From 0ca2b7f92cc00ad95420afd46f5e8f70baf93d42 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Felix Fietkau <>
Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2011 02:09:48 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] ppp: add a few patches to reduce the package size

SVN-Revision: 25919
 .../patches/400-simplify_kernel_checks.patch  |  92 +++++
 package/ppp/patches/401-no_record_file.patch  |  32 ++
 .../ppp/patches/402-use_uclibc_utils.patch    | 365 ++++++++++++++++++
 package/ppp/patches/403-no_wtmp.patch         |  18 +
 .../404-remove_obsolete_protocol_names.patch  | 144 +++++++
 5 files changed, 651 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 package/ppp/patches/400-simplify_kernel_checks.patch
 create mode 100644 package/ppp/patches/401-no_record_file.patch
 create mode 100644 package/ppp/patches/402-use_uclibc_utils.patch
 create mode 100644 package/ppp/patches/403-no_wtmp.patch
 create mode 100644 package/ppp/patches/404-remove_obsolete_protocol_names.patch

diff --git a/package/ppp/patches/400-simplify_kernel_checks.patch b/package/ppp/patches/400-simplify_kernel_checks.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..03591a897c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/ppp/patches/400-simplify_kernel_checks.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+--- a/pppd/sys-linux.c
++++ b/pppd/sys-linux.c
+@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ static int driver_is_old       = 0;
+ static int restore_term        = 0;	/* 1 => we've munged the terminal */
+ static struct termios inittermios;	/* Initial TTY termios */
+-int new_style_driver = 0;
++static const int new_style_driver = 1;
+ static char loop_name[20];
+ static unsigned char inbuf[512]; /* buffer for chars read from loopback */
+@@ -220,8 +220,8 @@ static int	looped;			/* 1 if using loop 
+ static int	link_mtu;		/* mtu for the link (not bundle) */
+ static struct utsname utsname;	/* for the kernel version */
+-static int kernel_version;
+ #define KVERSION(j,n,p)	((j)*1000000 + (n)*1000 + (p))
++static const int kernel_version = KVERSION(2,6,37);
+ #define MAX_IFS		100
+@@ -1414,11 +1414,12 @@ int ccp_fatal_error (int unit)
+  *
+  * path_to_procfs - find the path to the proc file system mount point
+  */
+-static char proc_path[MAXPATHLEN];
+-static int proc_path_len;
++static char proc_path[MAXPATHLEN] = "/proc";
++static int proc_path_len = 5;
+ static char *path_to_procfs(const char *tail)
+ {
++#if 0
+     struct mntent *mntent;
+     FILE *fp;
+@@ -1440,6 +1441,7 @@ static char *path_to_procfs(const char *
+ 	    fclose (fp);
+ 	}
+     }
+     strlcpy(proc_path + proc_path_len, tail,
+ 	    sizeof(proc_path) - proc_path_len);
+@@ -2098,11 +2100,13 @@ int ppp_available(void)
+ 	"ppp.o exists in /lib/modules/`uname -r`/net.\n"
+ 	"See README.linux file in the ppp distribution for more details.\n";
++#if 0
+     /* get the kernel version now, since we are called before sys_init */
+     uname(&utsname);
+     osmaj = osmin = ospatch = 0;
+     sscanf(utsname.release, "%d.%d.%d", &osmaj, &osmin, &ospatch);
+     kernel_version = KVERSION(osmaj, osmin, ospatch);
+     fd = open("/dev/ppp", O_RDWR);
+ #if 0
+@@ -2121,7 +2125,9 @@ int ppp_available(void)
+     }
+ #endif /* 0 */
+     if (fd >= 0) {
++#if 0
+ 	new_style_driver = 1;
+ 	/* XXX should get from driver */
+ 	driver_version = 2;
+@@ -2168,6 +2174,7 @@ int ppp_available(void)
+     if (ok && ((ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_family & ~0xFF) != ARPHRD_PPP))
+ 	ok = 0;
++	return ok;
+ /*
+  *  This is the PPP device. Validate the version of the driver at this
+@@ -2659,6 +2666,7 @@ get_pty(master_fdp, slave_fdp, slave_nam
+     }
+ #endif /* TIOCGPTN */
++#if 0
+     if (sfd < 0) {
+ 	/* the old way - scan through the pty name space */
+ 	for (i = 0; i < 64; ++i) {
