2022-08-03 Javier Marcetpython-jsonschema: Update to 4.9.0
2022-08-03 Javier Marcetdocker-compose: Update to version 2.9.0
2022-08-02 Hannu Nymannano: update to 6.4
2022-08-02 Aleksander... coremark: bump to 2022-07-27
2022-07-30 Alexandru Gagniucrealtek-poe: Add package to control PoE for Realtek...
2022-07-30 Philip PrindevilleMerge pull request #19055 from pprindeville/issue#18975
2022-07-30 Philip Prindevillelcdproc: don't detect parallel port on build host
2022-07-29 Michael HeimpoldMerge pull request #18931 from alinnastac/libxml2-iconv
2022-07-29 Florian EckertMerge pull request #19073 from jempatel/apinger-rrd...
2022-07-29 Jaymin Patelapinger: add rrd graph support
2022-07-29 Florian Eckertstunnel: update version to 5.65
2022-07-28 Lucian Cristianfrr: update to 8.3.0
2022-07-28 Robert Högbergdomoticz: fix read of "disabled" uci configuration...
2022-07-28 John Audiaffmpeg: update to 5.1
2022-07-28 Rosen Penevtar: add PKG_CONFIG_DEPENDS
2022-07-28 Guilherme Janczakhfsprogs: remove unused libbsd
2022-07-28 ZiMing Morclone: update to 1.59.0
2022-07-28 Michael HeimpoldMerge pull request #18993 from mhei/php8-update-8.1.8
2022-07-27 Philip PrindevilleMerge pull request #18930 from pprindeville/isc-dhcp...
2022-07-27 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #19060 from MoetaYuko/patch-1
2022-07-27 Jitao Lukitty-terminfo: Fix license
2022-07-26 Stan GrishinMerge pull request #18914 from stangri/master-nebula
2022-07-26 Rosen Penevzmq: remove libbsd dependency
2022-07-26 Alexandru Ardeleanlibwebp: bump to version 1.2.3
2022-07-25 Jonathan Pageltelegraf: Update to version 1.23.3
2022-07-25 Florian EckertMerge pull request #19047 from liudf0716/xfrpc
2022-07-25 Dengfeng Liuxfrpc: Update to 1.07.582
2022-07-25 Gerard Ryandockerd: Update to v20.10.17
2022-07-25 Gerard Ryandocker: Update to v20.10.17
2022-07-25 Gerard Ryanlibnetwork: Update to f6ccccb for Docker v20.10.17
2022-07-25 Gerard Ryancontainerd: Update to v1.6.6 for Docker v20.10.17
2022-07-25 Gerard Ryanrunc: Update to v1.1.2 for Docker v20.10.17
2022-07-24 Arkadiusz Drabczykmodemmanager: fix mm_log() invocations in 25-modemmanag...
2022-07-24 Nick Hainkedawn: update to 2022-07-24
2022-07-24 ZiMing Moruby: fix build with LibreSSL over v3.5
2022-07-23 Sebastian Kempererlang: workaround LibreSSL-3.5.0 compat issues
2022-07-23 Rosen Penevcurl: switch default SSL to mbedTLS
2022-07-23 Andre Heiderpython3: update patches for libressl v3.5
2022-07-23 Daniel Gollecryptsetup: fix library paths by calling autoreconf
2022-07-23 Michal Vasilekyt-dlp: update to 2022.7.18
2022-07-22 Nick Hainkedawn: update to 2022-07-22
2022-07-22 Alexandru ArdeleanMerge pull request #18966 from commodo/django-bump
2022-07-22 Rosen Penevcrelay: update to 0.14.1
2022-07-22 Javier Marcetdocker-compose: Update to version 2.7.0
2022-07-21 Nick Hainkedawn: update to 2022-07-21
2022-07-21 David Bauerusteer: update to latest HEAD
2022-07-21 Alin Nastaclibxml2: add libiconv path to pkg-config file
2022-07-20 Michael Heimpoldphp8: update to 8.1.8
2022-07-20 Rosen Penevmutt: add PKG_CONFIG_DEPENDS
