[form.ListValue, 'type', _('Proxy type'), _('ProxyType specifies the type of this proxy. Valid values include "tcp", "udp", "http", "https", "stcp", and "xtcp".<br />By default, this value is "tcp".'), {values: ['tcp', 'udp', 'http', 'https', 'stcp', 'xtcp']}],
[form.Flag, 'use_encryption', _('Encryption'), _('UseEncryption controls whether or not communication with the server will be encrypted. Encryption is done using the tokens supplied in the server and client configuration.<br />By default, this value is false.'), {datatype: 'bool'}],
[form.Flag, 'use_compression', _('Compression'), _('UseCompression controls whether or not communication with the server will be compressed.<br />By default, this value is false.'), {datatype: 'bool'}],
- [form.Value, 'local_ip', _('Local IP'), _('LocalIp specifies the IP address or host name to proxy to.'), {datatype: 'ipaddr'}],
+ [form.Value, 'local_ip', _('Local IP'), _('LocalIp specifies the IP address or host name to proxy to.'), {datatype: 'host'}],
[form.Value, 'local_port', _('Local port'), _('LocalPort specifies the port to proxy to.'), {datatype: 'port'}],