+@@ -2677,6 +2685,7 @@ get_pty(master_fdp, slave_fdp, slave_nam
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+     }
+     if (sfd < 0)
+ 	return 0;
diff --git a/package/ppp/patches/401-no_record_file.patch b/package/ppp/patches/401-no_record_file.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..431fcac78a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/ppp/patches/401-no_record_file.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+--- a/pppd/pppd.h
++++ b/pppd/pppd.h
+@@ -308,7 +308,6 @@ extern int	holdoff;	/* Dead time before 
+ extern bool	holdoff_specified; /* true if user gave a holdoff value */
+ extern bool	notty;		/* Stdin/out is not a tty */
+ extern char	*pty_socket;	/* Socket to connect to pty */
+-extern char	*record_file;	/* File to record chars sent/received */
+ extern bool	sync_serial;	/* Device is synchronous serial device */
+ extern int	maxfail;	/* Max # of unsuccessful connection attempts */
+ extern char	linkname[MAXPATHLEN]; /* logical name for link */
+--- a/pppd/tty.c
++++ b/pppd/tty.c
+@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ char	*disconnect_script = NULL; /* Scrip
+ char	*welcomer = NULL;	/* Script to run after phys link estab. */
+ char	*ptycommand = NULL;	/* Command to run on other side of pty */
+ bool	notty = 0;		/* Stdin/out is not a tty */
+-char	*record_file = NULL;	/* File to record chars sent/received */
++static  char	*const record_file = NULL;	/* File to record chars sent/received */
+ int	max_data_rate;		/* max bytes/sec through charshunt */
+ bool	sync_serial = 0;	/* Device is synchronous serial device */
+ char	*pty_socket = NULL;	/* Socket to connect to pty */
+@@ -200,8 +200,10 @@ option_t tty_options[] = {
+       "Send and receive over socket, arg is host:port",
+       OPT_PRIO | OPT_DEVNAM },
++#if 0
+     { "record", o_string, &record_file,
+       "Record characters sent/received to file", OPT_PRIO },
+     { "crtscts", o_int, &crtscts,
+       "Set hardware (RTS/CTS) flow control",
diff --git a/package/ppp/patches/402-use_uclibc_utils.patch b/package/ppp/patches/402-use_uclibc_utils.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6fc8535a54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/ppp/patches/402-use_uclibc_utils.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+--- a/pppd/utils.c
++++ b/pppd/utils.c
+@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
+ #define RCSID	"$Id: utils.c,v 1.24 2004/11/04 10:02:26 paulus Exp $"
++#define _BSD_SOURCE
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <ctype.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+@@ -67,15 +68,10 @@ extern char *strerror();
+ static void logit __P((int, char *, va_list));
+ static void log_write __P((int, char *));
+-static void vslp_printer __P((void *, char *, ...));
+ static void format_packet __P((u_char *, int, void (*) (void *, char *, ...),
+ 			       void *));
+-struct buffer_info {
+-    char *ptr;
+-    int len;
++#ifndef __UCLIBC__
+ /*
+  * strlcpy - like strcpy/strncpy, doesn't overflow destination buffer,
+  * always leaves destination null-terminated (for len > 0).
+@@ -113,6 +109,7 @@ strlcat(dest, src, len)
+     return dlen + strlcpy(dest + dlen, src, (len > dlen? len - dlen: 0));
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -129,17 +126,7 @@ slprintf __V((char *buf, int buflen, cha
+     va_list args;
+     int n;
+-#if defined(__STDC__)
+     va_start(args, fmt);
+-    char *buf;
+-    int buflen;
+-    char *fmt;
+-    va_start(args);
+-    buf = va_arg(args, char *);
+-    buflen = va_arg(args, int);
+-    fmt = va_arg(args, char *);
+     n = vslprintf(buf, buflen, fmt, args);
+     va_end(args);
+     return n;
+@@ -148,7 +135,6 @@ slprintf __V((char *buf, int buflen, cha
+ /*
+  * vslprintf - like slprintf, takes a va_list instead of a list of args.
