From: John Crispin <>
Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2013 09:01:38 +0000 (+0000)
Subject: lantiq: move dsl tools to package/network/config

lantiq: move dsl tools to package/network/config

Signed-off-by: John Crispin <>

SVN-Revision: 37198

diff --git a/package/kernel/lantiq/ltq-adsl-app/ b/package/kernel/lantiq/ltq-adsl-app/
deleted file mode 100644
index 728fe65b31..0000000000
--- a/package/kernel/lantiq/ltq-adsl-app/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-	bool "Enable SOAP support"
-	depends on PACKAGE_ltq-dsl-app
-	default n
-	bool "Include Event Polling support"
-	depends on PACKAGE_ltq-dsl-app
-	default n
diff --git a/package/kernel/lantiq/ltq-adsl-app/Makefile b/package/kernel/lantiq/ltq-adsl-app/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 92445e5580..0000000000
--- a/package/kernel/lantiq/ltq-adsl-app/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2011-2012
-# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
-# See /LICENSE for more information.
-include $(TOPDIR)/
-include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/
-PKG_MAINTAINER:=John Crispin <>
-PKG_BUILD_DEPENDS:=TARGET_lantiq_xway:kmod-ltq-adsl-danube TARGET_lantiq_ase:kmod-ltq-adsl-ase
-include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/
-define Package/ltq-adsl-app
-  SECTION:=net
-  CATEGORY:=Network
-  TITLE:=Lantiq DSL userland tool
-  URL:=
-  DEPENDS:=@(TARGET_lantiq_xway||TARGET_lantiq_ase) +libpthread
-  MENU:=1
-define Package/ltq-adsl-app/description
-	Infineon DSL CPE API for Amazon SE, Danube and Vinax.
-define Package/ltq-adsl-app/config
-	source "$(SOURCE)/"
-	--with-max-device="$(LTQ_DSL_MAX_DEVICE)" \
-	--with-lines-per-device="$(LTQ_DSL_LINES_PER_DEVICE)" \
-	--with-channels-per-line="$(LTQ_DSL_CHANNELS_PER_LINE)" \
-	--enable-danube \
-	--enable-driver-include="-I$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include/adsl/" \
-	--enable-debug-prints \
-	--enable-add-appl-cflags="-DMAX_CLI_PIPES=2" \
-	--enable-cli-support \
-	--enable-cmv-scripts \
-	--enable-debug-tool-interface \
-	--enable-adsl-led \
-	--enable-dsl-ceoc \
-	--enable-script-notification \
-	--enable-dsl-pm \
-	--enable-dsl-pm-total \
-	--enable-dsl-pm-history \
-	--enable-dsl-pm-showtime \
-	--enable-dsl-pm-channel-counters \
-	--enable-dsl-pm-datapath-counters \
-	--enable-dsl-pm-line-counters \
-	--enable-dsl-pm-channel-thresholds \
-	--enable-dsl-pm-datapath-thresholds \
-	--enable-dsl-pm-line-thresholds \
-	--enable-dsl-pm-optional-parameters
-	--enable-soap-support
-	--enable-dsl-event-polling
-define Package/ltq-adsl-app/install
-	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/init.d
-	$(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/dsl_control $(1)/etc/init.d/
-	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/sbin
-	$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/src/dsl_cpe_control $(1)/sbin
-	$(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/ $(1)/sbin
-$(eval $(call BuildPackage,ltq-adsl-app))
diff --git a/package/kernel/lantiq/ltq-adsl-app/files/dsl_control b/package/kernel/lantiq/ltq-adsl-app/files/dsl_control
deleted file mode 100644
index e8a286f2bb..0000000000
--- a/package/kernel/lantiq/ltq-adsl-app/files/dsl_control
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
-# Copyright (C) 2012
-EXTRA_COMMANDS="status lucistat"
-EXTRA_HELP="	status  Get DSL status information
-	lucistat  Get status information if lua friendly format"
-# Basic functions to send CLI commands to the dsl_cpe_control daemon
-dsl_cmd() {
-	killall -0 dsl_cpe_control && (
-		echo "$@" > /tmp/pipe/dsl_cpe0_cmd
-		cat /tmp/pipe/dsl_cpe0_ack
-	)
-dsl_val() {
-	echo $(expr "$1" : '.*'$2'=\([-\.[:alnum:]]*\).*')
-# Simple divide by 10 routine to cope with one decimal place
-dbt() {
-	local a=$(expr $1 / 10)
-	local b=$(expr $1 % 10)
-	echo "${a}.${b}"
-# Take a number and convert to k or meg
-scale() {
-	local val=$1
-	local a
-	local b
-	if [ "$val" -gt 1000000 ]; then
-		a=$(expr $val / 1000)
-		b=$(expr $a % 1000)
-		a=$(expr $a / 1000)
-		printf "%d.%03d Mb" ${a} ${b}
-	elif [ "$val" -gt 1000 ]; then
-		a=$(expr $val / 1000)
-		printf "%d Kb" ${a}
-	else
-		echo "${val} b"
-	fi
-# Read the data rates for both directions
-data_rates() {
-	local csg
-	local dru
-	local drd
-	local sdru
-	local sdrd
-	csg=$(dsl_cmd g997csg 0 1)
-	drd=$(dsl_val "$csg" ActualDataRate)
-	csg=$(dsl_cmd g997csg 0 0)
-	dru=$(dsl_val "$csg" ActualDataRate)
-	[ -z "$drd" ] && drd=0
-	[ -z "$dru" ] && dru=0
-	sdrd=$(scale $drd)
-	sdru=$(scale $dru)
-	if [ "$action" = "lucistat" ]; then
-		echo "dsl.data_rate_down=$drd"
-		echo "dsl.data_rate_up=$dru"
-		echo "dsl.data_rate_down_s=\"$sdrd\""
-		echo "dsl.data_rate_up_s=\"$sdru\""
-	else
-		echo "Data Rate:		${sdrd}/s / ${sdru}/s"
-	fi
-# Chipset
-chipset() {
-	local vig
-	local cs
-	local csv
-	vig=$(dsl_cmd vig)
-	cs=$(dsl_val "$vig" DSL_ChipSetType)
-	csv=$(dsl_val "$vig" DSL_ChipSetHWVersion)
-	if [ "$action" = "lucistat" ]; then
-		echo "dsl.chipset=\"${cs} ${csv}\""
-	else
-		echo "Chipset:		${cs} ${csv}"
-	fi
-# Work out how long the line has been up
-line_uptime() {
-	local ccsg
-	local et
-	local etr
-	local d
-	local h
-	local m
-	local s
-	local rc=""
-	ccsg=$(dsl_cmd pmccsg 0 0 0)
-	et=$(dsl_val "$ccsg" nElapsedTime)
-	[ -z "$et" ] && et=0
-	if [ "$action" = "lucistat" ]; then
-		echo "dsl.line_uptime=${et}"
-		return
-	fi
-	d=$(expr $et / 86400)
-	etr=$(expr $et % 86400)
-	h=$(expr $etr / 3600)
-	etr=$(expr $etr % 3600)
-	m=$(expr $etr / 60)
-	s=$(expr $etr % 60)
-	[ "${d}${h}${m}${s}" -ne 0 ] && rc="${s}s"
-	[ "${d}${h}${m}" -ne 0 ] && rc="${m}m ${rc}"
-	[ "${d}${h}" -ne 0 ] && rc="${h}h ${rc}"
-	[ "${d}" -ne 0 ] && rc="${d}d ${rc}"
-	[ -z "$rc" ] && rc="down"
-	echo "Line Uptime:		${rc}"
-# Get noise and attenuation figures
-line_data() {
-	local lsg
-	local latnu
-	local latnd
-	local snru
-	local snrd
-	lsg=$(dsl_cmd g997lsg 1 1)
-	latnd=$(dsl_val "$lsg" LATN)
-	snrd=$(dsl_val "$lsg" SNR)
-	lsg=$(dsl_cmd g997lsg 0 1)
-	latnu=$(dsl_val "$lsg" LATN)
-	snru=$(dsl_val "$lsg" SNR)
-	[ -z "$latnd" ] && latnd=0
-	[ -z "$latnu" ] && latnu=0
-	[ -z "$snrd" ] && snrd=0
-	[ -z "$snru" ] && snru=0
-	latnd=$(dbt $latnd)
-	latnu=$(dbt $latnu)
-	snrd=$(dbt $snrd)
-	snru=$(dbt $snru)
-	if [ "$action" = "lucistat" ]; then
-		echo "dsl.line_attenuation_down=$latnd"
-		echo "dsl.line_attenuation_up=$latnu"
-		echo "dsl.noise_margin_down=$snrd"
-		echo "dsl.noise_margin_up=$snru"
-	else
-		echo "Line Attenuation:	${latnd}dB / ${latnu}dB"
-		echo "Noise Margin:		${snrd}dB / ${snru}dB"
-	fi
-# Is the line up? Or what state is it in?
