2022-02-19 David Bauerubus: add supported beacon-measurement modes
2022-02-16 David Bauerlocal-node: convert kick-dely to absolute time
2022-02-07 David Bauerreadme: add initial README
2022-02-06 David Bauerlocal-node: check correct field
2022-02-04 David Bauergitignore: add .orig files
2022-02-04 David Bauerlocal-node: save latest bss-transition-response
2022-02-04 David Bauerubus: add get_connected_clients
2022-02-03 David Bauerlocal-node: save beacon-reports
2022-02-03 David Bauermeasurement: add handling of measurements
2022-02-03 David Bauernode: add methods to access nodes by bssid
2022-02-03 David Bauerlocal-node: obtain channel + op-class
2022-02-01 David Bauerpolicy: add min_snr_kick_delay
2022-01-31 David Bauerlocal-node: handle BSS transition queries
2022-01-23 David Bauerpolicy: don't track roam_scan_done
2022-01-23 David Bauerpolicy: fix incurrect handling of scan-requests with...
2022-01-09 David Bauerpolicy: add roam-scan timeout
2022-01-09 David Bauerpolicy: don't select better candidate with bad signal
2022-01-09 David Bauerpolicy: export snr_to_signal to other source files
2022-01-09 David Bauerubus: only request beacon-report for current SSID
2022-01-09 David Bauerconfig: make remote_node_timeout configurable
2022-01-09 David Bauerpolicy: only select candidates with better load
2022-01-09 David Bauersta: uniform disconnect state handling
2022-01-09 David Bauersta: remove duplicate code
2021-12-25 David Bauerpolicy: remove redundant candidate evaluation
2021-12-25 David Bauerpolicy: fix not selecting better candidate on request
2021-12-10 David Bauerubus: skip current node for transition candidate list
2021-11-28 David Bauernode: move roam-events to dedicated struct
2021-11-28 David Bauernode: skip neighbors exceeding assoc-limit
2021-11-25 David Bauerubus: set scan duration to roam scan interval
2021-11-25 David Bauerpolicy: only select nodes with better signal when roaming
2021-11-25 David Bauerubus: don't request measurement from unsupported STAs
2021-11-25 David Bauerlocal-node: update STA RRM capabilites
2021-11-25 David Bauernode: determine roamability when selecting neighbors
2021-11-25 David Bauernode: save created time for node
2021-11-25 David Bauerubus: prioritize neighbor reports on bss transition
2021-11-25 David Bauerlocal-node: prioritize neighbor candidates
2021-11-25 David Bauernode: keep track of roam-sources and roam-destinations
2021-11-25 David Bauersta-info: add last_connected field
2021-10-29 David Bauerremote: always re-schedule update timeout
2021-10-29 David Bauerremote: fix compilation with glibc
2021-10-29 David Bauersta: schedule sta_info timeout on creation
2021-10-29 David Bauerubus: fix channel for active probing
2021-10-29 David Bauerubus: introduce enum for beacon measurement mode
2021-10-15 David Bauerpolicy: use correct reference signal
2021-10-15 David Bauerpolicy: avoid creating kick loop for client
2021-10-15 David Bauersta: add sta_connection_state enum
2021-10-15 David Bauerremote: include node BSSID into messages
2021-10-15 David Bauerusteer: add BSSID to node struct
2021-09-21 David Bauerremote: fix memory leak on host removal
2021-09-21 David Bauerremote: fix incorrect use of strcmp result
2021-09-21 David Bauergitignore: add .patch files
2021-09-21 David Bauergitignore: add vscode directory
2021-09-21 David Bauercontrib: add libpcap build dependency
2021-09-21 David Bauerlocal-node: don't read pointer after clear
2021-09-21 Jan Braunusteer: add support for IPv6 remote exchange
2021-09-21 David Bauerremote: use port macro for destination port
2021-07-07 Felix Fietkaumain: add a command line option for dumping remote...
2021-07-06 Felix Fietkauconfig: reduce remote node timeout to 10 update intervals
2021-07-06 Felix Fietkauadd support for defining global host info
2021-07-06 Felix Fietkauubus: add support for getting a list of remote hosts
2021-07-06 Felix Fietkauremote: track remote hosts as a separate data structure
2021-07-06 Felix Fietkaurename script_data to node_info
2021-07-06 Felix Fietkaurename a few functions in preparation for renaming...
2021-07-06 Felix Fietkauubus: add api for modifying node script data
2021-07-06 Felix Fietkauubus: display script data when dumping node info
2021-07-06 Felix Fietkauconfig: check for empty ssid list
2021-05-13 Felix Fietkauopenwrt: add missing config handling for event log...
2021-05-13 Felix Fietkaumake list of steering-enabled SSIDs configurable
2021-05-12 Felix Fietkauopenwrt: add documentation for uci options in the confi...
2021-04-16 Felix Fietkaurework log handling
2021-04-16 Felix Fietkauopenwrt: fix path to daemon in init script
2021-04-12 Felix Fietkaupolicy: always accept assoc requests by default
2021-04-12 Felix Fietkaupolicy: always accept auth requests
2020-11-19 John CrispinMerge pull request #1 from thuehn/patch-1
2020-11-19 Dr.-Ing. Thomas... [fix] binary file name should be usteerd
2020-11-12 Felix Fietkauusteer: Initial import