2023-07-05 Tiago Gasparnginx: add quic modue
2023-07-05 Tiago Gasparnginx: update to 1.25.1
2023-07-05 Javier Marcetnginx: add support for MaxMind GeoIP2 databases
2023-07-05 Christian Lachnerliburing: Update to v2.4
2023-07-04 Javier Marcetpython-docker: Update to 6.1.3
2023-07-04 Javier Marcetpython-docker: Update to 6.1.2
2023-07-04 Christian Lachnerhaproxy: update to v2.8.1
2023-07-04 Tianling Shenrclone: Update to 1.63.0
2023-07-03 Jeffery Topython-typing-extensions: Update to 4.7.1
2023-07-03 Javier Marcetpython-dotenv: update to v1.0.0
2023-07-03 Tianling Shendnsproxy: Update to 0.51.0
2023-07-03 Philip PrindevilleMerge pull request #21483 from pprindeville/acpica...
2023-07-03 Philip Prindevilleacpica-unix: Update to 20230628
2023-07-02 Javier Marcetdocker-compose: Update to version 2.19.1
2023-07-02 Javier Marcetpython-websocket-client: update to 1.6.1
2023-07-02 Javier Marcetpython-stem: update to v1.8.2
2023-07-01 Oskari Rautalibwebsockets: Fix -Werror=enum-int-mismatch in lws_tls...
2023-07-01 W. Michael... grilo-plugins: update to 0.3.16
2023-07-01 W. Michael... grilo: update to 0.3.16
2023-07-01 Jeffery Topython-hatchling: Update to 1.18.0
2023-07-01 Jeffery Topython-pluggy: Update to 1.2.0
2023-07-01 Van Waholtzsing-box: update to 1.3.0
2023-07-01 Salem Huangnetbird: update to 0.21.7
2023-07-01 Jeffery Topython-markupsafe: Update to 2.1.3, add host build
2023-07-01 Jeffery Topython-service-identity: Update to 23.1.0
2023-07-01 Jeffery Topython-libmodbus: Update to 0.6.2
2023-07-01 Robert Högberginadyn: update to 2.11.0
2023-06-30 Philip Prindevillestrongswan: Update to 5.9.11
2023-06-30 W. Michael... vala: add self as maintainer of unmaintained package
2023-06-30 W. Michael... vala: patch to circumvent apparent pkgconf bug
2023-06-30 Dirk Brenkenadblock: update to 4.1.5-8
2023-06-30 Robert Högbergminidlna: update to 1.3.3
2023-06-30 Jeffery Topython-gnupg: Update to 0.5.0
2023-06-30 Jeffery Topython-werkzeug: Update to 2.3.6
2023-06-30 John Thomsoncoova-chilli: fix kernel >= 5.17 compile
2023-06-29 John Audiasnort3: update to
2023-06-29 John Audialibdaq3: update to 3.0.11
2023-06-29 Christian Maranginetsniff-ng: backport patch fixing wrong args handling...
2023-06-27 Philip PrindevilleMerge pull request #21410 from pprindeville/isc-dhcp...
2023-06-27 Jeffery Topython-setuptools: Update to 68.0.0
2023-06-27 Jeffery Topython-packages: Take over maintainership from Daniel...
2023-06-26 Jan Hákknot: update to version 3.2.8
2023-06-26 Noah Meyerhansbind: bump to 9.18.16
2023-06-25 Tianling ShenMerge pull request #21405 from jefferyto/selinux-update
2023-06-25 John Thomsonlibpfring: update to 8.4.0
2023-06-25 John Thomsonxr_usb_serial_common: bump to 2023-03-31
2023-06-24 Jeffery ToMerge pull request #21366 from zhanhb/haproxy
2023-06-24 Dirk Brenkenbanip: update 0.8.8-2
2023-06-23 Huangbin Zhanhaproxy: update to v2.8.0
2023-06-23 Tianling Shenvsftpd: fix compilation with musl 1.2.4
2023-06-22 Remi Gacognednsdist: Move the configuration to Config.in
2023-06-22 Remi Gacognednsdist: Split in two packages `dnsdist` and `dnsdist...
