$config_help{"BUILD_DIR"} = << "EOF"
The directory that contains the Linux source code (full path).
+ You can use \${PWD} that will be the path where ktest.pl is run, or use
+ \${THIS_DIR} which is assigned \${PWD} but may be changed later.
$config_help{"OUTPUT_DIR"} = << "EOF"
The directory that the objects will be built (full path).
(can not be same as BUILD_DIR)
+ You can use \${PWD} that will be the path where ktest.pl is run, or use
+ \${THIS_DIR} which is assigned \${PWD} but may be changed later.
$config_help{"BUILD_TARGET"} = << "EOF"
- $entered_configs{$config} = process_variables($ans);
+ $entered_configs{$config} = ${ans};
print OUT << "EOF"
# Generated by ktest.pl
+# PWD is a ktest.pl variable that will result in the process working
+# directory that ktest.pl is executed in.
+# THIS_DIR is automatically assigned the PWD of the path that generated
+# the config file. It is best to use this variable when assigning other
+# directory paths within this directory. This allows you to easily
+# move the test cases to other locations or to other machines.
+THIS_DIR := $variable{"PWD"}
# Define each test with TEST_START
# The config options below it will override the defaults
open(OUT, ">>$ktest_config") or die "Can not append to $ktest_config";
foreach my $config (@new_configs) {
print OUT "$config = $entered_configs{$config}\n";
- $opt{$config} = $entered_configs{$config};
+ $opt{$config} = process_variables($entered_configs{$config});