--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
+# shellcheck shell=ash
+# Just looks for changes in the config-file and applies them with a
+# one-time-run.
+# taken from /etc/init.d/uhttpd
+append_arg() {
+ local cfg="$1"
+ local var="$2"
+ local opt="$3"
+ local def="$4"
+ local val
+ config_get val "$cfg" "$var"
+ [ -n "$val" -o -n "$def" ] && procd_append_param command "$opt" "${val:-$def}"
+service_triggers() {
+ procd_add_reload_trigger "gatling"
+start_instance() {
+ local cfg="$1"
+ local ftp_server
+ local enabled
+ config_get_bool enabled "$cfg" 'enabled' 1
+ [ $enabled -gt 0 ] || return
+ procd_open_instance
+ procd_set_param command /usr/bin/gatling
+ procd_set_param stdout 1
+ procd_set_param stderr 1
+ procd_set_param term_timeout 20
+ # get listen-address and slice it from back, to cut at port-delimiter
+ config_get listen_http "$cfg" 'listen_http'
+ port="${listen_http##*:}"
+ ip="${listen_http%:*}"
+ case "$ip" in
+ '['*']') ip="${ip:1:-1}" ;;
+ esac
+ procd_append_param command -i "$ip"
+ procd_append_param command -p "$port"
+ append_arg "$cfg" switch_to_uid "-u"
+ append_arg "$cfg" chroot_dir "-c"
+ append_arg "$cfg" timeout "-T"
+ config_get_bool virtual_hosting "$cfg" 'virtual_hosting' 0
+ if [ "$virtual_hosting" -gt 0 ]; then
+ # enable virtual hosting
+ procd_append_param command -v
+ else
+ # disable
+ procd_append_param command -V
+ fi
+ config_get_bool ftp_server "$cfg" 'ftp_server' 0
+ if [ "$ftp_server" -gt 0 ]; then
+ procd_append_param command -f
+ append_arg "$cfg" ftp_port "-p"
+ else
+ procd_append_param command -F
+ fi
+ config_get_bool logging "$cfg" 'logging' 1
+ if [ "$logging" = 0 ]; then
+ procd_append_param command -n
+ fi
+ config_get_bool tarpit_clients "$cfg" 'tarpit_clients' 0
+ if [ "$tarpit_clients" -gt 0 ]; then
+ append_arg "$cfg" tarpit_clients_at "-A"
+ fi
+ config_get_bool localhost_access_only "$cfg" 'localhost_access_only' 0
+ if [ "$localhost_access_only" = 1 ]; then
+ procd_append_param command -L
+ fi
+ config_get_bool permit_access_ftp_uploads_immediately "$cfg" 'permit_access_ftp_uploads_immediately' 0
+ if [ "$permit_access_ftp_uploads_immediately" = 1 ]; then
+ procd_append_param command -a
+ fi
+ procd_close_instance
+start_service() {
+ config_load gatling
+ config_foreach start_instance gatling
--- /dev/null
+From ef2adc3e464d9b774794b23bbd0d591ba32e998c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Moritz Warning <moritzwarning@web.de>
+Date: Wed, 29 May 2024 09:16:08 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] mbedtls: fix compilation with 3.0.0
+Signed-off-by: Moritz Warning <moritzwarning@web.de>
+ gatling.h | 5 +++++
+ pssl.c | 23 +++++++++++++++++++----
+ 2 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+--- a/gatling.h
++++ b/gatling.h
+@@ -112,7 +112,12 @@ extern int init_serverside_tls(SSL** ssl
+ /* in pssl.c */
++#include "mbedtls/version.h"
++#if (MBEDTLS_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x03000000)
