^[\t ]*$OLD_PID" && {
+ verbose_echo " old process =: PID '$OLD_PID'"
+ kill $OLD_PID
+ } || verbose_echo "old process id =: PID 'none'"
+ else
+ verbose_echo "old process id =: PID 'none'"
#make dir since it doesn't exist
- mkdir /var/run/dynamic_dns
+ mkdir -p $RUNDIR
+ verbose_echo "old process id =: PID 'none'"
-echo $$ > /var/run/dynamic_dns/$
-#determine when the last update was
-last_update=$(( $current_time - (2*$force_interval_seconds) ))
-if [ -e "/var/run/dynamic_dns/$service_id.update" ]
- last_update=$(cat /var/run/dynamic_dns/$service_id.update)
+echo $$ > $PIDFILE
+# determine when the last update was
+# the following lines should prevent multiple updates if hotplug fires multiple startups
+# as described in Ticket #7820, but did not function if never an update take place
+# i.e. after a reboot (/var is linked to /tmp)
+# using uptime as reference because date might not be updated via NTP client
+get_uptime CURR_TIME
+[ -e "$UPDFILE" ] && {
+ # check also LAST > CURR because link of /var/run to /tmp might be removed
+ # i.e. boxes with larger filesystems
+ [ -z "$LAST_TIME" ] && LAST_TIME=0
+if [ $LAST_TIME -eq 0 ]; then
+ verbose_echo " last update =: never"
+ EPOCH_TIME=$(( $(date +%s) - CURR_TIME + LAST_TIME ))
+ verbose_echo " last update =: $(eval $EPOCH_TIME)"
-time_since_update=$(($current_time - $last_update))
-human_time_since_update=$(( $time_since_update / ( 60 * 60 ) ))
-verbose_echo "time_since_update = $human_time_since_update hours"
-#do update and then loop endlessly, checking ip every check_interval and forcing an updating once every force_interval
-while [ true ]
- registered_ip=$(echo $(nslookup "$domain" 2>/dev/null) | grep -o "Name:.*" | grep -o "$ip_regex")
- current_ip=$(get_current_ip)
- current_time=$(monotonic_time)
- time_since_update=$(($current_time - $last_update))
- syslog_echo "Running IP check ..."
- verbose_echo "Running IP check..."
- verbose_echo "current system ip = $current_ip"
- verbose_echo "registered domain ip = $registered_ip"
- if [ "$current_ip" != "$registered_ip" ] || [ $force_interval_seconds -lt $time_since_update ]
- then
- verbose_echo "update necessary, performing update ..."
- #do replacement
- final_url=$update_url
- for option_var in $ALL_OPTION_VARIABLES
- do
- if [ "$option_var" != "update_url" ]
- then
- replace_name=$(echo "\[$option_var\]" | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z')
- replace_value=$(eval echo "\$$option_var")
- replace_value=$(echo $replace_value | sed -f /usr/lib/ddns/url_escape.sed)
- final_url=$(echo $final_url | sed s^"$replace_name"^"$replace_value"^g )
+# we need time here because hotplug.d is fired by netifd
+# but IP addresses are not set by DHCP/DHCPv6 etc.
