--- /dev/null
+# Script for sending updates to cloud.tencent.com, modified based on
+# "update_cloudflare_com_v4.sh" and "update_dnspod_cn.sh".
+# You can found them from:
+# - github.com/openwrt/packages for "update_cloudflare_com_v4.sh"
+# - at: net/ddns-scripts/files/usr/lib/ddns/update_cloudflare_com_v4.sh
+# - github.com/nixonli/ddns-scripts_dnspod for "update_dnspod_cn.sh"
+# 2024 FriesI23 <FriesI23@outlook.com>
+# API documentation at https://cloud.tencent.com/document/api/1427/84627
+# API signature documentation at https://cloud.tencent.com/document/api/1427/56189
+# This script is parsed by dynamic_dns_functions.sh inside send_update() function
+# using following options from /etc/config/ddns
+# you can get your own secret values from console.cloud.tencent.com/cam/capi
+# option username - api secretId
+# option password - api secretKey
+# option domain - "hostname@yourdomain.TLD"
+# option record_id - record id for special record
+# variable __IP already defined with the ip-address to use for update
+local OPENSSL=$(command -v openssl)
+# check parameters
+[ -z "$username" ] && write_log 14 "Service section not configured correctly! Missing key as 'username'"
+[ -z "$password" ] && write_log 14 "Service section not configured correctly! Missing secret as 'password'"
+[ -z "$CURL_SSL" ] && write_log 13 "Dnspod communication require cURL with SSL support. Please install"
+[ -z "$OPENSSL" ] && write_log 13 "Dnspod communication require openssl. Please install"
+[ $use_https -eq 0 ] && use_https=1
+# variables
+local __HOST __DOMAIN __TYPE
+local __RUNPROG
+local __RECID __RECLINE __DATA __IPV6
+local __URLHOST="dnspod.tencentcloudapi.com"
+local __URLBASE="https://$__URLHOST"
+local __METHOD="POST"
+local __CONTENT_TYPE="application/json"
+# split __HOST __DOMAIN from $domain
+# given data:
+# @example.com for "domain record"
+# host.sub@example.com for a "host record"
+__HOST=$(printf %s "$domain" | cut -d@ -f1)
+__DOMAIN=$(printf %s "$domain" | cut -d@ -f2)
+# set record type
+[ $use_ipv6 -eq 0 ] && __TYPE="A" || __TYPE="AAAA"
+tencentcloud_transfer() {
+ local __CNT=0
+ local __ERR __CODE
+ while :; do
+ write_log 7 "#> $__RUNPROG"
+ eval "$__RUNPROG"
+ __ERR=$? # save communication error
+ if [ $__ERR -eq 0 ]; then
+ if grep -q '"Error"' "$DATFILE"; then
+ __CODE=$(grep -o '"Code":\s*"[^"]*' $DATFILE | grep -o '[^"]*$' | head -1)
+ [[ $__CODE == "ResourceNotFound.NoDataOfRecord" ]] && break
+ write_log 3 "cURL Response Error: '$__CODE'"
+ write_log 7 "$(cat $DATFILE)" # report error
+ else
+ break
+ fi
+ else
+ write_log 3 "cURL Error: '$__ERR'"
+ write_log 7 "$(cat $ERRFILE)" # report error
+ fi
+ [ $VERBOSE -gt 1 ] && {
+ # VERBOSE > 1 then NO retry
+ write_log 4 "Transfer failed - Verbose Mode: $VERBOSE - NO retry on error"
+ break
+ }
+ __CNT=$(($__CNT + 1)) # increment error counter
+ # if error count > retry_count leave here
+ [ $retry_count -gt 0 -a $__CNT -gt $retry_count ] &&
+ write_log 14 "Transfer failed after $retry_count retries"
+ write_log 4 "Transfer failed - retry $__CNT/$retry_count in $RETRY_SECONDS seconds"
+ sleep $RETRY_SECONDS &
+ wait $PID_SLEEP # enable trap-handler
+ done
+ # check for error
+ if grep -q '"Error":' $DATFILE; then
+ __CODE=$(grep -o '"Code":\s*"[^"]*' $DATFILE | grep -o '[^"]*$' | head -1)
+ [[ $__CODE == "ResourceNotFound.NoDataOfRecord" ]] && return 0
+ write_log 4 "TecentCloud reported an error:"
+ write_log 7 "$(cat $DATFILE)" # report error
+ return 1
+ fi
+ return 0
+# Build base command to use
+# force network/interface-device to use for communication
+if [ -n "$bind_network" ]; then
+ local __DEVICE
+ network_get_physdev __DEVICE $bind_network ||
+ write_log 13 "Can not detect local device using 'network_get_physdev $bind_network' - Error: '$?'"
