2022-05-12 Jeffery ToMerge pull request #18443 from WereCatf/hexedit
2022-05-12 Nita Vesahexedit: Add new package
2022-05-11 W. Michael... gst1-libav: update to 1.20.2
2022-05-11 W. Michael... gst1-plugins-ugly: update to 1.20.2
2022-05-11 W. Michael... gst1-plugins-bad: update to 1.20.2
2022-05-11 W. Michael... gst1-plugins-good: update to 1.20.2
2022-05-11 W. Michael... gst1-plugins-base: update to 1.20.2
2022-05-11 W. Michael... gstreamer1: update to 1.20.2
2022-05-11 W. Michael... python3-networkx: update to 2.8
2022-05-11 W. Michael... dmapd: update to 0.0.91
2022-05-11 W. Michael... luasocket: update to 3.0.0
2022-05-11 W. Michael... hwloc: update to 2.7.1
2022-05-11 W. Michael... libgcrypt: update to 1.10.1
2022-05-11 W. Michael... libgee: update to 0.20.5
2022-05-11 W. Michael... luaexpat: update to 1.4.1
2022-05-11 W. Michael... openldap: update to 2.6.2
2022-05-11 W. Michael... nfdump: update to 1.6.24
2022-05-11 W. Michael... vips: update to 8.12.2
2022-05-11 W. Michael... libgpg-error: update to 1.45
2022-05-11 W. Michael... krb5: update to 1.19.3
2022-05-11 W. Michael... cyrus-sasl: update to 2.1.28
2022-05-11 Eneas U de... xr_usb_serial_common: bump to 2022-03-30
2022-05-11 Jeffery ToMerge pull request #18488 from oskarirauta/podman
2022-05-11 Jeffery ToMerge pull request #18486 from oskarirauta/libslirp
2022-05-11 Jeffery ToMerge pull request #18484 from oskarirauta/cni
2022-05-11 Jeffery ToMerge pull request #18471 from liudf0716/xfrpc
2022-05-11 Jeffery ToMerge pull request #18460 from nxhack/icu_71_1
2022-05-11 W. Michael... pigeonhole: update to 2.3.18
2022-05-11 W. Michael... dovecot: update to 2.3.18
2022-05-10 Jeffery ToMerge pull request #18390 from lowjoel/strongswan-rekey...
2022-05-10 Michael HeimpoldMerge pull request #18463 from mhei/mmc-utils-update
2022-05-10 Dirk Brenkenadblock: list maintenance
2022-05-09 Oskari Rautapodman: update to 4.1.0
2022-05-09 Oskari Rautacni: update to v1.1.0
2022-05-09 Oskari Rautalibslirp: update to v4.7.0
2022-05-09 Nick Hainkedawn: update to 2022-05-09
2022-05-09 Joel Lowstrongswan: support child rekey by bytes and packets
2022-05-08 Dengfeng Liuxfrpc: Update to 1.05.548
2022-05-07 Michael HeimpoldMerge pull request #18465 from micmac1/issue-typo
2022-05-07 Sebastian Kempergithub: fix typo in issue template
2022-05-07 Michael Heimpoldmmc-utils: update to latest upstream revision
2022-05-07 Hirokazu MORIKAWAicu: bump to 71.1
2022-05-06 Philip PrindevilleMerge pull request #18312 from lowjoel/strongswan-wolfssl
2022-05-06 Philip PrindevilleMerge pull request #18439 from pprindeville/strongswan...
2022-05-06 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #18459 from paper42/youtube-dl-12
2022-05-06 Michal Vasilekyoutube-dl: update to 2021.12.17
2022-05-06 Michal Vasileksyncthing: update to 1.20.1
2022-05-05 David Bauerusteer: update to latest HEAD
2022-05-05 Tianling Shencloudflared: Update to 2022.5.0
2022-05-05 Tianling Shencloudreve: Update to 3.5.3
2022-05-05 Matthias Schifferecdsautils: update to v0.4.1
2022-05-04 John Audiahtop: update to 3.2.0
2022-05-04 Eneas U de... Merge pull request #18441 from Entropy512/docker_update
2022-05-04 Josef Schlehoferhwdata: update to version 0.359
2022-05-03 Andy Dodddockerd: Update to 20.10.14, and update version checkin...