+verbose_echo " waiting =: 10 seconds for interfaces to fully come up"
+sleep 10
+# verify DNS server
+[ -n "$dns_server" ] && {
+ verbose_echo "******* VERIFY =: DNS server '$dns_server'"
+ verify_dns "$dns_server"
+ case $? in
+ 0) ;; # everything OK
+ 2) critical_error "Invalid DNS server Error: '2' - nslookup can not resolve host";;
+ 3) critical_error "Invalid DNS server Error: '3' - nc (netcat) can not connect";;
+ 4) critical_error "Invalid DNS server Error: '4' - Forced IP Version don't matched";;
+ *) critical_error "Invalid DNS server Error: '1' - unspecific error";;
+ esac
+# verify Proxy server and set environment
+[ -n "$proxy" ] && {
+ verbose_echo "******* VERIFY =: Proxy server 'http://$proxy'"
+ verify_proxy "$proxy"
+ case $? in
+ 0) # everything OK
+ export HTTP_PROXY="http://$proxy"
+ export HTTPS_PROXY="http://$proxy"
+ export http_proxy="http://$proxy"
+ export https_proxy="http://$proxy"
+ ;;
+ 2) critical_error "Invalid Proxy server Error: '2' - nslookup can not resolve host";;
+ 3) critical_error "Invalid Proxy server Error: '3' - nc (netcat) can not connect";;
+ 4) critical_error "Invalid Proxy server Error: '4' - Forced IP Version don't matched";;
+ 5) critical_error "Invalid Proxy server Error: '5' - proxy port missing";;
+ *) critical_error "Invalid Proxy server Error: '1' - unspecific error";;
+ esac
+# let's check if there is already an IP registered at the web
+# but ignore errors if not
+verbose_echo "******* DETECT =: Registered IP"
+get_registered_ip REGISTERED_IP
+# loop endlessly, checking ip every check_interval and forcing an updating once every force_interval
+# NEW: ### Luci Ticket 538
+# a "force_interval" of "0" will run this script only once
+# the update is only done once when an interface goes up
+# or you run /etc/init.d/ddns start or you can use a cron job
+# it will force an update without check when lastupdate happen
+# but it will verify after "check_interval" if update is seen in the web
+# and retries on error retry_count times
+# CHANGES: ### Ticket 16363
+# modified nslookup / sed / grep to detect registered ip
+# NEW: ### Ticket 7820
+# modified nslookup to support non standard dns_server (needs to be defined in /etc/config/ddns)
+# support for BIND host command.
+# Wait for interface to fully come up, before the first update is done
+verbose_echo "*** START LOOP =: $(eval $DATE_PROG)"
+# we run NOT once
+[ $FORCE_SECONDS -gt 0 -o $VERBOSE_MODE -le 1 ] && syslog_info "Starting main loop"
+while : ; do
+ # read local IP
+ verbose_echo "******* DETECT =: Local IP"
+ get_local_ip LOCAL_IP
+ ERR_LAST=$? # save return value
+ # Error in function
+ [ $ERR_LAST -gt 0 ] && {
+ if [ $VERBOSE_MODE -le 1 ]; then # VERBOSE_MODE <= 1 then retry
+ # we can't read local IP
+ [ $ERR_LOCAL_IP -gt $retry_count ] && critical_error "Can not detect local IP"
+ verbose_echo "\n!!!!!!!!! ERROR =: detecting local IP - retry $ERR_LOCAL_IP/$retry_count in $RETRY_SECONDS seconds\n"
+ syslog_err "Error detecting local IP - retry $ERR_LOCAL_IP/$retry_count in $RETRY_SECONDS seconds"
+ continue # jump back to the beginning of while loop
+ else
+ verbose_echo "\n!!!!!!!!! ERROR =: detecting local IP - NO retry\n"
+ fi
+ }
+ ERR_LOCAL_IP=0 # reset err counter
+ # prepare update
+ # never updated or forced immediate then NEXT_TIME = 0
+ [ $FORCE_SECONDS -eq 0 -o $LAST_TIME -eq 0 ] \
+ && NEXT_TIME=0 \
+ # get current uptime
