local interface="$1"
echo "running disconnection (common)"
+ proto_notify_error "${interface}" MM_DISCONNECT_IN_PROGRESS
proto_init_update "*" 0
proto_send_update "${interface}"
# setup connect args; APN mandatory (even if it may be empty)
echo "starting connection with apn '${apn}'..."
+ proto_notify_error "${interface}" MM_CONNECT_IN_PROGRESS
mmcli --modem="${device}" --timeout 120 --simple-connect="${connectargs}" || {
- proto_notify_error "${interface}" CONNECT_FAILED
+ proto_notify_error "${interface}" MM_CONNECT_FAILED
proto_block_restart "${interface}"
return 1
json_get_vars device lowpower iptype
echo "stopping network"
+ proto_notify_error "${interface}" MM_TEARDOWN_IN_PROGRESS
# load connected bearer information, just the first one should be ok
modemstatus=$(mmcli --modem="${device}" --output-keyvalue)
# disable
mmcli --modem="${device}" --disable
+ proto_notify_error "${interface}" MM_MODEM_DISABLED
# low power, only if requested
[ "${lowpower:-0}" -lt 1 ] ||