--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2011 OpenWrt.org
+# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
+# See /LICENSE for more information.
+include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
+include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
+define Package/polipo
+ SUBMENU:=Web Servers/Proxies
+ SECTION:=net
+ CATEGORY:=Network
+ TITLE:=A caching web proxy
+ URL:=http://www.pps.univ-paris-diderot.fr/~jch/software/polipo/
+ MAINTAINER:=Gabriel Kerneis <gabriel@kerneis.info>
+define Package/polipo/description
+ Polipo is a small and fast caching web proxy (a web cache, an HTTP proxy,
+ a proxy server). While Polipo was designed to be used by one person or a
+ small group of people, there is nothing that prevents it from being used
+ by a larger group.
+define Build/Compile
+ CC="$(TARGET_CC)" \
+ polipo
+define Package/polipo/conffiles
+define Package/polipo/install
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/sbin
+ $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/polipo $(1)/usr/sbin/
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/polipo
+ $(INSTALL_CONF) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/config.sample $(1)/etc/polipo/config
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/config
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/polipo.config $(1)/etc/config/polipo
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/init.d
+ $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/polipo.init $(1)/etc/init.d/polipo
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,polipo))
--- /dev/null
+# polipo daemon configuration
+config 'polipo' 'daemon'
+ # daemonise polipo (fork in background)
+ option 'daemonise' '1'
+ # where polipo will store its process pid
+ option 'pidFile' '/var/run/polipo.pid'
+config 'polipo' 'general'
+ option 'enabled' '1'
+ # adress on which polipo will listen, means all addresses
+ option 'proxyAddress' ''
+ # port on which polipo will listen, default is 8123
+ #option 'proxyPort' '8123'
+ # list of allowed clients to connect
+ list 'allowedClients' ''
+ #list 'allowedClients' ''
+ #list 'allowedClients' ''
+ # how much RAM memory should Polipo use (in bytes).
+ option 'chunkHighMark' '1048576'
+ # enable disk cache index and serverlist of integrated polipo web interface
+ #option 'disableIndexing' '0'
+ #option 'disableServersList' '0'
+ # disable loging to syslog
+ option 'logSyslog' '0'
+ # set log file location (disabled when not set)
+ #option 'logFile' '/mnt/usbdrive/polipo/log'
+config 'polipo' 'cache'
+ # disk cache location, you should always use external storage device
+ # (disabled when not set)
+ #option 'diskCacheRoot' '/mnt/usbdrive-p2/polipo/cache'
+ # disk cache cleanup settings
+ #option 'diskCacheUnlinkTime' '20d'
+ #option 'diskCacheTruncateTime' '5d'
+ #option 'diskCacheTruncateSize' '3145728'
+ # set to 1 if proxy is used by multiple users
+ #option 'cacheIsShared' '1'
+config 'polipo' 'pmm'
+ # poor man's multiplexing semgnet size to fetch
+ #option 'pmmSize' '8192'
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
+# Copyright (C) 2008-2011 OpenWrt.org
+start() {
+ config_load 'polipo'
+ config_get_bool enabled "general" 'enabled' '0'
+ [ $enabled -gt 0 ] || return 1
+ mkdir -m 0755 -p /var/etc/
+ echo '### DO NOT EDIT' >> $CFGFILE
+ echo '### SEE /etc/config/polipo INSTEAD' >> $CFGFILE
+ echo '' >> $CFGFILE
+ config_foreach polipo_config 'polipo'
+ # handle values that are disabled when not defined or empty
