2022-07-18 Tianling Shenyq: Update to 4.26.1
2022-07-18 Tianling Shenxray-core: Update to 1.5.9
2022-07-18 Jeffery ToMerge pull request #18854 from Torxgewinde/restic_rest_...
2022-07-17 Martin Blumenstinglnetsniff-ng: Update to version 0.6.8
2022-07-17 Pacien TRAN... mpd: add missing AUDIO_SUPPORT in CONFIG_DEPENDS
2022-07-17 Pacien TRAN... mpd-full: remove partial BUILD_PATENTED on ffmpeg
2022-07-17 Rosen Penevsoftethernetvpn: remove libiconv/host dependency
2022-07-17 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #18954 from paper42/postfix-tls
2022-07-17 Dirk Brenkentravelmate: update 2.0.9-2
2022-07-17 Michal Vasilekpostfix: fix download failure
2022-07-17 John Audiacoreutils: update to 9.1
2022-07-16 Nick Hainkedawn: update to 2022-07-16
2022-07-15 Rosen Penevglib2: remove libiconv/host build dependency
2022-07-15 Eneas U de... libuwsc: fix compiltation with wolfSSL
2022-07-15 John Kohlwatchcat: add support to run a script
2022-07-15 John Kohlwatchcat: add IP version selection support; fix bug...
2022-07-15 Rosen Penevmpd: update to 0.23.8
2022-07-15 Alexandru ArdeleanMerge pull request #18939 from neheb/18
2022-07-14 Rosen Penevspoofer: update to 1.4.8
2022-07-14 Rosen Penevpcre2: add zlib build dependency
2022-07-14 Rosen Penevlibxcrypt: update to 4.4.28
2022-07-14 Rosen Penevlibnpupnp: update to 4.2.3
2022-07-14 Rosen Penevsudo: don't build with MIPS16
2022-07-14 Rosen Penevelektra: actually fix compilation with iconv
2022-07-14 Toni Uhligliborcania: bump to 2.3.0
2022-07-14 Jonathan Pageltelegraf: Update to version 1.23.2
2022-07-13 Ralf Kaisergsocket: add a new package with version 1.4.37
2022-07-13 Peter van Dijkpdns-recursor: update to 4.7.1
2022-07-13 Peter van Dijkpdns: update to 4.6.3
2022-07-12 Othmar Trunigerlibfmt: bump to new upstream version 9.0.0
2022-07-12 Toni Uhliglibndpi: update to 4.4
2022-07-12 Florian EckertMerge pull request #18913 from jempatel/improve_apinger...
2022-07-12 Jaymin Patelapinger: improve uci and procd support
2022-07-11 Daniel Gollettymidi-sysex: support more System messages
2022-07-11 Volodymyr Nazarchuklibv4l: change dependence from libudev-zero to libudev
2022-07-11 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #18811 from turris-cz/bind
2022-07-11 Jonathan Pageltelegraf: Update to version 1.23.1
2022-07-11 Rosen Penevlibextractor: fix iconv handling
2022-07-11 Rosen Penevsoftethervpn: get rid of external iconv
2022-07-11 Rosen Penevtransmission: get rid of iconv dependency
2022-07-10 Hirokazu MORIKAWAnode: July 7th 2022 Security Releases
2022-07-10 Rosen Penevelektra: fix compilation with external iconv
2022-07-10 Michael HeimpoldMerge pull request #18898 from mhei/ser2net-service...
