## Main Features
* STA interfaces operating in an "always off" mode, to make sure that the AP is always accessible
* easy setup within normal OpenWrt/LEDE environment
+* strong LuCI-Support with builtin interface wizard and a wireless station manager
* fast uplink connections
-* procd init system support
-* procd based hotplug support, the travelmate start will be triggered by interface triggers
+* support all kinds of uplinks, incl. hidden and enterprise uplinks
+* trigger- or automatic-mode support, the latter one is the default and checks the existing uplink connection regardless of ifdown event trigger actions every n seconds
+* support of devices with multiple radios
+* procd init and hotplug support
+* runtime information available via LuCI & via 'status' init command
* status & debug logging to syslog
## Prerequisites
-* [OpenWrt](https://openwrt.org) or [LEDE](https://www.lede-project.org) trunk
-* iw (default) or iwinfo for wlan scanning
+* [LEDE](https://www.lede-project.org) 17.01 or latest snapshot
+* iwinfo for wlan scanning
-## OpenWrt / LEDE trunk Installation & Usage
+## LEDE trunk Installation & Usage
* download the package [here](https://downloads.lede-project.org/snapshots/packages/x86_64/packages)
* install 'travelmate' (_opkg install travelmate_)
-* configure your network to support (multiple) wlan uplinks and set travelmate config options (details see below)
-* set 'trm\_enabled' option in travelmate config to '1'
-* travelmate starts automatically during boot and will be triggered by procd interface triggers
+* configure your network:
+ * recommended: use the LuCI frontend with builtin interface wizard and a wireless station manager
+ * manual: see detailed configure steps below
+ * at least you need one configured AP and one STA interface
## LuCI travelmate companion package
* download the package [here](https://downloads.lede-project.org/snapshots/packages/x86_64/luci)
* install 'luci-app-travelmate' (_opkg install luci-app-travelmate_)
* the application is located in LuCI under 'Services' menu
-* _Thanks to Hannu Nyman for this great LuCI frontend!_
-## Chaos Calmer installation notes
-* 'travelmate' and 'luci-app-travelmate' are _not_ available as ipk packages in the Chaos Calmer download repository
-* download the packages from a development snapshot directory (see download links above)
-* manually transfer the packages to your routers temp directory (with tools like _sshfs_ or _winscp_)
-* install the packages as described above
## Travelmate config options
-* travelmate config options:
+* usually the pre-configured travelmate setup works quite well and no manual config overrides are needed, all listed options apply to the 'global' config section:
* trm\_enabled => main switch to enable/disable the travelmate service (default: '0', disabled)
* trm\_debug => enable/disable debug logging (default: '0', disabled)
- * trm\_maxwait => how long (in seconds) should travelmate wait for wlan interface reload action (default: '20')
- * trm\_maxretry => how many times should travelmate try to find an uplink after a trigger event (default: '3')
- * trm\_iw => set this option to '0' to use iwinfo for wlan scanning (default: '1', use iw)
- * trm\_iface => restrict the procd interface trigger to a (list of) certain wan interface(s) or disable it at all (default: not set, disabled)
+ * trm\_automatic => keep travelmate in an active state (default: '1', enabled)
+ * trm\_maxwait => how long (in seconds) should travelmate wait for a successful wlan interface reload action (default: '30')
