From: Nicolas Thill <>
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 13:04:01 +0000 (+0000)
Subject: apache: remove apache-server and move all server stuff in apache (closes: #5024)

apache: remove apache-server and move all server stuff in apache (closes: #5024)

SVN-Revision: 15483

diff --git a/net/apache/Makefile b/net/apache/Makefile
index f65154f1e..140472d5b 100644
--- a/net/apache/Makefile
+++ b/net/apache/Makefile
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2007-2008
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2009
 # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
 # See /LICENSE for more information.
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ include $(TOPDIR)/
@@ -30,37 +30,34 @@ define Package/apache/Default
+define Package/apache/Default/description
+ The Apache Web Server is a powerful and flexible HTTP/1.1 compliant
+ web server.  Originally designed as a replacement for the NCSA HTTP
+ Server, it has grown to be the most popular web server on the Internet.
 define Package/apache
-  $(call Package/apache/Default)
-  MENU=1
+$(call Package/apache/Default)
   DEPENDS:=+libapr +libaprutil +zlib +libexpat +libpcre +libopenssl +libsqlite3
 define Package/apache/description
-	The Apache Web Server is a powerful and flexible HTTP/1.1 compliant
-	web server.  Originally designed as a replacement for the NCSA HTTP
-	Server, it has grown to be the most popular web server on the Internet.
-define Package/apache-server
-  $(call Package/apache/Default)
-  TITLE:=The Apache Web Server and some tools
-  DEPENDS:=apache
-define Package/apache-server/description
-	Take care that you don't include apache at the moment into your image
-	please select it only as module because busybox will override
-	/usr/sbin/httpd. It'll be solved soon. If you need to include this
-	package in the image anyway, remove httpd from busybox
-	(Base system --> Configuration --> Networking Utilities --> httpd).
-	Also you should take care for the initscripts, apache's httpd isn't
-	compatible with the one from busybox, so if you want to use apache
-	for running your webif, you'll need to change the parameters in the
-	scripts and configure the rest in /etc/httpd.conf.
+$(call Package/apache/Default/description)
+ .
+ This package contains the Apache web server and utility programs.
+ .
+ Take care that you don't include apache at the moment into your image
+ please select it only as module because busybox will override
+ /usr/sbin/httpd. It'll be solved soon. If you need to include this
+ package in the image anyway, remove httpd from busybox
+ (Base system --> Configuration --> Networking Utilities --> httpd).
+ Also you should take care for the initscripts, apache's httpd isn't
+ compatible with the one from busybox, so if you want to use apache
+ for running your webif, you'll need to change the parameters in the
+ scripts and configure the rest in /etc/httpd.conf.
-define Package/apache-server/conffiles
+define Package/apache/conffiles
@@ -78,14 +75,15 @@ define Package/apache-server/conffiles
 define Package/apache-icons
-  $(call Package/apache/Default)
+$(call Package/apache/Default)
   TITLE:=Icons from Apache
 define Package/apache-icons/description
-  $(call Package/apache/description)
-  This package contains the icons from Apache.
+$(call Package/apache/Default/description)
+ .
+ This package contains the icons from Apache.
 define Build/Configure	
@@ -133,13 +131,13 @@ define Build/InstallDev
-define Package/apache-server/preinst
+define Package/apache/preinst
 	rm /usr/sbin/httpd
 	echo -e "You should take a look in the initscripts, busybox's httpd \n\
 	uses some parameters which are maybe unsupported by apache."
-define Package/apache-server/install
+define Package/apache/install
 	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/sbin
 	# we don't need apxs on the router, it's just for building apache modules.  
 	$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/sbin/{ab,apachectl,checkgid,dbmmanage,envvars,envvars-std,htcacheclean,htdbm,htdigest,htpasswd,httpd,httxt2dbm,logresolve,rotatelogs} $(1)/usr/sbin/
@@ -152,7 +150,7 @@ define Package/apache-server/install
 	$(CP) ./files/etc/apache/httpd.conf $(1)/etc/apache/
-define Package/apache-server/postrm
+define Package/apache/postrm
 	rm -rf /usr/sbin/httpd
 	ln -s /bin/busybox /usr/sbin/httpd
 	echo -e "You may need to change your initscripts back for the use \n\
@@ -165,5 +163,4 @@ define Package/apache-icons/install
 $(eval $(call BuildPackage,apache))
-$(eval $(call BuildPackage,apache-server))
 $(eval $(call BuildPackage,apache-icons))