-line_state() {
-	local lsg=$(dsl_cmd lsg)
-	local ls=$(dsl_val "$lsg" nLineState);
-	local s;
-	case "$ls" in
-		"0x0")		s="not initialized" ;;
-		"0x1")		s="exception" ;;
-		"0x10")		s="not updated" ;;
-		"0xff")		s="idle request" ;;
-		"0x100")	s="idle" ;;
-		"0x1ff")	s="silent request" ;;
-		"0x200")	s="silent" ;;
-		"0x300")	s="handshake" ;;
-		"0x380")	s="full_init" ;;
-		"0x400")	s="discovery" ;;
-		"0x500")	s="training" ;;
-		"0x600")	s="analysis" ;;
-		"0x700")	s="exchange" ;;
-		"0x800")	s="showtime_no_sync" ;;
-		"0x801")	s="showtime_tc_sync" ;;
-		"0x900")	s="fastretrain" ;;
-		"0xa00")	s="lowpower_l2" ;;
-		"0xb00")	s="loopdiagnostic active" ;;
-		"0xb10")	s="loopdiagnostic data exchange" ;;
-		"0xb20")	s="loopdiagnostic data request" ;;
-		"0xc00")	s="loopdiagnostic complete" ;;
-		"0x1000000")	s="test" ;;
-		"0xd00")	s="resync" ;;
-		"0x3c0")	s="short init entry" ;;
-		"")		s="not running daemon"; ls="0xfff" ;;
-		*)		s="unknown" ;;
-	esac
-	if [ $action = "lucistat" ]; then
-		echo "dsl.line_state_num=$ls"
-		echo "dsl.line_state_detail=\"$s\""
-		if [ "$ls" = "0x801" ]; then
-			echo "dsl.line_state=\"UP\""
-		else
-			echo "dsl.line_state=\"DOWN\""
-		fi
-	else
-		if [ "$ls" = "0x801" ]; then
-			echo "Line State:		UP [$ls: $s]"
-		else
-			echo "Line State:		DOWN [$ls: $s]"
-		fi
-	fi
-# Main status routine
-status() {
-	chipset
-	line_state
-	data_rates
-	line_data
-	line_uptime
-# Luci (lua) compatible version that's easy to parse
-lucistat() {
-	echo "local dsl={}"
-	status
-	echo "return dsl"
-# Simple start routine
-start() {
-	local annex
-	local firmware
-	local xtu
-	config_load network
-	config_get annex wan annex
-	config_get firmware wan firmware
-	# get xtu
-	eval "xtu=\"\${annex_$annex}\""
-	# check for firmware
-	[ -z "${firmware}" ] &&
-		firmware=adsl.bin
-	# start CPE dsl daemon in the background
-	service_start /sbin/dsl_cpe_control -i${xtu} \
-			-n /sbin/ \
-			-f /lib/firmware/${firmware}
-# For stop we want to simulate the notification call for when
-# the line goes down, so that we can stop the ppp link before
-# we die.
-stop() {
-		/sbin/
-	service_stop /sbin/dsl_cpe_control
diff --git a/package/kernel/lantiq/ltq-adsl-app/files/ b/package/kernel/lantiq/ltq-adsl-app/files/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e9f3964e8..0000000000
--- a/package/kernel/lantiq/ltq-adsl-app/files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# This script is called by dsl_cpe_control whenever there is a DSL event,
-# we only actually care about the DSL_INTERFACE_STATUS events as these
-# tell us the line has either come up or gone down.
-# The rest of the code is basically the same at the atm hotplug code
-. /lib/
-include /lib/network
-local found=0
-local ifc
-for ifc in $interfaces; do
-	local up
-	config_get_bool up "$ifc" up 0
-	local auto
-	config_get_bool auto "$ifc" auto 1
-	local proto
-	config_get proto "$ifc" proto
-	if [ "$DSL_INTERFACE_STATUS" = "UP" ]; then
-		if [ "$proto" = "pppoa" ] && [ "$up" != 1 ] && [ "$auto" = 1 ]; then
-			found=1
-			( sleep 1; ifup "$ifc" ) &
-		fi
-	else
-		if [ "$proto" = "pppoa" ] && [ "$up" = 1 ] && [ "$auto" = 1 ]; then
-			found=1
-			( sleep 1; ifdown "$ifc" ) &
-		fi
-	fi
-if [ "$found" != 1 ]; then
-	logger "Found no matching interface for DSL notification ($DSL_INTERFACE_STATUS)"
diff --git a/package/kernel/lantiq/ltq-vdsl-app/Makefile b/package/kernel/lantiq/ltq-vdsl-app/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 3de29d5205..0000000000
--- a/package/kernel/lantiq/ltq-vdsl-app/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2010
-# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
-# See /LICENSE for more information.