+ * trm\_maxretry => how many times should travelmate try to connect to an uplink, '0' means unlimited retries. (default: '3')
+ * trm\_timeout => timeout in seconds for "automatic mode" (default: '60')
+ * trm\_radio => limit travelmate to a dedicated radio, e.g. 'radio0' (default: not set, use all radios)
+ * trm\_iface => main uplink / procd trigger network interface (default: trm_wwan)
+ * trm\_triggerdelay => additional trigger delay in seconds before travelmate processing starts (default: '2')
+## Runtime information
-## Setup
-**1. configure a wwan interface in /etc/config/network:**
+**receive travelmate runtime information:**
+::: travelmate runtime information
+ travelmate_version : 1.0.0
+ station_connection : true
+ station_id : blackhole/04:F0:21:2F:B7:64
+ station_interface : trm_wwan
+ station_radio : radio1
+ last_rundate : 15.12.2017 13:51:30
+ system : TP-LINK RE450, OpenWrt SNAPSHOT r5422+84-9fe59abef8
+## Manual Setup
+**1. configure the travelmate wwan interface in /etc/config/network:**
-config interface 'wwan'
+config interface 'trm_wwan'
option proto 'dhcp'
config zone
option name 'wan'
- option input 'REJECT'
- option output 'ACCEPT'
- option forward 'REJECT'
- option masq '1'
- option mtu_fix '1'
- option network 'wan wan6 wwan'
+ option network 'wan wan6 trm_wwan'
-**3. add required ap and wwan stations to your wireless configuration in etc/config/wireless:**
+**3. at least add one ap and (multiple) wwan stations to your wireless configuration in etc/config/wireless:**
config wifi-iface
option device 'radio0'
option network 'lan'
- option ifname 'wlan0'
option mode 'ap'
option ssid 'example_ap'
option encryption 'psk2+ccmp'
config wifi-iface
option device 'radio0'
- option network 'wwan'
+ option network 'trm_wwan'
option mode 'sta'
option ssid 'example_01'
- option ifname 'wwan01'
option encryption 'psk2+ccmp'
option key 'abc'
option disabled '1'
config wifi-iface
option device 'radio0'
- option network 'wwan'
+ option network 'trm_wwan'
option mode 'sta'
option ssid 'example_02'
- option ifname 'wwan02'
option encryption 'psk2+ccmp'
option key 'xyz'
option disabled '1'
-config wifi-iface
- option device 'radio0'
- option network 'wwan'
- option mode 'sta'
- option ssid 'example_03'
- option ifname 'wwan03'
- option encryption 'none'
- option disabled '1'
-**4. reload network configuration & start travelmate:**
+**4. start travelmate:**
-/etc/init.d/network reload
-/etc/init.d/travelmate start
+edit /etc/config/travelmate and set 'trm_enabled' to '1'
+/etc/init.d/travelmate restart
+## FAQ
+**Q:** What's about 'trigger' and 'automatic' mode?
+**A:** In "trigger" mode travelmate will be triggered solely by procd interface down events, whenever an uplink disappears travelmate tries n times (default 3) to find a new uplink or reconnect to the old one. The 'automatic' mode keeps travelmate in an active state and checks every n seconds the connection status / the uplink availability regardless of procd event trigger.
+**Q:** What happen with misconfigured uplinks, e.g. due to outdated wlan passwords?
+**A:** Travelmate tries n times (default 3) to connect, then the respective uplink SSID will be marked / renamed to '_SSID_\_err'. In this case use the builtin wireless station manager to update your wireless credentials. To disable this functionality at all set the Connection Limit ('trm\_maxretry') to '0', which means unlimited retries.
+**Q:** Is travelmate compatible with CC/Openwrt?
+**A:** Travelmate was never tested with an ancient CC/OpenWrt release ... it should still work, but no promises.
+[...] to be continued [...]