2022-05-03 Andy Doddcontainerd: Update to 1.5.11
2022-05-03 Andy Dodddocker: Update to 20.10.14
2022-05-02 Javier Marcetpython3-paramiko: update to version 2.10.4
2022-05-02 Javier Marcetdocker-compose: Update to version 2.5.0
2022-05-02 John Audiaffmpeg: update to 5.0.1
2022-05-02 Eneas U de... mtools: avoid picking libbsd dependency
2022-05-02 Philip Prindevillestrongswan: Update to 5.9.6
2022-05-02 Florian EckertMerge pull request #18335 from fjamarquez/keepalived_uc...
2022-05-01 Mister Benjaminetherwake-nfqueue: swap iptables for nftables dependency
2022-05-01 Rui Salvaterrator: bump to stable
2022-05-01 Carlos Miguel... boost: Updates package to version 1.79.0
2022-05-01 John Thomsonantfs: require kernel version 5.10 to build
2022-04-30 Moritz Warningzerotier: update to 1.8.9
2022-04-30 Liang Yangdockerd: fix compilation with glibc
2022-04-30 Nick Pengsmartdns: Update to 1.2022.36
2022-04-30 Liang Yangdocker: fix compilation with glibc
2022-04-30 Tianling Shenrclone: Update to 1.58.1
2022-04-30 Jonathan Pageltelegraf: upgrade to version 1.22.3
2022-04-30 Van Waholtzfrp: update to 0.42.0
2022-04-29 Eneas U de... flex: disable building po, tools
2022-04-29 Rosen PenevRevert "boost: Updates package to version 1.79.0"
2022-04-29 Tianling Shenlibtorrent-rasterbar: Update to 2.0.6
2022-04-29 Liang Yangdockerd: fix dependencies missing
2022-04-29 Tianling Shendnsproxy: Update to 0.42.2
2022-04-29 Tianling Shenyq: Update to 4.25.1
2022-04-29 Tianling Shenstatik: drop package
2022-04-29 Jan Hákknot: update to 3.1.8
2022-04-29 Hannu Nymannano: update to 6.3
2022-04-29 Guilherme Janczakmtools: update to 4.0.39
2022-04-29 Guilherme Janczakusbip: remove unused libbsd and pthreads deps
2022-04-29 Tianling Shencloudreve: Update to 3.5.2
2022-04-28 Francisco Jose... keepalived: add uci support for track_bfd configuration
2022-04-28 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #18403 from turris-cz/change-Flask...
2022-04-28 Jeffery ToMerge pull request #18357 from clarkwang/sexpect-update
2022-04-28 Jeffery ToMerge pull request #18358 from clarkwang/passh-update
2022-04-28 Alexandru Ardeleandjango: bump to version 4.0.4
2022-04-28 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #17305 from paper42/runc-1.0.3
2022-04-28 Michael HeimpoldMerge pull request #18391 from mhei/php8-update
2022-04-28 Yousong Zhoushadowsocks-libev: Revert "dbg"
2022-04-28 Yousong Zhoushadowsocks-libev: fix compat issue with newer version...
2022-04-28 Yousong Zhoudbg
2022-04-27 Carlos Miguel... boost: Updates package to version 1.79.0
2022-04-27 Šimon BořekJinja2: change maintainer to Šimon Bořek
2022-04-27 Šimon BořekFlask: change maintainer to Šimon Bořek
2022-04-27 Florian EckertMerge pull request #18262 from TDT-AG/pr/20220406-stron...