2022-11-03 Stijn Tintelluaexpat: trim trailing spaces
2022-11-03 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #19783 from turris-cz/pulseaudio...
2022-11-03 Florian EckertMerge pull request #19756 from TDT-AG/pr/20221031-ovpn...
2022-11-03 Szabolcs Hubaimpd: depend the full variant on pulseaudio instead...
2022-11-03 Josef Schlehoferpulseadio: fix conffiles for pulseadio-daemon-avahi...
2022-11-03 Michael HeimpoldMerge pull request #19769 from mhei/php8-update-8.1.12
2022-11-02 Stan GrishinMerge pull request #19770 from stangri/master-curl
2022-11-02 Stan Grishincurl: bugfix: building as selected package doesn't...
2022-11-02 Michael Heimpoldphp8: update to 8.1.12
2022-11-01 Jan Hákknot: update to version 3.2.2
2022-11-01 Josef Schlehoferpulseaudio: change homepage URLs to freedesktop.org
2022-11-01 Josef Schlehoferpulseaudio: use AUTORELEASE variable
2022-11-01 Josef Schlehoferpulseaudio: daemons should conflict to each other
2022-11-01 Josef Schlehoferpulseaudio: simplify and rework Makefile
2022-11-01 Jan Háklibedit: update to version 20221030-3.1
2022-10-31 Alexandru Ardeleansudo: bump to version 1.9.12
2022-10-31 Moritz Warningkadnode: fix newlines in config file
2022-10-31 Tianling Shenrclone: Update to 1.60.0
2022-10-31 Rosen Penevibrdtnd: run through dos2unix
2022-10-31 Tianling Shencloudflared: Update to 2022.10.3
2022-10-31 Tianling Shenyq: Update to 4.29.2
2022-10-31 Rosen Penevopenobex: remove CXX patch
2022-10-31 Othmar Trunigerknxd: bump to new upstream version 0.14.54
2022-10-31 Rosen Penevapcupsd: remove header file patch
2022-10-31 Stan GrishinMerge pull request #19747 from stangri/master-curl
2022-10-31 Martin Schilleropenvpn: add possibility to set param "compress" withou...
2022-10-31 Stan Grishincurl: include nls.mk
2022-10-31 Stan GrishinMerge pull request #19745 from stangri/master-curl
2022-10-30 Alexandru Ardeleanpython3-pytz: bump to version 2022.5
2022-10-30 Alexandru Ardeleanpillow: bump to version 9.3.0
2022-10-30 Stan Grishincurl: update to 7.86.0
2022-10-30 Etienne ChampetierMerge pull request #19736 from champtar/phantap-lacp
2022-10-30 Etienne Champetierphantap: update to latest commit
2022-10-29 Paul Spoorenattendedsysupgrade-common: update ASU CA pubkey
2022-10-28 John Audiarsync: update to 3.2.7
2022-10-28 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #19693 from turris-cz/ffmpeg-conflic...
2022-10-27 Alois Klinkgdbm: configure with `--without-readline`
2022-10-27 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #19704 from Ansuel/fix-atlas
2022-10-27 Tianling Shenv2ray-geodata: Update to latest version
2022-10-27 Tianling Shenxray-core: Update to 1.6.1
2022-10-27 Tianling Shenxray-core: remove orphan xray-geodata definition
2022-10-27 Tianling Shendnsproxy: Update to 0.46.2
2022-10-27 Nick Hainkesamplicator: update to latest master commit 2021-10-11
2022-10-27 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #19714 from turris-cz/libwebsockets...
2022-10-26 Josef Schlehoferlibwebsockets: fix recursive dependency
2022-10-26 Jean-Michel... bandwidthd: fix time_t problem
2022-10-26 Robert Högbergsqueezelite: add opus codec support
2022-10-26 Lucian Cristianfrr: update to latest 8.3.1 branch
2022-10-26 Michal Hruseckymariadb: Update to the latest version 10.9.3
2022-10-25 Christian Marangici: update github actions to v3
2022-10-25 Lucian Cristianopenfortivpn: update to 1.19.0
2022-10-25 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #19701 from turris-cz/libwebsockets...
