What's Changed:
- Better detect container will restart by @ndeloof in #8898
- Type mismatch checking tmpfs conflicting options by @ndeloof in
- Remove unused flag by @ulyssessouza in #8923
- Use Dockerfile directly when path is absolute otherwise join it
with Context path by @glours in #8929
- Interrupt printer when compose log is cancelled by @ndeloof in
- Restore compose build to support context set as a git URL by
@ndeloof in #8933
- Upgrade containerd version - security fix by @glours in #8936
- Don't SetRawTerminal when run is ran with -T by @ndeloof in #8938
- Fix typo in --wait option mechanism by @PierreAntoineGuillaume in
- Detect volume we didn't created and ask user to explicitely mark
them as external by @ndeloof in #8941
- Bump compose-go to v1.0.8 by @mat007 in #8956
- Don't normalize compose model in compatibility mode by @ndeloof
in #8943
- Don't try to start services with 0 replicas by @akerouanton in
- Introduce docker compose config --images by @ndeloof in #8955
- Introduce run —quiet-pull to align with up by @ndeloof in #8947
Signed-off-by: Javier Marcet <javier@marcet.info>
include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
PKG_MAINTAINER:=Javier Marcet <javier@marcet.info>