--- /dev/null
+# This test is for stress-testing the nf_tables config plane path vs.
+# packet path processing: Make sure we never release rules that are
+# still visible to other cpus.
+# set -e
+# Kselftest framework requirement - SKIP code is 4.
+tables="foo bar baz quux"
+nft --version > /dev/null 2>&1
+if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
+ echo "SKIP: Could not run test without nft tool"
+ exit $ksft_skip
+ip -Version > /dev/null 2>&1
+if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
+ echo "SKIP: Could not run test without ip tool"
+ exit $ksft_skip
+for table in $tables; do
+ echo add table inet "$table" >> "$tmp"
+ echo flush table inet "$table" >> "$tmp"
+ echo "add chain inet $table INPUT { type filter hook input priority 0; }" >> "$tmp"
+ echo "add chain inet $table OUTPUT { type filter hook output priority 0; }" >> "$tmp"
+ for c in $(seq 1 400); do
+ chain=$(printf "chain%03u" "$c")
+ echo "add chain inet $table $chain" >> "$tmp"
+ done
+ for c in $(seq 1 400); do
+ chain=$(printf "chain%03u" "$c")
+ for BASE in INPUT OUTPUT; do
+ echo "add rule inet $table $BASE counter jump $chain" >> "$tmp"
+ done
+ echo "add rule inet $table $chain counter return" >> "$tmp"
+ done
+ip netns add "$testns"
+ip -netns "$testns" link set lo up
+lscpu | grep ^CPU\(s\): | ( read cpu cpunum ;
+for i in $(seq 0 $cpunum);do
+ mask=$(printf 0x%x $((1<<$i)))
+ ip netns exec "$testns" taskset $mask ping -4 -fq > /dev/null &
+ ip netns exec "$testns" taskset $mask ping -6 ::1 -fq > /dev/null &
+sleep 1
+for i in $(seq 1 10) ; do ip netns exec "$testns" nft -f "$tmp" & done
+for table in $tables;do
+ randsleep=$((RANDOM%10))
+ sleep $randsleep
+ ip netns exec "$testns" nft delete table inet $table 2>/dev/null
+sleep $randsleep
+pkill -9 ping
+rm -f "$tmp"
+ip netns del "$testns"