+++ /dev/null
-'use strict';
-'require ui';
-'require uci';
-'require form';
-'require fs';
-'require network';
-'require tools.widgets as widgets';
-function getSelectableSlaves(section_id) {
- var rv = [];
- var NonUsableMac = /^(00:00:00:00:00:00|null)/;
- var interfaces = uci.sections('network', 'interface');
- return network.getDevices().then(function(devices) {
- for (var i = 0; i < devices.length; i++) {
- var in_use = false;
- var NotUsable = NonUsableMac.test(devices[i].getMAC());
- // Only "real" interfaces for slaves needed
- if (NotUsable == false) {
- for (var j = 0; j < interfaces.length; j++) {
- if (uci.get('network', interfaces[j]['.name'], 'proto') == 'bonding') {
- var slaves = L.toArray(uci.get('network', interfaces[j]['.name'], 'slaves'));
- for (var k = 0; k < slaves.length; k++) {
- if (devices[i].ifname == slaves[k] || devices[i].device == slaves[k]) {
- if (interfaces[j]['.name'] != section_id) {
- in_use = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (in_use == false) {
- devices[i].device == null ? rv.push(devices[i].ifname) : rv.push(devices[i].device)
- }
- }
- }
- return rv.sort();
- });
-function validate_netmask_empty(section, value) {
- var opt = this.map.lookupOption('ipaddr', section);
- var ipaddr = opt[0].formvalue(section);
- if (!ipaddr || value) {
- return true;
- }
- else {
- return _('Expecting: non-empty value');
- }
-function updatePrimaries(section, value) {
- var opt = this.map.lookupOption('slaves', section);
- var selected_slaves = opt[0].formvalue(section);
- var uielem = this.map.lookupOption('primary', section)[0].getUIElement(section);
- uielem.clearChoices();
- for (var i = 0; i < selected_slaves.length; i++) {
- uielem.addChoices(selected_slaves[i], selected_slaves[i]);
- }
- return true;
-function validate_arp_policy(section, value) {
- var opt = this.map.lookupOption('link_monitoring', section);
- var selected_link_monitoring = opt[0].formvalue(section);
- var opt = this.map.lookupOption('bonding_policy', section);
- var selected_policy = opt[0].formvalue(section);
- if (selected_link_monitoring == 'arp') {
- if (selected_policy == '802.3ad' || selected_policy == 'balance-tlb' || selected_policy == 'balance-alb') {
- return _('ARP monitoring is not supported for the selected policy!');
- }
- }
- return true;
-function validate_arp_ip_targets(section, value) {
- var opt = this.map.lookupOption('link_monitoring', section);
- var selected_link_monitoring = opt[0].formvalue(section);
- var opt = this.map.lookupOption('arp_ip_target', section);
- var selected_arp_ip_targets = opt[0].formvalue(section);
- var opt = this.map.lookupOption('bonding_policy', section);
- var selected_policy = opt[0].formvalue(section);
- if (selected_link_monitoring == 'arp' && selected_arp_ip_targets.length == 0) {
- return _('You must select at least one ARP IP target if ARP monitoring is selected!');
- }
- return true;
-function validate_primary_interface(section, value) {
- var opt = this.map.lookupOption('bonding_policy', section);
- var selected_policy = opt[0].formvalue(section);
- var opt = this.map.lookupOption('slaves', section);
- var selected_slaves = opt[0].formvalue(section);
- var opt = this.map.lookupOption('primary', section);
- var selected_primary = opt[0].formvalue(section);
- if (selected_policy == 'active-backup' || selected_policy == 'balance-tlb' || selected_policy == 'balance-alb') {
- if (selected_slaves.filter(function(slave) { return slave == selected_primary }).length == 0)
- return _('You must select a primary interface which is included in selected slave interfaces!');
- }
- return true;
-return network.registerProtocol('bonding', {
- getI18n: function() {
- return _('Link Aggregation (Channel Bonding)');
- },
- getIfname: function() {
- return null;
- },
- getPackageName: function() {
- return 'bonding';
- },
- isFloating: function() {
- return true;
- },
- isCreateable: function(ifname) {
- return getSelectableSlaves(ifname).then(L.bind(function(devices) {