+ get_uptime CURR_TIME
+ # send update when current time > next time or local ip different from registered ip (as loop on error)
+ while [ $CURR_TIME -ge $NEXT_TIME -o "$LOCAL_IP" != "$REGISTERED_IP" ]; do
+ if [ $VERBOSE_MODE -gt 2 ]; then
+ verbose_echo " VERBOSE MODE =: NO UPDATE send to DDNS provider"
+ elif [ "$LOCAL_IP" != "$REGISTERED_IP" ]; then
+ verbose_echo "******* UPDATE =: LOCAL: '$LOCAL_IP' <=> REGISTERED: '$REGISTERED_IP'"
+ else
+ verbose_echo "******* FORCED =: LOCAL: '$LOCAL_IP' == REGISTERED: '$REGISTERED_IP'"
+ fi
+ # only send if VERBOSE_MODE < 3
+ [ $VERBOSE_MODE -lt 3 ] && {
+ send_update "$LOCAL_IP"
+ ERR_LAST=$? # save return value
+ }
+ # Error in function
+ if [ $ERR_LAST -gt 0 ]; then
+ if [ $VERBOSE_MODE -le 1 ]; then # VERBOSE_MODE <=1 then retry
+ # error sending local IP
+ ERR_SEND=$(( $ERR_SEND + 1 ))
+ [ $ERR_SEND -gt $retry_count ] && critical_error "can not send update to DDNS Provider"
+ verbose_echo "\n!!!!!!!!! ERROR =: sending update - retry $ERR_SEND/$retry_count in $RETRY_SECONDS seconds\n"
+ syslog_err "Error sending update - retry $ERR_SEND/$retry_count in $RETRY_SECONDS seconds"
+ continue # re-loop
+ else
+ verbose_echo "\n!!!!!!!!! ERROR =: sending update to DDNS service - NO retry\n"
+ break
- done
- final_url=$(echo $final_url | sed s^"\[HTTPAUTH\]"^"${username//^/\\^}${password:+:${password//^/\\^}}"^g )
- final_url=$(echo $final_url | sed s/"\[IP\]"/"$current_ip"/g )
- verbose_echo "updating with url=\"$final_url\""
- #here we actually connect, and perform the update
- update_output=$( $retrieve_prog "$final_url" )
- if [ $? -gt 0 ]
- then
- syslog_echo "update failed, retrying in $retry_interval_seconds seconds"
- verbose_echo "update failed"
- sleep $retry_interval_seconds
- continue
+ else
+ # we send data so save "last time"
+ get_uptime LAST_TIME
+ echo $LAST_TIME > $UPDFILE # save LASTTIME to file
+ [ "$LOCAL_IP" != "$REGISTERED_IP" ] \
+ && syslog_notice "Changed IP: '$LOCAL_IP' successfully send" \
+ || syslog_notice "Forced Update: IP: '$LOCAL_IP' successfully send"
+ break # leave while
- syslog_echo "Update successful"
- verbose_echo "Update Output:"
- verbose_echo "$update_output"
- verbose_echo ""
- #save the time of the update
- current_time=$(monotonic_time)
- last_update=$current_time
- time_since_update='0'
- registered_ip=$current_ip
- human_time=$(date)
- verbose_echo "update complete, time is: $human_time"
+ done
- echo "$last_update" > "/var/run/dynamic_dns/$service_id.update"
- else
- human_time=$(date)
- human_time_since_update=$(( $time_since_update / ( 60 * 60 ) ))
- verbose_echo "update unnecessary"
- verbose_echo "time since last update = $human_time_since_update hours"
- verbose_echo "the time is now $human_time"
- fi
+ # now we wait for check interval before testing if update was recognized
+ # only sleep if VERBOSE_MODE <= 2 because nothing send so do not wait
+ [ $VERBOSE_MODE -le 2 ] && {
+ verbose_echo "****** WAITING =: $CHECK_SECONDS seconds (Check Interval) before continue"
+ } || verbose_echo " VERBOSE MODE =: NO WAITING for Check Interval\n"
+ # read at DDNS service registered IP (in loop on error)
+ while : ; do
+ verbose_echo "******* DETECT =: Registered IP"
+ get_registered_ip REGISTERED_IP
+ ERR_LAST=$? # save return value
+ # No Error in function we leave while loop
+ [ $ERR_LAST -eq 0 ] && break
+ # we can't read Registered IP
