--- /dev/null
+opkdir = "/tmp/opk"
+offline_root = "/tmp/opkg"
+opkgcl = "/home/grg/opkg/code/svn/src/opkg-cl"
--- /dev/null
+import os
+import opk, cfg, opkgcl
+o = opk.OpkGroup()
+o.add(Package="a", Version="2.0", Architecture="all")
+# older version, not in Packages list
+a1 = opk.Opk(Package="a", Version="1.0", Architecture="all")
+# install v2 from repository
+if not opkgcl.is_installed("a", "2.0"):
+ print(__file__, ": Package 'a_2.0' not installed.")
+ exit(False)
+opkgcl.install("a_1.0_all.opk", "--force-downgrade")
+if not opkgcl.is_installed("a", "1.0"):
+ print(__file__, ": Package 'a_1.0' not installed (1).")
+ exit(False)
+opkgcl.install("a_1.0_all.opk", "--force-downgrade")
+if not opkgcl.is_installed("a", "1.0"):
+ print(__file__, ": Package 'a_1.0' not installed (2).")
+ exit(False)
--- /dev/null
+import os
+import opk, cfg, opkgcl
+o = opk.OpkGroup()
+o.add(Package="a", Version="1.0", Architecture="all", Depends="b")
+o.add(Package="b", Version="1.0", Architecture="all", Depends="c")
+if opkgcl.is_installed("a"):
+ print(__file__, ": Package 'a' installed, despite dependency "
+ "upon a package with an unresolved dependency.")
+ exit(False)
+if opkgcl.is_installed("b"):
+ print(__file__, ": Package 'b' installed, "
+ "despite unresolved dependency.")
+ exit(False)
--- /dev/null
+import os
+import opk, cfg, opkgcl
+o = opk.OpkGroup()
+o.add(Package="a", Version="1.0", Architecture="all", Depends="b")
+o.add(Package="b", Version="1.0", Architecture="all")
+(status, output) = opkgcl.opkgcl("install a")
+ln_a = output.find("Configuring a")
+ln_b = output.find("Configuring b")
+if ln_a == -1:
+ print(__file__, ": Didn't see package 'a' get configured.")
+ exit(False)
+if ln_b == -1:
+ print(__file__, ": Didn't see package 'b' get configured.")
+ exit(False)
+if ln_a < ln_b:
+ print(__file__, ": Packages 'a' and 'b' configured in wrong order.")
+ exit(False)
--- /dev/null
+import os
+import opk, cfg, opkgcl
+o = opk.OpkGroup()
+o.add(Package="a", Version="1.0", Architecture="all", Recommends="b")
+o.add(Package="b", Version="2.0", Architecture="all")
+# prime the status file so 'b' is not installed as a recommendation
+status_filename = "{}/usr/lib/opkg/status".format(cfg.offline_root)
+f = open(status_filename, "w")
+f.write("Package: b\n")
+f.write("Version: 1.0\n")
+f.write("Architecture: all\n")
+f.write("Status: deinstall hold not-installed\n")
+if opkgcl.is_installed("b"):
+ print(__file__, ": Package 'b' installed despite "
+ "deinstall/hold status.")
+ exit(False)
+if opkgcl.is_installed("b"):
+ print(__file__, ": Package 'b' installed - deinstall/hold status "
+ "not retained.")
+ exit(False)
+open(status_filename, "w").close()
--- /dev/null
+import os
+import opk, cfg, opkgcl
+open("foo", "w").close()
+a1 = opk.Opk(Package="a", Version="1.0", Architecture="all")
+o = opk.OpkGroup()
+a2 = opk.Opk(Package="a", Version="2.0", Architecture="all", Depends="b")
+b1 = opk.Opk(Package="b", Version="1.0", Architecture="all")
+if not opkgcl.is_installed("a", "2.0"):
+ print(__file__, ": Package 'a_2.0' not installed.")
+ exit(False)
+foo_fullpath = "{}/foo".format(cfg.offline_root)
+if not os.path.exists(foo_fullpath):
+ print(__file__, ": File 'foo' incorrectly orphaned.")
+ exit(False)
+if not foo_fullpath in opkgcl.files("b"):
+ print(__file__, ": Package 'b' does not own file 'foo'.")
+ exit(False)
--- /dev/null
+import os
+import opk, cfg, opkgcl
+open("foo", "w").close()
+a1 = opk.Opk(Package="a", Version="1.0", Architecture="all")
+os.rename("a_1.0_all.opk", "a_with_foo.opk")
+# ----
+open("bar", "w").close()
+o = opk.OpkGroup()
+a2 = opk.Opk(Package="a", Version="1.0", Architecture="all")
+a2.write(data_files=["foo", "bar"])
+opkgcl.install("a", "--force-reinstall")
+foo_fullpath = "{}/foo".format(cfg.offline_root)
+bar_fullpath = "{}/bar".format(cfg.offline_root)
+if not os.path.exists(foo_fullpath) or not os.path.exists(bar_fullpath):
+ print(__file__, ": Files foo and/or bar are missing.")
+ exit(False)
+a_files = opkgcl.files("a")
+if not foo_fullpath in a_files or not bar_fullpath in a_files:
+ print(__file__, ": Package 'a' does not own foo and/or bar.")
+ exit(False)
+if os.path.exists(foo_fullpath) or os.path.exists(bar_fullpath):
+ print(__file__, ": Files foo and/or bar still exist "
+ "after removal of package 'a'.")
+ exit(False)
+# ----
+o = opk.OpkGroup()
+a2 = opk.Opk(Package="a", Version="1.0", Architecture="all")
+opkgcl.install("a", "--force-reinstall")
+if os.path.exists(foo_fullpath):
+ print(__file__, ": File 'foo' not orphaned as it should be.")
