-# /usr/lib/dynamic_dns/dynamic_dns_updater.sh
+# /usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_updater.sh
-# Written by Eric Paul Bishop, Janary 2008
+# Original written by Eric Paul Bishop, January 2008
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2.0
-# This script is (loosely) based on the one posted by exobyte in the forums here:
+# (Loosely) based on the script on the one posted by exobyte in the forums here:
# http://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php?id=14040
-. /usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_functions.sh
-if [ -z "$service_id" ]
- echo "ERRROR: You must specify a service id (the section name in the /etc/config/ddns file) to initialize dynamic DNS."
- return 1
-#default mode is verbose_mode, but easily turned off with second parameter
-if [ -n "$2" ]
- verbose_mode="$2"
-# Leave this comment here, to clearly document variable names
-# that are expected/possible
+# extended and partial rewritten by Christian Schoenebeck in August 2014 to support:
+# - IPv6 DDNS services
+# - DNS Server to retrieve registered IP including TCP transport
+# - Proxy Server to send out updates
+# - force_interval=0 to run once
+# - the usage of BIND's host command instead of BusyBox's nslookup if installed
+# - extended Verbose Mode and log file support for better error detection
-# Now use load_all_config_options to load config
-# options, which is a much more flexible solution.
+# variables in small chars are read from /etc/config/ddns
+# variables in big chars are defined inside these scripts as global vars
+# variables in big chars beginning with "__" are local defined inside functions only
+#set -vx #script debugger
+[ $# -lt 1 -o -n "${2//[0-3]/}" -o ${#2} -gt 1 ] && {
+ echo -e "\n USAGE:"
+ echo -e " $0 [SECTION] [VERBOSE_MODE]\n"
+ echo " [SECTION] - service section as defined in /etc/config/ddns"
+ echo " [VERBOSE_MODE] - '0' NO output to console"
+ echo " '1' output to console"
+ echo " '2' output to console AND logfile"
+ echo " + run once WITHOUT retry on error"
+ echo " '3' output to console AND logfile"
+ echo " + run once WITHOUT retry on error"
+ echo -e " + NOT sending update to DDNS service\n"
+ exit 1
+. /usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_functions.sh # global vars are also defined here
+VERBOSE_MODE=${2:-1} #default mode is log to console
+# set file names
+PIDFILE="$RUNDIR/$SECTION_ID.pid" # Process ID file
+UPDFILE="$RUNDIR/$SECTION_ID.update" # last update successful send (system uptime)
+LOGFILE="$LOGDIR/$SECTION_ID.log" # log file
+# VERBOSE_MODE > 1 delete logfile if exist to create an empty one
+# only with this data of this run for easier diagnostic
+# new one created by verbose_echo function
+[ $VERBOSE_MODE -gt 1 -a -f $LOGFILE ] && rm -f $LOGFILE
+# Leave this comment here, to clearly document variable names that are expected/possible
+# Use load_all_config_options to load config options, which is a much more flexible solution.
