| adaway | x | S | mobile | [Link](https://github.com/AdAway/adaway.github.io) |
| adguard | x | L | general | [Link](https://adguard.com) |
| andryou | | L | compilation | [Link](https://gitlab.com/andryou/block/-/blob/master/readme.md) |
+| anudeep | | M | compilation | [Link](https://github.com/anudeepND/blacklist) |
| bitcoin | | S | mining | [Link](https://github.com/hoshsadiq/adblock-nocoin-list) |
| disconnect | x | S | general | [Link](https://disconnect.me) |
| dshield | | XL | general | [Link](https://dshield.org) |
| energized_blu | | XL | compilation | [Link](https://github.com/EnergizedProtection/block) |
| energized_porn | | XXL | compilation+porn | [Link](https://github.com/EnergizedProtection/block) |
| energized_unified | | XXL | compilation | [Link](https://github.com/EnergizedProtection/block) |
-| hphosts | | M | general | [Link](https://hosts-file.net) |
| malwaredomains | | M | malware | [Link](https://malwaredomains.com) |
| malwarelist | | S | malware | [Link](https://www.malwaredomainlist.com) |
| notracking | | XL | tracking | [Link](https://github.com/notracking/hosts-blocklists) |
| smarttv | | S | smarttv | [Link](https://github.com/Perflyst/PiHoleBlocklist) |
| spam404 | | S | general | [Link](https://github.com/Dawsey21) |
| stevenblack | | L | compilation | [Link](https://github.com/StevenBlack/hosts) |
+| stopforumspam | | S | spam | [Link](https://www.stopforumspam.com) |
| sysctl | | M | general | [Link](http://sysctl.org/cameleon) |
| utcapitole | | L | general | [Link](https://dsi.ut-capitole.fr/blacklists/index_en.php) |
| utcapitole_porn | | XXL | general+porn | [Link](https://dsi.ut-capitole.fr/blacklists/index_en.php) |
| whocares | | M | general | [Link](https://someonewhocares.org) |
| winhelp | | S | general | [Link](http://winhelp2002.mvps.org) |
| winspy | | S | win_telemetry | [Link](https://github.com/crazy-max/WindowsSpyBlocker) |
+| youtube | | M | youtube | [Link](https://github.com/kboghdady/youTube_ads_4_pi-hole) |
| yoyo | x | S | general | [Link](http://pgl.yoyo.org/adservers) |
* List of supported and fully pre-configured adblock sources, already active sources are pre-selected.
<b><em>To avoid OOM errors, please do not select too many lists!</em></b>
- List size recommendations as follows:
+ List size information with the respective domain ranges as follows:
• <b>S</b> (-10k), <b>M</b> (10k-30k) and <b>L</b> (30k-80k) should work for 128 MByte devices,
• <b>XL</b> (80k-200k) should work for 256-512 MByte devices,
• <b>XXL</b> (200k-) needs more RAM and Multicore support, e.g. x86 or raspberry devices.
* A download utility with SSL support: 'wget', 'uclient-fetch' with one of the 'libustream-*' ssl libraries, 'aria2c' or 'curl' is required
* Optional E-Mail notification support: for E-Mail notifications you need to install the additional 'msmtp' package
* Optional DNS Query Report support: for DNS reporting you need to install the additional package 'tcpdump-mini' or 'tcpdump'
+* Optional support for gnu awk as alternative to the busybox default, install the additional package 'gawk'
## Installation & Usage
* Update your local opkg repository (_opkg update_)
## Adblock CLI Options
* All important adblock functions are accessible via CLI as well.
