-EXTRA_COMMANDS="suspend resume query report list timer status_service version"
-EXTRA_HELP=" suspend Suspend adblock processing
- resume Resume adblock processing
- query <domain> Query active blocklists and backups for a specific domain
- report [<search>] Print DNS statistics with an optional search parameter
- list [[<add>|<remove>] [source(s)]] List available adblock sources or add/remove them from config
- timer <action> <hour> [<minute>] [<weekday>] Set a cron based update interval
- version print version information"
+extra_command "suspend" "Suspend adblock processing"
+extra_command "resume" "Resume adblock processing"
+extra_command "query" "<domain> Query active blocklists and backups for a specific domain"
+extra_command "report" "[<search>] Print DNS statistics with an optional search parameter"
+extra_command "list" "[[<add>|<remove>] [source(s)]] List available adblock sources or add/remove them from config"
+extra_command "timer" "<action> <hour> [<minute>] [<weekday>] Set a cron based update interval"
+extra_command "version" "Print version information"