+# config_load "ddns"
+# config_get <variable> $SECTION_ID <option]>
-#config_load "ddns"
+# defined options (also used as variable):
+# enable self-explanatory
+# interface network interface used by hotplug.d i.e. 'wan' or 'wan6'
-#config_get enabled $service_id enabled
-#config_get service_name $service_id service_name
-#config_get update_url $service_id update_url
+# service_name Which DDNS service do you use or "custom"
+# update_url URL to use to update your "custom" DDNS service
+# domain Your DNS name / replace [DOMAIN] in update_url
+# username Username of your DDNS service account / replace [USERNAME] in update_url
+# password Password of your DDNS service account / replace [PASSWORD] in update_url
-#config_get username $service_id username
-#config_get password $service_id password
-#config_get domain $service_id domain
+# use_https use HTTPS to update DDNS service
+# cacert file or directory where HTTPS can find certificates to verify server; 'IGNORE' ignore check of server certificate
+# use_syslog log activity to syslog
-#config_get use_https $service_id use_https
-#config_get use_syslog $service_id use_syslog
-#config_get cacert $service_id cacert
+# ip_source source to detect current local IP ('network' or 'web' or 'script' or 'interface')
+# ip_network local defined network to read IP from i.e. 'wan' or 'wan6'
+# ip_url URL to read local address from i.e. http://checkip.dyndns.com/ or http://checkipv6.dyndns.com/
+# ip_script full path and name of your script to detect local IP
+# ip_interface physical interface to use for detecting
-#config_get ip_source $service_id ip_source
-#config_get ip_interface $service_id ip_interface
-#config_get ip_network $service_id ip_network
-#config_get ip_url $service_id ip_url
+# check_interval check for changes every !!! checks below 10 minutes make no sense because the Internet
+# check_unit 'days' 'hours' 'minutes' !!! needs about 5-10 minutes to sync an IP-change for an DNS entry
-#config_get force_interval $service_id force_interval
-#config_get force_unit $service_id force_unit
+# force_interval force to send an update to your service if no change was detected
+# force_unit 'days' 'hours' 'minutes' !!! force_interval="0" runs this script once for use i.e. with cron
-#config_get check_interval $service_id check_interval
-#config_get check_unit $service_id check_unit
-load_all_config_options "ddns" "$service_id"
-#some defaults
-if [ -z "$check_interval" ]
- check_interval=600
-if [ -z "$retry_interval" ]
- retry_interval=60
-if [ -z "$check_unit" ]
- check_unit="seconds"
-if [ -z "$force_interval" ]
- force_interval=72
-if [ -z "$force_unit" ]
- force_unit="hours"
-if [ -z $use_syslog ]
- use_syslog=0
-if [ -z "$use_https" ]
- use_https=0
-#some constants
-retrieve_prog="/usr/bin/wget -O - ";
-if [ "x$use_https" = "x1" ]
- /usr/bin/wget --version 2>&1 |grep -q "\+ssl"
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]
- then
- if [ -f "$cacert" ]
- then
- retrieve_prog="${retrieve_prog}--ca-certificate=${cacert} "
- elif [ -d "$cacert" ]
- then
- retrieve_prog="${retrieve_prog}--ca-directory=${cacert} "
- fi
- else
- retrieve_prog="/usr/bin/curl "
- if [ -f "$cacert" ]
- then
- retrieve_prog="${retrieve_prog}--cacert $cacert "
- elif [ -d "$cacert" ]
- then
- retrieve_prog="${retrieve_prog}--capath $cacert "
- fi
- fi
-#determine what update url we're using if the service_name is supplied
-if [ -n "$service_name" ]
- #remove any lines not containing data, and then make sure fields are enclosed in double quotes
- quoted_services=$(cat $service_file | grep "^[\t ]*[^#]" | awk ' gsub("\x27", "\"") { if ($1~/^[^\"]*$/) $1="\""$1"\"" }; { if ( $NF~/^[^\"]*$/) $NF="\""$NF"\"" }; { print $0 }' )
- #echo "quoted_services = $quoted_services"
- for service_line in $quoted_services
- do
- #grep out proper parts of data and use echo to remove quotes
- next_name=$(echo $service_line | grep -o "^[\t ]*\"[^\"]*\"" | xargs -r -n1 echo)
- next_url=$(echo $service_line | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"[\t ]*$" | xargs -r -n1 echo)
- if [ "$next_name" = "$service_name" ]
- then
