* fix a processing race condition
* it's now possible to disable the icmp/syn/udp safeguards in pre-routing - set the threshold to '0'.
Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <dev@brenken.org>
(cherry picked from commit
PKG_MAINTAINER:=Dirk Brenken <dev@brenken.org>
| ban_logreadfile | option | /var/log/messages | alternative location for parsing the log file, e.g. via syslog-ng, to deactivate the standard parsing via logread |
| ban_autodetect | option | 1 | auto-detect wan interfaces, devices and subnets |
| ban_debug | option | 0 | enable banIP related debug logging |
-| ban_icmplimit | option | 10 | treshold in number of packets to detect icmp DDoS in prerouting chain |
-| ban_synlimit | option | 10 | treshold in number of packets to detect syn DDoS in prerouting chain |
-| ban_udplimit | option | 100 | treshold in number of packets to detect udp DDoS in prerouting chain |
+| ban_icmplimit | option | 10 | threshold in number of packets to detect icmp DDoS in prerouting chain. A value of '0' disables this safeguard |
+| ban_synlimit | option | 10 | threshold in number of packets to detect syn DDoS in prerouting chain. A value of '0' disables this safeguard |
+| ban_udplimit | option | 100 | threshold in number of packets to detect udp DDoS in prerouting chain. A value of '0' disables this safeguard |
| ban_logprerouting | option | 0 | log supsicious packets in the prerouting chain |
| ban_loginput | option | 0 | log supsicious packets in the wan-input chain |
| ban_logforwardwan | option | 0 | log supsicious packets in the wan-forward chain |
printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP pre-routing iifname != { ${wan_dev} } counter accept"
printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP pre-routing ct state invalid ${log_ct} counter name cnt-ctinvalid drop"
- printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP pre-routing ip protocol icmp limit rate over ${ban_icmplimit}/second ${log_icmp} counter name cnt-icmpflood drop"
- printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP pre-routing ip6 nexthdr icmpv6 limit rate over ${ban_icmplimit}/second ${log_icmp} counter name cnt-icmpflood drop"
- printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP pre-routing meta l4proto udp ct state new limit rate over ${ban_udplimit}/second ${log_udp} counter name cnt-udpflood drop"
- printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP pre-routing tcp flags & (fin|syn|rst|ack) == syn limit rate over ${ban_synlimit}/second ${log_syn} counter name cnt-synflood drop"
+ if [ "${ban_icmplimit}" -gt "0" ]; then
+ printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP pre-routing ip protocol icmp limit rate over ${ban_icmplimit}/second ${log_icmp} counter name cnt-icmpflood drop"
+ printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP pre-routing ip6 nexthdr icmpv6 limit rate over ${ban_icmplimit}/second ${log_icmp} counter name cnt-icmpflood drop"
+ fi
+ [ "${ban_udplimit}" -gt "0" ] && printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP pre-routing meta l4proto udp ct state new limit rate over ${ban_udplimit}/second ${log_udp} counter name cnt-udpflood drop"
+ [ "${ban_synlimit}" -gt "0" ] && printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP pre-routing tcp flags & (fin|syn|rst|ack) == syn limit rate over ${ban_synlimit}/second ${log_syn} counter name cnt-synflood drop"
printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP pre-routing tcp flags & (fin|syn) == (fin|syn) ${log_tcp} counter name cnt-tcpinvalid drop"
printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP pre-routing tcp flags & (syn|rst) == (syn|rst) ${log_tcp} counter name cnt-tcpinvalid drop"
printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP pre-routing tcp flags & (fin|syn|rst|psh|ack|urg) < (fin) ${log_tcp} counter name cnt-tcpinvalid drop"
# end processing
-if [ "${ban_mailnotification}" = "1" ] && [ -n "${ban_mailreceiver}" ] && [ -x "${ban_mailcmd}" ]; then
- (
- sleep 5
+ sleep 5
+ if [ "${ban_mailnotification}" = "1" ] && [ -n "${ban_mailreceiver}" ] && [ -x "${ban_mailcmd}" ]; then
- ) &
-rm -rf "${ban_lock}"
+ fi
+ json_cleanup
+ rm -rf "${ban_lock}"
+) &
# start detached log service (infinite loop)