2019-02-12 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #8192 from gladiac1337/feature-hapro...
2019-02-12 Ted HessMerge pull request #8159 from neheb/xz
2019-02-12 Yousong Zhoushadowsocks-libev: ss-rules: fix flushing ipv6 rules
2019-02-12 Yousong Zhoushadowsocks-libev: ss-rules: tweak for readability
2019-02-12 Christian Lachnerhaproxy: Update HAProxy to v1.8.19
2019-02-12 Luiz Angelo... ruby: fix build for uclibc
2019-02-11 Peter Wagnerirssi: update to 1.2.0
2019-02-11 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #8135 from ja-pa/unbound-update
2019-02-11 Yousong Zhoushadowsocks-libev: flush ss rules on entry
2019-02-11 Jan Pavlinecunbound: update to version 1.9.0
2019-02-10 Michael Heimpoldphp7: fix cross compiling patch (fixes #8166)
2019-02-10 Jan Pavlinecopenssh: patch scp security issues
2019-02-10 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #8164 from diizzyy/patch-6
2019-02-10 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #8169 from dengqf6/uwsgi
2019-02-10 Deng Qingfanguwsgi-cgi: update to 2.0.18 and use official tarball
2019-02-09 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #8162 from neheb/key
2019-02-09 Daniel Gollelibudev-fbsd: update to git source as of 2017-12-16
2019-02-09 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #7823 from BKPepe/owfs3.2p3
2019-02-09 Michael Heimpoldphp7: update to 7.2.15
2019-02-09 Daniel Engbergbluez: Cosmetic fixes
2019-02-09 Rosen Penevxz: Compile with PIC to fix linking errors
2019-02-09 Rosen Penevkeyutils: Make reproducible
2019-02-08 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #8111 from neheb/ng
2019-02-08 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #8126 from jefferyto/tgt-init
2019-02-08 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #8156 from BKPepe/youtube-dl-2019...
2019-02-08 Toke Høiland... Merge ACME fixes
2019-02-08 Toke Høiland... acme: Bump package revision
2019-02-08 Adrien DAURIATacme: Fix loading credentials
2019-02-08 Josef Schlehoferyoutube-dl: update to version 2019.02.08
2019-02-08 Daniel GolleMerge pull request #7631 from neheb/patch-1
2019-02-08 Karl Palssonmosquitto: bump to 1.5.6
2019-02-08 Jeffery Totgt: Update init script
2019-02-07 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #8114 from neheb/av
2019-02-07 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #8124 from aparcar/prometheus-2.7.1
2019-02-07 Alexey I. Froloffnet/acme: commit uhttpd configuration if update_httpd set
2019-02-07 Alexey I. Froloffnet/acme: issue_cert should always call post_checks...
2019-02-06 Jonas Gorskiznc: fix patches applying
2019-02-06 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #8130 from lucize/freetype-host
2019-02-06 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #8136 from ja-pa/dovecot-security-fix
2019-02-06 Jonas Gorskiznc: update to 1.7.2
2019-02-05 Jan Pavlinecdovecot: update to version (security fix)
2019-02-05 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #8102 from jefferyto/clamav-init
2019-02-05 Ted HessMerge pull request #8112 from neheb/sha
2019-02-05 Lucian Cristianfreetype: add host config flags
2019-02-05 Rosen Penevshairplay: Update to 2018-08-24
2019-02-04 Michael Heimpoldphp7-pecl-http: give hint about zlib staging dir
2019-02-04 Paul Spoorenprometheus: update to 2.7.1
2019-02-04 Jeffery Tosshtunnel: Update init script
2019-02-03 Rosen Penevngircd: Update to 25
2019-02-03 Deng Qingfangbind: update to 9.12.3-P1 and other
2019-02-03 Dave Tahtbcp38: Allow class-e through bcp38
2019-02-03 Ted HessMerge pull request #8120 from jefferyto/socat-init
2019-02-03 Ted HessMerge pull request #8113 from neheb/ava
2019-02-03 Jeffery Tosocat: Update init script
2019-02-02 Rosen Penevdavfs2: Update to 1.5.5
2019-02-02 Rosen Penevlibavahi-compat-libdnssd: Fix compilation
2019-02-02 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #8100 from yangfl/lighttpd
2019-02-02 Dirk BrenkenMerge pull request #8107 from dibdot/adblock
2019-02-02 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #8071 from jefferyto/addrwatch-init
2019-02-02 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #8104 from jefferyto/htpdate-init
2019-02-02 Dirk Brenkenadblock: update 3.6.5
2019-02-01 Daniel F. Dickinsongit: Fix gitweb missing dependencies
2019-02-01 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #4474 from ecsv/ratechecker
2019-02-01 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #8090 from rosysong/nft-qos
2019-02-01 Jeffery Tohtpdate: Update init script
2019-02-01 Jeffery Toclamav: Update init scripts
2019-02-01 David Yanglighttpd: Add missing 'server.modules' in some config...
2019-02-01 David Yanglighttpd: Remove recursive dependency in #7737
2019-02-01 David Yanglighttpd: Disable auto loading mod_authn_file
2019-02-01 Rosen Penevcryptsetup: Remove OpenSSL variant
2019-02-01 Rosen Penevcryptsetup: Replace libgcrypt with AFALG
2019-02-01 Rosy Songnft-qos: fix useless log in syslog
2019-01-31 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #8091 from gladiac1337/feature-hapro...
2019-01-31 Daniel Gollegnunet: fix PKG_MIRROR_HASH
2019-01-31 Christian Lachnerhaproxy: Update all patches for HAProxy v1.8.17
2019-01-31 Josef Schlehoferowfs: update to version v3.2p3
2019-01-31 Daniel Gollelibextractor: fix PKG_HASH
2019-01-30 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #8070 from jefferyto/stunnel-init
2019-01-30 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #8076 from BKPepe/youtube-dl
2019-01-30 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #8075 from diizzyy/patch-5
2019-01-30 Josef Schlehoferyoutube-dl: update to version 2019.01.30.1
2019-01-30 Daniel Engberglibs/libmicrohttpd: Fix for install sections
2019-01-29 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #8072 from BKPepe/syslog-ng
2019-01-29 Josef Schlehofersyslog-ng: remove psmisc dependency
2019-01-29 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #8068 from mwarning/change_dependency
2019-01-29 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #8059 from diizzyy/net-gnunet
2019-01-29 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #8058 from diizzyy/patch-4
2019-01-29 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #8047 from diizzyy/libs-libmicrohttpd
2019-01-29 Daniel Engberggnunet: Specify libmicrohttpd-ssl dependency
2019-01-29 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #8069 from sartura/libyang_v0.16...
2019-01-29 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #7976 from BKPepe/syslog-ng
2019-01-29 Jeffery Toaddrwatch: Update init script
2019-01-29 Jeffery Tostunnel: Update init script
2019-01-29 Moritz Warningdevice-observatory: Specify libmicrohttpd dependency
2019-01-29 Mislav Novakoviclibyang: add patch for lyb bugfix
2019-01-29 Daniel Gollegnunet: update to source to 20190128
2019-01-29 Daniel Golleopentracker: update source
2019-01-29 Daniel Gollecryptsetup: update to version 2.0.6
2019-01-29 Daniel Golledebootstrap: update to version 1.0.110~bpo9+1
2019-01-29 Daniel Gollelibextractor: update to version 1.8