--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Openwrt.org
+# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
+include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
+include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
+define Package/bcp38
+ SECTION:=net
+ CATEGORY:=Network
+ SUBMENU:=Routing and Redirection
+ TITLE:=BCP38 compliance
+ URL:=https://github.com/dtaht/ceropackages-3.10
+ MAINTAINER:=Toke Høiland-Jørgensen <toke@toke.dk>
+ DEPENDS:=+ipset
+define Package/bcp38/description
+ bcp38 implements IETF BCP38 for home routers. See https://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp38.
+define Package/bcp38/conffiles
+define Build/Prepare
+define Build/Configure
+define Build/Compile
+define Package/bcp38/install
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/config
+ $(INSTALL_CONF) ./files/bcp38.config $(1)/etc/config/bcp38
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/bcp38
+ $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/run.sh $(1)/usr/lib/bcp38/run.sh
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/uci-defaults
+ $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/bcp38.defaults $(1)/etc/uci-defaults/bcp38
+define Package/bcp38/postinst
+[ -x /etc/uci-defaults/bcp38 ] && /etc/uci-defaults/bcp38 || exit 0
+define Package/bcp38/postrm
+uci delete firewall.bcp38
+uci commit
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,bcp38))
--- /dev/null
+config bcp38
+ option enabled 1
+ option interface 'ge00'
+ option detect_upstream 1
+ list match ''
+ list match '' # RFC 1700
+ list match '' # RFC 5745
+ list match '' # RFC 5737
+ list match '' # RFC 5737
+ list match '' # RFC 5737
+ list match '' # RFC 1918
+ list match '' # RFC 1918
+ list match '' # RFC 1918
+ list match '' # RFC 3927
+# list nomatch '' # Example of something not to match
+# There is a dhcp trigger to do this for the netmask of a
+# double natted connection needed
+# I will argue that this level of indirection doesn't scale
+# very well - see how to block china as an example
+# http://www.okean.com/china.txt
--- /dev/null
+uci -q batch <<-EOT
+ delete firewall.bcp38
+ set firewall.bcp38=include
+ set firewall.bcp38.type=script
+ set firewall.bcp38.path=/usr/lib/bcp38/run.sh
+ set firewall.bcp38.family=IPv4
+ set firewall.bcp38.reload=1
+ commit firewall
+exit 0
--- /dev/null
+# BCP38 filtering implementation for CeroWrt.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# Author: Toke Høiland-Jørgensen <toke@toke.dk>
+. /lib/functions.sh
+config_load bcp38
+ local subnet="$1"
+ local action="$2"
+ if [ "$action" == "nomatch" ]; then
+ ipset add "$IPSET_NAME" "$subnet" nomatch
+ else
+ ipset add "$IPSET_NAME" "$subnet"
+ fi
+ local interface="$1"
+ subnets=$(ip route show dev "$interface" | grep 'scope link' | awk '{print $1}')
+ for subnet in $subnets; do
+ # ipset test doesn't work for subnets, so strip out the subnet part
+ # and test for that; add as exception if there's a match
+ addr=$(echo $subnet | sed 's|/[0-9]\+$||')
+ ipset test "$IPSET_NAME" $addr 2>/dev/null && add_bcp38_rule $subnet nomatch
+ done
+run() {
+ local section="$1"
+ local enabled
+ local interface
+ local detect_upstream
+ config_get_bool enabled "$section" enabled 0
+ config_get interface "$section" interface
+ config_get detect_upstream "$section" detect_upstream
+ if [ "$enabled" -eq "1" -a -n "$interface" -a -z "$STOP" ] ; then
+ setup_ipset
+ setup_iptables "$interface"
+ config_list_foreach "$section" match add_bcp38_rule match
+ config_list_foreach "$section" nomatch add_bcp38_rule nomatch
+ [ "$detect_upstream" -eq "1" ] && detect_upstream "$interface"
+ fi
+ exit 0
+ ipset create "$IPSET_NAME" hash:net family ipv4
+ ipset flush "$IPSET_NAME"
+ local interface="$1"
+ iptables -N "$IPTABLES_CHAIN" 2>/dev/null
+ iptables -F "$IPTABLES_CHAIN" 2>/dev/null
+ iptables -I output_rule -j "$IPTABLES_CHAIN"
+ iptables -I input_rule -j "$IPTABLES_CHAIN"
+ iptables -I forwarding_rule -j "$IPTABLES_CHAIN"
+ # always accept DHCP traffic
+ iptables -A "$IPTABLES_CHAIN" -p udp --dport 67:68 --sport 67:68 -j RETURN
+ iptables -A "$IPTABLES_CHAIN" -o "$interface" -m set --match-set "$IPSET_NAME" dst -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-net-unreachable
+ iptables -A "$IPTABLES_CHAIN" -i "$interface" -m set --match-set "$IPSET_NAME" src -j DROP
+ ipset flush "$IPSET_NAME" 2>/dev/null
+ ipset destroy "$IPSET_NAME" 2>/dev/null
+ iptables -D output_rule -j "$IPTABLES_CHAIN" 2>/dev/null
+ iptables -D input_rule -j "$IPTABLES_CHAIN" 2>/dev/null
+ iptables -D forwarding_rule -j "$IPTABLES_CHAIN" 2>/dev/null
+ iptables -F "$IPTABLES_CHAIN" 2>/dev/null
+ iptables -X "$IPTABLES_CHAIN" 2>/dev/null
+config_foreach run bcp38
+exit 0