-include $(TOPDIR)/
-include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/
-include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/
-define Package/ltq-vdsl-app
-  SECTION:=net
-  CATEGORY:=Network
-  TITLE:=Lantiq VDSL userland tool
-  URL:=
-  DEPENDS:=@TARGET_lantiq_xway +libpthread
-define Package/ltq-vdsl-app/description
-  Userland tool needed to control Lantiq VDSL CPE
-	--with-max-device="1" \
-	--with-lines-per-device="1" \
-	--with-channels-per-line="1" \
-	--enable-vrx \
-	--enable-driver-include="-I$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include/drv_vdsl_cpe_api" \
-	--enable-device-driver-include="-I$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include/vdsl/" \
-	--enable-add-appl-cflags="-DMAX_CLI_PIPES=2" \
-	--enable-ifxos \
-	--enable-ifxos-include="-I$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include/ifxos" \
-	--enable-ifxos-library="-I$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib" \
-	--enable-dsl-ceoc \
-	--enable-dsl-pm-total \
-	--enable-dsl-pm-showtime \
-	--enable-dsl-pm-line-counters \
-	--enable-dsl-pm-line-failure-counters \
-	--enable-dsl-pm-datapath-counters \
-	--enable-dsl-pm-datapath-failure-counters \
-	--enable-deprecated \
-	--disable-soap-support \
-	--enable-dsl-bonding=no \
-	--disable-dti
-ifeq ($(CONFIG_IFX_CLI),y)
-	--enable-cli-support
-CONFIGURE_ARGS += --enable-model=full
-#CONFIGURE_ARGS += --enable-model=lite
-#CONFIGURE_ARGS += --enable-model=footprint
-#CONFIGURE_ARGS += --enable-model=typical
-#CONFIGURE_ARGS += --enable-model=debug
-define Package/ltq-vdsl-app/install
-	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/init.d
-	$(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/dsl_control $(1)/etc/init.d/
-	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/sbin
-	$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/src/dsl_cpe_control $(1)/sbin/vdsl_cpe_control
-	$(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/ $(1)/sbin
-$(eval $(call BuildPackage,ltq-vdsl-app))
diff --git a/package/kernel/lantiq/ltq-vdsl-app/files/dsl_control b/package/kernel/lantiq/ltq-vdsl-app/files/dsl_control
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d7d32cb0b..0000000000
--- a/package/kernel/lantiq/ltq-vdsl-app/files/dsl_control
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
-# Copyright (C) 2012
-EXTRA_COMMANDS="status lucistat"
-EXTRA_HELP="	status  Get DSL status information
-	lucistat  Get status information if lua friendly format"
-# Basic functions to send CLI commands to the vdsl_cpe_control daemon
-dsl_cmd() {
-	killall -0 vdsl_cpe_control && (
-		echo "$@" > /tmp/pipe/dsl_cpe0_cmd
-		cat /tmp/pipe/dsl_cpe0_ack
-	)
-dsl_val() {
-	echo $(expr "$1" : '.*'$2'=\([-\.[:alnum:]]*\).*')
-# Simple divide by 10 routine to cope with one decimal place
-dbt() {
-	local a=$(expr $1 / 10)
-	local b=$(expr $1 % 10)
-	echo "${a}.${b}"
-# Take a number and convert to k or meg
-scale() {
-	local val=$1
-	local a
-	local b
-	if [ "$val" -gt 1000000 ]; then
-		a=$(expr $val / 1000)
-		b=$(expr $a % 1000)
-		a=$(expr $a / 1000)
-		printf "%d.%03d Mb" ${a} ${b}
-	elif [ "$val" -gt 1000 ]; then
-		a=$(expr $val / 1000)
-		printf "%d Kb" ${a}
-	else
-		echo "${val} b"
-	fi
-# Read the data rates for both directions
-data_rates() {
-	local csg
-	local dru
-	local drd
-	local sdru
-	local sdrd
-	csg=$(dsl_cmd g997csg 0 1)
-	drd=$(dsl_val "$csg" ActualDataRate)
-	csg=$(dsl_cmd g997csg 0 0)
-	dru=$(dsl_val "$csg" ActualDataRate)
-	[ -z "$drd" ] && drd=0
-	[ -z "$dru" ] && dru=0
-	sdrd=$(scale $drd)
-	sdru=$(scale $dru)
-	if [ "$action" = "lucistat" ]; then
-		echo "dsl.data_rate_down=$drd"
-		echo "dsl.data_rate_up=$dru"
-		echo "dsl.data_rate_down_s=\"$sdrd\""
-		echo "dsl.data_rate_up_s=\"$sdru\""
-	else
-		echo "Data Rate:		${sdrd}/s / ${sdru}/s"
-	fi
-# Chipset
-chipset() {
-	local vig
-	local cs
-	local csv
-	vig=$(dsl_cmd vig)
-	cs=$(dsl_val "$vig" DSL_ChipSetType)
-	csv=$(dsl_val "$vig" DSL_ChipSetHWVersion)
-	if [ "$action" = "lucistat" ]; then
-		echo "dsl.chipset=\"${cs} ${csv}\""
-	else
-		echo "Chipset:		${cs} ${csv}"
-	fi
-# Work out how long the line has been up
-line_uptime() {
-	local ccsg
-	local et
-	local etr
-	local d
-	local h
-	local m
-	local s
-	local rc=""
-	ccsg=$(dsl_cmd pmccsg 0 0 0)
-	et=$(dsl_val "$ccsg" nElapsedTime)
-	[ -z "$et" ] && et=0
-	if [ "$action" = "lucistat" ]; then
-		echo "dsl.line_uptime=${et}"
-		return
-	fi
-	d=$(expr $et / 86400)
-	etr=$(expr $et % 86400)
-	h=$(expr $etr / 3600)
-	etr=$(expr $etr % 3600)
-	m=$(expr $etr / 60)
-	s=$(expr $etr % 60)
-	[ "${d}${h}${m}${s}" -ne 0 ] && rc="${s}s"
-	[ "${d}${h}${m}" -ne 0 ] && rc="${m}m ${rc}"
-	[ "${d}${h}" -ne 0 ] && rc="${h}h ${rc}"
-	[ "${d}" -ne 0 ] && rc="${d}d ${rc}"
-	[ -z "$rc" ] && rc="down"
-	echo "Line Uptime:		${rc}"
-# Get noise and attenuation figures
-line_data() {
-	local lsg
-	local latnu
-	local latnd
-	local snru
-	local snrd
-	lsg=$(dsl_cmd g997lsg 1 1)
-	latnd=$(dsl_val "$lsg" LATN)
-	snrd=$(dsl_val "$lsg" SNR)
-	lsg=$(dsl_cmd g997lsg 0 1)
-	latnu=$(dsl_val "$lsg" LATN)
-	snru=$(dsl_val "$lsg" SNR)
-	[ -z "$latnd" ] && latnd=0
-	[ -z "$latnu" ] && latnu=0
-	[ -z "$snrd" ] && snrd=0
-	[ -z "$snru" ] && snru=0
-	latnd=$(dbt $latnd)
-	latnu=$(dbt $latnu)
-	snrd=$(dbt $snrd)
-	snru=$(dbt $snru)
-	if [ "$action" = "lucistat" ]; then
-		echo "dsl.line_attenuation_down=$latnd"
-		echo "dsl.line_attenuation_up=$latnu"
-		echo "dsl.noise_margin_down=$snrd"
-		echo "dsl.noise_margin_up=$snru"
-	else
-		echo "Line Attenuation:	${latnd}dB / ${latnu}dB"
-		echo "Noise Margin:		${snrd}dB / ${snru}dB"
-	fi
-# Is the line up? Or what state is it in?
