2022-03-24 Daniel GolleJinja2: add Josef as the maintainer of this package
2022-03-24 Josef SchlehoferFlask: use AUTORELEASE
2022-03-24 Daniel GolleFlask: add Josef as the maintainer of this package
2022-03-24 Daniel Gollelibudev-zero: update to version 1.0.1
2022-03-24 Daniel Gollegpgme: update to version 1.17.1
2022-03-24 Daniel Golleuvol: fix list output on LVM backend
2022-03-24 Daniel Golleauc: only add filesystem type if it is known
2022-03-24 Daniel Golleauc: bump to version 0.2.5
2022-03-24 Daniel Gollegnunet-fuse: update to 0.16.0
2022-03-24 Daniel Gollegnunet: update to 0.16.2
2022-03-24 Dirk Brenken adblock: 4.1.3-7
2022-03-24 Hannu Nymannano: provide nano-full with most features enabled
2022-03-21 Vladimir Ulrichzoneinfo: updated to the latest release
2022-03-21 Florian Eckertglib2: update version to 2.70.4
2022-03-20 Hannu Nymanliboping: fix compilation with ncurses 6.3
2022-03-19 Tianling Shenrclone: Update to 1.58.0
2022-03-18 Daniel Gollepostgresql: update to 14.2
2022-03-18 Daniel Golleperl-net-dns: update to version 1.33
2022-03-18 Daniel Gollelvm2: update to 2.03.15
2022-03-18 Daniel Gollelibinput: update to 1.19.3
2022-03-18 Daniel Golleccid: update to version 1.5.0
2022-03-18 Daniel Gollepcsc-lite: update to version 1.9.5
2022-03-18 David Bauerusteer: update to latest version
2022-03-18 Michael HeimpoldMerge pull request #17903 from WereCatf/feature_gensio
2022-03-18 Stan GrishinMerge pull request #18091 from c---/fixcurlwolfssl
2022-03-18 Chris Osgoodcurl: Fix compiling curl wolfSSL IPv6 disabled
2022-03-18 Jeffery ToMako: Remove package
2022-03-18 Noah Meyerhansbind: bump to 9.18.1
2022-03-18 Rosen Penevglib2: fix compilation with Alpine Linux
2022-03-18 Jeffery ToRevert "expat: add host build"
2022-03-18 Nita Vesagensio: Add new package
2022-03-17 Jeffery Toslide-switch: Update to 1.0.0
2022-03-17 Tianling Shencloudflared: Update to 2022.3.2
2022-03-17 Jeffery Topython3: Add Py3Build/InstallBuildDepends recipe
2022-03-17 Rosen Penevlibextractor: remove ffmpeg plugin
2022-03-17 Philip Prindevillebind: fix warnings about unknown options
2022-03-17 Florian EckertMerge pull request #18066 from TDT-AG/pr/20220315-collectd
2022-03-17 Florian Eckertcollectd: smart: add patch to check udev_enumerate_scan...
2022-03-17 Florian Eckertcollectd: remove not needed fix
2022-03-17 Florian EckertMerge pull request #17940 from TDT-AG/pr/20220225-mwan3
2022-03-17 Rosen Penevvim: remove vim/host
2022-03-17 Florian EckertMerge pull request #18079 from TDT-AG/pr/20220316-libqm...
2022-03-17 Michael HeimpoldMerge pull request #18070 from mhei/libxml2-update
2022-03-17 Michal Vasilekopenssh: update to 8.9p1
2022-03-17 Josef Schlehoferlibarchive: add conflict to bsdtar/bsdtar-noopenssl
2022-03-17 Florian Eckertlibudev-zero: backport latest changes to fix blocking...
2022-03-17 Tianling Shencloudflared: add new package
2022-03-17 Christian Lachnerhaproxy: Update HAProxy to v2.4.15
2022-03-17 Javier Marcetpython3-paramiko: update to version 2.10.1
2022-03-17 Marc Egertonmtr: bump version to 0.95, split package for JSON and...
