--- /dev/null
+--- a/configure.ac
++++ b/configure.ac
+ # force us into gnu++98 mode if necessary
+ # If gnu++11 and gnu++98 then
+-# If no unit tests, force to gnu++98
++# If no unit tests, force to gnu++11
+ # If unittests and cppunit < 1.14.0, force to gnu++98
+ # Else turn off deprecation messages for std::auto_ptr and run gnu++11
+ require_gnu_plus_plus_11="no"
+ AS_IF([test "x$ac_cv_gnu_plus_plus_11" = xyes],
+ [AS_IF([test "x$ac_cv_gnu_plus_plus_98" = xyes],
+ [AS_IF([test "x$enable_unittests" = xno],
+- [CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -std=gnu++98"],
++ [require_gnu_plus_plus_11="yes"],
+ [PKG_CHECK_MODULES([CPPUNIT1], [cppunit < 1.14.0],
+ [CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -std=gnu++98"],
+ [PKG_CHECK_MODULES([CPPUNIT2], [cppunit >= 1.14.0],
--- /dev/null
+--- a/common/http/HTTPServer.cpp
++++ b/common/http/HTTPServer.cpp
+@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ const char HTTPServer::CONTENT_TYPE_OCT[
+ * @param key the header name
+ * @param value the header value
+ */
+-static int AddHeaders(void *cls, OLA_UNUSED enum MHD_ValueKind kind,
++static MHD_Result AddHeaders(void *cls, OLA_UNUSED enum MHD_ValueKind kind,
+ const char *key, const char *value) {
+ HTTPRequest *request = static_cast<HTTPRequest*>(cls);
+ string key_string = key;
+@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ static int AddHeaders(void *cls, OLA_UNU
+ * @param off the offset of the data
+ * @param size the number of bytes available
+ */
+-int IteratePost(void *request_cls, OLA_UNUSED enum MHD_ValueKind kind,
++MHD_Result IteratePost(void *request_cls, OLA_UNUSED enum MHD_ValueKind kind,
+ const char *key, OLA_UNUSED const char *filename,
+ OLA_UNUSED const char *content_type,
+ OLA_UNUSED const char *transfer_encoding, const char *data,
+@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ int IteratePost(void *request_cls, OLA_U
+ * This sets up HTTPRequest & HTTPResponse objects and then calls
+ * DispatchRequest.
+ */
+-static int HandleRequest(void *http_server_ptr,
++static MHD_Result HandleRequest(void *http_server_ptr,
+ struct MHD_Connection *connection,
+ const char *url,
+ const char *method,
+@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ static int HandleRequest(void *http_serv
+ if (request->Method() == MHD_HTTP_METHOD_GET) {
+ HTTPResponse *response = new HTTPResponse(connection);
+ request->SetInFlight();
+- return http_server->DispatchRequest(request, response);
++ return MHD_Result(http_server->DispatchRequest(request, response));
+ } else if (request->Method() == MHD_HTTP_METHOD_POST) {
+ if (*upload_data_size != 0) {
+@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ static int HandleRequest(void *http_serv
+ }
+ request->SetInFlight();
+ HTTPResponse *response = new HTTPResponse(connection);
+- return http_server->DispatchRequest(request, response);
++ return MHD_Result(http_server->DispatchRequest(request, response));
+ }
+ return MHD_NO;
+ }