## Support
-Please join the travelmate discussion in this [forum thread](https://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php?id=67697) or contact me by [mail](mailto:dev@brenken.org)
+Please join the travelmate discussion in this [forum thread](https://forum.lede-project.org/t/travelmate-support-thread/5155) or contact me by [mail](mailto:dev@brenken.org)
## Removal
* stop the travelmate daemon with _/etc/init.d/travelmate stop_
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# prepare environment
+# set initial defaults
+trm_iwinfo="$(command -v iwinfo)"
+trm_wpa="$(command -v wpa_supplicant)"
+# load travelmate environment
- # source required system libraries
+ local sys_call sys_desc sys_model sys_ver
+ # get system information
- if [ -r "/lib/functions.sh" ]
+ sys_call="$(ubus -S call system board 2>/dev/null)"
+ if [ -n "${sys_call}" ]
- . "/lib/functions.sh"
- else
- f_log "error" "status ::: required system library not found"
+ sys_desc="$(printf '%s' "${sys_call}" | jsonfilter -e '@.release.description')"
+ sys_model="$(printf '%s' "${sys_call}" | jsonfilter -e '@.model')"
+ sys_ver="$(cat /etc/turris-version 2>/dev/null)"
+ if [ -n "${sys_ver}" ]
+ then
+ sys_desc="${sys_desc}/${sys_ver}"
+ fi
+ trm_sysver="${sys_model}, ${sys_desc}"
+ # initialize lists
+ #
+ trm_devlist=""
+ trm_stalist=""
+ trm_radiolist=""
# load uci config and check 'enabled' option
if [ ${trm_enabled} -ne 1 ]
- f_log "info " "status ::: travelmate is currently disabled, please set 'trm_enabled' to '1' to use this service"
+ f_log "info" "travelmate is currently disabled, please set 'trm_enabled' to '1' to use this service"
exit 0
- # check for preferred wireless tool
+ # check eap capabilities
- if [ ${trm_iw} -eq 1 ]
- then
- trm_scanner="$(which iw)"
- else
- trm_scanner="$(which iwinfo)"
- fi
- if [ -z "${trm_scanner}" ]
- then
- f_log "error" "status ::: no wireless tool for wlan scanning found, please install 'iw' or 'iwinfo'"
- fi
+ trm_eap="$("${trm_wpa}" -veap >/dev/null 2>&1; printf "%u" ${?})"
-# function to bring down all STA interfaces
+# gather radio information & bring down all STA interfaces
local config="${1}"
local mode="$(uci -q get wireless."${config}".mode)"
local network="$(uci -q get wireless."${config}".network)"
+ local radio="$(uci -q get wireless."${config}".device)"
local disabled="$(uci -q get wireless."${config}".disabled)"
+ local eaptype="$(uci -q get wireless."${config}".eap_type)"
- if [ "${mode}" = "sta" ] && [ -n "${network}" ]
+ if ([ -z "${trm_radio}" ] || [ "${trm_radio}" = "${radio}" ]) && \
+ [ -z "$(printf "%s" "${trm_radiolist}" | grep -Fo " ${radio}")" ]
+ then
+ trm_radiolist="${trm_radiolist} ${radio}"
+ fi
+ if [ "${mode}" = "sta" ] && [ "${network}" = "${trm_iface}" ]
- trm_stalist="${trm_stalist} ${config}_${network}"
if [ -z "${disabled}" ] || [ "${disabled}" = "0" ]
uci -q set wireless."${config}".disabled=1
- f_log "debug" "prepare ::: config: ${config}, interface: ${network}"
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${eaptype}" ] || [ ${trm_eap} -eq 0 ]
+ then