-Please note: The 'status' command in 19.07.x and TurrisOS is only available via 'status_service'
+<b>Please note:</b> The 'status' command in 19.07.x and TurrisOS is only available via 'status_service'
Syntax: /etc/init.d/adblock [command]
## Adblock Config Options
* Usually the auto pre-configured adblock setup works quite well and no manual overrides are needed
-| Option | Default | Description/Valid Values |
-| :---------------- | :------------------------ | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| adb_enabled | 1, enabled | set to 0 to disable the adblock service |
-| adb_dns | -, auto-detected | 'dnsmasq', 'unbound', 'named', 'kresd' or 'raw' |
-| adb_fetchutil | -, auto-detected | 'uclient-fetch', 'wget', 'curl' or 'aria2c' |
-| adb_fetchparm | -, auto-detected | special config options for the selected download utility |
-| adb_trigger | -, not set | trigger network interface or 'not set' to use a time-based startup |
-| adb_triggerdelay | 2 | additional trigger delay in seconds before adblock processing begins |
-| adb_debug | 0, disabled | set to 1 to enable the debug output |
-| adb_nice | 0, standard prio. | valid nice level range 0-19 of the adblock processes |
-| adb_forcedns | 0, disabled | set to 1 to force DNS requests to the local resolver |
-| adb_maxqueue | 4 | size of the download queue to handle downloads & list processing in parallel |
-| adb_dnsdir | -, auto-detected | path for the generated blocklist file 'adb_list.overall' |
-| adb_dnstimeout | 10 | timeout in seconds to wait for a successful DNS backend restart |
-| adb_dnsinstance | 0, first instance | set to the relevant dns backend instance used by adblock (dnsmasq only) |
-| adb_dnsfilereset | 0, disabled | set to 1 to purge the final DNS blocklist file after DNS backend loading |
-| adb_dnsflush | 0, disabled | set to 1 to flush the DNS Cache before & after adblock processing |
-| adb_dnsinotify | -, not set | set to 1 to prevent adblock triggered restarts for DNS backends with autoload functions |
-| adb_dnsallow | -, not set | set to 1 to disable selective DNS whitelisting (RPZ pass through) |
-| adb_lookupdomain | example.com | external domain to check for a successful DNS backend restart or 'false' to disable this check |
-| adb_portlist | 53 853 5353 | space separated list of firewall ports which should be redirected locally |
-| adb_report | 0, disabled | set to 1 to enable the background tcpdump gathering process for reporting |
-| adb_reportdir | /tmp | path for DNS related report files |
-| adb_repiface | -, auto-detected | name of the reporting interface or 'any' used by tcpdump |
-| adb_replisten | 53 | space separated list of reporting port(s) used by tcpdump |
-| adb_repchunkcnt | 5 | report chunk count used by tcpdump |
-| adb_repchunksize | 1 | report chunk size used by tcpdump in MB |
-| adb_backup | 1, enabled | set to 0 to disable the backup function |
-| adb_backupdir | /tmp | path for adblock backups |
-| adb_tmpbase | /tmp | path for all adblock related runtime operations, e.g. downloading, sorting, merging etc. |
-| adb_safesearch | 0, disabled | set to 1 to enforce SafeSearch for google, bing, duckduckgo, yandex, youtube and pixabay |
-| adb_safesearchmod | 0, disabled | set to 1 to enable moderate SafeSearch filters for youtube |
-| adb_mail | 0, disabled | set to 1 to enable notification E-Mails in case of a processing errors |
-| adb_mailreceiver | -, not set | receiver address for adblock notification E-Mails |
-| adb_mailsender | no-reply@adblock | sender address for adblock notification E-Mails |
-| adb_mailtopic | adblock notification | topic for adblock notification E-Mails |
-| adb_mailprofile | adb_notify | mail profile used in 'msmtp' for adblock notification E-Mails |
-| adb_mailcnt | 0 | minimum domain count to trigger E-Mail notifications |
-| adb_jail | 0 | set to 1 to enable the additional, restrictive 'adb_list.jail' creation |
-| adb_jaildir | /tmp | path for the generated jail list |
+| Option | Default | Description/Valid Values |
+| :---------------- | :--------------------------------- | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| adb_enabled | 1, enabled | set to 0 to disable the adblock service |
+| adb_srcarc | -, /etc/adblock/adblock.sources.gz | full path to the used adblock source archive |
+| adb_srcfile | -, /tmp/adb_sources.json | full path to the used adblock source file, which has a higher precedence than the archive file |
+| adb_dns | -, auto-detected | 'dnsmasq', 'unbound', 'named', 'kresd' or 'raw' |
+| adb_fetchutil | -, auto-detected | 'uclient-fetch', 'wget', 'curl' or 'aria2c' |
+| adb_fetchparm | -, auto-detected | config options for the selected download utility |
+| adb_trigger | -, not set | trigger network interface or 'not set' to use a time-based startup |
+| adb_triggerdelay | 2 | additional trigger delay in seconds before adblock processing begins |
+| adb_debug | 0, disabled | set to 1 to enable the debug output |
+| adb_nice | 0, standard prio. | valid nice level range 0-19 of the adblock processes |
+| adb_forcedns | 0, disabled | set to 1 to force DNS requests to the local resolver |
+| adb_maxqueue | 4 | size of the download queue to handle downloads & list processing in parallel |
+| adb_dnsdir | -, auto-detected | path for the generated blocklist file 'adb_list.overall' |
