- Convenience macros for popular mirrors are defined. Using these macros will
make your package downloads more robust by mapping to a list of possible
source mirrors for archive availability.
- - @SF - Sourceforge (downloads.sourceforge.net) with 5 retries due to
+ - @SF - SourceForge (downloads.sourceforge.net) with 5 retries due to
- - @GITHUB - Github (raw.githubusercontent.com) with 5 retries due to
+ - @GITHUB - GitHub (raw.githubusercontent.com) with 5 retries due to
- @GNU - 8 regional servers
- @GNOME - 8 regional servers
### Commits in your pull-requests should
-- Have a useful description prefixed with the package name (E.g.: "foopkg: Add
- libzot dependency")
+- Have a useful commit subject prefixed with the package name (E.g.: "foopkg:
+ Add libzot dependency").
- Include Signed-off-by tag in the commit comments. See: [Sign your
+- Author and sign-off must match and be a real name or known identity and
+ a real email address. GitHub private email addresses will not be accepted.
+- Follow all [Submission Guidelines](https://openwrt.org/submitting-patches#submission_guidelines)
+ requirements, including maximum characters per line.
## Advice on pull requests
-Pull requests are the easiest way to contribute changes to git repos at Github.
+Pull requests are the easiest way to contribute changes to git repos at GitHub.
They are the preferred contribution method, as they offer a nice way for
commenting and amending the proposed changes.
-- You need a local "fork" of the Github repo.
+- You need a local "fork" of the GitHub repo.
- Use a "feature branch" for your changes. That separates the changes in the
pull request from your other changes and makes it easy to edit/amend commits
- Update your local git fork to the tip (of the master, usually)
- Create the feature branch with `git checkout -b feature_x`
- Edit changes and commit them locally
- - Push them to your Github fork by `git push -u origin feature_x`. That
- creates the "feature_x" branch at your Github fork and sets it as the
+ - Push them to your GitHub fork by `git push -u origin feature_x`. That
+ creates the "feature_x" branch at your GitHub fork and sets it as the
remote of this branch
- - When you now visit Github, you should see a proposal to create a pull
+ - When you now visit GitHub, you should see a proposal to create a pull
- If you later need to add new commits to the pull request, you can simply
- If you added several new commits or made other changes that require
cleaning up, you can use `git rebase -i HEAD~X` (X = number of commits to
edit) to possibly squash some commits
- - Push the changed commits to Github with `git push -f` to overwrite the
+ - Push the changed commits to GitHub with `git push -f` to overwrite the
original commits in the "feature_x" branch with the new ones. The pull
request gets automatically updated