- update_url=$next_url
- fi
- done
-if [ "x$use_https" = x1 ]
- update_url=$(echo $update_url | sed -e 's/^http:/https:/')
-verbose_echo "update_url=$update_url"
-#if this service isn't enabled then quit
-if [ "$enabled" != "1" ]
- return 0
-#compute update interval in seconds
-case "$force_unit" in
- "days" )
- force_interval_seconds=$(($force_interval*60*60*24))
- ;;
- "hours" )
- force_interval_seconds=$(($force_interval*60*60))
- ;;
- "minutes" )
- force_interval_seconds=$(($force_interval*60))
- ;;
- "seconds" )
- force_interval_seconds=$force_interval
- ;;
- * )
- #default is hours
- force_interval_seconds=$(($force_interval*60*60))
- ;;
-#compute check interval in seconds
-case "$check_unit" in
- "days" )
- check_interval_seconds=$(($check_interval*60*60*24))
- ;;
- "hours" )
- check_interval_seconds=$(($check_interval*60*60))
- ;;
- "minutes" )
- check_interval_seconds=$(($check_interval*60))
- ;;
- "seconds" )
- check_interval_seconds=$check_interval
- ;;
- * )
- #default is seconds
- check_interval_seconds=$check_interval
- ;;
-#compute retry interval in seconds
-case "$retry_unit" in
- "days" )
- retry_interval_seconds=$(($retry_interval*60*60*24))
- ;;
- "hours" )
- retry_interval_seconds=$(($retry_interval*60*60))
- ;;
- "minutes" )
- retry_interval_seconds=$(($retry_interval*60))
- ;;
- "seconds" )
- retry_interval_seconds=$retry_interval
- ;;
- * )
- #default is seconds
- retry_interval_seconds=$retry_interval
- ;;
+# retry_interval if error was detected retry in
+# retry_unit 'days' 'hours' 'minutes' 'seconds'
+# retry_count #NEW# number of retries before scripts stops
+# use_ipv6 #NEW# detecting/sending IPv6 address
+# force_ipversion #NEW# force usage of IPv4 or IPv6 for the whole detection and update communication
+# dns_server #NEW# using a non default dns server to get Registered IP from Internet
+# force_dnstcp #NEW# force communication with DNS server via TCP instead of default UDP
+# proxy #NEW# using a proxy for communication !!! ALSO used to detect local IP via web => return proxy's IP !!!
+# use_logfile #NEW# self-explanatory "/var/log/ddns/$SECTION_ID.log"
+# some functionality needs
+# - GNU Wget or cURL installed for sending updates to DDNS service
+# - BIND host installed to detect Registered IP
+# verify and load SECTION_ID is exists
+[ "$(uci_get ddns $SECTION_ID)" != "service" ] && {
+ [ $VERBOSE_MODE -le 1 ] && VERBOSE_MODE=2 # force console out and logfile output
+ [ -f $LOGFILE ] && rm -f $LOGFILE # clear logfile before first entry
+ verbose_echo "\n ************** =: ************** ************** **************"
+ verbose_echo " STARTED =: PID '$$' at $(eval $DATE_PROG)"
+ verbose_echo " UCI CONFIG =:\n$(uci -q show ddns | grep '=service' | sort)"
+ critical_error "Service '$SECTION_ID' not defined"
+load_all_config_options "ddns" "$SECTION_ID"
+verbose_echo "\n ************** =: ************** ************** **************"
+verbose_echo " STARTED =: PID '$$' at $(eval $DATE_PROG)"
+syslog_info "Started"
+case $VERBOSE_MODE in
+ 0) verbose_echo " verbose mode =: '0' - run normal, NO console output";;
+ 1) verbose_echo " verbose mode =: '1' - run normal, console mode";;
+ 2) verbose_echo " verbose mode =: '2' - run once, NO retry on error";;
+ 3) verbose_echo " verbose mode =: '3' - run once, NO retry on error, NOT sending update";;
+ *) critical_error "ERROR detecting VERBOSE_MODE '$VERBOSE_MODE'"
+verbose_echo " UCI CONFIG =:\n$(uci -q show ddns.$SECTION_ID | sort)"
+# set defaults if not defined
+[ -z "$enabled" ] && enabled=0
+[ -z "$retry_count" ] && retry_count=5
+[ -z "$use_syslog" ] && use_syslog=0 # not use syslog
+[ -z "$use_https" ] && use_https=0 # not use https
+[ -z "$use_logfile" ] && use_logfile=1 # NEW - use logfile by default
+[ -z "$use_ipv6" ] && use_ipv6=0 # NEW - use IPv4 by default
+[ -z "$force_ipversion" ] && force_ipversion=0 # NEW - default let system decide
+[ -z "$force_dnstcp" ] && force_dnstcp=0 # NEW - default UDP
+[ -z "$ip_source" ] && ip_source="network"
+[ "$ip_source" = "network" -a -z "$ip_network" -a $use_ipv6 -eq 0 ] && ip_network="wan" # IPv4: default wan