2022-07-20 Rosen Penevopusfile: add autoreconf
2022-07-20 Rosen Penevgeth: update to 1.10.20
2022-07-20 Toni Uhliglibulfius: update to 2.7.10
2022-07-20 Stijn Tintelglib2: disable fortify source
2022-07-20 Rosen Penevwifidog: fix compilation with more recent wolfssl
2022-07-20 Rosen Penevcurl: fix compilation with wolfSSL
2022-07-19 Michael HeimpoldMerge pull request #18919 from mhei/php8-full-libiconv
2022-07-19 Rosen Penevirqbalance: add meson
2022-07-19 Pascal Ernsterunbound: update to 1.16.1
2022-07-19 Rosen Penevopen-vm-tools: fix compilation without libiconv
2022-07-18 Nick Hainkedawn: update to 2022-07-18
2022-07-18 Alexandru Ardeleandjango: bump to version 4.0.6
2022-07-18 Jeffery Togolang: Update to 1.18.4
2022-07-18 Jeffery ToMerge pull request #18948 from neheb/18
2022-07-18 Tianling Shenyq: Update to 4.26.1
2022-07-18 Tianling Shenxray-core: Update to 1.5.9
2022-07-18 Jeffery ToMerge pull request #18854 from Torxgewinde/restic_rest_...
2022-07-17 Rosen Penevslang2: try to fix compilation without BUILD_NLS
2022-07-17 Martin Blumenstinglnetsniff-ng: Update to version 0.6.8
2022-07-17 Pacien TRAN... mpd: add missing AUDIO_SUPPORT in CONFIG_DEPENDS
2022-07-17 Pacien TRAN... mpd-full: remove partial BUILD_PATENTED on ffmpeg
2022-07-17 Rosen Penevsoftethernetvpn: remove libiconv/host dependency
2022-07-17 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #18954 from paper42/postfix-tls
2022-07-17 Michael Heimpoldphp8: fixup libiconv usage (refs openwrt/openwrt#10024)
2022-07-17 Dirk Brenkentravelmate: update 2.0.9-2
2022-07-17 Michal Vasilekpostfix: fix download failure
2022-07-17 John Audiacoreutils: update to 9.1
2022-07-16 Nick Hainkedawn: update to 2022-07-16
2022-07-15 Rosen Penevglib2: remove libiconv/host build dependency
2022-07-15 Eneas U de... libuwsc: fix compiltation with wolfSSL
2022-07-15 John Kohlwatchcat: add support to run a script
2022-07-15 John Kohlwatchcat: add IP version selection support; fix bug...
2022-07-15 Rosen Penevmpd: update to 0.23.8
2022-07-15 Alexandru ArdeleanMerge pull request #18939 from neheb/18
2022-07-14 Rosen Penevspoofer: update to 1.4.8
2022-07-14 Rosen Penevpcre2: add zlib build dependency
2022-07-14 Rosen Penevlibxcrypt: update to 4.4.28
2022-07-14 Rosen Penevlibnpupnp: update to 4.2.3
2022-07-14 Rosen Penevsudo: don't build with MIPS16
2022-07-14 Rosen Penevelektra: actually fix compilation with iconv
2022-07-14 Toni Uhligliborcania: bump to 2.3.0
2022-07-14 Jonathan Pageltelegraf: Update to version 1.23.2
2022-07-14 Philip Prindevilleisc-dhcp: don't use allow-update in bind config
2022-07-13 Ralf Kaisergsocket: add a new package with version 1.4.37
2022-07-13 Peter van Dijkpdns-recursor: update to 4.7.1
2022-07-13 Peter van Dijkpdns: update to 4.6.3
2022-07-12 Othmar Trunigerlibfmt: bump to new upstream version 9.0.0
2022-07-12 Toni Uhliglibndpi: update to 4.4
2022-07-12 Florian EckertMerge pull request #18913 from jempatel/improve_apinger...
2022-07-12 Jaymin Patelapinger: improve uci and procd support
2022-07-11 Stan Grishinnebula: update to 1.6.0