+ trm_stalist="${trm_stalist} ${config}_${radio}"
+ f_log "debug" "f_prep ::: config: ${config}, mode: ${mode}, network: ${network}, radio: ${radio}, disabled: ${disabled}"
+# check interface status
- local ifname cnt=1 mode="${1}"
- trm_ifstatus="false"
+ local ifname radio dev_status cnt=1 mode="${1}" status="${2:-"false"}"
+ trm_ifstatus="false"
+ ubus call network reload
while [ ${cnt} -le ${trm_maxwait} ]
- if [ "${mode}" = "ap" ]
+ dev_status="$(ubus -S call network.wireless status 2>/dev/null)"
+ if [ -n "${dev_status}" ]
- trm_ifstatus="$(ubus -S call network.wireless status | jsonfilter -l1 -e '@.*.up')"
- else
- ifname="$(ubus -S call network.wireless status | jsonfilter -l1 -e '@.*.interfaces[@.config.mode="sta"].ifname')"
- if [ -n "${ifname}" ]
+ if [ "${mode}" = "dev" ]
- trm_ifstatus="$(ubus -S call network.interface dump | jsonfilter -e "@.interface[@.device=\"${ifname}\"].up")"
+ if [ "${trm_ifstatus}" != "${status}" ]
+ then
+ trm_ifstatus="${status}"
+ f_jsnup
+ fi
+ for radio in ${trm_radiolist}
+ do
+ trm_ifstatus="$(printf "%s" "${dev_status}" | jsonfilter -l1 -e "@.${radio}.up")"
+ if [ "${trm_ifstatus}" = "true" ] && [ -z "$(printf "%s" "${trm_devlist}" | grep -Fo " ${radio}")" ]
+ then
+ trm_devlist="${trm_devlist} ${radio}"
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ "${trm_radiolist}" = "${trm_devlist}" ] || [ ${cnt} -eq ${trm_maxwait} ] || [ "${status}" = "false" ]
+ then
+ ifname="${trm_devlist}"
+ break
+ fi
+ else
+ ifname="$(printf "%s" "${dev_status}" | jsonfilter -l1 -e '@.*.interfaces[@.config.mode="sta"].ifname')"
+ if [ -n "${ifname}" ]
+ then
+ trm_ifstatus="$(ubus -S call network.interface dump 2>/dev/null | jsonfilter -l1 -e "@.interface[@.device=\"${ifname}\"].up")"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ "${mode}" = "initial" ] || [ "${trm_ifstatus}" = "true" ]
+ then
+ if [ "${mode}" != "initial" ] && [ "${trm_ifstatus}" != "${status}" ]
+ then
+ f_jsnup
+ fi
+ break
- fi
- if [ "${mode}" = "initial" ] || [ "${trm_ifstatus}" = "true" ]
- then
- break
sleep 1
- f_log "debug" "check ::: mode: ${mode}, name: ${ifname}, status: ${trm_ifstatus}, count: ${cnt}, max-wait: ${trm_maxwait}"
+ f_log "debug" "f_check::: mode: ${mode}, name: ${ifname}, status: ${trm_ifstatus}, cnt: ${cnt}, max-wait: ${trm_maxwait}, automatic: ${trm_automatic}"
-# function to write to syslog
+# update runtime information
+ local status iface="${1}" radio="${2}" essid="${3}" bssid="${4}"
+ if [ "${trm_ifstatus}" = "true" ]
+ then
+ status="connected"
+ elif [ "${trm_ifstatus}" = "false" ]
+ then
+ status="not connected"
+ elif [ "${trm_ifstatus}" = "running" ]
+ then
+ status="running"
+ elif [ "${trm_ifstatus}" = "error" ]
+ then
+ status="error"
+ fi
+ json_init
+ json_add_object "data"
+ json_add_string "travelmate_status" "${status}"
+ json_add_string "travelmate_version" "${trm_ver}"
+ json_add_string "station_id" "${essid:-"-"}/${bssid:-"-"}"
+ json_add_string "station_interface" "${iface:-"n/a"}"
+ json_add_string "station_radio" "${radio:-"n/a"}"