-line_state() {
-	local lsg=$(dsl_cmd lsg)
-	local ls=$(dsl_val "$lsg" nLineState);
-	local s;
-	case "$ls" in
-		"0x0")		s="not initialized" ;;
-		"0x1")		s="exception" ;;
-		"0x10")		s="not updated" ;;
-		"0xff")		s="idle request" ;;
-		"0x100")	s="idle" ;;
-		"0x1ff")	s="silent request" ;;
-		"0x200")	s="silent" ;;
-		"0x300")	s="handshake" ;;
-		"0x380")	s="full_init" ;;
-		"0x400")	s="discovery" ;;
-		"0x500")	s="training" ;;
-		"0x600")	s="analysis" ;;
-		"0x700")	s="exchange" ;;
-		"0x800")	s="showtime_no_sync" ;;
-		"0x801")	s="showtime_tc_sync" ;;
-		"0x900")	s="fastretrain" ;;
-		"0xa00")	s="lowpower_l2" ;;
-		"0xb00")	s="loopdiagnostic active" ;;
-		"0xb10")	s="loopdiagnostic data exchange" ;;
-		"0xb20")	s="loopdiagnostic data request" ;;
-		"0xc00")	s="loopdiagnostic complete" ;;
-		"0x1000000")	s="test" ;;
-		"0xd00")	s="resync" ;;
-		"0x3c0")	s="short init entry" ;;
-		"")		s="not running daemon"; ls="0xfff" ;;
-		*)		s="unknown" ;;
-	esac
-	if [ $action = "lucistat" ]; then
-		echo "dsl.line_state_num=$ls"
-		echo "dsl.line_state_detail=\"$s\""
-		if [ "$ls" = "0x801" ]; then
-			echo "dsl.line_state=\"UP\""
-		else
-			echo "dsl.line_state=\"DOWN\""
-		fi
-	else
-		if [ "$ls" = "0x801" ]; then
-			echo "Line State:		UP [$ls: $s]"
-		else
-			echo "Line State:		DOWN [$ls: $s]"
-		fi
-	fi
-# Main status routine
-status() {
-	chipset
-	line_state
-	data_rates
-	line_data
-	line_uptime
-# Luci (lua) compatible version that's easy to parse
-lucistat() {
-	echo "local dsl={}"
-	status
-	echo "return dsl"
-# Simple start routine
-start() {
-	local annex
-	local firmware
-	local xtu
-	config_load network
-	config_get annex wan annex
-	config_get firmware wan firmware
-	# get xtu
-	eval "xtu=\"\${annex_$annex}\""
-	# check for firmware
-	[ -z "${firmware}" ] &&
-		firmware=vdsl.bin
-	# start CPE dsl daemon in the background
-	service_start /sbin/vdsl_cpe_control -i${xtu} \
-			-n /sbin/ \
-			-f /lib/firmware/${firmware}
-# For stop we want to simulate the notification call for when
-# the line goes down, so that we can stop the ppp link before
-# we die.
-stop() {
-		/sbin/
-	service_stop /sbin/vdsl_cpe_control
diff --git a/package/kernel/lantiq/ltq-vdsl-app/files/ b/package/kernel/lantiq/ltq-vdsl-app/files/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e9f3964e8..0000000000
--- a/package/kernel/lantiq/ltq-vdsl-app/files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# This script is called by dsl_cpe_control whenever there is a DSL event,
-# we only actually care about the DSL_INTERFACE_STATUS events as these
-# tell us the line has either come up or gone down.
-# The rest of the code is basically the same at the atm hotplug code
-. /lib/
-include /lib/network
-local found=0
-local ifc
-for ifc in $interfaces; do
-	local up
-	config_get_bool up "$ifc" up 0
-	local auto
-	config_get_bool auto "$ifc" auto 1
-	local proto
-	config_get proto "$ifc" proto
-	if [ "$DSL_INTERFACE_STATUS" = "UP" ]; then
-		if [ "$proto" = "pppoa" ] && [ "$up" != 1 ] && [ "$auto" = 1 ]; then
-			found=1
-			( sleep 1; ifup "$ifc" ) &
-		fi
-	else
-		if [ "$proto" = "pppoa" ] && [ "$up" = 1 ] && [ "$auto" = 1 ]; then
-			found=1
-			( sleep 1; ifdown "$ifc" ) &
-		fi
-	fi
-if [ "$found" != 1 ]; then
-	logger "Found no matching interface for DSL notification ($DSL_INTERFACE_STATUS)"
diff --git a/package/kernel/lantiq/ltq-vdsl-app/patches/100-compat.patch b/package/kernel/lantiq/ltq-vdsl-app/patches/100-compat.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index da56232437..0000000000
--- a/package/kernel/lantiq/ltq-vdsl-app/patches/100-compat.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-Index: dsl_cpe_control-4.11.4/src/dsl_cpe_init_cfg.c
---- dsl_cpe_control-4.11.4.orig/src/dsl_cpe_init_cfg.c	2011-10-26 00:35:26.000000000 +0200
-+++ dsl_cpe_control-4.11.4/src/dsl_cpe_init_cfg.c	2012-11-28 15:53:10.857692092 +0100
-@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
-    {
--      0x1E116000, 0x37, -1),
-+      0x1E116000, 0x3f, -1),
- #endif
-Index: dsl_cpe_control-4.11.4/src/dsl_cpe_control.c
---- dsl_cpe_control-4.11.4.orig/src/dsl_cpe_control.c	2012-01-13 15:15:34.000000000 +0100
-+++ dsl_cpe_control-4.11.4/src/dsl_cpe_control.c	2012-11-28 15:53:23.465692408 +0100
-@@ -6432,7 +6432,7 @@
-    for (nDevice = 0; nDevice < DSL_CPE_MAX_DEVICE_NUMBER; nDevice++)
-    {
--      sprintf (device, "%s/%d", DSL_CPE_DEVICE_NAME, nDevice);
-+      sprintf (device, "%s%d", DSL_CPE_DEVICE_NAME, nDevice);
- #else
-       sprintf (device, "%s", DSL_CPE_DEVICE_NAME);
- #endif /* defined(INCLUDE_DSL_CPE_API_VINAX) || defined(INCLUDE_DSL_CPE_API_VRX)*/
diff --git a/package/network/config/ltq-adsl-app/ b/package/network/config/ltq-adsl-app/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..728fe65b31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/config/ltq-adsl-app/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+	bool "Enable SOAP support"
+	depends on PACKAGE_ltq-dsl-app
+	default n
+	bool "Include Event Polling support"
+	depends on PACKAGE_ltq-dsl-app
+	default n
diff --git a/package/network/config/ltq-adsl-app/Makefile b/package/network/config/ltq-adsl-app/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..92445e5580
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/config/ltq-adsl-app/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011-2012
+# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
+# See /LICENSE for more information.
