include $(TOPDIR)/
PKG_MAINTAINER:=Christian Schoenebeck <>
SUBMENU:=3. Applications
TITLE:=LuCI support for Privoxy WEB Proxy
- DEPENDS:=+luci-lib-nixio +luci-mod-admin-full +privoxy
+ DEPENDS:=+luci-mod-admin-full +privoxy
# copy everthing we need ot PKG_INSTALL_DIR
# due to package dependencies LuCI is compiled first so the needed binary exists
- $(LN) $(BUILD_DIR)/luci/build/po2lmo $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/build/po2lmo
- $(LN) $(BUILD_DIR)/luci/build/ $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/build/
+ $(LN) $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/po2lmo $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/build/po2lmo
# generate needed .lmo files out of given .po files
cd $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR); build/ po files/luasrc/i18n
--- /dev/null
+@ARGV == 2 || die "Usage: $0 <source-dir> <dest-dir>\n";
+my $source_dir = shift @ARGV;
+my $target_dir = shift @ARGV;
+if( ! -d $target_dir )
+ system('mkdir', '-p', $target_dir);
+if( open F, "find $source_dir -type f -name '*.po' |" )
+ while( chomp( my $file = readline F ) )
+ {
+ my ( $lang, $basename ) = $file =~ m{.+/(\w+)/([^/]+)\.po$};
+ $lang = lc $lang;
+ $lang =~ s/_/-/g;
+ printf "Generating %-40s ", "$target_dir/$basename.$lang.lmo";
+ system("./build/po2lmo", $file, "$target_dir/$basename.$lang.lmo");
+ print ( -f "$target_dir/$basename.$lang.lmo" ? "done\n" : "empty\n" );
+ }
+ close F;
local SYS = require "luci.sys"
local UTIL = require "luci.util"
-version_luci_app = "1.0.0" -- luci-application / openwrt Makefile compatible version
-version_required = "3.0.22" -- minimum required service version
+version_luci_app = "1.0.1" -- luci-application / openwrt Makefile compatible version
+version_required = "3.0.22-1" -- minimum required service version
function index()
- local _service = "privoxy"
- local _vermin = "3.0.22"
- local _verinst
- local _util = require "luci.util"
- local _ipkg = require "luci.model.ipkg"
- local _info =
- for _, v in pairs(_info) do
- if v.Package == _service and v.Status.installed then
- _verinst = v.Version
- break
- end
- end
- local _sver = _util.split(_verinst, "[%.%-]", nil, true)
- local _rver = _util.split(_vermin , "[%.%-]", nil, true)
- -- check config file and version
- if not nixio.fs.access("/etc/config/" .. _service )
- or (tonumber(_sver[1]) or 0) < (tonumber(_rver[1]) or 0)
- or (tonumber(_sver[2]) or 0) < (tonumber(_rver[2]) or 0)
- or (tonumber(_sver[3]) or 0) < (tonumber(_rver[3]) or 0)
- or (tonumber(_sver[4]) or 0) < (tonumber(_rver[4]) or 0) then
- entry( {"admin", "services", "privoxy"}, cbi("privoxy/apperror",
+ local _sys = require "luci.sys"
+ local _vermin = "3.0.22-1"
+ local _verinst = _sys.exec([[opkg list-installed ]] .. "privoxy" .. [[ | awk '{print $3}']])
+ local _cmd = [[opkg compare-versions "]] .. _verinst .. [[" ">=" "]] .. _vermin .. [["]]
+ local _verok = tonumber(
+ -- check config file and version
+ if not nixio.fs.access("/etc/config/privoxy") or (_verok == 0) then
+ entry( {"admin", "services", "privoxy"}, cbi("privoxy/apperror",
{hideapplybtn=true, hidesavebtn=true, hideresetbtn=true }), _("Privoxy WEB proxy"), 59)
entry( {"admin", "services", "privoxy"}, cbi("privoxy/detail"), _("Privoxy WEB proxy"), 59)
return nil
--- read version information for given package if installed
-function ipkg_version(package)
- if not package then
- return nil
- end
- local _info =
- local _data = {}
- local _version = ""
- local i = 0
- for k, v in pairs(_info) do
- if v.Package == package and v.Status.installed then
- _version = v.Version
- i = i + 1
- end
- end
- if i > 1 then -- more then one valid record
- return _data
- end
- local _sver = UTIL.split(_version, "[%.%-]", nil, true)
- _data = {
- version = _version,
- major = tonumber(_sver[1]) or 0,
- minor = tonumber(_sver[2]) or 0,
- patch = tonumber(_sver[3]) or 0,
- build = tonumber(_sver[4]) or 0
- }
- return _data
-- replacement of build-in Flag.parse of cbi.lua
-- modified to mark section as changed if value changes
-- current parse did not do this, but it is done AbstaractValue.parse()
local CTRL = require "luci.controller.privoxy" -- privoxy multiused functions
local DISP = require "luci.dispatcher"
+local SYS = require "luci.sys"
-- Build javascript string to be displayed as version information
local VERSION = translate("Version Information")
.. [[\n\nluci-app-privoxy]]
.. [[\n\t]] .. translate("Version") .. [[:\t]] .. CTRL.version_luci_app
- .. [[\n\t]] .. translate("Build") .. [[:\t]] .. CTRL.ipkg_version("luci-app-privoxy").version
+ .. [[\n\t]] .. translate("Build") .. [[:\t]]
+ .. SYS.exec([[opkg list-installed ]] .. [[luci_app_privoxy]] .. [[ | awk '{print $3}']])
.. [[\n\nprivoxy ]] .. translate("required") .. [[:]]
- .. [[\n\t]] .. translate("Version") .. [[:\t]] .. CTRL.version_required .. [[ ]] .. translate("or higher")
+ .. [[\n\t]] .. translate("Version") .. [[:\t]] .. CTRL.version_required .. [[ ]] .. translate("or greater")
.. [[\n\nprivoxy ]] .. translate("installed") .. [[:]]
- .. [[\n\t]] .. translate("Version") .. [[:\t]] .. CTRL.ipkg_version("privoxy").version
+ .. [[\n\t]] .. translate("Version") .. [[:\t]]
+ .. SYS.exec([[opkg list-installed ]] .. [[privoxy]] .. [[ | awk '{print $3}']])
.. [[\n\n]]
local HELP = [[<a href="" target="_blank">%s</a>]]
local VERSION = translate("Version Information")
.. [[\n\nluci-app-privoxy]]
.. [[\n\t]] .. translate("Version") .. [[:\t]] .. CTRL.version_luci_app
- .. [[\n\t]] .. translate("Build") .. [[:\t]] .. CTRL.ipkg_version("luci-app-privoxy").version
+ .. [[\n\t]] .. translate("Build") .. [[:\t]]
+ .. SYS.exec([[opkg list-installed ]] .. [[luci_app_privoxy]] .. [[ | awk '{print $3}']])
.. [[\n\nprivoxy ]] .. translate("required") .. [[:]]
.. [[\n\t]] .. translate("Version") .. [[:\t]] .. CTRL.version_required .. [[ ]] .. translate("or greater")
.. [[\n\nprivoxy ]] .. translate("installed") .. [[:]]
- .. [[\n\t]] .. translate("Version") .. [[:\t]] .. CTRL.ipkg_version("privoxy").version
+ .. [[\n\t]] .. translate("Version") .. [[:\t]]
+ .. SYS.exec([[opkg list-installed ]] .. [[privoxy]] .. [[ | awk '{print $3}']])
.. [[\n\n]]
local HELP = [[<a href="" target="_blank">%s</a>]]