--- /dev/null
+# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
+# See /LICENSE for more information.
+include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
+PKG_MAINTAINER:=Jeffery To <jeffery.to@gmail.com>
+ python3/host \
+ python-build/host \
+ python-installer/host \
+ python-wheel/host \
+ python-markupsafe/host
+include ../pypi.mk
+include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
+include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/host-build.mk
+include ../python3-package.mk
+include ../python3-host-build.mk
+define Package/python3-mako
+ SECTION:=lang
+ CATEGORY:=Languages
+ SUBMENU:=Python
+ TITLE:=Super-fast templating language
+ URL:=https://www.makotemplates.org/
+ DEPENDS:=+python3-light +python3-urllib +python3-markupsafe
+define Package/python3-mako/description
+Mako is a template library written in Python. It provides a familiar,
+non-XML syntax which compiles into Python modules for maximum
+performance. Mako's syntax and API borrows from the best ideas of many
+others, including Django templates, Cheetah, Myghty, and Genshi.
+Conceptually, Mako is an embedded Python (i.e. Python Server Page)
+language, which refines the familiar ideas of componentized layout and
+inheritance to produce one of the most straightforward and flexible
+models available, while also maintaining close ties to Python calling
+and scoping semantics.
+$(eval $(call Py3Package,python3-mako))
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,python3-mako))
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,python3-mako-src))
+$(eval $(call HostBuild))