- +libopenssl \
- +libuuid
- +FS_STABLE_WITH_FREETYPE:libfreetype \
- +FS_STABLE_WITH_ODBC:unixodbc \
- +FS_STABLE_WITH_PNG:libpng \
- +libcurl \
- +libpcre \
- +libpthread \
- +librt \
- +libspeex \
- +libspeexdsp \
- +libstdcpp \
- +libsqlite3 \
- +zlib
abstraction \
alsa \
TITLE:=Open source telephony platform, v$(PKG_VERSION)
+ +FS_STABLE_WITH_FREETYPE:libfreetype \
+ +FS_STABLE_WITH_ODBC:unixodbc \
+ +FS_STABLE_WITH_PNG:libpng \
+ +libcurl \
+ +libopenssl \
+ +libpcre \
+ +libpthread \
+ +librt \
+ +libspeex \
+ +libspeexdsp \
+ +libstdcpp \
+ +libsqlite3 \
+ +libuuid \
+ +zlib
define Package/$(PKG_NAME)-python-esl
$(call Package/$(PKG_NAME)/Default)
- DEPENDS:=$(PKG_NAME) +python-light
+ DEPENDS:=$(PKG_NAME) +PACKAGE_$(PKG_NAME)-python-esl:python-light
define Package/$(PKG_NAME)-python-esl/description
define Package/$(PKG_NAME)-mod-$(1)
$(call Package/$(PKG_NAME)/Default)
TITLE:=$(2) module
+ DEPENDS:=$(PKG_NAME) $(patsubst +%,+PACKAGE_$(PKG_NAME)-mod-$(1):%,$(4))
define Package/$(PKG_NAME)-mod-$(1)/description
$(subst \n,$(newline),$(3))
define Package/$(PKG_NAME)-util-$(1)
$(call Package/$(PKG_NAME)/Default)
TITLE:=$(2) utility
+ DEPENDS:=$(PKG_NAME) $(patsubst +%,+PACKAGE_$(PKG_NAME)-util-$(1):%,$(4))
ifeq ($(5),y)
$(eval $(call Package/$(PKG_NAME)/Module,graylog2,Graylog2 logger,GELF logger for Graylog2 and Logstash.,))
$(eval $(call Package/$(PKG_NAME)/Module,h26x,H.26x passthrough,H.26x video codec passthrough.,))
$(eval $(call Package/$(PKG_NAME)/Module,hash,Hash,This module provides a key-value in-memory datastore. Usable as a\nlimit backend.,))
-$(eval $(call Package/$(PKG_NAME)/Module,hiredis,Redis client,This module provides a mechanism to use Redis as a datastore.,libhiredis))
+$(eval $(call Package/$(PKG_NAME)/Module,hiredis,Redis client,This module provides a mechanism to use Redis as a datastore.,+libhiredis))
$(eval $(call Package/$(PKG_NAME)/Module,httapi,HT-TAPI,This module provides an API for controlling the switch by responding\nto HTTP requests.,))
$(eval $(call Package/$(PKG_NAME)/Module,http_cache,HTTP GET with caching,This module provides an API for making HTTP GET requests where the\nresult is cached.,))
$(eval $(call Package/$(PKG_NAME)/Module,isac,iSAC,iSAC codec support.,))
# 5 - Utility is a script (y/n)
-$(eval $(call Package/$(PKG_NAME)/Util,fs_cli,CLI,The fs_cli program is a Command-Line Interface that allows a user to\nconnect to a FreeSWITCH instance running on the local or a remote\nsystem.,$(FS_STABLE_DEPS_BASE) +FS_STABLE_WITH_LIBEDIT:libedit,n))
-$(eval $(call Package/$(PKG_NAME)/Util,fs_encode,Sound file conversion,Format conversion of sound files so the result can be used by\nmod_native_file.,$(FS_STABLE_DEPS) +$(PKG_NAME)-mod-native_file +$(PKG_NAME)-mod-sndfile +$(PKG_NAME)-mod-spandsp,n))
-$(eval $(call Package/$(PKG_NAME)/Util,fs_ivrd,IVR daemon,The FreeSWITCH IVR daemon is an abstraction layer that sits on top of\nthe ESL. The basic idea is that the ivrd will allow the user to have\na STDIN/STDOUT interface for simple call control.,$(FS_STABLE_DEPS_BASE),n))
+$(eval $(call Package/$(PKG_NAME)/Util,fs_cli,CLI,The fs_cli program is a Command-Line Interface that allows a user to\nconnect to a FreeSWITCH instance running on the local or a remote\nsystem.,,n))
+$(eval $(call Package/$(PKG_NAME)/Util,fs_encode,Sound file conversion,Format conversion of sound files so the result can be used by\nmod_native_file.,+$(PKG_NAME)-mod-native_file +$(PKG_NAME)-mod-sndfile +$(PKG_NAME)-mod-spandsp,n))
+$(eval $(call Package/$(PKG_NAME)/Util,fs_ivrd,IVR daemon,The FreeSWITCH IVR daemon is an abstraction layer that sits on top of\nthe ESL. The basic idea is that the ivrd will allow the user to have\na STDIN/STDOUT interface for simple call control.,,n))
$(eval $(call Package/$(PKG_NAME)/Util,gentls_cert,TLS certificate,Can be used to create TLS certificates and setup CAs.,+openssl-util,y))
-$(eval $(call Package/$(PKG_NAME)/Util,tone2wav,Sound file generation,Generates a sound file from a teletone script. The output can be in\nany format that is supported by libsndfile.,$(FS_STABLE_DEPS) +$(PKG_NAME)-mod-sndfile,n))
+$(eval $(call Package/$(PKG_NAME)/Util,tone2wav,Sound file generation,Generates a sound file from a teletone script. The output can be in\nany format that is supported by libsndfile.,+$(PKG_NAME)-mod-sndfile,n))