2021-10-13 Tianling Shenyq: Update to 4.13.4
2021-10-13 Nick Hainkedawn: update to 2021-10-13
2021-10-12 Alexandru ArdeleanMerge pull request #16856 from jefferyto/python-pyopens...
2021-10-12 Eneas U de... oniguruma: bump to
2021-10-11 Jeffery ToMerge pull request #16844 from erdoukki/crowdsec-firewa...
2021-10-11 Jeffery ToMerge pull request #16244 from erdoukki/crowdsec
2021-10-11 Jeffery Togolang: Update to 1.17.2
2021-10-10 Daniel Gollepynacl: fix build with updated sodium-minimal patch
2021-10-10 Jeffery Topython-pyopenssl: Update to 21.0.0
2021-10-10 Jan Pavlinecgitlab-runner: update to version 14.3.2
2021-10-10 Hannu Nymanrrdtool: Keep time as 'long' despite 64bit time_t in...
2021-10-10 Georgi Valkovacme: update to 3.0.1
2021-10-10 Kevin Davidgithub-ci: also build mipsel_24kc / mt7621
2021-10-09 Paul SpoorenCI: update SDK action to v3
2021-10-09 Daniel Gollecni-plugins: update to version 1.0.1
2021-10-09 Daniel Gollecni: update to version 1.0.1
2021-10-09 Daniel Golleopentracker: update to git HEAD of 2021-08-23
2021-10-09 Daniel Gollecryptsetup: update to version 2.4.1
2021-10-09 Daniel Golleccid: update to version 1.4.36
2021-10-09 Daniel Gollepcsc-lite: update to version 1.9.4
2021-10-09 Daniel Gollelibinput: update to version 1.19.1
2021-10-09 Daniel Gollelibudev-zero: update to version 1.0.0
2021-10-09 Daniel Golleexim: update to version 4.95
2021-10-09 Daniel Gollepyodbc: update to version 4.0.32
2021-10-09 Daniel Gollepostgresql: update to version 14.0
2021-10-09 Daniel Golledebootstrap: update to version 1.0.124
2021-10-09 Damiano Renferlibsodium: update maintainer email address
2021-10-09 Kerma Géraldcrowdsec-firewall-bouncer: initial package v0.0.15
2021-10-09 Kerma Géraldcrowdsec: initial package v1.2.0
2021-10-09 Nick Hainkedawn: update to 2021-08-05
2021-10-09 Daniel Gollegnunet: update to version 0.15.3
2021-10-09 Daniel Gollelibsodium: include ed25519_core in minimal build
2021-10-08 Paul Spoorenauc: remove superfluous variables
2021-10-08 Moritz Warningzerotier: add option to copy config
2021-10-08 Eneas U de... gcc: enable parallel building
2021-10-08 Matthew Haganmutt: add smtp, sasl, gnutls, menuconfig options
2021-10-08 Christian Lachnerhaproxy: Update HAProxy to v2.4.7
2021-10-08 Rosen Penevhiredis: fix compilation with macOS
2021-10-08 Florian Eckertacpica-unix: add additional acpi programms
2021-10-08 René van Dorsttang: Fix installation error, missing fi statement
2021-10-08 Damiano Renferdnscrypt-proxy: update maintainer email address
2021-10-08 Stan GrishinMerge pull request #16828 from stangri/master-simple...
2021-10-08 Rosen Penevbeanstald: fix compilation under macOS
2021-10-08 Rosen Penevccid: fix compilation under macOS
2021-10-08 Rosen Penevopenzwave: fix compilation with macOS
2021-10-08 Alexandru Ardeleanpython-pytz: bump to version 2021.3
2021-10-07 Alexandru ArdeleanMerge pull request #16823 from cotequeiroz/openblas...
2021-10-07 Michal Vasilekdocker: update to 20.10.9
2021-10-07 Michal Vasilekdockerd: update to 20.10.9
2021-10-06 Daniel GolleMako: add python markup library
2021-10-06 Daniel Gollelibdrm: update to version 2.4.107
2021-10-06 Stan Grishinsimple-adblock: delete obsolete iptables-dependent...
