2018-05-30 Florian Eckertnet/mwan3: fix update on connected ip networks
2018-05-29 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6147 from EricLuehrsen/openwrt...
2018-05-29 Eric Luehrsenunbound: provide transparent defaults with documentation
2018-05-25 Yousong Zhouxl2tpd: bump to version 1.3.12
2018-05-23 Jo-Philipp... flashrom: update to v1.0
2018-05-17 Rosen Penevxz: Update to 5.2.4 + misc
2018-05-16 Hannu Nymannano: update to 2.9.7
2018-05-16 Florian Eckertnet/mwan3: update version to 2.6.16
2018-05-16 Florian Eckertnet/mwan3: execute only ifup event if l3_device is...
2018-05-16 Florian Eckertnet/mwan3: remove logging mwan3track pid is not found
2018-05-16 Florian Eckertnet/mwan3: add/remove src_ip from routing table
2018-05-15 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #5915 from neheb/cifs
2018-05-15 Dirk BrenkenMerge pull request #6057 from dibdot/adblock
2018-05-14 Ted HessMerge pull request #5917 from diizzyy/patch-2
2018-05-14 Dirk Brenkenadblock: update 3.5.2
2018-05-14 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6023 from ClaymorePT/boost_1.67...
2018-05-14 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6054 from zhaojh329/libuwsc
2018-05-14 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6053 from commodo/python-remove...
2018-05-14 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6051 from ldir-EDB0/bumplibidn
2018-05-14 Jianhui Zhaolibuwsc: Update to 2.0.2
2018-05-14 Kevin Darbyshire... libidn: bump to v1.35 (2018-05-11)
2018-05-14 Alexandru Ardeleanpython,python3: remove `--ignore-installed` flag for...
2018-05-14 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #6050 from ldir-EDB0/bumpminiupnpd
2018-05-14 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #6039 from vortigont/ddns-now
2018-05-13 Ted HessMerge pull request #6043 from diizzyy/alsautils-libsamp...
2018-05-13 Peter Wagnerwget: update to 1.19.5
2018-05-13 Kevin Darbyshire... miniupnpd: bump to v2.1 20180508
2018-05-13 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6017 from tohojo/master
2018-05-13 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6028 from ldir-EDB0/miniupnpdtweaks
2018-05-13 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6044 from micmac1/maria-up
2018-05-13 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6048 from iamperson347/stubby0.2.3
2018-05-13 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6047 from iamperson347/getdns1.4.2
2018-05-13 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6032 from wvdakker/master
2018-05-13 David Morastubby: Bump to 0.2.3
2018-05-13 David Moragetdns: Bump to 1.4.2
2018-05-13 Sebastian Kempermariadb: add source mirrors
2018-05-13 Sebastian Kempermariadb: bump to 10.1.33
2018-05-13 Sebastian Kempermariadb: fix /etc/mysql setup
2018-05-13 Sebastian Kempermariadb: Makefile cleanups
2018-05-12 Daniel Engbergalsa-utils: Don't pull in libsamplerate
2018-05-12 Nikos Mavrogiannopoulosocserv: updated to 0.12.1
2018-05-11 Dirk BrenkenMerge pull request #6036 from TDT-AG/pr/20180511-net...
2018-05-11 Emil Muratovddns-scripts: "now-dns.com" service fix
2018-05-11 BERENYI, Balazsdomoticz: backport Boost 1.66 compat fix
2018-05-11 Florian Eckertnet/mwan3: add missing local variables
2018-05-11 Florian Eckertnet/mwan3: remove check_quality option from default...
2018-05-11 Florian Eckertnet/mwan3: update logging output
2018-05-11 Florian Eckertnet/mwan3: fix indentation
2018-05-11 Florian Eckertnet/mwan3: replace legancy backticks
2018-05-11 Florian Eckertnet/mwan3: remove needless log output on mwan3track
2018-05-11 Nishant Sharmamwan3: Packet Loss & Latency Check
2018-05-10 W. van den... Shorewall6: Bump to version
2018-05-10 W. van den... Shorewall: Bump to version
2018-05-10 W. van den... Shorewall6-lite: Bump to version
2018-05-10 W. van den... Shorewall-lite: Bump to version
2018-05-10 W. van den... Shorewall-core: Bump to version
2018-05-10 Ted HessMerge pull request #5980 from diizzyy/patch-6
2018-05-10 tripolarMerge pull request #5981 from diizzyy/patch-8
2018-05-09 Kevin Darbyshire... miniupnpd: change leasefile location
2018-05-09 Kevin Darbyshire... miniupnpd: build with gc-sections & LTO
2018-05-09 Yousong Zhoubash: style and doc fix
2018-05-09 Yousong Zhoubash: fix postinst script
2018-05-09 Yousong Zhoutreewide: use mirror tag @KERNEL where applicable
2018-05-09 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6025 from TDT-AG/pr/20180509-net...
2018-05-09 Florian Eckertnet/keepalived: update to 1.4.4
2018-05-09 Daniel Engbergutils/bash: Update to 4.4.18
2018-05-09 Yousong Zhoudtc: add subpackage fdt-utils
2018-05-09 Yousong Zhoudtc: bump to version 1.4.6
2018-05-09 Carlos Miguel... boost: Package Release 2 (minor fixes)
2018-05-08 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #5995 from diizzyy/patch-10
2018-05-08 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #5855 from diizzyy/net-vnstat
2018-05-08 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #5992 from kismetwireless/feature_pr...
2018-05-08 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6022 from ldir-EDB0/bumpminiupnpd
2018-05-08 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6009 from ramsonline/patch-1
2018-05-08 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6020 from TDT-AG/pr/20180508-net...
2018-05-08 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6021 from t-umeno/update_klish...
2018-05-08 Daniel GolleMerge pull request #6018 from reinerh/master
2018-05-08 Kevin Darbyshire... miniupnpd: bump to 2.0.20180503
2018-05-08 Takashi Umenoklish: CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-libxml2
2018-05-08 Florian Eckertnet/keepalived: update to 1.4.3
2018-05-08 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6019 from fededim/master
2018-05-08 Federico Di... lftp: updated to 4.8.3
2018-05-07 Reiner Herrmanninotify-tools: update to 3.20.1
2018-05-07 Karl Palssonnet/mosquitto: support all the extra options from newes...
2018-05-07 Takashi Umenoklish: update to latest version (2.1.4)
2018-05-07 champtarMerge pull request #6007 from aparcar/export-openwrt
2018-05-07 Karl Palssonmosquitto: bump to major 1.5 release
2018-05-07 Toke Høiland... acme: Change boot init script logic to invoke start
2018-05-06 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #5988 from diizzyy/patch-9
2018-05-06 Toke Høiland... sqm-scripts: Bump to v1.2.2
2018-05-06 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6014 from micmac1/mariadb-portable-ln
2018-05-06 Sebastian Kempermariadb: create symlinks in a portable way
2018-05-06 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6013 from micmac1/mariadb-fallout-fix
2018-05-06 Sebastian Kempermariadb: install staging libs to lib/mysql as well
2018-05-06 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #5450 from ja-pa/poco_update
2018-05-06 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #5672 from tsl0922/ttyd-1.4.0
2018-05-06 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #5436 from MikePetullo/cyrus-sasl
2018-05-05 W. Michael... cyrus-sasl: update to 2.1.27-rc7
2018-05-05 ramstypo : donwload -> download
2018-05-05 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #6001 from ldir-EDB0/importminiupnpd