++#include <mbedtls/mbedtls_config.h>
+ #include <mbedtls/config.h>
+ #include <mbedtls/platform.h>
+ #include <mbedtls/ssl.h>
+ #include <mbedtls/net_sockets.h>
+--- a/pssl.c
++++ b/pssl.c
+@@ -6,12 +6,18 @@
+ #include <sys/poll.h>
+ #include <netdb.h>
+ #include <fcntl.h>
++#include <mbedtls/version.h>
++#if (MBEDTLS_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x03000000)
++#include <mbedtls/mbedtls_config.h>
++#include <mbedtls/psa_util.h>
+ #include <mbedtls/config.h>
++#include <mbedtls/certs.h>
+ #include <mbedtls/platform.h>
+ #include <mbedtls/ssl.h>
+ #include <mbedtls/entropy.h>
+ #include <mbedtls/ctr_drbg.h>
+-#include <mbedtls/certs.h>
+ #include <mbedtls/x509.h>
+ #include <mbedtls/x509_crt.h>
+ #include <mbedtls/ssl_cache.h>
+@@ -56,7 +62,9 @@ int ciphersuites[] =
++#if (MBEDTLS_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x03000000)
+@@ -73,7 +81,9 @@ int ciphersuites[] =
++#if (MBEDTLS_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x03000000)
+ // TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA,
+ // TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5,
+ 0
+@@ -85,7 +95,12 @@ static int parse_cert( const char* filen
+ mbedtls_pk_init(key);
+ if ((r=mbedtls_x509_crt_parse_file(srvcert,filename)) ||
+- (r=mbedtls_pk_parse_keyfile(key,filename,NULL)))
++#if (MBEDTLS_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x03000000)
++ (r=mbedtls_pk_parse_keyfile(key,filename,NULL,mbedtls_psa_get_random,NULL))
++ (r=mbedtls_pk_parse_keyfile(key,filename,NULL))
++ )
+ return r;
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -179,7 +194,7 @@ int init_serverside_tls(struct ssl_data*
+ mbedtls_ssl_conf_dh_param_ctx(&d->conf, &d->dhm);
+ // debug_set_threshold(65535);
+- mbedtls_ssl_conf_min_version(&d->conf, MBEDTLS_SSL_MAJOR_VERSION_3, MBEDTLS_SSL_MINOR_VERSION_1); /* demand at least TLS 1.0 */
++ mbedtls_ssl_conf_min_version(&d->conf, MBEDTLS_SSL_MAJOR_VERSION_3, MBEDTLS_SSL_MINOR_VERSION_3); /* demand at least TLS 1.2 */
+ // ssl_set_dh_param( ssl, "CD95C1B9959B0A135B9D306D53A87518E8ED3EA8CBE6E3A338D9DD3167889FC809FE1AD59B38C98D1A8FCE47E46DF5FB56B8EA3B03B2132C249A99209F62A1AD63511BD08A60655B0463B6F1BB79BEC9D17C71BD269C6B50CF0EDDAAB83290B4C697A7F641FBD21EE0E7B57C698AFEED8DA3AB800525E6887215A61CA62DC437", "04" );
+ if ((r=mbedtls_ssl_setup(&d->ssl,&d->conf)))
+@@ -210,7 +225,7 @@ int init_clientside_tls(struct ssl_data*
+ mbedtls_ssl_conf_ca_chain( &d->conf, d->crt.next, NULL );
+ mbedtls_ssl_conf_rng( &d->conf, mbedtls_ctr_drbg_random, &ctr_drbg );
+ mbedtls_ssl_conf_dbg( &d->conf, my_debug, NULL );
+- mbedtls_ssl_conf_min_version(&d->conf, MBEDTLS_SSL_MAJOR_VERSION_3, MBEDTLS_SSL_MINOR_VERSION_1); /* demand at least TLS 1.0 */
++ mbedtls_ssl_conf_min_version(&d->conf, MBEDTLS_SSL_MAJOR_VERSION_3, MBEDTLS_SSL_MINOR_VERSION_3); /* demand at least TLS 1.2 */
+ if ((r=mbedtls_ssl_setup(&d->ssl,&d->conf)))
+ return r;
+ if ((r=mbedtls_ssl_set_hostname(&d->ssl, hostname)))