+ polipo_atom "cache" "diskCacheRoot" '"' "1" >> $CFGFILE
+ polipo_atom "general" "logFile" '"' "1" >> $CFGFILE
+ polipo_atom "general" "localDocumentRoot" '"' "1" >> $CFGFILE
+ service_start /usr/sbin/polipo -c "$CFGFILE"
+stop() {
+ service_stop /usr/sbin/polipo -c "$CFGFILE"
+polipo_config() {
+ echo "### SECTION $1" >> $CFGFILE
+ string_options='authCredentials authRealm dnsNameServer forbiddenFile
+ forbiddenUrl logFacility pidFile parentAuthCredentials parentProxy
+ proxyAddress proxyName redirector socksParentProxy socksProxyType
+ socksUserName uncachableFile'
+ number_options='bigBufferSize chunkCriticalMark chunkHighMark chunkLowMark
+ diskCacheDirectoryPermissions diskCacheFilePermissions
+ diskCacheTruncateSize diskCacheWriteoutOnClose forbiddenRedirectCode
+ logFilePermissions logLevel maxDiskCacheEntrySize maxDiskEntries
+ maxObjectsWhenIdle maxPipelineTrain maxSideBuffering maxWriteoutWhenIdle
+ objectHashTableSize objectHighMark pmmFirstSize pmmSize proxyPort
+ publicObjectLowMark redirectorRedirectCode replyUnpipelineSize
+ serverMaxSlots serverSlots serverSlots1 maxAgeFraction'
+ time_options='clientTimeout diskCacheTruncateTime diskCacheUnlinkTime
+ dnsGethostbynameTtl dnsMaxTimeout dnsNegativeTtl idleTime maxAge
+ maxConnectionAge maxConnectionRequests maxExpiresAge maxNoModifiedAge
+ replyUnpipelineTime serverExpireTime serverIdleTimeout serverTimeout
+ smallRequestTime'
+ multistate_options='censorReferer dnsQueryIPv6 dnsUseGethostbyname
+ dontTrustVaryETag expectContinue pipelineAdditionalRequests
+ useTemporarySourceAddress relaxTransparency'
+ boolean_options='cacheIsShared daemonise disableConfiguration disableIndexing
+ disableLocalInterface disableProxy disableServersList disableVia
+ dontCacheCookies dontCacheRedirects logSyslog mindlesslyCacheVary
+ preciseExpiry proxyOffline scrubLogs laxHttpParser'
+ string_list_options='allowedClients censoredHeaders'
+ number_list_options='allowedPorts tunnelAllowedPorts'
+ for option in $string_options; do
+ polipo_atom "$1" "$option" '"' >> $CFGFILE
+ done
+ for option in $number_options; do
+ polipo_atom "$1" "$option" >> $CFGFILE
+ done
+ for option in $time_options; do
+ polipo_atom "$1" "$option" >> $CFGFILE
+ done
+ for option in $multistate_options; do
+ polipo_atom "$1" "$option" >> $CFGFILE
+ done
+ for option in $boolean_options; do
+ polipo_boolean "$1" "$option" >> $CFGFILE
+ done
+ for option in $string_list_options; do
+ polipo_list "$1" "$option" '"' >> $CFGFILE
+ done
+ for option in $number_list_options; do
+ polipo_list "$1" "$option" >> $CFGFILE
+ done
+polipo_atom() {
+ local SECTION=$1
+ local OPTION=$2
+ local QUOTE=$3
+ local EMPTY_DISABLED=${4:-0}
+ config_get _value "$SECTION" "$OPTION"
+ [ -n "$_value" -o "$EMPTY_DISABLED" -eq "1" ] && {
+ echo "$OPTION = ${QUOTE}${_value}${QUOTE}"
+ }
+polipo_boolean() {
+ local SECTION=$1
+ local OPTION=$2
+ config_get_bool _value "$SECTION" "$OPTION"
+ [ -n "$_value" ] && {
+ [ "$_value" -eq "1" ] && _value="true" || _value="false"
+ echo "$OPTION = $_value"
+ }
+polipo_list() {
+ local SECTION=$1
+ local OPTION=$2
+ local QUOTE=$3
+ config_get _value "$SECTION" "$OPTION"
+ [ "$SECTION" = general ] && [ "$OPTION" = allowedClients ] && {
+ case "$_value" in
+ **) : ;;
+ *) _value=" $_value" ;;
+ esac
+ }
+ [ -n "$_value" ] && {
+ echo -n "$OPTION = "
+ local FIRST=1
+ for entry in $_value; do
+ [ "$FIRST" -ne "1" ] && echo -n ", " || FIRST=0
+ echo -n "${QUOTE}${entry}${QUOTE}"
+ done
+ echo ''
+ }