+[ "$ip_source" = "network" -a -z "$ip_network" -a $use_ipv6 -eq 1 ] && ip_network="wan6" # IPv6: default wan6
+[ "$ip_source" = "web" -a -z "$ip_url" -a $use_ipv6 -eq 0 ] && ip_url="http://checkip.dyndns.com"
+[ "$ip_source" = "web" -a -z "$ip_url" -a $use_ipv6 -eq 1 ] && ip_url="http://checkipv6.dyndns.com"
+[ "$ip_source" = "interface" -a -z "$ip_interface" ] && ip_interface="eth1"
+# check configuration and enabled state
+[ -z "$domain" -o -z "$username" -o -z "$password" ] && critical_error "Service Configuration not correctly configured"
+[ $enabled -eq 0 ] && critical_error "Service Configuration is disabled"
+# verify script if configured and executable
+if [ "$ip_source" = "script" ]; then
+ [ -z "$ip_script" ] && critical_error "No script defined to detect local IP"
+ [ -x "$ip_script" ] || critical_error "Script to detect local IP not found or not executable"
+# compute update interval in seconds
+get_seconds CHECK_SECONDS ${check_interval:-10} ${check_unit:-"minutes"} # default 10 min
+get_seconds FORCE_SECONDS ${force_interval:-72} ${force_unit:-"hours"} # default 3 days
+get_seconds RETRY_SECONDS ${retry_interval:-60} ${retry_unit:-"seconds"} # default 60 sec
+verbose_echo "check interval =: $CHECK_SECONDS seconds"
+verbose_echo "force interval =: $FORCE_SECONDS seconds"
+verbose_echo "retry interval =: $RETRY_SECONDS seconds"
+verbose_echo " retry counter =: $retry_count times"
-verbose_echo "force seconds = $force_interval_seconds"
-verbose_echo "check seconds = $check_interval_seconds"
+# determine what update url we're using if a service_name is supplied
+# otherwise update_url is set inside configuration (custom service)
+[ -n "$service_name" ] && get_service_url update_url
+[ -z "$update_url" ] && critical_error "no update url found/defined"
#kill old process if it exists & set new pid file
-if [ -d /var/run/dynamic_dns ]
+if [ -d $RUNDIR ]; then
#if process is already running, stop it
- if [ -e "/var/run/dynamic_dns/$service_id.pid" ]
- then
- old_pid=$(cat /var/run/dynamic_dns/$service_id.pid)
- test_match=$(ps | grep "^[\t ]*$old_pid")
- verbose_echo "old process id (if it exists) = \"$test_match\""
- if [ -n "$test_match" ]
- then
- kill $old_pid
- fi
+ if [ -e "$PIDFILE" ]; then
+ ps | grep -q "^[\t ]*$OLD_PID" && {
+ verbose_echo " old process =: PID '$OLD_PID'"
+ kill $OLD_PID
+ } || verbose_echo "old process id =: PID 'none'"
+ else
+ verbose_echo "old process id =: PID 'none'"
#make dir since it doesn't exist
- mkdir /var/run/dynamic_dns
+ mkdir -p $RUNDIR
+ verbose_echo "old process id =: PID 'none'"
-echo $$ > /var/run/dynamic_dns/$service_id.pid
-#determine when the last update was
-last_update=$(( $current_time - (2*$force_interval_seconds) ))
-if [ -e "/var/run/dynamic_dns/$service_id.update" ]
- last_update=$(cat /var/run/dynamic_dns/$service_id.update)
+echo $$ > $PIDFILE
+# determine when the last update was
+# the following lines should prevent multiple updates if hotplug fires multiple startups
+# as described in Ticket #7820, but did not function if never an update take place
+# i.e. after a reboot (/var is linked to /tmp)
+# using uptime as reference because date might not be updated via NTP client
+get_uptime CURR_TIME
+[ -e "$UPDFILE" ] && {
+ # check also LAST > CURR because link of /var/run to /tmp might be removed
+ # i.e. boxes with larger filesystems
+ [ -z "$LAST_TIME" ] && LAST_TIME=0
+if [ $LAST_TIME -eq 0 ]; then
+ verbose_echo " last update =: never"
+ EPOCH_TIME=$(( $(date +%s) - CURR_TIME + LAST_TIME ))
+ verbose_echo " last update =: $(eval $EPOCH_TIME)"
-time_since_update=$(($current_time - $last_update))
-human_time_since_update=$(( $time_since_update / ( 60 * 60 ) ))
-verbose_echo "time_since_update = $human_time_since_update hours"
-#do update and then loop endlessly, checking ip every check_interval and forcing an updating once every force_interval
-while [ true ]
- registered_ip=$(echo $(nslookup "$domain" 2>/dev/null) | grep -o "Name:.*" | grep -o "$ip_regex")
- current_ip=$(get_current_ip)
- current_time=$(monotonic_time)
- time_since_update=$(($current_time - $last_update))
- syslog_echo "Running IP check ..."