+include $(TOPDIR)/
+include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/
+PKG_MAINTAINER:=John Crispin <>
+PKG_BUILD_DEPENDS:=TARGET_lantiq_xway:kmod-ltq-adsl-danube TARGET_lantiq_ase:kmod-ltq-adsl-ase
+include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/
+define Package/ltq-adsl-app
+  SECTION:=net
+  CATEGORY:=Network
+  TITLE:=Lantiq DSL userland tool
+  URL:=
+  DEPENDS:=@(TARGET_lantiq_xway||TARGET_lantiq_ase) +libpthread
+  MENU:=1
+define Package/ltq-adsl-app/description
+	Infineon DSL CPE API for Amazon SE, Danube and Vinax.
+define Package/ltq-adsl-app/config
+	source "$(SOURCE)/"
+	--with-max-device="$(LTQ_DSL_MAX_DEVICE)" \
+	--with-lines-per-device="$(LTQ_DSL_LINES_PER_DEVICE)" \
+	--with-channels-per-line="$(LTQ_DSL_CHANNELS_PER_LINE)" \
+	--enable-danube \
+	--enable-driver-include="-I$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include/adsl/" \
+	--enable-debug-prints \
+	--enable-add-appl-cflags="-DMAX_CLI_PIPES=2" \
+	--enable-cli-support \
+	--enable-cmv-scripts \
+	--enable-debug-tool-interface \
+	--enable-adsl-led \
+	--enable-dsl-ceoc \
+	--enable-script-notification \
+	--enable-dsl-pm \
+	--enable-dsl-pm-total \
+	--enable-dsl-pm-history \
+	--enable-dsl-pm-showtime \
+	--enable-dsl-pm-channel-counters \
+	--enable-dsl-pm-datapath-counters \
+	--enable-dsl-pm-line-counters \
+	--enable-dsl-pm-channel-thresholds \
+	--enable-dsl-pm-datapath-thresholds \
+	--enable-dsl-pm-line-thresholds \
+	--enable-dsl-pm-optional-parameters
+	--enable-soap-support
+	--enable-dsl-event-polling
+define Package/ltq-adsl-app/install
+	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/init.d
+	$(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/dsl_control $(1)/etc/init.d/
+	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/sbin
+	$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/src/dsl_cpe_control $(1)/sbin
+	$(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/ $(1)/sbin
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,ltq-adsl-app))
diff --git a/package/network/config/ltq-adsl-app/files/dsl_control b/package/network/config/ltq-adsl-app/files/dsl_control
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e8a286f2bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/config/ltq-adsl-app/files/dsl_control
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
+# Copyright (C) 2012
+EXTRA_COMMANDS="status lucistat"
+EXTRA_HELP="	status  Get DSL status information
+	lucistat  Get status information if lua friendly format"
+# Basic functions to send CLI commands to the dsl_cpe_control daemon
+dsl_cmd() {
+	killall -0 dsl_cpe_control && (
+		echo "$@" > /tmp/pipe/dsl_cpe0_cmd
+		cat /tmp/pipe/dsl_cpe0_ack
+	)
+dsl_val() {
+	echo $(expr "$1" : '.*'$2'=\([-\.[:alnum:]]*\).*')
+# Simple divide by 10 routine to cope with one decimal place
+dbt() {
+	local a=$(expr $1 / 10)
+	local b=$(expr $1 % 10)
+	echo "${a}.${b}"
+# Take a number and convert to k or meg
+scale() {
+	local val=$1
+	local a
+	local b
+	if [ "$val" -gt 1000000 ]; then
+		a=$(expr $val / 1000)
+		b=$(expr $a % 1000)
+		a=$(expr $a / 1000)
+		printf "%d.%03d Mb" ${a} ${b}
+	elif [ "$val" -gt 1000 ]; then
+		a=$(expr $val / 1000)
+		printf "%d Kb" ${a}
+	else
+		echo "${val} b"
+	fi
+# Read the data rates for both directions
+data_rates() {
+	local csg
+	local dru
+	local drd
+	local sdru
+	local sdrd
+	csg=$(dsl_cmd g997csg 0 1)
+	drd=$(dsl_val "$csg" ActualDataRate)
+	csg=$(dsl_cmd g997csg 0 0)
+	dru=$(dsl_val "$csg" ActualDataRate)
+	[ -z "$drd" ] && drd=0
+	[ -z "$dru" ] && dru=0
+	sdrd=$(scale $drd)
+	sdru=$(scale $dru)
+	if [ "$action" = "lucistat" ]; then
+		echo "dsl.data_rate_down=$drd"
+		echo "dsl.data_rate_up=$dru"
+		echo "dsl.data_rate_down_s=\"$sdrd\""
+		echo "dsl.data_rate_up_s=\"$sdru\""
+	else
+		echo "Data Rate:		${sdrd}/s / ${sdru}/s"
+	fi
+# Chipset
+chipset() {
+	local vig
+	local cs
+	local csv
+	vig=$(dsl_cmd vig)
+	cs=$(dsl_val "$vig" DSL_ChipSetType)
+	csv=$(dsl_val "$vig" DSL_ChipSetHWVersion)
+	if [ "$action" = "lucistat" ]; then
+		echo "dsl.chipset=\"${cs} ${csv}\""
+	else
+		echo "Chipset:		${cs} ${csv}"
+	fi
+# Work out how long the line has been up
+line_uptime() {
+	local ccsg
+	local et
+	local etr
+	local d
+	local h
+	local m
+	local s
+	local rc=""
+	ccsg=$(dsl_cmd pmccsg 0 0 0)
+	et=$(dsl_val "$ccsg" nElapsedTime)
+	[ -z "$et" ] && et=0
+	if [ "$action" = "lucistat" ]; then
+		echo "dsl.line_uptime=${et}"
+		return
+	fi
+	d=$(expr $et / 86400)
+	etr=$(expr $et % 86400)
+	h=$(expr $etr / 3600)
+	etr=$(expr $etr % 3600)
+	m=$(expr $etr / 60)
+	s=$(expr $etr % 60)
+	[ "${d}${h}${m}${s}" -ne 0 ] && rc="${s}s"
+	[ "${d}${h}${m}" -ne 0 ] && rc="${m}m ${rc}"
+	[ "${d}${h}" -ne 0 ] && rc="${h}h ${rc}"
+	[ "${d}" -ne 0 ] && rc="${d}d ${rc}"
+	[ -z "$rc" ] && rc="down"
+	echo "Line Uptime:		${rc}"
+# Get noise and attenuation figures
+line_data() {
+	local lsg
+	local latnu
+	local latnd
+	local snru
+	local snrd
+	lsg=$(dsl_cmd g997lsg 1 1)
+	latnd=$(dsl_val "$lsg" LATN)
+	snrd=$(dsl_val "$lsg" SNR)
+	lsg=$(dsl_cmd g997lsg 0 1)
+	latnu=$(dsl_val "$lsg" LATN)
+	snru=$(dsl_val "$lsg" SNR)
+	[ -z "$latnd" ] && latnd=0
+	[ -z "$latnu" ] && latnu=0
+	[ -z "$snrd" ] && snrd=0
+	[ -z "$snru" ] && snru=0
+	latnd=$(dbt $latnd)
+	latnu=$(dbt $latnu)
+	snrd=$(dbt $snrd)
+	snru=$(dbt $snru)
+	if [ "$action" = "lucistat" ]; then
+		echo "dsl.line_attenuation_down=$latnd"
+		echo "dsl.line_attenuation_up=$latnu"
+		echo "dsl.noise_margin_down=$snrd"
+		echo "dsl.noise_margin_up=$snru"
+	else
+		echo "Line Attenuation:	${latnd}dB / ${latnu}dB"
+		echo "Noise Margin:		${snrd}dB / ${snru}dB"
+	fi
+# Is the line up? Or what state is it in?
