2021-11-17 Darryl Sokoloskinetifyd: update to 3.09
2021-11-17 Alexandru ArdeleanMerge pull request #17123 from commodo/python-updates1
2021-11-17 Alexandru ArdeleanMerge pull request #17144 from commodo/ruamel.yaml
2021-11-17 Alexandru Ardeleanruamel-yaml: bump to version 0.17.17
2021-11-17 Florian EckertMerge pull request #17120 from giannoug/ddns-scripts...
2021-11-17 Philip PrindevilleMerge pull request #17037 from pprindeville/named-creat...
2021-11-16 Josef Schlehofersyslog-ng: update to version 3.35.1
2021-11-16 Wout Bertrumspdns: Update to 4.5.2
2021-11-16 Matthew Haganrsyslog: update to 8.2110.0
2021-11-16 Matthew Haganrsyslog: add additonal support modules
2021-11-16 Matthew Haganrsyslog: move from net to admin
2021-11-15 Moritz Warningsmcroute: update to 2.5.4
2021-11-15 Moritz Warningzerotier: update to 1.8.2
2021-11-15 George Giannouddns-scripts: Rework DigitalOcean update script
2021-11-15 Florian EckertMerge pull request #17125 from Atema/ddns-route53-typofix
2021-11-15 Martijn Atemaddns-scripts: Fix typo in route53 update script
2021-11-15 Florian EckertMerge pull request #17126 from ejurgensen/mxml_update_33
2021-11-15 Daniel Gollehiredis: update to version 1.0.2
2021-11-15 Daniel Gollepostgresql: update to version 14.1
2021-11-15 Daniel Gollelibinput: update to version 1.19.2
2021-11-15 Daniel Gollelibevdev: update to version 1.12.0
2021-11-15 Daniel Gollelvm2: update to version 2.03.14
2021-11-15 Daniel Gollegawk: update to version 5.1.1
2021-11-15 Daniel Golledebootstrap: update to version 1.0.126
2021-11-15 Daniel GolleFlask: update to version 2.0.2
2021-11-15 Daniel GolleWerkzeug: update to version 2.0.2
2021-11-15 Daniel GolleJinja2: update to version 3.0.3
2021-11-15 Daniel Golleclick: update to version 8.0.3
2021-11-14 Tianling Shenyq: Update to 4.14.2
2021-11-14 Espen Jürgensenmxml: update to 3.3
2021-11-14 Michael HeimpoldMerge pull request #17119 from thg2k/pr/master_php80_ini_1
2021-11-14 Alexandru Ardeleandjango: bump to version 3.2.9
2021-11-14 Alexandru Ardeleannumpy: bump to version 1.21.4
2021-11-14 Alexandru Ardeleanpython-lxml: bump to 4.6.4
2021-11-14 Alexandru ArdeleanMerge pull request #17108 from commodo/ovs-no-python-six
2021-11-13 Giovanni Giacobbiphp8: Clean up and update distributed php.ini for php...
2021-11-13 Nikos Mavrogiannopoulosocserv: updated to 1.1.4
2021-11-13 Michal Vasilekcyrus-sasl: patch CVE-2019-19906
2021-11-13 Lucian Cristianfrr: update to 8.1.0
2021-11-13 Daniel Gollenfs-kernel-server: move hardcoded /run to /tmp/run
2021-11-12 Stan GrishinMerge pull request #17116 from stangri/master-curl
2021-11-12 Stan Grishincurl: update to 7.80.0
2021-11-12 Huangbin Zhanopenssh-server-pam: add key files as conffiles
2021-11-12 Huangbin Zhanopenssh: keep same permission for /etc/ssh
2021-11-12 Lucian Cristiannetopeer2: update to 2.0.35
2021-11-12 Lucian Cristiansysrepo: update to 2.0.53
2021-11-12 Lucian Cristianlibnetconf2: update to 2.0.24
2021-11-12 Lucian Cristianlibyang: update to 2.0.112
2021-11-12 Jianhui Zhaoovpn-dco: Add package
2021-11-12 Ren Zongjiabcm27xx-eeprom: Update to the latest master branch...