- verbose_echo "Running IP check..."
- verbose_echo "current system ip = $current_ip"
- verbose_echo "registered domain ip = $registered_ip"
- if [ "$current_ip" != "$registered_ip" ] || [ $force_interval_seconds -lt $time_since_update ]
- then
- verbose_echo "update necessary, performing update ..."
- #do replacement
- final_url=$update_url
- for option_var in $ALL_OPTION_VARIABLES
- do
- if [ "$option_var" != "update_url" ]
- then
- replace_name=$(echo "\[$option_var\]" | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z')
- replace_value=$(eval echo "\$$option_var")
- replace_value=$(echo $replace_value | sed -f /usr/lib/ddns/url_escape.sed)
- final_url=$(echo $final_url | sed s^"$replace_name"^"$replace_value"^g )
+# we need time here because hotplug.d is fired by netifd
+# but IP addresses are not set by DHCP/DHCPv6 etc.
+verbose_echo " waiting =: 10 seconds for interfaces to fully come up"
+sleep 10
+# verify DNS server
+[ -n "$dns_server" ] && {
+ verbose_echo "******* VERIFY =: DNS server '$dns_server'"
+ verify_dns "$dns_server"
+ case $? in
+ 0) ;; # everything OK
+ 2) critical_error "Invalid DNS server Error: '2' - nslookup can not resolve host";;
+ 3) critical_error "Invalid DNS server Error: '3' - nc (netcat) can not connect";;
+ 4) critical_error "Invalid DNS server Error: '4' - Forced IP Version don't matched";;
+ *) critical_error "Invalid DNS server Error: '1' - unspecific error";;
+ esac
+# verify Proxy server and set environment
+[ -n "$proxy" ] && {
+ verbose_echo "******* VERIFY =: Proxy server 'http://$proxy'"
+ verify_proxy "$proxy"
+ case $? in
+ 0) # everything OK
+ export HTTP_PROXY="http://$proxy"
+ export HTTPS_PROXY="http://$proxy"
+ export http_proxy="http://$proxy"
+ export https_proxy="http://$proxy"
+ ;;
+ 2) critical_error "Invalid Proxy server Error: '2' - nslookup can not resolve host";;
+ 3) critical_error "Invalid Proxy server Error: '3' - nc (netcat) can not connect";;
+ 4) critical_error "Invalid Proxy server Error: '4' - Forced IP Version don't matched";;
+ 5) critical_error "Invalid Proxy server Error: '5' - proxy port missing";;
+ *) critical_error "Invalid Proxy server Error: '1' - unspecific error";;
+ esac
+# let's check if there is already an IP registered at the web
+# but ignore errors if not
+verbose_echo "******* DETECT =: Registered IP"
+get_registered_ip REGISTERED_IP
+# loop endlessly, checking ip every check_interval and forcing an updating once every force_interval
+# NEW: ### Luci Ticket 538
+# a "force_interval" of "0" will run this script only once
+# the update is only done once when an interface goes up
+# or you run /etc/init.d/ddns start or you can use a cron job
+# it will force an update without check when lastupdate happen
+# but it will verify after "check_interval" if update is seen in the web
+# and retries on error retry_count times
+# CHANGES: ### Ticket 16363
+# modified nslookup / sed / grep to detect registered ip
+# NEW: ### Ticket 7820
+# modified nslookup to support non standard dns_server (needs to be defined in /etc/config/ddns)
+# support for BIND host command.
