include $(TOPDIR)/
TITLE:=iTunes (DAAP) server for Apple Remote and AirPlay
DEPENDS:=+libgpg-error +libgcrypt +libgdbm +zlib +libexpat +libunistring \
- +libevent2 +libdaemon +libantlr3c +confuse +alsa-lib +libffmpeg-full \
+ +libevent2 +libdaemon +confuse +alsa-lib +libffmpeg-full \
+mxml +libavahi-client +sqlite3-cli +libplist +libcurl +libjson-c \
+libprotobuf-c +libgnutls +libsodium +libwebsockets +libuuid $(ICONV_DEPENDS)
define Package/owntone/description
OwnTone is a Linux/FreeBSD DAAP (iTunes), MPD (Music Player Daemon) and
RSP (Roku) media server. It has support for AirPlay speakers, Chromecast,
- Apple Remote (and compatibles), MPD clients, internet radio and LastFM. It
- does not support AirPlay/Chromecast video.
+ Apple Remote (and compatibles), MPD clients, Spotify, internet radio and
+ LastFM. It does not support AirPlay/Chromecast video.
define Package/owntone/conffiles
$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/owntone/* $(1)/usr/lib/owntone/
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/init.d
$(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/owntone.init $(1)/etc/init.d/owntone
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/share/owntone
+ $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/share/owntone/htdocs $(1)/usr/share/owntone
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,owntone))
# playlist directory. OwnTone creates new playlists in this directory if only
# a playlist name is provided (requires "allow_modify_stored_playlists" set to true).
# default_playlist_directory = ""
+ # By default OwnTone will - like iTunes - clear the playqueue if
+ # playback stops. Setting clear_queue_on_stop_disable to true will keep
+ # the playlist like MPD does. Note that some dacp clients do not show
+ # the playqueue if playback is stopped.
+# clear_queue_on_stop_disable = false
# Local audio output
# Spotify settings (only have effect if Spotify enabled - see README/INSTALL)
spotify {
- # The server can stream from Spotify using either its own implementation
- # or using Spotify's libspotify (which was deprecated many years ago)
-# use_libspotify = false
- # Directory where user settings should be stored (credentials)
- # (only has effect with libspotify)
-# settings_dir = "/var/cache/owntone/libspotify"
- # Cache directory
- # (only has effect with libspotify)
-# cache_dir = "/tmp"
# Set preferred bitrate for music streaming
# 0: No preference (default), 1: 96kbps, 2: 160kbps, 3: 320kbps
# bitrate = 0
# album_override = false
+# RCP/Roku Soundbridge output settings
+# (make sure you get the capitalization of the device name right)
+#rcp "My SoundBridge device" {
+ # Enable this option to exclude a particular device from the speaker
+ # list
+# exclude = false
+ # A Roku/SoundBridge can power up in 2 modes: (default) reconnect to the
+ # previously used library (ie OwnTone) or in a 'cleared library' mode.
+ # The Roku power up behaviour is affected by how OwnTone disconnects
+ # from the Roku device.
+ #
+ # Set to false to maintain default Roku power on behaviour
+# clear_on_close = false
# MPD configuration (only have effect if MPD enabled - see README/INSTALL)
mpd {
# TCP port to listen on for MPD client requests.
# clients and will need additional configuration in the MPD client to
# work). Set to 0 to disable serving artwork over http.
# http_port = 0
- # By default OwnTone will - like iTunes - clear the playqueue if
- # playback stops. Setting clear_queue_on_stop_disable to true will keep
- # the playlist like MPD does. Note that some dacp clients do not show
- # the playqueue if playback is stopped.
-# clear_queue_on_stop_disable = false
# SQLite configuration (allows to modify the operation of the SQLite databases)