- return devices.length == 0 ? _('No more slaves available') : null;
- }, this));
- return _('No more slaves available');
- },
- isVirtual: function() {
- return true;
- },
- getDevices: function() {
- return null;
- },
- containsDevice: function(ifname) {
- return (network.getIfnameOf(ifname) == this.getIfname());
- },
- renderFormOptions: function(s) {
- var o;
- o = s.taboption('general', form.Value, 'ipaddr',
- _('IPv4 address'),
- _('The local IPv4 address'));
- o.datatype = 'ip4addr';
- o.optional = true;
- o.rmempty = false;
- o = s.taboption('general', form.Value, 'netmask',
- _('IPv4 netmask'),
- _('The local IPv4 netmask'));
- o.datatype = 'ip4addr';
- o.optional = true;
- o.validate = validate_netmask_empty;
- o.rmempty = false;
- o.value("");
- o.value("");
- o.value("");
- o = s.taboption('advanced', form.MultiValue, 'slaves',
- _('Slave Interfaces'),
- _('Specifies which slave interfaces should be attached to this bonding interface'));
- o.load = function(section_id) {
- return getSelectableSlaves(section_id).then(L.bind(function(devices) {
- for (var i = 0; i < devices.length; i++) {
- this.value(devices[i], devices[i]);
- }
- if (devices.length == 0) {
- this.placeholder = _('No more slaves available, can not save interface');
- this.value('', '');
- return '';
- }
- return uci.get('network', section_id, 'slaves');
- }, this));
- };
- o.validate = updatePrimaries;
- o.rmempty = false;
- o = s.taboption('advanced', form.ListValue, 'bonding_policy',
- _('Bonding Policy'),
- _('Specifies the mode to be used for this bonding interface'));
- o.default = 'balance-rr';
- o.value('balance-rr', _('Round-Robin policy (balance-rr, 0)'));
- o.value('active-backup', _('Active-Backup policy (active-backup, 1)'));
- o.value('balance-xor', _('XOR policy (balance-xor, 2)'));
- o.value('broadcast', _('Broadcast policy (broadcast, 3)'));
- o.value('802.3ad', _('IEEE 802.3ad Dynamic link aggregation (802.3ad, 4)'));
- o.value('balance-tlb', _('Adaptive transmit load balancing (balance-tlb, 5)'));
- o.value('balance-alb', _('Adaptive load balancing (balance-alb, 6)'));
- o = s.taboption('advanced', widgets.DeviceSelect, 'primary',
- _('Primary Slave'),
- _('Specifies which slave is the primary device. It will always be the active slave while it is available'));
- o.depends('bonding_policy', 'active-backup');
- o.depends('bonding_policy', 'balance-tlb');
- o.depends('bonding_policy', 'balance-alb');
- o.filter = function(section_id, value) {
- // Never return anything as valid, as the valid possibilities
- // will be set in the slaves validate function
- return false;
- };
- o.validate = validate_primary_interface;
- o = s.taboption('advanced', form.ListValue, 'primary_reselect',
- _('Reselection policy for primary slave'),
- _('Specifies the reselection policy for the primary slave when failure of the active slave or recovery of the primary slave occurs'));
- o.default = 'always';
- o.value('always', _('Primary becomes active slave whenever it comes back up (always, 0)'));
- o.value('better', _('Primary becomes active slave when it comes back up if speed and duplex better than current slave (better, 1)'));
- o.value('failure', _('Only if current active slave fails and the primary slave is up (failure, 2)'));
- o.depends('bonding_policy', 'active-backup');
- o.depends('bonding_policy', 'balance-tlb');
- o.depends('bonding_policy', 'balance-alb');
- o = s.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'min_links',
- _('Minimum Number of Links'),
- _('Specifies the minimum number of links that must be active before asserting carrier'));
- o.datatype = 'uinteger';
- o.default = 0;
- o.rmempty = false;
- o.depends('bonding_policy', '802.3ad');
- o = s.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'ad_actor_sys_prio',
- _('System Priority'),
- _('Specifies the system priority'));
- o.datatype = 'range(1,65535)';
- o.default = 65535;
- o.rmempty = false;
