-## components
+Skip to [recipes](#recipes) for quick setup instructions
+# components
`ss-local` provides SOCKS5 proxy with UDP associate support.
`ss-server`, the "ss server" in the above diagram
-## uci
+# uci
Option names are the same as those used in json config files. Check `validate_xxx` func definition of the [service script](files/shadowsocks-libev.init) and shadowsocks-libev's own documentation for supported options and expected value types. A [sample config file](files/shadowsocks-libev.config) is also provided for reference.
Note also that `src_ips_xx` and `dst_ips_xx` actually also accepts cidr network representation. Option names are retained in its current form for backward compatibility coniderations
-## notes and faq
+# notes and faq
Useful paths and commands for debugging
ss-redir needs to open a new socket and setsockopt IP_TRANSPARENT when sending udp reply to client. This requires `CAP_NET_ADMIN` and as such the process cannot run as `nobody`
ss-local, ss-redir, etc. supports specifying an array of remote ss server, but supporting this in uci seems to be overkill. The workaround can be defining multiple `server` sections and multiple `ss-redir` instances with `reuse_port` enabled
+# recipes
+## forward all
+This will setup firewall rules to forward almost all incoming tcp/udp and locally generated tcp traffic (excluding those to private addresses like etc.) through remote shadowsocks server
+Install components.
+Retry each command till it succeed
+ opkg install shadowsocks-libev-ss-redir
+ opkg install shadowsocks-libev-ss-rules
+ opkg install shadowsocks-libev-ss-tunnel
+Edit uci config `/etc/config/shadowsocks-libev`.
+Replace `config server 'sss0'` section with parameters of your own remote shadowsocks server.
+As for other options, change them only when you know the effect.
+ config server 'sss0'
+ option disabled 0
+ option server '_sss_addr_'
+ option server_port '_sss_port_'
+ option password '********'
+ option method 'aes-256-cfb'
+ config ss_tunnel
+ option disabled 0
+ option server 'sss0'
+ option local_address ''
+ option local_port '8053'
+ option tunnel_address ''
+ option mode 'tcp_and_udp'
+ config ss_redir ssr0
+ option disabled 0
+ option server 'sss0'
+ option local_address ''
+ option local_port '1100'
+ option mode 'tcp_and_udp'
+ option reuse_port 1
+ config ss_rules 'ss_rules'
+ option disabled 0
+ option redir_tcp 'ssr0'
+ option redir_udp 'ssr0'
+ option src_default 'checkdst'
+ option dst_default 'forward'
+ option local_default 'forward'
+Restart shadowsocks-libev components
+ /etc/init.d/shadowsocks-libev restart
+Check if things are in place
+ iptables-save | grep ss_rules
+ netstat -lntp | grep -E '8053|1100'
+ ps ww | grep ss-
+Edit `/etc/config/dhcp`, add a line to the first dnsmasq section like the following to let it use local tunnel endpoint for upstream dns query
+ config dnsmasq
+ ...
+ list server ''
+Restart dnsmasq
+ /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart
+Check network on your computer
+ nslookup www.google.com
+ curl -vv https://www.google.com