2021-11-11 Javier Marcetdocker-compose: Update to version 2.1.1
2021-11-10 Hannu Nymannano: enable showing line numbers with M-N (Alt-n)
2021-11-09 Peter van DijkCI: do not crash during PKG-INFO generation if there...
2021-11-09 Karl Palssonc-ares: bump to 1.18.1
2021-11-09 Karl Palssonmosquitto: bump to 2.0.13
2021-11-09 Alexander Couzensbossa: add patch to fix flash failures on serial
2021-11-09 Peter van DijkCI: add PKG-INFO metadata file
2021-11-09 Matthew Haganpostfix: prevent displaying config options when not...
2021-11-09 Matthew Haganmutt: prevent exposing mutt config options when not...
2021-11-09 Huangbin Zhanless: remove less-wide
2021-11-09 Tianling Shentrojan-go: add new package
2021-11-09 Javier Marcetdocker-compose: Update to version 2.1.0
2021-11-09 Sebastian Kempermjpg-streamer: fix missing runpath
2021-11-09 Ren Zongjiadockerd: Update to 20.10.10
2021-11-09 Ren Zongjiadocker: Update to 20.10.10
2021-11-09 Ren Zongjiacontainerd: Update to 1.4.11
2021-11-09 Ren Zongjiarunc: Update to 1.0.2
2021-11-09 Ren Zongjiatransmission-web-control: Update to the latest master...
2021-11-08 Jan Hákknot: update to 3.1.4
2021-11-08 Hannu Nymannano: enable line numbers (from cmdline)
2021-11-08 Alexandru ArdeleanMerge pull request #17077 from commodo/openblas-mips-fix
2021-11-08 Michael HeimpoldMerge pull request #17090 from mhei/php7-pecl-redis...
2021-11-08 Michael HeimpoldMerge pull request #17089 from mhei/php7-pecl-http...
2021-11-08 Michael HeimpoldMerge pull request #17091 from mhei/php7-pecl-imagick...
2021-11-07 Michael Heimpoldphp7-pecl-imagick: update to 3.5.1
2021-11-07 Michael Heimpoldphp7-pecl-redis: update to 5.3.4
2021-11-07 Michael Heimpoldphp7-pecl-http: update to version 3.2.4
2021-11-05 Wout Bertrumspdns-recursor: Update to v4.5.7
2021-11-05 Rosen Penevlibev: update to 4.33
2021-11-05 Peter van Dijkartifacts: use git commit sha in name
2021-11-05 Oskari Rautazerotier: update to 1.8.1
2021-11-05 Oskari Rautaconmon: update to 2.0.30
2021-11-05 Alexandru Ardeleanopenblas: default to MIPS24K target for all mips32...
2021-11-05 Oskari Rautacni-plugins-nft: update to 1.0.11
2021-11-05 Oskari Rautapodman: update to 3.4.1
2021-11-05 Oskari Rautacrun: update to version 1.2
2021-11-05 Tianling Shendnslookup: Update to 1.5.0
2021-11-05 Martin Schneiderdns-over-https: Add dns-over-https.
2021-11-04 Alexander Koenigmdns-repeater: add package for mdns-repeater
2021-11-04 Nikos MavrogiannopoulosMerge pull request #17058 from cotequeiroz/gnutls
2021-11-03 Eneas U de... gnutls: don't run aclocal --install
2021-11-03 Michel Promonetv4l2rtspserver: improve live555 patch
2021-11-03 Michel Promonetv4l2loopback: update version following PR comment
2021-11-03 Michel Promonetv4l2rtspserver: patch live555
2021-11-03 Michel Promonetmultimedia: add v4l2tools & v4l2loopback
2021-11-03 Tianling Shenrclone: Update to 1.57.0
2021-11-03 Ren Zongjiafrp: update to 0.38.0
2021-11-02 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #17031 from turris-cz/drop-rosy-fs
2021-11-02 Andre Heiderprometheus-node-exporter-lua: add missing metrics to...
