- import <name/path>: Import signed network config
- set-config: Change network config parameters
- add-host <name>: Add a host
+ - add-local-host <name>: Add a local OpenWrt host directly
- add-ssh-host <name> <host>: Add a remote OpenWrt host via SSH
(<host> can contain SSH options as well)
- set-host <name>: Change host settings
+ - set-local-host <name>: Update local host settings
- set-ssh-host <name> <host>: Update local and remote host settings
- add-service <name>: Add a service
- set-service <name>: Change service settings
keepalive=<val> set keepalive interval (seconds, 0: off, default: ${defaults.keepalive})
seed[=<rounds>] create network private key from seed passphrase
stun=[+|-]<host:port>[,<host:port>...] set/add/remove STUN servers
- - host options (add-host, add-ssh-host, set-host):
+ - host options (add-host, add-local-host, add-ssh-host, set-host):
key=<val> set host public key (required for add-host)
port=<val> set host tunnel port number
pex_port=<val> set host peer-exchange port (default: network pex_port, 0: disabled)
subnet=[+|-]<val>[,<val>...] set/add/remove host announced subnets
endpoint=<val> set host endpoint address
gateway=<name> set host gateway (using name of other host)
- - ssh host options (add-ssh-host, set-ssh-host)
+ - ssh host options (add-local-host, set-local-host, add-ssh-host, set-ssh-host)
auth_key=<key> use <key> as public auth key on the remote host
priv_key=<key> use <key> as private host key on the remote host (default: generate a new key)
interface=<name> use <name> as interface in /etc/config/network on the remote host
return `-K ${file}.key`;
-function sync_ssh_host(host, net_data) {
+function sync_host(host, net_data) {
let interface = args.interface ?? "unet";
let connect = replace(args.connect ?? "", ",", " ");
let auth_key = args.auth_key ?? net_data.config.id;
let fh2 = mkstemp();
- system(`ssh ${host} sh <&${fh.fileno()} >&${fh2.fileno()}`);
+ let ssh = host ? "ssh " + host : "";
+ system(`${ssh} sh <&${fh.fileno()} >&${fh2.fileno()}`);
let data = {}, line;
assert(import_file, "Missing import file argument");
-if (command in [ "add-host", "set-host", "add-ssh-host", "set-ssh-host" ]) {
+if (command in [ "add-host", "set-host", "add-local-host", "set-local-host", "add-ssh-host", "set-ssh-host" ]) {
hostname = shift(ARGV);
assert(hostname, "Missing host name argument");
+if (command in [ "add-local-host", "set-local-host" ]) {
+ sync_host(null, net_data);
+ command = replace(command, "local-", "");
if (command in [ "add-ssh-host", "set-ssh-host" ]) {
- sync_ssh_host(ssh_host, net_data);
+ sync_host(ssh_host, net_data);
command = replace(command, "ssh-", "");