2021-11-12 Huangbin Zhanwget: update to 1.21.2
2021-11-12 Huangbin Zhanwget: fix hsts time
2021-11-12 Aleksander... modemmanager: fix physdev sysfs path detection in PCIe...
2021-11-12 Giovanni Giacobbiphp7: Clean up and update distributed php.ini for php...
2021-11-11 Michel Promonetv4l2tools: add vpx dependency if library installed
2021-11-11 Tianling Shendnsproxy: Update to 0.39.10
2021-11-11 Tianling Shendnslookup: Update to 1.5.1
2021-11-11 Michel Promonetv4l2rtspserver: patch live555 fix crash formating time_...
2021-11-11 Michel Promonetmultimedia: add v4l2tools & v4l2loopback
2021-11-11 Javier Marcetdocker-compose: Update to version 2.1.1
2021-11-10 Hannu Nymannano: enable showing line numbers with M-N (Alt-n)
2021-11-10 Alexandru Ardeleanpython-six: remove host-build
2021-11-10 Alexandru Ardeleanovn: remove python-six dep
2021-11-10 Alexandru Ardeleanopenvswitch: remove python-six dependency
2021-11-09 Peter van DijkCI: do not crash during PKG-INFO generation if there...
2021-11-09 Karl Palssonc-ares: bump to 1.18.1
2021-11-09 Karl Palssonmosquitto: bump to 2.0.13
2021-11-09 Alexander Couzensbossa: add patch to fix flash failures on serial
2021-11-09 Peter van DijkCI: add PKG-INFO metadata file
2021-11-09 Matthew Haganpostfix: prevent displaying config options when not...
2021-11-09 Matthew Haganmutt: prevent exposing mutt config options when not...
2021-11-09 Huangbin Zhanless: remove less-wide
2021-11-09 Tianling Shentrojan-go: add new package
2021-11-09 Javier Marcetdocker-compose: Update to version 2.1.0
2021-11-09 Sebastian Kempermjpg-streamer: fix missing runpath
2021-11-09 Ren Zongjiadockerd: Update to 20.10.10
2021-11-09 Ren Zongjiadocker: Update to 20.10.10
2021-11-09 Ren Zongjiacontainerd: Update to 1.4.11
2021-11-09 Ren Zongjiarunc: Update to 1.0.2
2021-11-09 Ren Zongjiatransmission-web-control: Update to the latest master...
2021-11-08 Jan Hákknot: update to 3.1.4
2021-11-08 Hannu Nymannano: enable line numbers (from cmdline)
2021-11-08 Alexandru ArdeleanMerge pull request #17077 from commodo/openblas-mips-fix
2021-11-08 Michael HeimpoldMerge pull request #17090 from mhei/php7-pecl-redis...
2021-11-08 Michael HeimpoldMerge pull request #17089 from mhei/php7-pecl-http...
2021-11-08 Michael HeimpoldMerge pull request #17091 from mhei/php7-pecl-imagick...
2021-11-07 Michael Heimpoldphp7-pecl-imagick: update to 3.5.1
2021-11-07 Michael Heimpoldphp7-pecl-redis: update to 5.3.4
2021-11-07 Michael Heimpoldphp7-pecl-http: update to version 3.2.4
2021-11-05 Wout Bertrumspdns-recursor: Update to v4.5.7
2021-11-05 Rosen Penevlibev: update to 4.33
2021-11-05 Peter van Dijkartifacts: use git commit sha in name
2021-11-05 Oskari Rautazerotier: update to 1.8.1
2021-11-05 Oskari Rautaconmon: update to 2.0.30
2021-11-05 Alexandru Ardeleanopenblas: default to MIPS24K target for all mips32...
2021-11-05 Oskari Rautacni-plugins-nft: update to 1.0.11
2021-11-05 Oskari Rautapodman: update to 3.4.1
2021-11-05 Oskari Rautacrun: update to version 1.2
2021-11-05 Tianling Shendnslookup: Update to 1.5.0
2021-11-05 Martin Schneiderdns-over-https: Add dns-over-https.