+ write_log 7 "Force communication via device '$__DEVICE'"
+ __PRGBASE="$__PRGBASE --interface $__DEVICE"
+# force ip version to use
+if [ $force_ipversion -eq 1 ]; then
+ [ $use_ipv6 -eq 0 ] && __PRGBASE="$__PRGBASE -4" || __PRGBASE="$__PRGBASE -6" # force IPv4/IPv6
+# set certificate parameters
+if [ "$cacert" = "IGNORE" ]; then # idea from Ticket #15327 to ignore server cert
+ __PRGBASE="$__PRGBASE --insecure" # but not empty better to use "IGNORE"
+elif [ -f "$cacert" ]; then
+ __PRGBASE="$__PRGBASE --cacert $cacert"
+elif [ -d "$cacert" ]; then
+ __PRGBASE="$__PRGBASE --capath $cacert"
+elif [ -n "$cacert" ]; then # it's not a file and not a directory but given
+ write_log 14 "No valid certificate(s) found at '$cacert' for HTTPS communication"
+# disable proxy if not set (there might be .wgetrc or .curlrc or wrong environment set)
+# or check if libcurl compiled with proxy support
+if [ -z "$proxy" ]; then
+ __PRGBASE="$__PRGBASE --noproxy '*'"
+elif [ -z "$CURL_PROXY" ]; then
+ # if libcurl has no proxy support and proxy should be used then force ERROR
+ write_log 13 "cURL: libcurl compiled without Proxy support"
+# Signature Method v3
+# get more information from github.com/TencentCloud/signature-process-demo,
+# at signature-v3/bash/signv3_no_xdd.sh
+# usage: build_authorization <action> <version> <timestamp> <payload>
+build_authorization() {
+ local __SECRET_ID=$username
+ local __SECRET_KEY=$password
+ local __SERVICE=$(printf %s "$__URLHOST" | cut -d '.' -f1)
+ local __REGION=""
+ local __ACTION=$1
+ local __VERSION=$2
+ local __ALGORITHM="TC3-HMAC-SHA256"
+ local __TIMESTAMP=$3
+ local __DATE=$(date -u -d @$__TIMESTAMP +"%Y-%m-%d")
+ local __PAYLOAD=$4
+ # Step 1: Concatenate request string
+ local __CANONICAL_URI="/"
+ cat <<EOF
+x-tc-action:$(echo $__ACTION | awk '{print tolower($0)}')
+ )
+ local __SIGNED_HEADERS="content-type;host;x-tc-action"
+ local __HASHED_REQUEST_PAYLOAD=$(echo -n "$__PAYLOAD" | $OPENSSL sha256 -hex | awk '{print $2}')
+ cat <<EOF
+ )
+ # Step 2: Concatenate signed string
+ local __CREDENTIAL_SCOPE="$__DATE/$__SERVICE/tc3_request"
+ $OPENSSL sha256 -hex | awk '{print $2}')
+ local __STRING_TO_SIGN=$(
+ cat <<EOF
+ )
+ # Step 3: Calculate signature
+ local __SECRET_DATE=$(printf "$__DATE" |
+ $OPENSSL sha256 -hmac "TC3$__SECRET_KEY" | awk '{print $2}')
+ local __SECRET_SERVICE=$(printf $__SERVICE |
+ $OPENSSL dgst -sha256 -mac hmac -macopt hexkey:"$__SECRET_DATE" | awk '{print $2}')
+ local __SECRET_SIGNING=$(printf "tc3_request" |
+ $OPENSSL dgst -sha256 -mac hmac -macopt hexkey:"$__SECRET_SERVICE" | awk '{print $2}')
+ local __SIGNATURE=$(printf "$__STRING_TO_SIGN" |
+ $OPENSSL dgst -sha256 -mac hmac -macopt hexkey:"$__SECRET_SIGNING" | awk '{print $2}')
+ # Step 4: Concatenate Authorization
+SignedHeaders=$__SIGNED_HEADERS, Signature=$__SIGNATURE"
+ printf '%s' "$__AUTHORIZATION"
+# Common Parameters for Signature Method v3
+# usage: build_header <action> <version> <payload>
+build_header() {
+ local __ACTION=$1
+ local __VERSION=$2
+ local __TIMESTAMP=$(date +%s)
+ local __PAYLOAD=$3
+ local __AUTHORIZATION=$(build_authorization $__ACTION $__VERSION $__TIMESTAMP $__PAYLOAD)
+ printf '%s' "--header 'HOST: $__URLHOST' "
+ printf '%s' "--header 'Content-Type: $__CONTENT_TYPE' "
+ printf '%s' "--header 'X-TC-Action: $__ACTION' "
+ printf '%s' "--header 'X-TC-Version: $__VERSION' "
