"EventName": "PM_L2_RTY_LD",
"BriefDescription": "RC retries on PB for any load from core (excludes DCBFs)"
- {,
- "EventCode": "0x3689E",
- "EventName": "PM_L2_RTY_LD",
- "BriefDescription": "RC retries on PB for any load from core (excludes DCBFs)"
- },
"EventCode": "0xE08C",
"EventName": "PM_LSU0_ERAT_HIT",
"EventName": "PM_L3_RD0_BUSY",
"BriefDescription": "Lifetime, sample of RD machine 0 valid"
- {,
- "EventCode": "0x468B4",
- "EventName": "PM_L3_RD0_BUSY",
- "BriefDescription": "Lifetime, sample of RD machine 0 valid"
- },
"EventCode": "0x46080",
"EventName": "PM_L2_DISP_ALL_L2MISS",
"EventName": "PM_RC0_BUSY",
"BriefDescription": "RC mach 0 Busy. Used by PMU to sample ave RC lifetime (mach0 used as sample point)"
- {,
- "EventCode": "0x2608C",
- "EventName": "PM_RC0_BUSY",
- "BriefDescription": "RC mach 0 Busy. Used by PMU to sample ave RC lifetime (mach0 used as sample point)"
- },
"EventCode": "0x36082",
"EventName": "PM_L2_LD_DISP",
"BriefDescription": "All successful I-or-D side load dispatches for this thread (excludes i_l2mru_tch_reqs)."
- {,
- "EventCode": "0x1609E",
- "EventName": "PM_L2_LD_DISP",
- "BriefDescription": "All successful D side load dispatches for this thread (L2 miss + L2 hits)"
- },
"EventCode": "0xF8B0",
"EventName": "PM_L3_SW_PREF",
"EventName": "PM_L3_CO_MEPF",
"BriefDescription": "L3 castouts in Mepf state for this thread"
- {,
- "EventCode": "0x168A0",
- "EventName": "PM_L3_CO_MEPF",
- "BriefDescription": "L3 CO of line in Mep state (includes casthrough to memory). The Mepf state indicates that a line was brought in to satisfy an L3 prefetch request"
- },
"EventCode": "0x460A2",
"EventName": "PM_L3_LAT_CI_HIT",
"EventName": "PM_L2_RTY_ST",
"BriefDescription": "RC retries on PB for any store from core (excludes DCBFs)"
- {,
- "EventCode": "0x4689E",
- "EventName": "PM_L2_RTY_ST",
- "BriefDescription": "RC retries on PB for any store from core (excludes DCBFs)"
- },
"EventCode": "0x24040",
"EventName": "PM_INST_FROM_L2_MEPF",
"EventName": "PM_CO0_BUSY",
"BriefDescription": "CO mach 0 Busy. Used by PMU to sample ave CO lifetime (mach0 used as sample point)"
- {,
- "EventCode": "0x4608C",
- "EventName": "PM_CO0_BUSY",
- "BriefDescription": "CO mach 0 Busy. Used by PMU to sample ave CO lifetime (mach0 used as sample point)"
- },
"EventCode": "0x2C122",
"EventName": "PM_IPTEG_FROM_LMEM",
"BriefDescription": "A Page Table Entry was loaded into the TLB from the local chip's Memory due to a instruction side request"
- {,
- "EventCode": "0x40006",
- "EventName": "PM_ISLB_MISS",
- "BriefDescription": "Number of ISLB misses for this thread"
- },
"EventCode": "0xD8A8",
"EventName": "PM_ISLB_MISS",
"EventName": "PM_L2_INST",
"BriefDescription": "All successful I-side dispatches for this thread (excludes i_l2mru_tch reqs)."