+line_state() {
+	local lsg=$(dsl_cmd lsg)
+	local ls=$(dsl_val "$lsg" nLineState);
+	local s;
+	case "$ls" in
+		"0x0")		s="not initialized" ;;
+		"0x1")		s="exception" ;;
+		"0x10")		s="not updated" ;;
+		"0xff")		s="idle request" ;;
+		"0x100")	s="idle" ;;
+		"0x1ff")	s="silent request" ;;
+		"0x200")	s="silent" ;;
+		"0x300")	s="handshake" ;;
+		"0x380")	s="full_init" ;;
+		"0x400")	s="discovery" ;;
+		"0x500")	s="training" ;;
+		"0x600")	s="analysis" ;;
+		"0x700")	s="exchange" ;;
+		"0x800")	s="showtime_no_sync" ;;
+		"0x801")	s="showtime_tc_sync" ;;
+		"0x900")	s="fastretrain" ;;
+		"0xa00")	s="lowpower_l2" ;;
+		"0xb00")	s="loopdiagnostic active" ;;
+		"0xb10")	s="loopdiagnostic data exchange" ;;
+		"0xb20")	s="loopdiagnostic data request" ;;
+		"0xc00")	s="loopdiagnostic complete" ;;
+		"0x1000000")	s="test" ;;
+		"0xd00")	s="resync" ;;
+		"0x3c0")	s="short init entry" ;;
+		"")		s="not running daemon"; ls="0xfff" ;;
+		*)		s="unknown" ;;
+	esac
+	if [ $action = "lucistat" ]; then
+		echo "dsl.line_state_num=$ls"
+		echo "dsl.line_state_detail=\"$s\""
+		if [ "$ls" = "0x801" ]; then
+			echo "dsl.line_state=\"UP\""
+		else
+			echo "dsl.line_state=\"DOWN\""
+		fi
+	else
+		if [ "$ls" = "0x801" ]; then
+			echo "Line State:		UP [$ls: $s]"
+		else
+			echo "Line State:		DOWN [$ls: $s]"
+		fi
+	fi
+# Main status routine
+status() {
+	chipset
+	line_state
+	data_rates
+	line_data
+	line_uptime
+# Luci (lua) compatible version that's easy to parse
+lucistat() {
+	echo "local dsl={}"
+	status
+	echo "return dsl"
+# Simple start routine
+start() {
+	local annex
+	local firmware
+	local xtu
+	config_load network
+	config_get annex wan annex
+	config_get firmware wan firmware
+	# get xtu
+	eval "xtu=\"\${annex_$annex}\""
+	# check for firmware
+	[ -z "${firmware}" ] &&
+		firmware=adsl.bin
+	# start CPE dsl daemon in the background
+	service_start /sbin/dsl_cpe_control -i${xtu} \
+			-n /sbin/ \
+			-f /lib/firmware/${firmware}
+# For stop we want to simulate the notification call for when
+# the line goes down, so that we can stop the ppp link before
+# we die.
+stop() {
+		/sbin/
+	service_stop /sbin/dsl_cpe_control
diff --git a/package/network/config/ltq-adsl-app/files/ b/package/network/config/ltq-adsl-app/files/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e9f3964e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/config/ltq-adsl-app/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# This script is called by dsl_cpe_control whenever there is a DSL event,
+# we only actually care about the DSL_INTERFACE_STATUS events as these
+# tell us the line has either come up or gone down.
+# The rest of the code is basically the same at the atm hotplug code
+. /lib/
+include /lib/network
+local found=0
+local ifc
+for ifc in $interfaces; do
+	local up
+	config_get_bool up "$ifc" up 0
+	local auto
+	config_get_bool auto "$ifc" auto 1
+	local proto
+	config_get proto "$ifc" proto
+	if [ "$DSL_INTERFACE_STATUS" = "UP" ]; then
+		if [ "$proto" = "pppoa" ] && [ "$up" != 1 ] && [ "$auto" = 1 ]; then
+			found=1
+			( sleep 1; ifup "$ifc" ) &
+		fi
+	else
+		if [ "$proto" = "pppoa" ] && [ "$up" = 1 ] && [ "$auto" = 1 ]; then
+			found=1
+			( sleep 1; ifdown "$ifc" ) &
+		fi
+	fi
+if [ "$found" != 1 ]; then
+	logger "Found no matching interface for DSL notification ($DSL_INTERFACE_STATUS)"
diff --git a/package/network/config/ltq-adsl-app/patches/010-eglibc_compile_fix.patch b/package/network/config/ltq-adsl-app/patches/010-eglibc_compile_fix.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..268f868e07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/config/ltq-adsl-app/patches/010-eglibc_compile_fix.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+--- a/
++++ b/
+@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ AC_C_VOLATILE
+ #AC_CHECK_FUNCS([ftime gethostbyname gettimeofday localtime_r memset select socket strchr strerror strstr strtoull])
+ #
+ # save the configure arguments
+ #
+--- a/src/dsl_cpe_linux.h
++++ b/src/dsl_cpe_linux.h
+@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@
+ #include <arpa/inet.h>
+ #include <sys/socket.h>          /* socket */
+ #include <sys/sem.h>             /* semget */
+-#include <semaphore.h>           /* sem_t */ 
++#include <semaphore.h>           /* sem_t */
++#include <limits.h>
+ #include <sys/socket.h>
diff --git a/package/network/config/ltq-dsl-app/patches/010-eglibc_compile_fix.patch b/package/network/config/ltq-dsl-app/patches/010-eglibc_compile_fix.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 268f868e07..0000000000
--- a/package/network/config/ltq-dsl-app/patches/010-eglibc_compile_fix.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
---- a/
-+++ b/
-@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ AC_C_VOLATILE
- #AC_CHECK_FUNCS([ftime gethostbyname gettimeofday localtime_r memset select socket strchr strerror strstr strtoull])
- #
- # save the configure arguments
- #
---- a/src/dsl_cpe_linux.h
-+++ b/src/dsl_cpe_linux.h
-@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@
- #include <arpa/inet.h>
- #include <sys/socket.h>          /* socket */
- #include <sys/sem.h>             /* semget */
--#include <semaphore.h>           /* sem_t */ 
-+#include <semaphore.h>           /* sem_t */
-+#include <limits.h>
- #include <sys/socket.h>
diff --git a/package/network/config/ltq-vdsl-app/Makefile b/package/network/config/ltq-vdsl-app/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3de29d5205
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/config/ltq-vdsl-app/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2010
+# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
+# See /LICENSE for more information.