2023-06-22 Tianling Shengitlab-runner: Update to 16.0.2
2023-06-22 Remi Gacogneh2o: Reduce the size of the default HTTP2 buffer
2023-06-22 Remi Gacogneh2o: Do not initialize the mime types map at startup
2023-06-22 Remi Gacogneh2o: Build libh2o-evloop without yaml support
2023-06-22 Wojciech Dubowiklinuxptp: Update to 4.0
2023-06-22 Marius Dinutvheadend: add dependency on gettext (host)
2023-06-22 Marius Dinutvheadend: update to 2023-06-05
2023-06-22 Tianling ShenMerge pull request #21419 from QuintinHill/ble2mqtt...
2023-06-22 Hirokazu MORIKAWAc-ares: bump to 1.19.1
2023-06-21 Jeffery ToMerge pull request #21147 from cottsay/openelp
2023-06-21 Tianling Shencloudflared: Update to 2023.6.1
2023-06-21 W. Michael... shared-mime-info: update to 2.2
2023-06-21 Tianling ShenMerge pull request #21421 from nxhack/node_18161
2023-06-21 Dirk Brenkenbanip: release 0.8.8-1
2023-06-21 Nuno Gonçalvesgl-mifi-mcu: remove package as it is device specific...
2023-06-21 Florian EckertMerge pull request #21378 from TDT-AG/pr/20230615-modem...
2023-06-21 Hirokazu MORIKAWAnode: June 20 2023 Security Releases
2023-06-20 Quintin Hillpython-ble2mqtt: fix installation of python program
2023-06-20 Nuno Gonçalvesgl-mifi-mcu: make compatible with newer kernel (fix...
2023-06-20 Stan GrishinMerge pull request #21411 from stangri/master-https...
2023-06-20 Scott K Loganopenelp: Add new package
2023-06-20 Tianling Shenv2ray-geodata: Update to latest version
2023-06-20 Tianling Shenxray-core: update to 1.8.3
2023-06-20 Jeffery Tosemodule-utils: Update to 3.5, reorganize package
2023-06-20 Jeffery Toselinux-python: Update to 3.5, reorganize package
2023-06-20 Stan Grishinhttps-dns-proxy: update to 2023-05-25-2
2023-06-20 Philip Prindevilleisc-dhcp: don't require subnet pools
2023-06-20 Philip PrindevilleMerge pull request #21402 from pprindeville/dhcpd-send...
2023-06-20 Philip Prindevilleisc-dhcp: force sending unrequested parameters
2023-06-19 Eneas U de... alpine: disable parallel build
2023-06-19 Jeffery Toselinux-python: Add default sections for Python and...
2023-06-19 Jeffery Toselinux-python: Order package sections alphabetically
2023-06-19 Jeffery Topython3-libsemanage: Update to 3.5, rename source/targe...
2023-06-19 Jeffery Topython3-libselinux: Update to 3.5, rename source/target...
2023-06-19 Jeffery Tosetools: Update to 4.4.2, reorganize package
2023-06-19 Tianling Shencloudflared: Update to 2023.6.0
2023-06-18 Hirokazu MORIKAWAlibuv: bump to 1.45.0
2023-06-18 Facundo Acevedoarp-whisper: Add new package
2023-06-17 Hannu Nymancollectd: handle renaming ipq807x as qualcommax
2023-06-17 Robert Markomhz: add new package
2023-06-17 Oskari Rautafatresize: bump release
2023-06-17 Eneas U de... gost_engine: disable tests, reset patches dir
2023-06-16 Vladimir Ermakovqemu: update to 8.0.2
2023-06-16 Tianling ShenCI: update build architectures
2023-06-16 Tianling Shenqemu: change references from armvirt to armsr
2023-06-16 Tianling Shencollectd: change references from armvirt to armsr
2023-06-16 Philip PrindevilleMerge pull request #21380 from pprindeville/strongswan...
2023-06-16 Philip Prindevillestrongswan: make parsing more consistent