2021-11-02 Michael HeimpoldMerge pull request #17044 from nxhack/icu-70_1
2021-11-02 Michael HeimpoldMerge pull request #17046 from nxhack/php7_for_ICU...
2021-11-02 Michael HeimpoldMerge pull request #17045 from nxhack/php8_for_ICU...
2021-11-02 Rosen Penevqemu: disable libfuse
2021-11-02 Hirokazu MORIKAWAphp7: Support for icu 70.1
2021-11-02 Hirokazu MORIKAWAphp8: Support for icu 70.1
2021-11-02 Hirokazu MORIKAWAicu: bump to 70.1
2021-11-01 Jonathan Pageltelegraf: Move config file to /etc/telegraf.conf because
2021-11-01 Jonathan Pageltelegraf: Update package to version 1.20.3
2021-11-01 Michal Hruseckyafuse: Add new package
2021-11-01 Michael HeimpoldMerge pull request #17029 from micmac1/mod_php8
2021-10-31 Sebastian Kemperphp8: add mod php for apache
2021-10-31 David Bauerusteer: update to latest git head
2021-10-31 Josef Schlehoferrosy-file-server: drop this package
2021-10-30 Javier Marcetnginx: add scgi_params if CONFIG_NGINX_HTTP_SCGI=y
2021-10-30 Rui Salvaterrator: bump to stable
2021-10-30 Peter Stadlernginx, python3-{asgiref,django-cors-headers,drf-nested...
2021-10-30 Matthew Haganopenfortivpn: add persistent reconnect option
2021-10-30 Matthew Haganopenfortivpn: add user, key, CA PEM support
2021-10-30 Chao Liuzerotier: add respawn procd param
2021-10-30 Peter Stadleruwsgi: bump version and use less workarounds
2021-10-30 Tianling Shenxray-core: remove dead jail files
2021-10-30 Andy Liunrar: update to 6.0.7
2021-10-30 Tianling Shenyq: Update to 4.14.1
2021-10-30 Glenn Strausslighttpd: update to lighttpd 1.4.61 release hash
2021-10-30 Michal Hruseckymariadb: Update to version 10.6.4
2021-10-29 Rosen Penevremove a bunch of rpath hacks
2021-10-29 Rosen Penevlib4cplus: update to 2.0.7
2021-10-28 Rosen Penevsoftethervpn: update to 4.38-9760-rtm
2021-10-28 Eneas U de... ntfs-3g: update config's help syntax
2021-10-28 Philip PrindevilleMerge pull request #16992 from pprindeville/named-resta...
2021-10-28 Philip PrindevilleMerge pull request #16984 from pprindeville/strongswan...
2021-10-28 Philip PrindevilleMerge pull request #17010 from pprindeville/bind-update...
2021-10-28 Philip Prindevillebind: Bump to 9.17.19
2021-10-28 Philip Prindevillebind: detect new interfaces when they come up
2021-10-28 Philip PrindevilleMerge pull request #17003 from pprindeville/named-depre...
2021-10-28 Philip Prindevillestrongswan: Bump to 5.9.4
2021-10-28 Daniel Gollenfs-kernel-server: reload when exported mountpoints...
2021-10-28 Daniel Gollegnunet: several improvements
2021-10-28 Ren Zongjiatransmission: update seccomp config file
2021-10-28 Jan Hoffmannvnstat2: add hotplug script for adding interfaces
2021-10-28 Jan Hoffmannvnstat2: fix all interfaces being monitored when none...
2021-10-28 Huangbin Zhannginx-util: add conffiles
2021-10-28 Huangbin Zhanrosy-file-server: fix conffile name
2021-10-28 Huangbin Zhanuradvd: fix installed filename, add conffiles
2021-10-28 Huangbin Zhantreewide: add missing conffiles
2021-10-28 Huangbin Zhanatftpd: fix conffiles
2021-10-28 Huangbin Zhantreewide: fix broken conffiles
2021-10-28 Nick Hainkegpsd: update to 3.23.1
2021-10-28 Rosen Penevacsccid: fix compilation under macOS
2021-10-28 Philip Prindevillebind: deprecate managed-keys