+# Wait for interface to fully come up, before the first update is done
+verbose_echo "*** START LOOP =: $(eval $DATE_PROG)"
+# we run NOT once
+[ $FORCE_SECONDS -gt 0 -o $VERBOSE_MODE -le 1 ] && syslog_info "Starting main loop"
+while : ; do
+ # read local IP
+ verbose_echo "******* DETECT =: Local IP"
+ get_local_ip LOCAL_IP
+ ERR_LAST=$? # save return value
+ # Error in function
+ [ $ERR_LAST -gt 0 ] && {
+ if [ $VERBOSE_MODE -le 1 ]; then # VERBOSE_MODE <= 1 then retry
+ # we can't read local IP
+ [ $ERR_LOCAL_IP -gt $retry_count ] && critical_error "Can not detect local IP"
+ verbose_echo "\n!!!!!!!!! ERROR =: detecting local IP - retry $ERR_LOCAL_IP/$retry_count in $RETRY_SECONDS seconds\n"
+ syslog_err "Error detecting local IP - retry $ERR_LOCAL_IP/$retry_count in $RETRY_SECONDS seconds"
+ continue # jump back to the beginning of while loop
+ else
+ verbose_echo "\n!!!!!!!!! ERROR =: detecting local IP - NO retry\n"
+ fi
+ }
+ ERR_LOCAL_IP=0 # reset err counter
+ # prepare update
+ # never updated or forced immediate then NEXT_TIME = 0
+ [ $FORCE_SECONDS -eq 0 -o $LAST_TIME -eq 0 ] \
+ && NEXT_TIME=0 \
+ # get current uptime
+ get_uptime CURR_TIME
+ # send update when current time > next time or local ip different from registered ip (as loop on error)
+ while [ $CURR_TIME -ge $NEXT_TIME -o "$LOCAL_IP" != "$REGISTERED_IP" ]; do
+ if [ $VERBOSE_MODE -gt 2 ]; then
+ verbose_echo " VERBOSE MODE =: NO UPDATE send to DDNS provider"
+ elif [ "$LOCAL_IP" != "$REGISTERED_IP" ]; then
+ verbose_echo "******* UPDATE =: LOCAL: '$LOCAL_IP' <=> REGISTERED: '$REGISTERED_IP'"
+ else
+ verbose_echo "******* FORCED =: LOCAL: '$LOCAL_IP' == REGISTERED: '$REGISTERED_IP'"
+ fi
+ # only send if VERBOSE_MODE < 3
+ [ $VERBOSE_MODE -lt 3 ] && {
+ send_update "$LOCAL_IP"
+ ERR_LAST=$? # save return value
+ }
+ # Error in function
+ if [ $ERR_LAST -gt 0 ]; then
+ if [ $VERBOSE_MODE -le 1 ]; then # VERBOSE_MODE <=1 then retry
+ # error sending local IP
+ ERR_SEND=$(( $ERR_SEND + 1 ))
+ [ $ERR_SEND -gt $retry_count ] && critical_error "can not send update to DDNS Provider"
+ verbose_echo "\n!!!!!!!!! ERROR =: sending update - retry $ERR_SEND/$retry_count in $RETRY_SECONDS seconds\n"
+ syslog_err "Error sending update - retry $ERR_SEND/$retry_count in $RETRY_SECONDS seconds"
+ continue # re-loop
+ else
+ verbose_echo "\n!!!!!!!!! ERROR =: sending update to DDNS service - NO retry\n"
+ break
- done
- final_url=$(echo $final_url | sed s^"\[HTTPAUTH\]"^"${username//^/\\^}${password:+:${password//^/\\^}}"^g )
- final_url=$(echo $final_url | sed s/"\[IP\]"/"$current_ip"/g )
- verbose_echo "updating with url=\"$final_url\""
- #here we actually connect, and perform the update
- update_output=$( $retrieve_prog "$final_url" )
- if [ $? -gt 0 ]
- then
- syslog_echo "update failed, retrying in $retry_interval_seconds seconds"
- verbose_echo "update failed"
- sleep $retry_interval_seconds
- continue
+ else
+ # we send data so save "last time"
+ get_uptime LAST_TIME
+ echo $LAST_TIME > $UPDFILE # save LASTTIME to file
+ [ "$LOCAL_IP" != "$REGISTERED_IP" ] \
+ && syslog_notice "Changed IP: '$LOCAL_IP' successfully send" \
+ || syslog_notice "Forced Update: IP: '$LOCAL_IP' successfully send"