+include $(TOPDIR)/
+include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/
+include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/
+define Package/ltq-vdsl-app
+  SECTION:=net
+  CATEGORY:=Network
+  TITLE:=Lantiq VDSL userland tool
+  URL:=
+  DEPENDS:=@TARGET_lantiq_xway +libpthread
+define Package/ltq-vdsl-app/description
+  Userland tool needed to control Lantiq VDSL CPE
+	--with-max-device="1" \
+	--with-lines-per-device="1" \
+	--with-channels-per-line="1" \
+	--enable-vrx \
+	--enable-driver-include="-I$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include/drv_vdsl_cpe_api" \
+	--enable-device-driver-include="-I$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include/vdsl/" \
+	--enable-add-appl-cflags="-DMAX_CLI_PIPES=2" \
+	--enable-ifxos \
+	--enable-ifxos-include="-I$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include/ifxos" \
+	--enable-ifxos-library="-I$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib" \
+	--enable-dsl-ceoc \
+	--enable-dsl-pm-total \
+	--enable-dsl-pm-showtime \
+	--enable-dsl-pm-line-counters \
+	--enable-dsl-pm-line-failure-counters \
+	--enable-dsl-pm-datapath-counters \
+	--enable-dsl-pm-datapath-failure-counters \
+	--enable-deprecated \
+	--disable-soap-support \
+	--enable-dsl-bonding=no \
+	--disable-dti
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_IFX_CLI),y)
+	--enable-cli-support
+CONFIGURE_ARGS += --enable-model=full
+#CONFIGURE_ARGS += --enable-model=lite
+#CONFIGURE_ARGS += --enable-model=footprint
+#CONFIGURE_ARGS += --enable-model=typical
+#CONFIGURE_ARGS += --enable-model=debug
+define Package/ltq-vdsl-app/install
+	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/init.d
+	$(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/dsl_control $(1)/etc/init.d/
+	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/sbin
+	$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/src/dsl_cpe_control $(1)/sbin/vdsl_cpe_control
+	$(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/ $(1)/sbin
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,ltq-vdsl-app))
diff --git a/package/network/config/ltq-vdsl-app/files/dsl_control b/package/network/config/ltq-vdsl-app/files/dsl_control
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0d7d32cb0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/config/ltq-vdsl-app/files/dsl_control
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
+# Copyright (C) 2012
+EXTRA_COMMANDS="status lucistat"
+EXTRA_HELP="	status  Get DSL status information
+	lucistat  Get status information if lua friendly format"
+# Basic functions to send CLI commands to the vdsl_cpe_control daemon
+dsl_cmd() {
+	killall -0 vdsl_cpe_control && (
+		echo "$@" > /tmp/pipe/dsl_cpe0_cmd
+		cat /tmp/pipe/dsl_cpe0_ack
+	)
+dsl_val() {
+	echo $(expr "$1" : '.*'$2'=\([-\.[:alnum:]]*\).*')
+# Simple divide by 10 routine to cope with one decimal place
+dbt() {
+	local a=$(expr $1 / 10)
+	local b=$(expr $1 % 10)
+	echo "${a}.${b}"
+# Take a number and convert to k or meg
+scale() {
+	local val=$1
+	local a
+	local b
+	if [ "$val" -gt 1000000 ]; then
+		a=$(expr $val / 1000)
+		b=$(expr $a % 1000)
+		a=$(expr $a / 1000)
+		printf "%d.%03d Mb" ${a} ${b}
+	elif [ "$val" -gt 1000 ]; then
+		a=$(expr $val / 1000)
+		printf "%d Kb" ${a}
+	else
+		echo "${val} b"
+	fi
+# Read the data rates for both directions
+data_rates() {
+	local csg
+	local dru
+	local drd
+	local sdru
+	local sdrd
+	csg=$(dsl_cmd g997csg 0 1)
+	drd=$(dsl_val "$csg" ActualDataRate)
+	csg=$(dsl_cmd g997csg 0 0)
+	dru=$(dsl_val "$csg" ActualDataRate)
+	[ -z "$drd" ] && drd=0
+	[ -z "$dru" ] && dru=0
+	sdrd=$(scale $drd)
+	sdru=$(scale $dru)
+	if [ "$action" = "lucistat" ]; then
+		echo "dsl.data_rate_down=$drd"
+		echo "dsl.data_rate_up=$dru"
+		echo "dsl.data_rate_down_s=\"$sdrd\""
+		echo "dsl.data_rate_up_s=\"$sdru\""
+	else
+		echo "Data Rate:		${sdrd}/s / ${sdru}/s"
+	fi
+# Chipset
+chipset() {
+	local vig
+	local cs
+	local csv
+	vig=$(dsl_cmd vig)
+	cs=$(dsl_val "$vig" DSL_ChipSetType)
+	csv=$(dsl_val "$vig" DSL_ChipSetHWVersion)
+	if [ "$action" = "lucistat" ]; then
+		echo "dsl.chipset=\"${cs} ${csv}\""
+	else
+		echo "Chipset:		${cs} ${csv}"
+	fi
+# Work out how long the line has been up
+line_uptime() {
+	local ccsg
+	local et
+	local etr
+	local d
+	local h
+	local m
+	local s
+	local rc=""
+	ccsg=$(dsl_cmd pmccsg 0 0 0)
+	et=$(dsl_val "$ccsg" nElapsedTime)
+	[ -z "$et" ] && et=0
+	if [ "$action" = "lucistat" ]; then
+		echo "dsl.line_uptime=${et}"
+		return
+	fi
+	d=$(expr $et / 86400)
+	etr=$(expr $et % 86400)
+	h=$(expr $etr / 3600)
+	etr=$(expr $etr % 3600)
+	m=$(expr $etr / 60)
+	s=$(expr $etr % 60)
+	[ "${d}${h}${m}${s}" -ne 0 ] && rc="${s}s"
+	[ "${d}${h}${m}" -ne 0 ] && rc="${m}m ${rc}"
+	[ "${d}${h}" -ne 0 ] && rc="${h}h ${rc}"
+	[ "${d}" -ne 0 ] && rc="${d}d ${rc}"
+	[ -z "$rc" ] && rc="down"
+	echo "Line Uptime:		${rc}"
+# Get noise and attenuation figures
+line_data() {
+	local lsg
+	local latnu
+	local latnd
+	local snru
+	local snrd
+	lsg=$(dsl_cmd g997lsg 1 1)
+	latnd=$(dsl_val "$lsg" LATN)
+	snrd=$(dsl_val "$lsg" SNR)
+	lsg=$(dsl_cmd g997lsg 0 1)
+	latnu=$(dsl_val "$lsg" LATN)
+	snru=$(dsl_val "$lsg" SNR)
+	[ -z "$latnd" ] && latnd=0
+	[ -z "$latnu" ] && latnu=0
+	[ -z "$snrd" ] && snrd=0
+	[ -z "$snru" ] && snru=0
+	latnd=$(dbt $latnd)
+	latnu=$(dbt $latnu)
+	snrd=$(dbt $snrd)
+	snru=$(dbt $snru)
+	if [ "$action" = "lucistat" ]; then
+		echo "dsl.line_attenuation_down=$latnd"
+		echo "dsl.line_attenuation_up=$latnu"
+		echo "dsl.noise_margin_down=$snrd"
+		echo "dsl.noise_margin_up=$snru"
+	else
+		echo "Line Attenuation:	${latnd}dB / ${latnu}dB"
+		echo "Noise Margin:		${snrd}dB / ${snru}dB"
+	fi
+# Is the line up? Or what state is it in?