+  */
+-#define OUTCHAR(c)	(buflen > 0? (--buflen, *buf++ = (c)): 0)
+ int
+ vslprintf(buf, buflen, fmt, args)
+@@ -157,298 +143,14 @@ vslprintf(buf, buflen, fmt, args)
+     char *fmt;
+     va_list args;
+ {
+-    int c, i, n;
+-    int width, prec, fillch;
+-    int base, len, neg, quoted;
+-    unsigned long val = 0;
+-    char *str, *f, *buf0;
+-    unsigned char *p;
+-    char num[32];
+-    time_t t;
+-    u_int32_t ip;
+-    static char hexchars[] = "0123456789abcdef";
+-    struct buffer_info bufinfo;
+-    buf0 = buf;
+-    --buflen;
+-    while (buflen > 0) {
+-	for (f = fmt; *f != '%' && *f != 0; ++f)
+-	    ;
+-	if (f > fmt) {
+-	    len = f - fmt;
+-	    if (len > buflen)
+-		len = buflen;
+-	    memcpy(buf, fmt, len);
+-	    buf += len;
+-	    buflen -= len;
+-	    fmt = f;
+-	}
+-	if (*fmt == 0)
+-	    break;
+-	c = *++fmt;
+-	width = 0;
+-	prec = -1;
+-	fillch = ' ';
+-	if (c == '0') {
+-	    fillch = '0';
+-	    c = *++fmt;
+-	}
+-	if (c == '*') {
+-	    width = va_arg(args, int);
+-	    c = *++fmt;
+-	} else {
+-	    while (isdigit(c)) {
+-		width = width * 10 + c - '0';
+-		c = *++fmt;
+-	    }
+-	}
+-	if (c == '.') {
+-	    c = *++fmt;
+-	    if (c == '*') {
+-		prec = va_arg(args, int);
+-		c = *++fmt;
+-	    } else {
+-		prec = 0;
+-		while (isdigit(c)) {
+-		    prec = prec * 10 + c - '0';
+-		    c = *++fmt;
+-		}
+-	    }
+-	}
+-	str = 0;
+-	base = 0;
+-	neg = 0;
+-	++fmt;
+-	switch (c) {
+-	case 'l':
+-	    c = *fmt++;
+-	    switch (c) {
+-	    case 'd':
+-		val = va_arg(args, long);
+-		if (val < 0) {
+-		    neg = 1;
+-		    val = -val;
+-		}
+-		base = 10;
+-		break;
+-	    case 'u':
+-		val = va_arg(args, unsigned long);
+-		base = 10;
+-		break;
+-	    default:
+-		*buf++ = '%'; --buflen;
+-		*buf++ = 'l'; --buflen;
+-		--fmt;		/* so %lz outputs %lz etc. */
+-		continue;
+-	    }
+-	    break;
+-	case 'd':
+-	    i = va_arg(args, int);
+-	    if (i < 0) {
+-		neg = 1;
+-		val = -i;
+-	    } else
+-		val = i;
+-	    base = 10;
+-	    break;
+-	case 'u':
+-	    val = va_arg(args, unsigned int);
+-	    base = 10;
+-	    break;
+-	case 'o':
+-	    val = va_arg(args, unsigned int);
+-	    base = 8;
+-	    break;
+-	case 'x':
+-	case 'X':
+-	    val = va_arg(args, unsigned int);
+-	    base = 16;
+-	    break;
+-	case 'p':
+-	    val = (unsigned long) va_arg(args, void *);
+-	    base = 16;
+-	    neg = 2;
+-	    break;
+-	case 's':
+-	    str = va_arg(args, char *);
+-	    break;
+-	case 'c':
+-	    num[0] = va_arg(args, int);
+-	    num[1] = 0;
+-	    str = num;
+-	    break;
+-	case 'm':
+-	    str = strerror(errno);
+-	    break;
+-	case 'I':
+-	    ip = va_arg(args, u_int32_t);
+-	    ip = ntohl(ip);
+-	    slprintf(num, sizeof(num), "%d.%d.%d.%d", (ip >> 24) & 0xff,
+-		     (ip >> 16) & 0xff, (ip >> 8) & 0xff, ip & 0xff);
+-	    str = num;
+-	    break;
+-#if 0	/* not used, and breaks on S/390, apparently */
+-	case 'r':
+-	    f = va_arg(args, char *);
+-#ifndef __powerpc__
+-	    n = vslprintf(buf, buflen + 1, f, va_arg(args, va_list));