2021-10-06 Eneas U de... openblas: avoid using make -j when building
2021-10-06 Leo Soaresautossh: fix procd env issue
2021-10-06 Hannu Nymannano: update to 5.9
2021-10-06 Eneas U de... openblas: fix compilation with mips x4k series CPU
2021-10-06 Kevin Darbyshire... collectd: sqm_collect: optimise parent search
2021-10-06 Rosen Penevvim: fix compilation with macOS
2021-10-06 Rosen Penevlibdnet: fix compilation under macOS
2021-10-05 Florian EckertMerge pull request #16792 from damianorenfer/master
2021-10-04 Rosen Penevnet-snmp: remove uClibc reference in patch
2021-10-04 Rosen Penevnet-snmp: update to 5.9.1
2021-10-04 Glenn Strausslighttpd: update to lighttpd 1.4.60 release hash
2021-10-04 Alexandru Ardeleanopenblas: bump to 0.3.18
2021-10-04 Damiano Renferddns-scripts: add infomaniak.com provider
2021-10-04 Dirk BrenkenMerge pull request #16785 from ayufan-research/master
2021-10-04 Kamil Trzcińskitravelmate: support meta-refresh with single-quote
2021-10-04 Vladimir Ulrichzoneinfo: Updated to the latest release
2021-10-04 Etienne Champetierhtop: explicitly disable some build options
2021-10-03 Gerard Ryancache-domains: Fixed remote script usage change
2021-10-03 Liangbin Lianzerotier: fix cross compile in macOS
2021-10-03 Michael HeimpoldMerge pull request #16786 from mhei/mmc-utils-update
2021-10-03 Jan Hoffmannvnstat2: update to version 2.8
2021-10-03 Hannu Nymanhtop: update to 3.1.0
2021-10-03 Hannu Nymanhaveged: update to 1.9.15
2021-10-02 Tianling Shenv2raya: Update to 1.5.4
2021-10-02 Kevin Darbyshire... collectd: sqm_collect: handle being orphaned
2021-10-02 Alexandru Ardeleanlibwebp: fix webpmux lib name for cmake linking
2021-10-02 Tianling Shenyq: Update to 4.13.3
2021-10-02 Michael Heimpoldmmc-utils: update to latest upstream revision
2021-10-02 Alexandru ArdeleanMerge pull request #16715 from neheb/FIO
2021-10-01 Rosen Penevlibfido2: update to 1.8.0
2021-10-01 Alexandru ArdeleanMerge pull request #16752 from paper42/python-websocket
2021-10-01 Tianling Shendnsproxy: Update to 0.39.8
2021-10-01 Chukun Pansocat: update to
2021-09-30 Alexandru Ardeleanpillow: add webp support
2021-09-30 Alexandru Ardeleanlibs: libwebp: bump to 1.2.1 & assign myself as maintainer
2021-09-30 Alexandru Ardeleanopenpyxl: bump to version 3.0.9
2021-09-30 Alexandru Ardeleanstress-ng: bump to 0.13.03
2021-09-30 Michal Vasilekpython3-package.mk: fix syntax error in FindStdlibDepends
2021-09-30 Michal Vasilekpython-websockets: new package
2021-09-30 Florian EckertMerge pull request #16663 from zhujunsan/master
2021-09-30 Jun Zhuddns-scripts: Add dnspod.cn
2021-09-29 Alexandru ArdeleanMerge pull request #16745 from neheb/tinc2
2021-09-29 Alexandru Ardeleansudo: bump to version 1.9.8p2
2021-09-28 Alexandru ArdeleanMerge pull request #16746 from neheb/secc2
2021-09-28 Alexandru ArdeleanMerge pull request #16679 from paper42/mutt-2.1.3
2021-09-28 Alexandru ArdeleanMerge pull request #16760 from mhei/ci-typo
2021-09-28 Michael Heimpoldgithub-ci: fix small typo
2021-09-28 Michael HeimpoldMerge pull request #16756 from mhei/php7-update