- {,
- "EventCode": "0x3609E",
- "EventName": "PM_L2_INST",
- "BriefDescription": "All successful I-side dispatches that were an L2 miss for this thread (excludes i_l2mru_tch reqs)"
- },
"EventCode": "0x3504C",
"EventName": "PM_IPTEG_FROM_DL4",
"EventName": "PM_L2_LD_HIT",
"BriefDescription": "All successful I-or-D side load dispatches for this thread that were L2 hits (excludes i_l2mru_tch_reqs)"
- {,
- "EventCode": "0x2609E",
- "EventName": "PM_L2_LD_HIT",
- "BriefDescription": "All successful D side load dispatches for this thread that were L2 hits for this thread"
- },
"EventCode": "0x168AC",
"EventName": "PM_L3_CI_USAGE",
"EventName": "PM_L3_WI0_BUSY",
"BriefDescription": "Rotating sample of 8 WI valid"
- {,
- "EventCode": "0x260B6",
- "EventName": "PM_L3_WI0_BUSY",
- "BriefDescription": "Rotating sample of 8 WI valid (duplicate)"
- },
"EventCode": "0x368AC",
"EventName": "PM_L3_CO0_BUSY",
"BriefDescription": "Lifetime, sample of CO machine 0 valid"
- {,
- "EventCode": "0x468AC",
- "EventName": "PM_L3_CO0_BUSY",
- "BriefDescription": "Lifetime, sample of CO machine 0 valid"
- },
"EventCode": "0x2E040",
"EventName": "PM_DPTEG_FROM_L2_MEPF",
"EventName": "PM_L3_P0_PF_RTY",
"BriefDescription": "L3 PF received retry port 0, every retry counted"
- {,
- "EventCode": "0x260AE",
- "EventName": "PM_L3_P0_PF_RTY",
- "BriefDescription": "L3 PF received retry port 0, every retry counted"
- },
"EventCode": "0x268B2",
"EventName": "PM_L3_LOC_GUESS_WRONG",
"EventName": "PM_L3_SN0_BUSY",
"BriefDescription": "Lifetime, sample of snooper machine 0 valid"
- {,
- "EventCode": "0x460AC",
- "EventName": "PM_L3_SN0_BUSY",
- "BriefDescription": "Lifetime, sample of snooper machine 0 valid"
- },
"EventCode": "0x3005C",
"EventName": "PM_BFU_BUSY",
"EventName": "PM_L3_PF0_BUSY",
"BriefDescription": "Lifetime, sample of PF machine 0 valid"
- {,
- "EventCode": "0x460B4",
- "EventName": "PM_L3_PF0_BUSY",
- "BriefDescription": "Lifetime, sample of PF machine 0 valid"
- },
"EventCode": "0xC0B0",
"EventName": "PM_LSU_FLUSH_UE",
"EventName": "PM_L3_P1_CO_RTY",
"BriefDescription": "L3 CO received retry port 1 (memory only), every retry counted"
- {,
- "EventCode": "0x468AE",
- "EventName": "PM_L3_P1_CO_RTY",
- "BriefDescription": "L3 CO received retry port 3 (memory only), every retry counted"
- },
"EventCode": "0xC0AC",
"EventName": "PM_LSU_FLUSH_EMSH",
"EventName": "PM_L2_SN_M_WR_DONE",
"BriefDescription": "SNP dispatched for a write and was M (true M); for DMA cacheinj this will pulse if rty/push is required (won't pulse if cacheinj is accepted)"
- {,
- "EventCode": "0x46886",
- "EventName": "PM_L2_SN_M_WR_DONE",
- "BriefDescription": "SNP dispatched for a write and was M (true M); for DMA cacheinj this will pulse if rty/push is required (won't pulse if cacheinj is accepted)"
- },
"EventCode": "0x489C",
"EventName": "PM_SN0_BUSY",
"BriefDescription": "SN mach 0 Busy. Used by PMU to sample ave SN lifetime (mach0 used as sample point)"
- {,
- "EventCode": "0x26090",
- "EventName": "PM_SN0_BUSY",
- "BriefDescription": "SN mach 0 Busy. Used by PMU to sample ave SN lifetime (mach0 used as sample point)"
- },
"EventCode": "0x360AE",
"EventName": "PM_L3_P0_CO_RTY",
"BriefDescription": "L3 CO received retry port 0 (memory only), every retry counted"
- {,
- "EventCode": "0x460AE",
- "EventName": "PM_L3_P0_CO_RTY",
- "BriefDescription": "L3 CO received retry port 0 (memory only), every retry counted"
- },
"EventCode": "0x168A8",
"EventName": "PM_L3_WI_USAGE",
"EventName": "PM_L3_P1_PF_RTY",
"BriefDescription": "L3 PF received retry port 1, every retry counted"
- {,
- "EventCode": "0x268AE",
- "EventName": "PM_L3_P1_PF_RTY",
- "BriefDescription": "L3 PF received retry port 3, every retry counted"
- },
"EventCode": "0x46082",
"EventName": "PM_L2_ST_DISP",
"BriefDescription": "All successful D-side store dispatches for this thread "
- {,
- "EventCode": "0x1689E",
- "EventName": "PM_L2_ST_DISP",
- "BriefDescription": "All successful D-side store dispatches for this thread (L2 miss + L2 hits)"
- },
- {,
- "EventCode": "0x36880",
- "EventName": "PM_L2_INST_MISS",
- "BriefDescription": "All successful I-side dispatches that were an L2 miss for this thread (excludes i_l2mru_tch reqs)"
- },
"EventCode": "0x4609E",
"EventName": "PM_L2_INST_MISS",
"EventName": "PM_INST_DISP",
"BriefDescription": "# PPC Dispatched"
- {,
- "EventCode": "0x300F2",
- "EventName": "PM_INST_DISP",
- "BriefDescription": "# PPC Dispatched"
- },
"EventCode": "0x4E05E",
"EventName": "PM_L2_ST_HIT",
"BriefDescription": "All successful D-side store dispatches for this thread that were L2 hits"
- {,
- "EventCode": "0x2689E",
- "EventName": "PM_L2_ST_HIT",
- "BriefDescription": "All successful D-side store dispatches that were L2 hits for this thread"
- },
"EventCode": "0x360A8",
"EventName": "PM_L3_CO",