- o.depends('bonding_policy', '802.3ad');
- o = s.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'ad_actor_system',
- _('MAC Address For The Actor'),
- _("Specifies the mac-address for the actor in protocol packet exchanges (LACPDUs). If empty, masters' mac address defaults to system default"));
- o.datatype = 'macaddr';
- o.default = '';
- o.depends('bonding_policy', '802.3ad');
- o = s.taboption('advanced', form.ListValue, 'ad_select',
- _('Aggregation Selection Logic'),
- _('Specifies the aggregation selection logic to use'));
- o.default = 'stable';
- o.value('stable', _('Aggregator: All slaves down or has no slaves (stable, 0)'));
- o.value('bandwidth', _('Aggregator: Slave added/removed or state changes (bandwidth, 1)'));
- o.value('count', _('Aggregator: Chosen by the largest number of ports + slave added/removed or state changes (count, 2)'));
- o.depends('bonding_policy', '802.3ad');
- o = s.taboption('advanced', form.ListValue, 'lacp_rate',
- _('LACPDU Packets'),
- _('Specifies the rate in which the link partner will be asked to transmit LACPDU packets'));
- o.default = 'slow';
- o.value('slow', _('Every 30 seconds (slow, 0)'));
- o.value('fast', _('Every second (fast, 1)'));
- o.depends('bonding_policy', '802.3ad');
- o = s.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'packets_per_slave',
- _('Packets To Transmit Before Moving To Next Slave'),
- _("Specifies the number of packets to transmit through a slave before moving to the next one"));
- o.datatype = 'range(0,65535)';
- o.default = '1';
- o.rmempty = false;
- o.depends('bonding_policy', 'balance-rr');
- o = s.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'lp_interval',
- _('Interval For Sending Learning Packets'),
- _("Specifies the number of seconds between instances where the bonding driver sends learning packets to each slaves peer switch"));
- o.datatype = 'range(1,2147483647)';
- o.default = '1';
- o.rmempty = false;
- o.depends('bonding_policy', 'balance-tlb');
- o.depends('bonding_policy', 'balance-alb');
- o = s.taboption('advanced', form.ListValue, 'tlb_dynamic_lb',
- _('Enable Dynamic Shuffling Of Flows'),
- _('Specifies whether to shuffle active flows across slaves based on the load'));
- o.default = '1';
- o.value('1', _('Yes'));
- o.value('0', _('No'));
- o.depends('bonding_policy', 'balance-tlb');
- o = s.taboption('advanced', form.ListValue, 'fail_over_mac',
- _('Set same MAC Address to all slaves'),
- _('Specifies whether active-backup mode should set all slaves to the same MAC address at enslavement'));
- o.default = 'none';
- o.value('none', _('Yes (none, 0)'));
- o.value('active', _('Set to currently active slave (active, 1)'));
- o.value('follow', _('Set to first slave added to the bond (follow, 2)'));
- o.depends('bonding_policy', 'active-backup');
- o = s.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'num_grat_arp__num_unsol_na',
- _('Number of peer notifications after failover event'),
- _("Specifies the number of peer notifications (gratuitous ARPs and unsolicited IPv6 Neighbor Advertisements) to be issued after a failover event"));
- o.datatype = 'range(0,255)';
- o.default = '1';
- o.rmempty = false;
- o.depends('bonding_policy', 'active-backup');
- o = s.taboption('advanced', form.ListValue, 'xmit_hash_policy',
- _('Transmit Hash Policy'),
- _('Selects the transmit hash policy to use for slave selection'));
- o.default = 'layer2';
- o.value('layer2', _('Use XOR of hardware MAC addresses (layer2)'));
- o.value('layer2+3', _('Use XOR of hardware MAC addresses and IP addresses (layer2+3)'));
- o.value('layer3+4', _('Use upper layer protocol information (layer3+4)'));
- o.value('encap2+3', _('Use XOR of hardware MAC addresses and IP addresses, rely on skb_flow_dissect (encap2+3)'));
- o.value('encap3+4', _('Use upper layer protocol information, rely on skb_flow_dissect (encap3+4)'));
- o.depends('bonding_policy', 'balance-xor');
- o.depends('bonding_policy', 'balance-alb');
- o.depends('bonding_policy', 'balance-tlb');