+ break # leave while
- syslog_echo "Update successful"
- verbose_echo "Update Output:"
- verbose_echo "$update_output"
- verbose_echo ""
- #save the time of the update
- current_time=$(monotonic_time)
- last_update=$current_time
- time_since_update='0'
- registered_ip=$current_ip
- human_time=$(date)
- verbose_echo "update complete, time is: $human_time"
+ done
- echo "$last_update" > "/var/run/dynamic_dns/$service_id.update"
- else
- human_time=$(date)
- human_time_since_update=$(( $time_since_update / ( 60 * 60 ) ))
- verbose_echo "update unnecessary"
- verbose_echo "time since last update = $human_time_since_update hours"
- verbose_echo "the time is now $human_time"
- fi
+ # now we wait for check interval before testing if update was recognized
+ # only sleep if VERBOSE_MODE <= 2 because nothing send so do not wait
+ [ $VERBOSE_MODE -le 2 ] && {
+ verbose_echo "****** WAITING =: $CHECK_SECONDS seconds (Check Interval) before continue"
+ } || verbose_echo " VERBOSE MODE =: NO WAITING for Check Interval\n"
+ # read at DDNS service registered IP (in loop on error)
+ while : ; do
+ verbose_echo "******* DETECT =: Registered IP"
+ get_registered_ip REGISTERED_IP
+ ERR_LAST=$? # save return value
+ # No Error in function we leave while loop
+ [ $ERR_LAST -eq 0 ] && break
+ # we can't read Registered IP
+ if [ $VERBOSE_MODE -le 1 ]; then # VERBOSE_MODE <=1 then retry
+ ERR_REG_IP=$(( $ERR_REG_IP + 1 ))
+ [ $ERR_REG_IP -gt $retry_count ] && critical_error "can not detect registered local IP"
+ verbose_echo "\n!!!!!!!!! ERROR =: detecting Registered IP - retry $ERR_REG_IP/$retry_count in $RETRY_SECONDS seconds\n"
+ syslog_err "Error detecting Registered IP - retry $ERR_REG_IP/$retry_count in $RETRY_SECONDS seconds"
+ else
+ verbose_echo "\n!!!!!!!!! ERROR =: detecting Registered IP - NO retry\n"
+ break # leave while loop
+ fi
+ done
- #sleep for 10 minutes, then re-check ip && time since last update
- sleep $check_interval_seconds
+ # IP's are still different
+ if [ "$LOCAL_IP" != "$REGISTERED_IP" ]; then
+ if [ $VERBOSE_MODE -le 1 ]; then # VERBOSE_MODE <=1 then retry
+ [ $ERR_UPDATE -gt $retry_count ] && critical_error "Registered IP <> Local IP - LocalIP: '$LOCAL_IP' - RegisteredIP: '$REGISTERED_IP'"
+ verbose_echo "\n!!!!!!!!! ERROR =: Registered IP <> Local IP - starting retry $ERR_UPDATE/$retry_count\n"
+ syslog_warn "Warning: Registered IP <> Local IP - starting retry $ERR_UPDATE/$retry_count"
+ continue # loop to beginning
+ else
+ verbose_echo "\n!!!!!!!!! ERROR =: Registered IP <> Local IP - LocalIP: '$LOCAL_IP' - RegisteredIP: '$REGISTERED_IP' - NO retry\n"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # we checked successful the last update
+ ERR_UPDATE=0 # reset error counter
+ # force_update=0 or VERBOSE_MODE > 1 - leave the main loop
+ [ $FORCE_SECONDS -eq 0 -o $VERBOSE_MODE -gt 1 ] && {
+ verbose_echo "****** LEAVING =: $(eval $DATE_PROG)"
+ syslog_info "Leaving"
+ break
+ }
+ verbose_echo "********* LOOP =: $(eval $DATE_PROG)"
+ syslog_info "Rerun IP check"
-#should never get here since we're a daemon, but I'll throw it in anyway
-return 0
+verbose_echo "****** STOPPED =: PID '$$' at $(eval $DATE_PROG)\n"
+syslog_info "Done"
+exit 0