2022-07-09 Michael Heimpoldser2net: schedule start later during boot (fixes #18872)
2022-07-09 Rosen Penevclamav: fix compilation without libiconv-stub
2022-07-09 Rosen Penevlibmad: update to 0.16.2
2022-07-08 Christian Lachnerliburing: Update to v2.2
2022-07-07 Alexandru Ardeleanpython-requests: bump to version 2.28.1
2022-07-07 Alexandru Ardeleanpython-lxml: bump to version 4.9.1
2022-07-07 Alexandru Ardeleanpillow: bump to version 9.2.0
2022-07-07 Alexandru Ardeleanpython-chardet: bump to version 5.0.0
2022-07-07 Giacomo Sanchiettirsyslog: apply shellcheck SC3014 to init
2022-07-07 Giacomo Sanchiettirsyslog: replace spaces with tabs inside init
2022-07-07 Giacomo Sanchiettirsyslog: improve default config
2022-07-07 Giacomo Sanchiettirsyslog: apply shellcheck suggestions to init
2022-07-07 Giacomo Sanchiettirsyslog: preserve existing configuration
2022-07-07 Giacomo Sanchiettirsyslog: include original config file
2022-07-07 Giacomo Sanchiettirsyslog: write config file to RAM
2022-07-07 Giacomo Sanchiettirsyslog: add uci support
2022-07-07 Alexandru ArdeleanMerge pull request #18883 from jefferyto/python-cryptog...
2022-07-07 Jeffery Topython-cryptography: Fix failing build
2022-07-07 Tianling Shendnslookup: Update to 1.7.1
2022-07-07 Tianling Shencloudflared: Update to 2022.7.1
2022-07-06 Dirk Brenkentravelmate: update 2.0.9
2022-07-06 Petr Štetiarlibarchive: fix ext2fs build race error condition
2022-07-06 Dengfeng Liuxfrpc: update to 1.06.579
2022-07-06 Dengfeng Liuxfrpc: set xfrpc's disabled default value to 0
2022-07-06 Aleksander... modemmanager: explicitly disconnect even if no bearers...
2022-07-06 Stijn Tintelkea: create /var/run/kea in init script
2022-07-06 John Audiancdu: update to 1.17 and add blue option
2022-07-06 Rui Salvaterrator: bump to stable
2022-07-06 Jaymin Patelautossh: improve uci and procd support
2022-07-06 Darryl Sokoloskinetifyd: Updated to v4.2.0.
2022-07-05 Nikos MavrogiannopoulosMerge pull request #18868 from PolynomialDivision/fix...
2022-07-05 Nick Hainkegnutls: disable brotli
2022-07-05 Nick Hainkegnutls: fix disable zstd
2022-07-04 Moritz Warningzerotier: update to 1.10.1
2022-07-04 Nick Hainkegnutls: update to 3.7.6
2022-07-04 Nick Hainkegnutls: update to 3.7.5
2022-07-04 Nick Hainkegnutls: cleanup Makefile
2022-07-04 Nikos MavrogiannopoulosMerge pull request #18858 from PolynomialDivision/updat...
2022-07-03 Nick Hainkeradsecproxy: update to 1.9.1
2022-07-03 Nick Hainkeradcli: uptdate to 1.3.0
2022-07-03 Tom Stövekenrestic-rest-server: update to 0.11.0
2022-07-02 W. Michael... totem-pl-parser: depend on shared-mime-info
2022-07-02 Stijn Tintelusteer: bump to git HEAD
2022-07-01 Alexandru Ardeleansudo: bump to verison 1.9.11p3
2022-07-01 Javier Marcetpython-jsonschema: Update to 4.6.1
2022-07-01 Maxim Storchaktgt: update to 1.0.83
2022-07-01 Maxim Storchaktmux: update to 3.3a
2022-06-29 Florian EckertMerge pull request #18510 from nemesisdesign/openwisp...
2022-06-28 Federico Capoanoopenwisp-monitoring: added 0.1.1
2022-06-28 Florian EckertMerge pull request #18796 from nemesisdesign/openwisp...
2022-06-27 Tianling Shenyq: Update to 4.25.3
2022-06-27 Javier Marcetdocker-compose: Update to version 2.6.1
2022-06-27 Dirk Brenkentravelmate: update 2.0.8-3
2022-06-26 Michael HeimpoldMerge pull request #18823 from mhei/php8-update
2022-06-25 Javier Marcetpython-websocket-client: update to 1.3.3
2022-06-25 Dirk Brenkentravelmate: update 2.0.8-2
2022-06-24 Michal Vasilekyt-dlp: update to 2022.6.22.1