+line_state() {
+	local lsg=$(dsl_cmd lsg)
+	local ls=$(dsl_val "$lsg" nLineState);
+	local s;
+	case "$ls" in
+		"0x0")		s="not initialized" ;;
+		"0x1")		s="exception" ;;
+		"0x10")		s="not updated" ;;
+		"0xff")		s="idle request" ;;
+		"0x100")	s="idle" ;;
+		"0x1ff")	s="silent request" ;;
+		"0x200")	s="silent" ;;
+		"0x300")	s="handshake" ;;
+		"0x380")	s="full_init" ;;
+		"0x400")	s="discovery" ;;
+		"0x500")	s="training" ;;
+		"0x600")	s="analysis" ;;
+		"0x700")	s="exchange" ;;
+		"0x800")	s="showtime_no_sync" ;;
+		"0x801")	s="showtime_tc_sync" ;;
+		"0x900")	s="fastretrain" ;;
+		"0xa00")	s="lowpower_l2" ;;
+		"0xb00")	s="loopdiagnostic active" ;;
+		"0xb10")	s="loopdiagnostic data exchange" ;;
+		"0xb20")	s="loopdiagnostic data request" ;;
+		"0xc00")	s="loopdiagnostic complete" ;;
+		"0x1000000")	s="test" ;;
+		"0xd00")	s="resync" ;;
+		"0x3c0")	s="short init entry" ;;
+		"")		s="not running daemon"; ls="0xfff" ;;
+		*)		s="unknown" ;;
+	esac
+	if [ $action = "lucistat" ]; then
+		echo "dsl.line_state_num=$ls"
+		echo "dsl.line_state_detail=\"$s\""
+		if [ "$ls" = "0x801" ]; then
+			echo "dsl.line_state=\"UP\""
+		else
+			echo "dsl.line_state=\"DOWN\""
+		fi
+	else
+		if [ "$ls" = "0x801" ]; then
+			echo "Line State:		UP [$ls: $s]"
+		else
+			echo "Line State:		DOWN [$ls: $s]"
+		fi
+	fi
+# Main status routine
+status() {
+	chipset
+	line_state
+	data_rates
+	line_data
+	line_uptime
+# Luci (lua) compatible version that's easy to parse
+lucistat() {
+	echo "local dsl={}"
+	status
+	echo "return dsl"
+# Simple start routine
+start() {
+	local annex
+	local firmware
+	local xtu
+	config_load network
+	config_get annex wan annex
+	config_get firmware wan firmware
+	# get xtu
+	eval "xtu=\"\${annex_$annex}\""
+	# check for firmware
+	[ -z "${firmware}" ] &&
+		firmware=vdsl.bin
+	# start CPE dsl daemon in the background
+	service_start /sbin/vdsl_cpe_control -i${xtu} \
+			-n /sbin/ \
+			-f /lib/firmware/${firmware}
+# For stop we want to simulate the notification call for when
+# the line goes down, so that we can stop the ppp link before
+# we die.
+stop() {
+		/sbin/
+	service_stop /sbin/vdsl_cpe_control
diff --git a/package/network/config/ltq-vdsl-app/files/ b/package/network/config/ltq-vdsl-app/files/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e9f3964e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/config/ltq-vdsl-app/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# This script is called by dsl_cpe_control whenever there is a DSL event,
+# we only actually care about the DSL_INTERFACE_STATUS events as these
+# tell us the line has either come up or gone down.
+# The rest of the code is basically the same at the atm hotplug code
+. /lib/
+include /lib/network
+local found=0
+local ifc
+for ifc in $interfaces; do
+	local up
+	config_get_bool up "$ifc" up 0
+	local auto
+	config_get_bool auto "$ifc" auto 1
+	local proto
+	config_get proto "$ifc" proto
+	if [ "$DSL_INTERFACE_STATUS" = "UP" ]; then
+		if [ "$proto" = "pppoa" ] && [ "$up" != 1 ] && [ "$auto" = 1 ]; then
+			found=1
+			( sleep 1; ifup "$ifc" ) &
+		fi
+	else
+		if [ "$proto" = "pppoa" ] && [ "$up" = 1 ] && [ "$auto" = 1 ]; then
+			found=1
+			( sleep 1; ifdown "$ifc" ) &
+		fi
+	fi
+if [ "$found" != 1 ]; then
+	logger "Found no matching interface for DSL notification ($DSL_INTERFACE_STATUS)"
diff --git a/package/network/config/ltq-vdsl-app/patches/100-compat.patch b/package/network/config/ltq-vdsl-app/patches/100-compat.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..da56232437
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/config/ltq-vdsl-app/patches/100-compat.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Index: dsl_cpe_control-4.11.4/src/dsl_cpe_init_cfg.c
+--- dsl_cpe_control-4.11.4.orig/src/dsl_cpe_init_cfg.c	2011-10-26 00:35:26.000000000 +0200
++++ dsl_cpe_control-4.11.4/src/dsl_cpe_init_cfg.c	2012-11-28 15:53:10.857692092 +0100
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+    {
+-      0x1E116000, 0x37, -1),
++      0x1E116000, 0x3f, -1),
+ #endif
+Index: dsl_cpe_control-4.11.4/src/dsl_cpe_control.c
+--- dsl_cpe_control-4.11.4.orig/src/dsl_cpe_control.c	2012-01-13 15:15:34.000000000 +0100
++++ dsl_cpe_control-4.11.4/src/dsl_cpe_control.c	2012-11-28 15:53:23.465692408 +0100
+@@ -6432,7 +6432,7 @@
+    for (nDevice = 0; nDevice < DSL_CPE_MAX_DEVICE_NUMBER; nDevice++)
+    {
+-      sprintf (device, "%s/%d", DSL_CPE_DEVICE_NAME, nDevice);
++      sprintf (device, "%s%d", DSL_CPE_DEVICE_NAME, nDevice);
+ #else
+       sprintf (device, "%s", DSL_CPE_DEVICE_NAME);
+ #endif /* defined(INCLUDE_DSL_CPE_API_VINAX) || defined(INCLUDE_DSL_CPE_API_VRX)*/