+ exit(False)
+if foo_fullpath in opkgcl.files("a"):
+ print(__file__, ": Package 'a' incorrectly owns file 'foo'.")
+ exit(False)
--- /dev/null
+import os
+import opk, cfg, opkgcl
+long_filename = 110*"a"
+os.symlink(long_filename, "linky")
+a = opk.Opk(Package="a", Version="1.0", Architecture="all")
+if not opkgcl.is_installed("a"):
+ print(__file__, ": Package 'a' not installed.")
+ exit(False)
+if not os.path.lexists("{}/linky".format(cfg.offline_root)):
+ print(__file__, ": symlink to file with a name longer than 100 "
+ "characters not created.")
+ exit(False)
--- /dev/null
+import os
+import opk, cfg, opkgcl
+o = opk.OpkGroup()
+o.add(Package="a", Version="1.0", Architecture="all", Recommends="b")
+o.add(Package="b", Version="1.0", Architecture="all")
+o.add(Package="c", Version="1.0", Architecture="all", Recommends="b")
+opkgcl.remove("a", "--autoremove")
+if not opkgcl.is_installed("b"):
+ print(__file__, ": Pacakge 'b' orphaned despite remaining "
+ "recommending package 'c'.")
+ exit(False)
+opkgcl.remove("c", "--autoremove")
+if opkgcl.is_installed("b"):
+ print(__file__, ": Recommended package 'b' not autoremoved.")
+ exit(False)
--- /dev/null
+import tarfile, os
+import cfg
+class Opk:
+ valid_control_fields = ["Package", "Version", "Depends", "Provides",\
+ "Replaces", "Conflicts", "Suggests", "Recommends",\
+ "Section", "Architecture", "Maintainer", "MD5Sum",\
+ "Size", "InstalledSize", "Filename", "Source",\
+ "Description", "OE", "Homepage", "Priority",\
+ "Conffiles"]
+ def __init__(self, **control):
+ for k in control.keys():
+ if k not in self.valid_control_fields:
+ raise Exception("Invalid control field: "
+ "{}".format(k))
+ self.control = control
+ def write(self, tar_not_ar=False, data_files=None):
+ filename = "{Package}_{Version}_{Architecture}.opk"\
+ .format(**self.control)
+ if os.path.exists(filename):
+ os.unlink(filename)
+ if os.path.exists("control"):
+ os.unlink("control")
+ if os.path.exists("control.tar.gz"):
+ os.unlink("control.tar.gz")
+ if os.path.exists("data.tar.gz"):
+ os.unlink("data.tar.gz")
+ f = open("control", "w")
+ for k in self.control.keys():
+ f.write("{}: {}\n".format(k, self.control[k]))
+ f.close()
+ tar = tarfile.open("control.tar.gz", "w:gz")
+ tar.add("control")
+ tar.close()
+ tar = tarfile.open("data.tar.gz", "w:gz")
+ if data_files:
+ for df in data_files:
+ tar.add(df)
+ tar.close()
+ if tar_not_ar:
+ tar = tarfile.open(filename, "w:gz")
+ tar.add("control.tar.gz")
+ tar.add("data.tar.gz")
+ tar.close()
+ else:
+ os.system("ar q {} control.tar.gz data.tar.gz \
+ 2>/dev/null".format(filename))
+ os.unlink("control")
+ os.unlink("control.tar.gz")
+ os.unlink("data.tar.gz")
+class OpkGroup:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.opk_list = []
+ def add(self, **control):
+ self.opk_list.append(Opk(**control))
+ def write_opk(self, tar_not_ar=False):
+ for o in self.opk_list:
+ o.write(tar_not_ar)
+ def write_list(self, filename="Packages"):
+ f = open(filename, "w")
+ for opk in self.opk_list:
+ for k in opk.control.keys():
+ f.write("{}: {}\n".format(k, opk.control[k]))
+ f.write("Filename: {Package}_{Version}_{Architecture}"
+ ".opk\n".format(**opk.control))
+ f.write("\n")
+ f.close()
+def regress_init():
+ """
+ Initialisation and sanity checking.
+ """
+ if not os.access(cfg.opkgcl, os.X_OK):
+ print("Cannot exec {}".format(cfg.opkgcl))
+ exit(False)
+ os.chdir(cfg.opkdir)
+ odir = "{}/usr/lib/opkg".format(cfg.offline_root)
+ os.system("rm -fr {}".format(odir))
+ os.mkdir(odir)
--- /dev/null
+import os, subprocess
+import cfg
+def opkgcl(opkg_args):
+ cmd = "{} -o {} {}".format(cfg.opkgcl, cfg.offline_root, opkg_args)
+ #print(cmd)
+ return subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)
+def install(pkg_name, flags=""):
+ return opkgcl("{} install {}".format(flags, pkg_name))[0]
+def remove(pkg_name, flags=""):
+ return opkgcl("{} remove {}".format(flags, pkg_name))[0]
+def update():
+ return opkgcl("update")[0]
+def upgrade():
+ return opkgcl("upgrade")[0]
+def files(pkg_name):
+ output = opkgcl("files {}".format(pkg_name))[1]
+ return output.split("\n")[1:]
+def is_installed(pkg_name, version=None):
+ out = opkgcl("list_installed {}".format(pkg_name))[1]
+ if len(out) == 0 or out.split()[0] != pkg_name:
+ return False
+ if version and out.split()[2] != version:
+ return False
+ if not os.path.exists("{}/usr/lib/opkg/info/{}.control"\
+ .format(cfg.offline_root, pkg_name)):
+ return False
+ return True
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import sys
+ (status, output) = opkgcl(" ".join(sys.argv[1:]))
+ print(output)
+ exit(status)