by default use public DNS resolvers to check if TXT record was
correctly added when using DNS-01. This can be undesirable in a private
environment where the DNS server is not publicly accessible.
This option allows bypassing such check and simply waiting for a
specific length of time for the TXT record to take effect.
Signed-off-by: Glen Huang <>
elif [ "$calias" ]; then
set -- "$@" --challenge-alias "$calias"
+ if [ "$dns_wait" ]; then
+ set -- "$@" --dnssleep "$dns_wait"
+ fi
elif [ "$standalone" = 1 ]; then
set -- "$@" --standalone --listen-v6
export days
config_get standalone "$section" standalone 0
export standalone
+ config_get dns_wait "$section" dns_wait
+ export dns_wait
config_get webroot "$section" webroot
export webroot