+ json_add_string "last_rundate" "$(/bin/date "+%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S")"
+ json_add_string "system" "${trm_sysver}"
+ json_close_object
+ json_dump > "${trm_rtfile}"
+# write to syslog
if [ -n "${log_msg}" ] && ([ "${class}" != "debug" ] || [ ${trm_debug} -eq 1 ])
- logger -t "travelmate-[${trm_ver}] ${class}" "${log_msg}"
- if [ "${class}" = "error" ]
+ logger -p "${class}" -t "travelmate-[${trm_ver}]" "${log_msg}"
+ if [ "${class}" = "err" ]
- exit 255
+ trm_ifstatus="error"
+ f_jsnup
+ logger -p "${class}" -t "travelmate-[${trm_ver}]" "Please check 'https://github.com/openwrt/packages/blob/master/net/travelmate/files/README.md' (${trm_sysver})"
+ exit 1
+# main function for connection handling
- local ap_list ssid_list config network ssid cnt=1
- local sysver="$(ubus -S call system board | jsonfilter -e '@.release.description')"
+ local dev config raw_scan essid_list bssid_list sta_essid sta_bssid sta_radio sta_iface cnt=1
f_check "initial"
if [ "${trm_ifstatus}" != "true" ]
config_load wireless
- config_foreach f_prepare wifi-iface
+ config_foreach f_prep wifi-iface
if [ -n "$(uci -q changes wireless)" ]
uci -q commit wireless
- ubus call network reload
- f_check "ap"
- ap_list="$(ubus -S call network.wireless status | jsonfilter -e '@.*.interfaces[@.config.mode="ap"].ifname')"
- f_log "debug" "main ::: ap-list: ${ap_list}, sta-list: ${trm_stalist}"
- if [ -z "${ap_list}" ] || [ -z "${trm_stalist}" ]
- then
- f_log "error" "status ::: no usable AP/STA configuration found"
- fi
- for ap in ${ap_list}
+ f_check "dev" "running"
+ f_log "debug" "f_main ::: iwinfo: ${trm_iwinfo}, eap_rc: ${trm_eap}, dev_list: ${trm_devlist}, sta_list: ${trm_stalist}"
+ for dev in ${trm_devlist}
- while [ ${cnt} -le ${trm_maxretry} ]
+ cnt=1
+ if [ -z "$(printf "%s" "${trm_stalist}" | grep -Fo "_${dev}")" ]
+ then
+ continue
+ fi
+ while [ ${trm_maxretry} -eq 0 ] || [ ${cnt} -le ${trm_maxretry} ]
- if [ ${trm_iw} -eq 1 ]
- then
- ssid_list="$(${trm_scanner} dev "${ap}" scan 2>/dev/null | \
- awk '/SSID: /{if(!seen[$0]++){printf "\"";for(i=2; i<=NF; i++)if(i==2)printf $i;else printf " "$i;printf "\" "}}')"
- else
- ssid_list="$(${trm_scanner} "${ap}" scan | \
- awk '/ESSID: ".*"/{ORS=" ";if (!seen[$0]++) for(i=2; i<=NF; i++) print $i}')"
- fi
- f_log "debug" "main ::: scan-tool: ${trm_scanner}, ssidlist: ${ssid_list}"
- if [ -n "${ssid_list}" ]
+ raw_scan="$(${trm_iwinfo} "${dev}" scan)"
+ essid_list="$(printf "%s" "${raw_scan}" | awk '/ESSID: "/{ORS=" ";if (!seen[$0]++) for(i=2; i<=NF; i++) print $i}')"
+ bssid_list="$(printf "%s" "${raw_scan}" | awk '/Address: /{ORS=" ";if (!seen[$5]++) print $5}')"
+ f_log "debug" "f_main ::: dev: ${dev}, ssid_list: ${essid_list}, bssid_list: ${bssid_list}"
+ if [ -n "${essid_list}" ] || [ -n "${bssid_list}" ]
for sta in ${trm_stalist}
- network="${sta##*_}"
- ssid="\"$(uci -q get wireless."${config}".ssid)\""
- if [ -n "$(printf "${ssid_list}" | grep -Fo "${ssid}")" ]
+ sta_radio="${sta##*_}"
+ sta_essid="$(uci -q get wireless."${config}".ssid)"
+ sta_bssid="$(uci -q get wireless."${config}".bssid)"