2022-10-25 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #19702 from turris-cz/lighttpd-fix...
2022-10-25 Josef Schlehoferlibwebsockets: OpenSSL and mbedTLS variants should...
2022-10-25 Christian Marangiatlas-probe: fix SIGSEGV error on 32bit system
2022-10-25 Josef Schlehoferlighttpd: backport patch to fix dummy Sec-WebSocket-Key
2022-10-25 Stan GrishinMerge pull request #19699 from stangri/master-https...
2022-10-25 Stan GrishinMerge pull request #19696 from stangri/master-simple...
2022-10-25 Josef Schlehoferlibwebsockets: full variant provides OpenSSL
2022-10-24 Stan Grishinhttps-dns-proxy: add version information to binary
2022-10-24 Michal Hruseckymariadb: Drop unused rundir fix socket dir perms
2022-10-24 Stan Grishinsimple-adblock: service_triggers improvements
2022-10-24 Stan GrishinMerge pull request #19691 from stangri/master-https...
2022-10-24 Josef Schlehoferffmpeg: add conflicts and provides
2022-10-24 Nick Hainkelibmariadb: update to 3.1.18
2022-10-24 Toke Høiland... Merge pull request #19669 from hgl/acme
2022-10-24 Dirk Brenkenadblock: update 4.1.5-4
2022-10-24 Javier Marcetdocker-compose: Update to version 2.12.2
2022-10-24 Stan Grishinhttps-dns-proxy: bugfix: restore empty server; misc...
2022-10-24 Glen Huangacme: update changed packages' versions
2022-10-24 Glen Huangacme: add dns_wait option
2022-10-24 Glen Huangacme: fix staging option
2022-10-24 Glen Huangamce: use procd to restart services
2022-10-24 Glen Huangacme: prevent concurrent running of acme get
2022-10-23 Andrew Simsamba4: update to 4.17.1
2022-10-23 Hirokazu MORIKAWAicu: bump to 72.1
2022-10-23 Sebastian Kempersoftflowd: use %lld for time_t always
2022-10-23 Andrew Simwsdd2: update to 2022-04-25
2022-10-23 Jan Hoffmannvnstat2: update to version 2.10
2022-10-23 Hirokazu MORIKAWAnode: bump to v16.18.0
2022-10-22 Glen Huangacme: make package create dir /etc/ssl/acme
2022-10-22 Glen Huangacme: not creating state_dir in Makefile
2022-10-22 Dirk Brenkenadblock: update 4.1.5-3
2022-10-21 Nick Hainkegnupg: add PKG_CPE_ID
2022-10-21 Nick Hainkegnupg: update to 2.2.39
2022-10-21 James Whiteadguardhome: Increase init start value to avoid network...
2022-10-21 Dengfeng Liuxfrpc: allow server_addr ip and domain
2022-10-21 Michal Vasilekiputils: provide iputils-ping6 in iputils-ping
2022-10-21 Philip Prindevilleisc-dhcp: support sending explicit default route
2022-10-21 Nick Hainkeconntrack-tools: update to 1.4.7
2022-10-21 Eneas U de... python-certifi: bump to 2022.9.24
2022-10-21 YiZhen ChooAdGuardHome: update to v0.107.16
2022-10-21 Javier Marcetdocker-compose: Update to version 2.12.0
2022-10-21 Lucian Cristianuacme: update to 1.7.3
2022-10-21 Lucian Cristianlibreswan: update to 4.9
2022-10-21 Lucian Cristiannss: update to 4.84
2022-10-21 Lucian Cristiannspr: update to 4.35
2022-10-21 Marc Benoitboinc: run the executable in ujail
2022-10-21 Michel Promonetv4l2rtspserver: upgrade to v0.3.7
2022-10-21 Robert Högbergsqueezelite: add SSL support