+| adb_dnstimeout | 10 | timeout in seconds to wait for a successful DNS backend restart |
+| adb_dnsinstance | 0, first instance | set to the relevant dns backend instance used by adblock (dnsmasq only) |
+| adb_dnsfilereset | 0, disabled | set to 1 to purge the final DNS blocklist file after DNS backend loading |
+| adb_dnsflush | 0, disabled | set to 1 to flush the DNS Cache before & after adblock processing |
+| adb_dnsinotify | -, not set | set to 1 to prevent adblock triggered restarts for DNS backends with autoload functions |
+| adb_dnsallow | -, not set | set to 1 to disable selective DNS whitelisting (RPZ pass through) |
+| adb_lookupdomain | example.com | external domain to check for a successful DNS backend restart or 'false' to disable this check |
+| adb_portlist | 53 853 5353 | space separated list of firewall ports which should be redirected locally |
+| adb_report | 0, disabled | set to 1 to enable the background tcpdump gathering process for reporting |
+| adb_reportdir | /tmp | path for DNS related report files |
+| adb_repiface | -, auto-detected | name of the reporting interface or 'any' used by tcpdump |
+| adb_replisten | 53 | space separated list of reporting port(s) used by tcpdump |
+| adb_repchunkcnt | 5 | report chunk count used by tcpdump |
+| adb_repchunksize | 1 | report chunk size used by tcpdump in MB |
+| adb_backup | 1, enabled | set to 0 to disable the backup function |
+| adb_backupdir | /tmp | path for adblock backups |
+| adb_tmpbase | /tmp | path for all adblock related runtime operations, e.g. downloading, sorting, merging etc. |
+| adb_safesearch | 0, disabled | set to 1 to enforce SafeSearch for google, bing, duckduckgo, yandex, youtube and pixabay |
+| adb_safesearchmod | 0, disabled | set to 1 to enable moderate SafeSearch filters for youtube |
+| adb_mail | 0, disabled | set to 1 to enable notification E-Mails in case of a processing errors |
+| adb_mailreceiver | -, not set | receiver address for adblock notification E-Mails |
+| adb_mailsender | no-reply@adblock | sender address for adblock notification E-Mails |
+| adb_mailtopic | adblock notification | topic for adblock notification E-Mails |
+| adb_mailprofile | adb_notify | mail profile used in 'msmtp' for adblock notification E-Mails |
+| adb_mailcnt | 0 | minimum domain count to trigger E-Mail notifications |
+| adb_jail | 0 | set to 1 to enable the additional, restrictive 'adb_list.jail' creation |
+| adb_jaildir | /tmp | path for the generated jail list |
## Examples
**Change the DNS backend to 'unbound':**
**Change the DNS backend to 'kresd':**
Adblock deposits the final blocklist 'adb_list.overall' in '/etc/kresd', no further configuration needed.
-Please note: The knot-resolver (kresd) is only available on Turris devices and does not support the SafeSearch functionality yet.
+<b>Please note:</b> The knot-resolver (kresd) is only available on Turris devices and does not support the SafeSearch functionality yet.
**Enable E-Mail notification via 'msmtp':**
To use the email notification you have to install & configure the package 'msmtp'.
/etc/init.d/adblock status_service
::: adblock runtime information
+ adblock_status : enabled
- + adblock_version : 4.0.0
+ + adblock_version : 4.0.2
+ blocked_domains : 52420
+ active_sources : adaway adguard andryou bitcoin disconnect winspy yoyo
+ dns_backend : kresd, /etc/kresd
+ run_ifaces : trigger: trm_wwan, report: br-lan
+ run_directories : base: /tmp, backup: /tmp, report: /tmp, jail: /tmp
+ run_flags : backup: 1, reset: 0, flush: 0, force: 1, search: 0, report: 1, mail: 0, jail: 0
- + last_run : start, 0m 17s, 496/198/218, 27.03.2020 08:55:14
+ + last_run : start, 0m 17s, 496/198/218, 03.04.2020 08:55:14
+ system : CZ.NIC Turris Mox Board, TurrisOS 5.1.0 81264ebb51991aa2d17489852854e3b5ec3f514d
-The 'last\_run' line includes the used start type, the duration of the last run, the memory footprint after DNS backend loading (total/free/available) and the date/time of the last run.
+The 'last\_run' line includes the used start type, the run duration, the memory footprint after DNS backend loading (total/free/available) and the date/time of the last run.
**Edit, add new adblock sources:**
The adblock blocklist sources are stored in an external, compressed JSON file '/etc/adblock/adblock.sources.gz'.
-Add an unique object name, make the required changes to 'url', 'rule', 'size' and 'descurl' and finally compress the changed JSON file _gzip /etc/adblock/adblock.sources.gz_ to use the new source object in adblock.
+Add an unique object name, make the required changes to 'url', 'rule', 'size' and 'descurl' and finally compress the changed JSON file _gzip /etc/adblock/adblock.sources.gz_ to use the new source object in adblock.
+<b>Please note:</b> if you're going to add new sources on your own, please make a copy of the default file and work with that copy further on, cause the default will be overwritten with every adblock update. To reference your copy set the option 'adb\_srcarc' which points by default to '/etc/adblock/adblock.sources.gz'
+<b>Please note:</b> when adblock starts, it looks for the uncompressed 'adb\_srcfile', only if this file is not found the archive 'adb\_srcarc' is unpacked once and then the uncompressed file is used
## Support
Please join the adblock discussion in this [forum thread](https://forum.openwrt.org/t/adblock-support-thread/507) or contact me by mail <dev@brenken.org>