+-	    /* On the powerpc, a va_list is an array of 1 structure */
+-	    n = vslprintf(buf, buflen + 1, f, va_arg(args, void *));
+-	    buf += n;
+-	    buflen -= n;
+-	    continue;
+-	case 't':
+-	    time(&t);
+-	    str = ctime(&t);
+-	    str += 4;		/* chop off the day name */
+-	    str[15] = 0;	/* chop off year and newline */
+-	    break;
+-	case 'v':		/* "visible" string */
+-	case 'q':		/* quoted string */
+-	    quoted = c == 'q';
+-	    p = va_arg(args, unsigned char *);
+-	    if (fillch == '0' && prec >= 0) {
+-		n = prec;
+-	    } else {
+-		n = strlen((char *)p);
+-		if (prec >= 0 && n > prec)
+-		    n = prec;
+-	    }
+-	    while (n > 0 && buflen > 0) {
+-		c = *p++;
+-		--n;
+-		if (!quoted && c >= 0x80) {
+-		    OUTCHAR('M');
+-		    OUTCHAR('-');
+-		    c -= 0x80;
+-		}
+-		if (quoted && (c == '"' || c == '\\'))
+-		    OUTCHAR('\\');
+-		if (c < 0x20 || (0x7f <= c && c < 0xa0)) {
+-		    if (quoted) {
+-			OUTCHAR('\\');
+-			switch (c) {
+-			case '\t':	OUTCHAR('t');	break;
+-			case '\n':	OUTCHAR('n');	break;
+-			case '\b':	OUTCHAR('b');	break;
+-			case '\f':	OUTCHAR('f');	break;
+-			default:
+-			    OUTCHAR('x');
+-			    OUTCHAR(hexchars[c >> 4]);
+-			    OUTCHAR(hexchars[c & 0xf]);
+-			}
+-		    } else {
+-			if (c == '\t')
+-			    OUTCHAR(c);
+-			else {
+-			    OUTCHAR('^');
+-			    OUTCHAR(c ^ 0x40);
+-			}
+-		    }
+-		} else
+-		    OUTCHAR(c);
+-	    }
+-	    continue;
+-	case 'P':		/* print PPP packet */
+-	    bufinfo.ptr = buf;
+-	    bufinfo.len = buflen + 1;
+-	    p = va_arg(args, unsigned char *);
+-	    n = va_arg(args, int);
+-	    format_packet(p, n, vslp_printer, &bufinfo);
+-	    buf = bufinfo.ptr;
+-	    buflen = bufinfo.len - 1;
+-	    continue;
+-	case 'B':
+-	    p = va_arg(args, unsigned char *);
+-	    for (n = prec; n > 0; --n) {
+-		c = *p++;
+-		if (fillch == ' ')
+-		    OUTCHAR(' ');
+-		OUTCHAR(hexchars[(c >> 4) & 0xf]);
+-		OUTCHAR(hexchars[c & 0xf]);
+-	    }
+-	    continue;
+-	default:
+-	    *buf++ = '%';
+-	    if (c != '%')
+-		--fmt;		/* so %z outputs %z etc. */
+-	    --buflen;
+-	    continue;
+-	}
+-	if (base != 0) {
+-	    str = num + sizeof(num);
+-	    *--str = 0;
+-	    while (str > num + neg) {
+-		*--str = hexchars[val % base];
+-		val = val / base;
+-		if (--prec <= 0 && val == 0)
+-		    break;
+-	    }
+-	    switch (neg) {
+-	    case 1:
+-		*--str = '-';
+-		break;
+-	    case 2:
+-		*--str = 'x';
+-		*--str = '0';
+-		break;
+-	    }
+-	    len = num + sizeof(num) - 1 - str;
+-	} else {
+-	    len = strlen(str);
+-	    if (prec >= 0 && len > prec)
+-		len = prec;
+-	}
+-	if (width > 0) {
+-	    if (width > buflen)
+-		width = buflen;
+-	    if ((n = width - len) > 0) {
+-		buflen -= n;
+-		for (; n > 0; --n)
+-		    *buf++ = fillch;
+-	    }
+-	}
+-	if (len > buflen)
+-	    len = buflen;
+-	memcpy(buf, str, len);
+-	buf += len;
+-	buflen -= len;
+-    }
+-    *buf = 0;
+-    return buf - buf0;
++	int ret;
+- * vslp_printer - used in processing a %P format
+- */
+-static void
+-vslp_printer __V((void *arg, char *fmt, ...))