- o.depends('bonding_policy', '802.3ad');
- o = s.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'resend_igmp',
- _('Number of IGMP membership reports'),
- _("Specifies the number of IGMP membership reports to be issued after a failover event in 200ms intervals"));
- o.datatype = 'range(0,255)';
- o.default = '1';
- o.rmempty = false;
- o.depends('bonding_policy', 'balance-tlb');
- o.depends('bonding_policy', 'balance-alb');
- o = s.taboption('advanced', form.ListValue, 'all_slaves_active',
- _('Drop Duplicate Frames'),
- _('Specifies that duplicate frames (received on inactive ports) should be dropped or delivered'));
- o.default = '0';
- o.value('0', _('Yes'));
- o.value('1', _('No'));
- o = s.taboption('advanced', form.ListValue, 'link_monitoring',
- _('Link Monitoring'),
- _('Method of link monitoring'));
- o.default = 'off';
- o.value('off', _('Off'));
- o.value('arp', _('ARP'));
- o.value('mii', _('MII'));
- o.validate = validate_arp_policy;
- o = s.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'arp_interval',
- _('ARP Interval'),
- _("Specifies the ARP link monitoring frequency in milliseconds"));
- o.datatype = 'uinteger';
- o.default = '0';
- o.rmempty = false;
- o.depends('link_monitoring', 'arp');
- o = s.taboption('advanced', form.DynamicList, 'arp_ip_target',
- _('ARP IP Targets'),
- _('Specifies the IP addresses to use for ARP monitoring'));
- o.datatype = 'ipaddr';
- o.cast = 'string';
- o.depends('link_monitoring', 'arp');
- o.validate = validate_arp_ip_targets;
- o = s.taboption('advanced', form.ListValue, 'arp_all_targets',
- _('ARP mode to consider a slave as being up'),
- _('Specifies the quantity of ARP IP targets that must be reachable'));
- o.default = 'any';
- o.value('any', _('Consider the slave up when any ARP IP target is reachable (any, 0)'));
- o.value('all', _('Consider the slave up when all ARP IP targets are reachable (all, 1)'));
- o.depends({link_monitoring: 'arp', bonding_policy: 'active-backup'});
- o = s.taboption('advanced', form.ListValue, 'arp_validate',
- _('ARP Validation'),
- _('Specifies whether ARP probes and replies should be validated or non-ARP traffic should be filtered for link monitoring'));
- o.default = 'filter';
- o.value('none', _('No validation or filtering'));
- o.value('active', _('Validation only for active slave'));
- o.value('backup', _('Validation only for backup slaves'));
- o.value('all', _('Validation for all slaves'));
- o.value('filter', _('Filtering for all slaves, no validation'));
- o.value('filter_active', _('Filtering for all slaves, validation only for active slave'));
- o.value('filter_backup', _('Filtering for all slaves, validation only for backup slaves'));
- o.depends('link_monitoring', 'arp');
- o = s.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'miimon',
- _('MII Interval'),
- _("Specifies the MII link monitoring frequency in milliseconds"));
- o.datatype = 'uinteger';
- o.default = '0';
- o.rmempty = false;
- o.depends('link_monitoring', 'mii');
- o = s.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'downdelay',
- _('Down Delay'),
- _("Specifies the time in milliseconds to wait before disabling a slave after a link failure detection"));
- o.datatype = 'uinteger';
- o.default = '0';
- o.rmempty = false;
- o.depends('link_monitoring', 'mii');
- o = s.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'updelay',
- _('Up Delay'),
- _("Specifies the time in milliseconds to wait before enabling a slave after a link recovery detection"));
- o.datatype = 'uinteger';
- o.default = '0';
- o.rmempty = false;
- o.depends('link_monitoring', 'mii');
- o = s.taboption('advanced', form.ListValue, 'use_carrier',
- _('Method to determine link status'),
- _('Specifies whether or not miimon should use MII or ETHTOOL ioctls vs. netif_carrier_ok()'));
- o.default = '1';
- o.value('0', _('MII / ETHTOOL ioctls'));
- o.value('1', _('netif_carrier_ok()'));
- o.depends('link_monitoring', 'mii');
- }