2021-05-28 Tianling Shenperl-file-next: add new package
2021-05-27 Noah Meyerhansbind: bump to 9.17.13
2021-05-27 Jan Pavlineccurl: update to version 7.77.0 (security fix)
2021-05-27 Dobroslaw Kijowskiadguardhome: bump to 0.106.3
2021-05-26 ekathva advaitagpsd: Add a new package gpsd-utils to add gpsdctl
2021-05-25 David BauerMerge pull request #15687 from blocktrron/xr-usb-serial-fix
2021-05-25 David Bauerxr_usb_serial_common: fix kernel 5.10 builds
2021-05-25 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #15625 from ja-pa/python-cryptodomex...
2021-05-25 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #15690 from ja-pa/gitlab-runner...
2021-05-25 Jan Pavlinecgitlab-runner: update to version 13.12.0
2021-05-24 Tianling Shenyq: Update to 4.9.3
2021-05-23 Darryl Sokoloskinetifyd: update to 3.07
2021-05-22 W. Michael... podman: change permissions on /etc/containers
2021-05-21 Alexander Egorenkovlibassuan: remove gpgrt-config workaround
2021-05-21 Michael HeimpoldMerge pull request #15678 from mhei/libxml-update
2021-05-21 Stijn Tintelminiupnpd: bump to 2.2.2
2021-05-21 Stijn Tintelminiupnpd: add missing dependencies
2021-05-21 Stijn Tintelminiupnpd: reformat dependencies
2021-05-21 Lucian Cristianlibreswan: update to 4.4
2021-05-21 Lucian Cristiannss: update to 3.65
2021-05-21 Lucian Cristiannspr: update to 4.30
2021-05-20 Florian EckertMerge pull request #15664 from looi/fix_ddns_dash
2021-05-19 Wenli Looiddns-scripts: Fix for domains with dash
2021-05-19 Jan Pavlinector: update to version
2021-05-19 Oskari Rautacrun: bumb to version 0.19.1
2021-05-19 Florian EckertMerge pull request #15657 from looi/fix_ddns_wildcard
2021-05-19 Wenli Looiddns-scripts: Fix for wildcard subdomain
2021-05-18 Michael Heimpoldlibxml2: update to 2.9.12
2021-05-18 Jan Hoffmannvnstat2: update to version 2.7
2021-05-18 Alexandru Ardeleansudo: bump to version 1.9.7
2021-05-18 Oskari Rautapodman: bumb version to 3.1.2
2021-05-18 Tianling Shenyq: Update to 4.9.1
2021-05-18 Alexandru Ardeleandjango: bump to version 3.2.3
2021-05-18 Alexandru Ardeleanet_xmlfile: bump to version 1.1.0
2021-05-18 Alexandru Ardeleanpython-six: bump to version 1.16.0
2021-05-18 Christian Lachnerhaproxy: Update HAProxy to v2.4.0
2021-05-15 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #15630 from nxhack/node_14170
2021-05-14 Philip PrindevilleMerge pull request #15601 from pprindeville/strongswan...
2021-05-14 Matt Reeversync: Add rrsync script
2021-05-14 Igor Bezzubchenkolibpqxx: update to version 7.5.2
2021-05-14 Jan Pavlinecpython-cryptodomex: update to version 3.10.1
2021-05-14 Ansuel Smithatlas-sw-probe: fix missing link on sysupgrade
2021-05-14 Miroslav Lichvarchrony: update to 4.1
2021-05-13 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #15618 from Payne-X6/master
2021-05-13 Stijn TintelMerge pull request #15615 from flyn-org/libgpg-error
2021-05-13 Jan Hakknot: update to version 3.0.6
2021-05-13 Javier Marcetdocker-compose: Update to version 1.29.2
2021-05-13 Hirokazu MORIKAWAnode: bump to v14.17.0
2021-05-13 W. Michael... libgpg-error: patch to fix cross-compile
2021-05-11 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #15593 from flyn-org/snort3
2021-05-11 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #15590 from flyn-org/gstreamer
2021-05-11 W. Michael... snort3: update to
2021-05-11 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #15608 from dobo90/adguardhome_v0...
2021-05-11 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #15603 from ja-pa/knot-resolver...
2021-05-11 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #15605 from 1715173329/yq
2021-05-11 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #15586 from commodo/python3-update
2021-05-11 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #15591 from flyn-org/grilo-plugins
2021-05-11 Alexander Egorenkovlibassuan: fix linking of host's libgpg-error
2021-05-11 Dobroslaw Kijowskiadguardhome: bump to 0.106.2
2021-05-11 W. Michael... gst1-libav: update to 1.18.4
2021-05-11 W. Michael... gst1-plugins-ugly: update to 1.18.4
2021-05-11 W. Michael... gst1-plugins-bad: update to 1.18.4
2021-05-11 W. Michael... gst1-plugins-good: update to 1.18.4
2021-05-11 W. Michael... gst1-plugins-base: update to 1.18.4
2021-05-11 W. Michael... gstreamer1: update to 1.18.4
2021-05-11 Tianling Shenyq: Update to 4.8.0
2021-05-11 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #15602 from ja-pa/redis-6.2.3
2021-05-11 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #15604 from ja-pa/lmdb-0.9.29
2021-05-11 Jan Pavlineclmbd: update to version 0.9.29
2021-05-11 Jan Pavlinecredis: update to version 6.2.3
2021-05-11 Alexandru Ardeleanpython3: bump version to 3.9.5
2021-05-11 Jan Pavlinecknot-resolver: update to version 5.3.2
2021-05-11 Michael HeimpoldMerge pull request #15599 from mhei/php8-update
2021-05-11 Michael HeimpoldMerge pull request #15600 from mhei/php7-update
2021-05-11 Philip Prindevillestrongswan: make default bundle use swanctl
2021-05-11 W. Michael... grilo-plugins: update to 0.3.13
2021-05-11 W. Michael... libdaq3: update to 3.0.3
2021-05-10 W. Michael... syslog-ng: update to 3.32.1
2021-05-10 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #15594 from flyn-org/snort
2021-05-10 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #15589 from flyn-org/krb5
2021-05-10 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #15595 from flyn-org/libgcrypt
2021-05-10 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #15596 from flyn-org/openldap
2021-05-10 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #15597 from flyn-org/scapy
2021-05-10 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #15588 from flyn-org/nfdump
2021-05-10 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #15585 from ja-pa/tailscale-1.8.1
2021-05-10 Michael Heimpoldphp7: update to 7.4.19
2021-05-10 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #15587 from flyn-org/libgee
2021-05-10 Michael Heimpoldphp8: update to 8.0.6
2021-05-10 W. Michael... libgcrypt: update to 1.9.3
2021-05-10 W. Michael... libgpg-error: update to 1.42
2021-05-10 W. Michael... scapy: update to 2.4.5
2021-05-10 W. Michael... openldap: update to 2.4.58
2021-05-10 W. Michael... snort: update
2021-05-10 W. Michael... krb5: update to 1.19.1
2021-05-10 W. Michael... nfdump: update to 1.6.23
2021-05-10 W. Michael... libgee: update to 0.20.4
2021-05-10 Jan Pavlinectailscale: update to version 1.8.1
2021-05-10 Daniel Gollelvm2: update to version 2.03.12
2021-05-10 Daniel Golleexim: update to version 4.94.2
2021-05-10 Daniel Golleauc: support queue_position status from server