+-    int n;
+-    va_list pvar;
+-    struct buffer_info *bi;
+-#if defined(__STDC__)
+-    va_start(pvar, fmt);
+-    void *arg;
+-    char *fmt;
+-    va_start(pvar);
+-    arg = va_arg(pvar, void *);
+-    fmt = va_arg(pvar, char *);
+-    bi = (struct buffer_info *) arg;
+-    n = vslprintf(bi->ptr, bi->len, fmt, pvar);
+-    va_end(pvar);
+-    bi->ptr += n;
+-    bi->len -= n;
++	ret = vsnprintf(buf, buflen, fmt, args);
++	buf[buflen - 1] = 0;
++	return ret;
+ }
+ #ifdef unused
+ /*
+  * log_packet - format a packet and log it.
diff --git a/package/ppp/patches/403-no_wtmp.patch b/package/ppp/patches/403-no_wtmp.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c3e9c7b613
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/ppp/patches/403-no_wtmp.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+--- a/pppd/sys-linux.c
++++ b/pppd/sys-linux.c
+@@ -2237,6 +2237,7 @@ int ppp_available(void)
+ void logwtmp (const char *line, const char *name, const char *host)
+ {
++#if 0
+     struct utmp ut, *utp;
+     pid_t  mypid = getpid();
+ #if __GLIBC__ < 2
+@@ -2302,6 +2303,7 @@ void logwtmp (const char *line, const ch
+ 	close (wtmp);
+     }
+ #endif
+ }
diff --git a/package/ppp/patches/404-remove_obsolete_protocol_names.patch b/package/ppp/patches/404-remove_obsolete_protocol_names.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f04d971a22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/ppp/patches/404-remove_obsolete_protocol_names.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+--- a/pppd/main.c
++++ b/pppd/main.c
+@@ -879,14 +879,17 @@ struct protocol_list {
+     const char	*name;
+ } protocol_list[] = {
+     { 0x21,	"IP" },
++#if 0
+     { 0x23,	"OSI Network Layer" },
+     { 0x25,	"Xerox NS IDP" },
+     { 0x27,	"DECnet Phase IV" },
+     { 0x29,	"Appletalk" },
+     { 0x2b,	"Novell IPX" },
+     { 0x2d,	"VJ compressed TCP/IP" },
+     { 0x2f,	"VJ uncompressed TCP/IP" },
+     { 0x31,	"Bridging PDU" },
++#if 0
+     { 0x33,	"Stream Protocol ST-II" },
+     { 0x35,	"Banyan Vines" },
+     { 0x39,	"AppleTalk EDDP" },
+@@ -900,8 +903,11 @@ struct protocol_list {
+     { 0x49,	"Serial Data Transport Protocol (PPP-SDTP)" },
+     { 0x4b,	"SNA over 802.2" },
+     { 0x4d,	"SNA" },
+     { 0x4f,	"IP6 Header Compression" },
++#if 0
+     { 0x51,	"KNX Bridging Data" },
+     { 0x53,	"Encryption" },
+     { 0x55,	"Individual Link Encryption" },
+     { 0x57,	"IPv6" },
+@@ -912,12 +918,15 @@ struct protocol_list {
+     { 0x65,	"RTP IPHC Compressed non-TCP" },
+     { 0x67,	"RTP IPHC Compressed UDP 8" },
+     { 0x69,	"RTP IPHC Compressed RTP 8" },
++#if 0
+     { 0x6f,	"Stampede Bridging" },
+     { 0x73,	"MP+" },
+     { 0xc1,	"NTCITS IPI" },
+     { 0xfb,	"single-link compression" },
+     { 0xfd,	"Compressed Datagram" },
+     { 0x0201,	"802.1d Hello Packets" },
++#if 0
+     { 0x0203,	"IBM Source Routing BPDU" },
+     { 0x0205,	"DEC LANBridge100 Spanning Tree" },
+     { 0x0207,	"Cisco Discovery Protocol" },
+@@ -929,15 +938,19 @@ struct protocol_list {
+     { 0x0231,	"Luxcom" },
+     { 0x0233,	"Sigma Network Systems" },
+     { 0x0235,	"Apple Client Server Protocol" },
+     { 0x0281,	"MPLS Unicast" },
+     { 0x0283,	"MPLS Multicast" },
++#if 0
+     { 0x0285,	"IEEE p1284.4 standard - data packets" },
+     { 0x0287,	"ETSI TETRA Network Protocol Type 1" },
+     { 0x0289,	"Multichannel Flow Treatment Protocol" },