+ sta_iface="$(uci -q get wireless."${config}".network)"
+ if (([ -n "$(printf "%s" "${essid_list}" | grep -Fo "\"${sta_essid}\"")" ] && [ -z "${sta_bssid}" ]) || \
+ ([ -n "$(printf "%s" "${bssid_list}" | grep -Fo "${sta_bssid}")" ] && [ -z "$(printf "%s" "${essid_list}" | grep -Fo "\"${sta_essid}\"")" ]) || \
+ ([ -n "$(printf "%s" "${essid_list}" | grep -Fo "\"${sta_essid}\"")" ] && [ -n "$(printf "%s" "${bssid_list}" | grep -Fo "${sta_bssid}")" ])) && \
+ [ "${dev}" = "${sta_radio}" ]
uci -q set wireless."${config}".disabled=0
- uci -q commit wireless
- ubus call network reload
f_check "sta"
if [ "${trm_ifstatus}" = "true" ]
- f_log "info " "status ::: wwan interface connected to uplink ${ssid} (${cnt}/${trm_maxretry}, ${sysver})"
- sleep 5
+ uci -q commit wireless
+ f_log "info" "interface '${sta_iface}' on '${sta_radio}' connected to uplink '${sta_essid:-"-"}/${sta_bssid:-"-"}' (${trm_sysver})"
+ f_jsnup "${sta_iface}" "${sta_radio}" "${sta_essid}" "${sta_bssid}"
return 0
- else
+ elif [ ${trm_maxretry} -ne 0 ] && [ ${cnt} -eq ${trm_maxretry} ]
+ then
uci -q set wireless."${config}".disabled=1
+ if [ -n "${sta_essid}" ]
+ then
+ uci -q set wireless."${config}".ssid="${sta_essid}_err"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${sta_bssid}" ]
+ then
+ uci -q set wireless."${config}".bssid="${sta_bssid}_err"
+ fi
uci -q commit wireless
- ubus call network reload
- f_log "info " "status ::: wwan interface can't connect to uplink ${ssid} (${cnt}/${trm_maxretry}, ${sysver})"
+ f_check "dev"
+ f_log "info" "can't connect to uplink '${sta_essid:-"-"}/${sta_bssid:-"-"}' (${cnt}/${trm_maxretry}), uplink disabled (${trm_sysver})"
+ else
+ if [ ${trm_maxretry} -eq 0 ]
+ then
+ cnt=0
+ fi
+ uci -q revert wireless
+ f_check "dev"
+ f_log "info" "can't connect to uplink '${sta_essid:-"-"}/${sta_bssid:-"-"}' (${cnt}/${trm_maxretry}) (${trm_sysver})"
+ f_jsnup "${sta_iface}" "${sta_radio}" "${sta_essid}" "${sta_bssid}"
- else
- f_log "info " "status ::: empty uplink list (${cnt}/${trm_maxretry}, ${sysver})"
sleep 5
- f_log "info " "status ::: no wwan uplink found (${sysver})"
+ if [ ! -s "${trm_rtfile}" ]
+ then
+ trm_ifstatus="false"
+ f_jsnup
+ fi
- f_log "info " "status ::: wwan uplink still connected (${sysver})"
+ if [ ! -s "${trm_rtfile}" ]
+ then
+ config="$(ubus -S call network.wireless status | jsonfilter -l1 -e '@.*.interfaces[@.config.mode="sta"].section')"
+ sta_radio="$(uci -q get wireless."${config}".device)"
+ sta_essid="$(uci -q get wireless."${config}".ssid)"
+ sta_bssid="$(uci -q get wireless."${config}".bssid)"
+ sta_iface="$(uci -q get wireless."${config}".network)"
+ f_jsnup "${sta_iface}" "${sta_radio}" "${sta_essid}" "${sta_bssid}"
+ fi
-if [ "${trm_procd}" = "true" ]
+# source required system libraries
+if [ -r "/lib/functions.sh" ] && [ -r "/usr/share/libubox/jshn.sh" ]
+ . "/lib/functions.sh"
+ . "/usr/share/libubox/jshn.sh"
+ f_log "err" "system libraries not found"
+# control travelmate actions
+while [ ${trm_automatic} -eq 1 ]
+ sleep ${trm_timeout}
-exit 0
\ No newline at end of file
+exit 0