+ if [ $VERBOSE_MODE -le 1 ]; then # VERBOSE_MODE <=1 then retry
+ ERR_REG_IP=$(( $ERR_REG_IP + 1 ))
+ [ $ERR_REG_IP -gt $retry_count ] && critical_error "can not detect registered local IP"
+ verbose_echo "\n!!!!!!!!! ERROR =: detecting Registered IP - retry $ERR_REG_IP/$retry_count in $RETRY_SECONDS seconds\n"
+ syslog_err "Error detecting Registered IP - retry $ERR_REG_IP/$retry_count in $RETRY_SECONDS seconds"
+ else
+ verbose_echo "\n!!!!!!!!! ERROR =: detecting Registered IP - NO retry\n"
+ break # leave while loop
+ fi
+ done
- #sleep for 10 minutes, then re-check ip && time since last update
- sleep $check_interval_seconds
+ # IP's are still different
+ if [ "$LOCAL_IP" != "$REGISTERED_IP" ]; then
+ if [ $VERBOSE_MODE -le 1 ]; then # VERBOSE_MODE <=1 then retry
+ [ $ERR_UPDATE -gt $retry_count ] && critical_error "Registered IP <> Local IP - LocalIP: '$LOCAL_IP' - RegisteredIP: '$REGISTERED_IP'"
+ verbose_echo "\n!!!!!!!!! ERROR =: Registered IP <> Local IP - starting retry $ERR_UPDATE/$retry_count\n"
+ syslog_warn "Warning: Registered IP <> Local IP - starting retry $ERR_UPDATE/$retry_count"
+ continue # loop to beginning
+ else
+ verbose_echo "\n!!!!!!!!! ERROR =: Registered IP <> Local IP - LocalIP: '$LOCAL_IP' - RegisteredIP: '$REGISTERED_IP' - NO retry\n"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # we checked successful the last update
+ ERR_UPDATE=0 # reset error counter
+ # force_update=0 or VERBOSE_MODE > 1 - leave the main loop
+ [ $FORCE_SECONDS -eq 0 -o $VERBOSE_MODE -gt 1 ] && {
+ verbose_echo "****** LEAVING =: $(eval $DATE_PROG)"
+ syslog_info "Leaving"
+ break
+ }
+ verbose_echo "********* LOOP =: $(eval $DATE_PROG)"
+ syslog_info "Rerun IP check"
-#should never get here since we're a daemon, but I'll throw it in anyway
-return 0
+verbose_echo "****** STOPPED =: PID '$$' at $(eval $DATE_PROG)\n"
+syslog_info "Done"
+exit 0
--- /dev/null
+# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+# !!!!! IPv6 Version of original services file !!!!!
+# !!!!! funtionally and syntax is the same !!!!!
+# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+# This file contains the update urls for various dynamic dns services.
+# Column one contains the service name, column two contains the update url.
+# within the update url there are 4 variables you can use: [USERNAME],
+# [PASSWORD], [DOMAIN] and [IP]. These are substituted for the username,
+# password, and domain name specified in the /etc/config/ddns file when an
+# update is performed. The IP is substituted for the current ip address of the
+# router. These variables are case sensitive, while urls generally are not, so
+# if you need to enter the same text in the url (which seems very unlikely) put
+# that text in lowercase, while the variables should remain in uppercase
+# tested with
+# Securepoint Dynamic-DNS-Service
+"" "http://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD][DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]"
+# Hurricane Electric Dynamic DNS
+"" "http://[DOMAIN]:[PASSWORD][DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]"
+#### ADD YOURS HERE! ######################################################################################
+# #
+# There are TONS of dynamic dns services out there. There's a huge list of them at: #
+# #
+# If anyone has time they could update this file to be compatible with a bunch of them #
+# #
+++ /dev/null
-# sed url escaping
-s: :%20:g