for _, dev_table in pairs(status) do
for _, intf in ipairs(dev_table['interfaces']) do
- local cfg = intf['config']
- if is_ubus_interface(ubus_interfaces, cfg['ifname']) then
+ if is_ubus_interface(ubus_interfaces, intf['ifname']) then
-- Migrate this to ubus interface once it exposes all interesting labels
- local handle = io.popen("hostapd_cli -i " .. cfg['ifname'] .." status")
+ local handle = io.popen("hostapd_cli -i " .. intf['ifname'] .." status")
local hostapd_status = handle:read("*a")
hostapd["channel"] = value
-- hostapd gives us all bss on the relevant phy, find the one we're interested in
elseif string.match(name, "bss%[%d%]") then
- if value == cfg['ifname'] then
+ if value == intf['ifname'] then
bss_idx = tonumber(string.match(name, "bss%[(%d)%]"))
elseif bss_idx >= 0 then
local labels = {
- vif = cfg['ifname'],
+ vif = intf['ifname'],
ssid = hostapd['ssid'],
bssid = hostapd['bssid'],
- encryption = cfg['encryption'], -- In a mixed scenario it would be good to know if A or B was used
+ encryption = intf['config']['encryption'], -- In a mixed scenario it would be good to know if A or B was used
frequency = hostapd['freq'],
channel = hostapd['channel'],