+ printf '%s' "--header 'X-TC-Timestamp: $__TIMESTAMP' "
+ printf '%s' "--header 'Authorization: $__AUTHORIZATION' "
+# API: DescribeRecordList。
+# https://cloud.tencent.com/document/api/1427/56166
+build_describe_record_list_request_param() {
+ local __PAYLOAD="{\"Domain\":\"$__DOMAIN\""
+ __PAYLOAD="$__PAYLOAD,\"Offset\":0"
+ __PAYLOAD="$__PAYLOAD,\"Limit\":1"
+ __PAYLOAD="$__PAYLOAD,\"RecordType\":\"$__TYPE\""
+ if [[ -n "$__HOST" ]]; then
+ __PAYLOAD="$__PAYLOAD,\"Subdomain\":\"$__HOST\""
+ fi
+ printf '%s' "--request POST "
+ printf '%s' "$__URLBASE "
+ printf '%s' "--data '$__PAYLOAD' "
+ build_header "DescribeRecordList" "2021-03-23" $__PAYLOAD
+# API: CreateRecord
+# https://cloud.tencent.com/document/api/1427/56180
+build_create_record_request_param() {
+ local __VALUE=$1
+ local __RECLINE=${2:-默认}
+ local __PAYLOAD="{\"Domain\":\"$__DOMAIN\""
+ __PAYLOAD="$__PAYLOAD,\"RecordType\":\"$__TYPE\""
+ __PAYLOAD="$__PAYLOAD,\"RecordLine\":\"$__RECLINE\""
+ __PAYLOAD="$__PAYLOAD,\"Value\":\"$__VALUE\""
+ if [[ -n "$__HOST" ]]; then
+ __PAYLOAD="$__PAYLOAD,\"SubDomain\":\"$__HOST\""
+ fi
+ printf '%s' "--request POST "
+ printf '%s' "$__URLBASE "
+ printf '%s' "--data '$__PAYLOAD' "
+ build_header "CreateRecord" "2021-03-23" $__PAYLOAD
+# API: ModifyRecord
+# https://cloud.tencent.com/document/api/1427/56157
+build_modify_record_request_param() {
+ local __VALUE=$1
+ local __RECLINE=${2:-默认}
+ local __RECID=$3
+ local __PAYLOAD="{\"Domain\":\"$__DOMAIN\""
+ __PAYLOAD="$__PAYLOAD,\"RecordType\":\"$__TYPE\""
+ __PAYLOAD="$__PAYLOAD,\"RecordLine\":\"$__RECLINE\""
+ __PAYLOAD="$__PAYLOAD,\"RecordId\":$__RECID"
+ __PAYLOAD="$__PAYLOAD,\"Value\":\"$__VALUE\""
+ if [[ -n "$__HOST" ]]; then
+ __PAYLOAD="$__PAYLOAD,\"SubDomain\":\"$__HOST\""
+ fi
+ printf '%s' "--request POST "
+ printf '%s' "$__URLBASE "
+ printf '%s' "--data '$__PAYLOAD' "
+ build_header "ModifyRecord" "2021-03-23" $__PAYLOAD
+if [ -n "$record_id" ]; then
+ __RECID="$record_id"
+ # read record id for A or AAAA record of host.domain.TLD
+ __RUNPROG="$__PRGBASE $(build_describe_record_list_request_param)"
+ # extract zone id
+ tencentcloud_transfer || return 1
+ __RECID=$(grep -o '"RecordId":[[:space:]]*[0-9]*' $DATFILE | grep -o '[0-9]*' | head -1)
+[ $VERBOSE -gt 1 ] && write_log 7 "Got record id: $__RECID"
+# extract current stored IP
+__RECLINE=$(grep -o '"Line":\s*"[^"]*' $DATFILE | grep -o '[^"]*$' | head -1)
+__DATA=$(grep -o '"Value":\s*"[^"]*' $DATFILE | grep -o '[^"]*$' | head -1)
+# check data
+[ $use_ipv6 -eq 0 ] &&
+ __DATA=$(printf "%s" "$__DATA" | grep -m 1 -o "$IPV4_REGEX") ||
+ __DATA=$(printf "%s" "$__DATA" | grep -m 1 -o "$IPV6_REGEX")
+# we got data so verify
+[ -n "$__DATA" ] && {
+ # expand IPv6 for compare
+ if [ $use_ipv6 -eq 1 ]; then
+ expand_ipv6 $__IP __IPV6
+ expand_ipv6 $__DATA __DATA
+ [ "$__DATA" = "$__IPV6" ] && { # IPv6 no update needed
+ write_log 7 "IPv6 at cloud.tencent.com already up to date"
+ return 0
+ }
+ else
+ [ "$__DATA" = "$__IP" ] && { # IPv4 no update needed
+ write_log 7 "IPv4 at cloud.tencent.com already up to date"
+ return 0
+ }
+ fi
+if [ -z "$__RECID" ]; then
+ # create new record if record id not found
+ __RUNPROG="$__PRGBASE $(build_create_record_request_param $__IP $__RECLINE)"
+ tencentcloud_transfer || return 1
+ return 0
+__RUNPROG="$__PRGBASE $(build_modify_record_request_param $__IP $__RECLINE $__RECID)"
+tencentcloud_transfer || return 1