2024-12-13 Liangbin Lianrclone: fix configuration saving
2024-12-13 Eric Fahlgrenowut: update to 2024.12.10
2024-12-13 Tianling Shenyq: Update to 4.44.6
2024-12-13 Tianling Shencloudflared: Update to 2024.12.1
2024-12-13 Tianling Shenxray-core: Update to 24.11.30
2024-12-13 Daniel Gollegst1-plugins-bad: build Intel QuickSync plugin only...
2024-12-12 Toke Høiland... acme-common: Create challenge directory on boot
2024-12-12 Austin Lanepython-requests: add hostbuild
2024-12-12 Wesley Gimenesnetbird: change maintainer
2024-12-12 Georgi Valkovlibideviceactivation: update to the latest git version
2024-12-12 Georgi Valkovlibideviceactivation: fix compilation with full NLS
2024-12-12 Georgi Valkovidevicerestore: update to the latest git version
2024-12-12 Georgi Valkovlibirecovery: update to 1.2.1
2024-12-12 Georgi Valkovlibimobiledevice: update to the latest git version
2024-12-12 Georgi Valkovlibtatsu: add package 1.0.4
2024-12-12 Georgi Valkovlibimobiledevice-glue: update to 1.3.1
2024-12-12 Georgi Valkovusbmuxd: update to the latest git version
2024-12-12 Georgi Valkovlibplist: update to 2.6.0
2024-12-11 Timothy M. Acepython-orjson: update to version 3.10.12
2024-12-10 Andrea Pesaresiksmbd-tools: adjust smb2 max read/write/trans and cache
2024-12-09 Wesley Gimenesnetbird: update to 0.34.1
2024-12-09 Sandro Jäckeltailscale: update to 1.78.1
2024-12-09 Jan Hákknot: update to version 3.4.3
2024-12-09 Austin Lanepython-urllib3: add hostbuild
2024-12-09 Javier Marcetluajit2: update to v2.1-20241113
2024-12-09 Ryan Keanehaproxy: Require lua 5.4
2024-12-09 Tianling Shenmicrosocks: backport upstream fixes
2024-12-09 Austin Lanepython-certifi: add hostbuild
2024-12-09 Austin Lanepython-idna: add hostbuild
2024-12-09 Austin Lanepython-chardet: add hostbuild
2024-12-08 Andrea Pesaresiksmbd-tools: update to version 3.5.3
2024-12-08 Moritz Warningdhtd: update to 1.0.5
2024-12-07 Stan Grishinpbr: 1.1.7-65 bugfixes and improvements
2024-12-07 Stan Grishinadblock-fast: bugfix: dnsmasq instances confdir hack
2024-12-06 Antonio Pastornetatalk: Update to 4.0.7
2024-12-04 Daniel Gollelibdrm: fix architecture dependencies of sub-packages
2024-12-04 Fabian Lipkenpython-pycares: bump to 4.5.0
2024-12-04 Eric Fahlgrenowut: update to 2024.11.29
2024-12-04 Paul Spoorenci: drop APK version checking
2024-12-03 Luiz Angelo... ruby: update to 3.3.6
2024-12-03 Jonas Jelonekeza: update to 0.20.10
2024-12-03 Jonas Jelonekcroc: update to 10.1.1
2024-12-03 Jonas Jelonekgping: update to 1.18.0
2024-12-03 Stijn Tintelopenthread-br: fix indentation
2024-12-03 Martin Schillerkeepalived: fix name of globals section in default...
2024-11-30 Norman Dankertstubby: ensure appdata directory is present on service...
2024-11-30 Stan Grishinsunwait: initial commit
2024-11-30 Christian Maranginet-mtools: bump to release 3.1
2024-11-29 Rosen Penevmpd: remove no-lto
2024-11-29 Tianling Shenv2raya: Update to
2024-11-29 Daniel Gollelibdrm: split into sub-packages
2024-11-28 Mohd Husaam... atftpd: update init script to publish tftp service
2024-11-28 Mohd Husaam... atftpd: update init script to use procd
2024-11-28 Tianling Shenxray-core: Update to 24.11.21
2024-11-28 Tianling Shengeoipupdate: Update to 7.1.0
2024-11-28 Tianling Shencloudflared: Update to 2024.11.1
2024-11-28 George Ivyggdrasil: bump to 0.5.10
2024-11-28 Jianhui Zhaolua-eco: update to 3.6.2
2024-11-28 Alexandru Ardeleannumpy: bump to version 2.1.3
2024-11-28 Alexandru Ardeleanpython-pytz: bump to version 2024.2
2024-11-28 Alexandru Ardeleandjango: bump to 5.1.3
2024-11-27 Mohd Husaam... nginx: update init script to publish services over...
2024-11-27 Alexandru Ardeleanpython-dateutil: "downgrade" to version 2.9.0
2024-11-27 Daniel Gollegst1-plugins-bad: build videoparsersbad plugin
2024-11-26 Dirk BrenkenbanIP: update 1.0.1-2
2024-11-26 Dirk Brenkenadblock: update 4.2.3-2
2024-11-26 Daniel Gollegst1-plugins-bad: fix building GL libraries
2024-11-26 Daniel Gollelibinput: update to 1.26.2 and add support for libwacom
2024-11-26 Daniel Gollelibwacom: add package
2024-11-25 Itay Shoshaniopenthread-br: bump source version to 2024-11-20 and...
2024-11-24 Michael Heimpoldphp8: update to 8.3.14
2024-11-24 Dirk BrenkenbanIP: release 1.0.1-1
2024-11-24 Sergey Ponomarevsyslog-ng: alternative for logread
2024-11-23 Dirk Brenkenadblock: release 4.2.3-1
2024-11-23 Stan Grishinadblock-fast: bugfixes
2024-11-23 Hannu Nymanqcsuper: Make version apk compatible
2024-11-23 Hirokazu MORIKAWAnode: upgrade to 22.11.0 LTS
2024-11-23 Hannu Nymannetifyd: Make version apk compatible
2024-11-23 Hannu Nymanoci-runtime-tools: Make version apk compatible
2024-11-23 Daniel Gollegst1-libav: remove obsolete configuration options
2024-11-22 Hannu Nymandebootstrap: Make version apk compatible
2024-11-22 Ryan Keanenetwork: Add SUBMENU variable for some packages
2024-11-22 Rosen Penevnbd: fix compilation with GCC14
2024-11-22 Hannu Nymanhfsprogs: Make version apk compatible
2024-11-22 John Audiancdu: update to 1.21
2024-11-22 TeleostNaCl Daispeedtest-go: update to 1.7.9
2024-11-22 Jianhui Zhaortty: update to 8.1.3
2024-11-22 Finn Landweberborgbackup: update to 1.4.0
2024-11-22 Rosen Penevtayga: fix compilation with GCC14
2024-11-22 Rosen Penevhttping: fix compilation with full NLS
2024-11-22 Finn Landweberpython-setuptools-scm: update to 8.1.0
2024-11-21 Gagan Deepopenwisp-monitoring: update to 0.2.1
2024-11-21 Rosen Peneviperf3: fix crashing with musl
2024-11-20 Eric Fahlgrenowut: update to 2024.11.20
2024-11-20 Tianling Shenyq: Update to 4.44.5
2024-11-20 Ryan Keanealist: Bump to 3.39.2
2024-11-19 Jon Henrik... qbee-agent: bump version to 2024.45
2024-11-19 Ryan Keanerclone: Bump to 1.68.2
2024-11-19 Ray Wanghev-socks5-tunnel: update to 2.7.5
2024-11-19 Ray Wanghev-socks5-tproxy: update to 2.5.8