+     { 0x2063,	"RTP IPHC Compressed TCP No Delta" },
+     { 0x2065,	"RTP IPHC Context State" },
+     { 0x2067,	"RTP IPHC Compressed UDP 16" },
+     { 0x2069,	"RTP IPHC Compressed RTP 16" },
++#if 0
+     { 0x4001,	"Cray Communications Control Protocol" },
+     { 0x4003,	"CDPD Mobile Network Registration Protocol" },
+     { 0x4005,	"Expand accelerator protocol" },
+@@ -948,8 +961,10 @@ struct protocol_list {
+     { 0x4023,	"RefTek Protocol" },
+     { 0x4025,	"Fibre Channel" },
+     { 0x4027,	"EMIT Protocols" },
+     { 0x405b,	"Vendor-Specific Protocol (VSP)" },
+     { 0x8021,	"Internet Protocol Control Protocol" },
++#if 0
+     { 0x8023,	"OSI Network Layer Control Protocol" },
+     { 0x8025,	"Xerox NS IDP Control Protocol" },
+     { 0x8027,	"DECnet Phase IV Control Protocol" },
+@@ -958,7 +973,9 @@ struct protocol_list {
+     { 0x8031,	"Bridging NCP" },
+     { 0x8033,	"Stream Protocol Control Protocol" },
+     { 0x8035,	"Banyan Vines Control Protocol" },
+     { 0x803d,	"Multi-Link Control Protocol" },
++#if 0
+     { 0x803f,	"NETBIOS Framing Control Protocol" },
+     { 0x8041,	"Cisco Systems Control Protocol" },
+     { 0x8043,	"Ascom Timeplex" },
+@@ -967,18 +984,24 @@ struct protocol_list {
+     { 0x8049,	"Serial Data Control Protocol (PPP-SDCP)" },
+     { 0x804b,	"SNA over 802.2 Control Protocol" },
+     { 0x804d,	"SNA Control Protocol" },
+     { 0x804f,	"IP6 Header Compression Control Protocol" },
++#if 0
+     { 0x8051,	"KNX Bridging Control Protocol" },
+     { 0x8053,	"Encryption Control Protocol" },
+     { 0x8055,	"Individual Link Encryption Control Protocol" },
+     { 0x8057,	"IPv6 Control Protovol" },
+     { 0x8059,	"PPP Muxing Control Protocol" },
+     { 0x805b,	"Vendor-Specific Network Control Protocol (VSNCP)" },
++#if 0
+     { 0x806f,	"Stampede Bridging Control Protocol" },
+     { 0x8073,	"MP+ Control Protocol" },
+     { 0x80c1,	"NTCITS IPI Control Protocol" },
+     { 0x80fb,	"Single Link Compression Control Protocol" },
+     { 0x80fd,	"Compression Control Protocol" },
++#if 0
+     { 0x8207,	"Cisco Discovery Protocol Control" },
+     { 0x8209,	"Netcs Twin Routing" },
+     { 0x820b,	"STP - Control Protocol" },
+@@ -987,24 +1010,29 @@ struct protocol_list {
+     { 0x8281,	"MPLSCP" },
+     { 0x8285,	"IEEE p1284.4 standard - Protocol Control" },
+     { 0x8287,	"ETSI TETRA TNP1 Control Protocol" },
+     { 0x8289,	"Multichannel Flow Treatment Protocol" },
+     { 0xc021,	"Link Control Protocol" },
+     { 0xc023,	"Password Authentication Protocol" },
+     { 0xc025,	"Link Quality Report" },
++#if 0
+     { 0xc027,	"Shiva Password Authentication Protocol" },
+     { 0xc029,	"CallBack Control Protocol (CBCP)" },
+     { 0xc02b,	"BACP Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol" },
+     { 0xc02d,	"BAP" },
+     { 0xc05b,	"Vendor-Specific Authentication Protocol (VSAP)" },
+     { 0xc081,	"Container Control Protocol" },
+     { 0xc223,	"Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol" },
+     { 0xc225,	"RSA Authentication Protocol" },
+     { 0xc227,	"Extensible Authentication Protocol" },
++#if 0
+     { 0xc229,	"Mitsubishi Security Info Exch Ptcl (SIEP)" },
+     { 0xc26f,	"Stampede Bridging Authorization Protocol" },
+     { 0xc281,	"Proprietary Authentication Protocol" },
+     { 0xc283,	"Proprietary Authentication Protocol" },
+     { 0xc481,	"Proprietary Node ID Authentication Protocol" },
+     { 0,	NULL },
+ };