local ubus = require "ubus"
local bit32 = require "bit32"
-local function get_wifi_interfaces()
+local function get_wifi_interface_labels()
local u = ubus.connect()
local status = u:call("network.wireless", "status", {})
local interfaces = {}
for _, dev_table in pairs(status) do
for _, intf in ipairs(dev_table['interfaces']) do
- table.insert(interfaces, intf['ifname'])
+ local cfg = intf['config']
+ -- Migrate this to ubus interface once it exposes all interesting labels
+ local handle = io.popen("hostapd_cli -i " .. cfg['ifname'] .." status")
+ local hostapd_status = handle:read("*a")
+ handle:close()
+ local hostapd = {}
+ for line in hostapd_status:gmatch("[^\r\n]+") do
+ local name, value = string.match(line, "(.+)=(.+)")
+ if name == "phy" then
+ hostapd["vif"] = value
+ elseif name == "freq" then
+ hostapd["freq"] = value
+ elseif name == "channel" then
+ hostapd["channel"] = value
+ elseif name == "bssid[0]" then
+ hostapd["bssid"] = value
+ elseif name == "ssid[0]" then
+ hostapd["ssid"] = value
+ end
+ end
+ local labels = {
+ vif = hostapd['vif'],
+ ssid = hostapd['ssid'],
+ bssid = hostapd['bssid'],
+ encryption = cfg['encryption'], -- In a mixed scenario it would be good to know if A or B was used
+ frequency = hostapd['freq'],
+ channel = hostapd['channel'],
+ }
+ table.insert(interfaces, labels)
local metric_hostapd_station_rx_bytes = metric("hostapd_station_rx_bytes", "counter")
local metric_hostapd_station_tx_packets = metric("hostapd_station_tx_packets", "counter")
local metric_hostapd_station_tx_bytes = metric("hostapd_station_tx_bytes", "counter")
local metric_hostapd_station_inactive_msec = metric("hostapd_station_inactive_msec", "counter")
local metric_hostapd_station_signal = metric("hostapd_station_signal", "gauge")
local metric_hostapd_station_vht_capb_su_beamformee = metric("hostapd_station_vht_capb_su_beamformee", "gauge")
local metric_hostapd_station_vht_capb_mu_beamformee = metric("hostapd_station_vht_capb_mu_beamformee", "gauge")
- local function evaluate_metrics(ifname, station, vals)
- local label_station = {
- ifname = ifname,
- station = station,
- }
+ local function evaluate_metrics(labels, vals)
for k, v in pairs(vals) do
if k == "flags" then
if string.match(v, "[VHT]") then
- metric_hostapd_station_vht(label_station, 1)
+ metric_hostapd_station_vht(labels, 1)
if string.match(v, "[HT]") then
- metric_hostapd_station_ht(label_station, 1)
+ metric_hostapd_station_ht(labels, 1)
if string.match(v, "[WMM]") then
- metric_hostapd_station_wmm(label_station, 1)
+ metric_hostapd_station_wmm(labels, 1)
if string.match(v, "[MFP]") then
- metric_hostapd_station_mfp(label_station, 1)
+ metric_hostapd_station_mfp(labels, 1)
elseif k == "wpa" then
- metric_hostapd_station_wpa(label_station, v)
+ metric_hostapd_station_wpa(labels, v)
elseif k == "rx_packets" then
- metric_hostapd_station_rx_packets(label_station, v)
+ metric_hostapd_station_rx_packets(labels, v)
elseif k == "rx_bytes" then
- metric_hostapd_station_rx_bytes(label_station, v)
+ metric_hostapd_station_rx_bytes(labels, v)
elseif k == "tx_packets" then
- metric_hostapd_station_tx_packets(label_station, v)
+ metric_hostapd_station_tx_packets(labels, v)
elseif k == "tx_bytes" then
- metric_hostapd_station_tx_bytes(label_station, v)
+ metric_hostapd_station_tx_bytes(labels, v)
elseif k == "inactive_msec" then
- metric_hostapd_station_inactive_msec(label_station, v)
+ metric_hostapd_station_inactive_msec(labels, v)
elseif k == "signal" then
- metric_hostapd_station_signal(label_station, v)
+ metric_hostapd_station_signal(labels, v)
elseif k == "connected_time" then
- metric_hostapd_station_connected_time(label_station, v)
+ metric_hostapd_station_connected_time(labels, v)
elseif k == "sae_group" then
- metric_hostapd_station_sae_group(label_station, v)
+ metric_hostapd_station_sae_group(labels, v)
elseif k == "vht_caps_info" then
local caps = tonumber(string.gsub(v, "0x", ""), 16)
- metric_hostapd_station_vht_capb_su_beamformee(label_station, bit32.band(bit32.lshift(1, 12), caps) > 0 and 1 or 0)
- metric_hostapd_station_vht_capb_mu_beamformee(label_station, bit32.band(bit32.lshift(1, 20), caps) > 0 and 1 or 0)
+ metric_hostapd_station_vht_capb_su_beamformee(labels, bit32.band(bit32.lshift(1, 12), caps) > 0 and 1 or 0)
+ metric_hostapd_station_vht_capb_mu_beamformee(labels, bit32.band(bit32.lshift(1, 20), caps) > 0 and 1 or 0)
- for _, ifname in ipairs(get_wifi_interfaces()) do
- local handle = io.popen("hostapd_cli -i " .. ifname .." all_sta")
+ for _, labels in ipairs(get_wifi_interface_labels()) do
+ local vif = labels['vif']
+ local handle = io.popen("hostapd_cli -i " .. vif .." all_sta")
local all_sta = handle:read("*a")
for line in all_sta:gmatch("[^\r\n]+") do
if string.match(line, "^%x[0123456789aAbBcCdDeE]:%x%x:%x%x:%x%x:%x%x:%x%x$") then
if current_station ~= nil then
- evaluate_metrics(ifname, current_station, current_station_values)
+ labels.station = current_station
+ evaluate_metrics(labels, current_station_values)
current_station = line
current_station_values = {}
current_station_values[name] = value
- evaluate_metrics(ifname, current_station, current_station_values)
+ labels.station = current_station
+ evaluate_metrics(labels, current_station_values)