2022-03-17 Moritz Warningzerotier: update to 1.8.6
2022-03-17 Alexandru Ardeleansudo: bump to version 1.9.10
2022-03-17 Javier Marcetdocker-compose: Update to version 2.3.3
2022-03-17 Josef Schlehoferchicken-scheme: add conflict and small Makefile polishing
2022-03-17 Alexandru Ardeleanpython-asn1crypto: drop package
2022-03-17 Oskari Rautapodman: updates podman package
2022-03-17 Jeffery Topython-packages: Remove unused library packages
2022-03-17 Jeffery Tolibevhtp: Remove package
2022-03-17 Stijn Tintelchrony: enable LTO
2022-03-17 Stijn Tintelchrony: enable AUTORELEASE
2022-03-16 Florian Eckertlibmbim: remove unknown configure option
2022-03-16 Florian Eckertlibqmi: remove unknown configure option
2022-03-15 Philip PrindevilleMerge pull request #18056 from pprindeville/isc-dhcp...
2022-03-15 Philip Prindevilleisc-dhcp: Update to 4.4.3
2022-03-15 Philip Prindevillenamed: don't leak mktemp files on reload
2022-03-15 Michael Heimpoldlibxml2: update to 2.9.13
2022-03-15 Philip PrindevilleMerge pull request #18061 from pprindeville/isc-dhcp...
2022-03-15 Philip Prindevilleisc-dhcp: detect whether ddns transfers are IPv4 only
2022-03-15 Philip PrindevilleMerge pull request #18069 from pprindeville/isc-dhcp...
2022-03-15 Philip Prindevilleisc-dhcp: don't leak mktemp files
2022-03-15 Daniel Gollegnunet: improve init script
2022-03-15 Daniel EngbergMerge pull request #18063 from turris-cz/netdata-disabl...
2022-03-15 Josef Schlehofernetdata: disable LZ4 compression support
2022-03-15 Daniel Gollegnunet: depend on 'uci-firewall' instead of 'firewall'
2022-03-14 Etienne Champetiershorewall6-lite: add @IPV6 to DEPENDS
2022-03-14 Etienne Champetiershorewall6: add @IPV6 to DEPENDS
2022-03-14 Florian EckertMerge pull request #18058 from TDT-AG/pr/20220314-keepa...
2022-03-14 Florian Eckertkeepalived: enable nftables filtering
2022-03-14 Florian Eckertmwan3: update version to 2.11.0
2022-03-14 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #18002 from BKPepe/haproxy-conflicts
2022-03-14 Florian Eckertmwan3: dump iptables and ipset command for debugging
2022-03-14 Florian Eckertmwan3: unify error messages
2022-03-14 Florian Eckertmwan3: add sleep to release ipset reference
2022-03-14 Florian Eckertmwan3: remove not needed ipset del cmd
2022-03-14 Florian Eckertmwan3: Split ipsets into separate ipv4 and ipv6 sets
2022-03-14 Florian Eckertmwan3: use mwan3_push_update function for mwan3_delete_...
2022-03-14 Florian Eckertmwan3: remove ipset generation from mwan3_set_general_i...
2022-03-14 Florian Eckertmwan3: use sticky ipset generation mwan3_push_update...
2022-03-14 Florian Eckertmwan3: do not create dynamic ipset for IPv6 if not...
2022-03-14 Florian Eckertmwan3: do not add mwan3_custom_v6 set if ipv6 is not...
2022-03-14 Florian Eckertmwan3: use also ipset restore for connected ipv4 sets
2022-03-14 Florian Eckertmwan3: move command definitions to common.sh
2022-03-14 Florian Eckertmwan3: update iptables dependencies
2022-03-13 Daniel Golleauc: don't segfault on invalid URL
2022-03-13 Etienne ChampetierMerge pull request #18052 from 1715173329/va
2022-03-13 Tianling Shenv2raya: add iptables as dependency
2022-03-13 Daniel Gollegnunet: update to version 0.16.1
2022-03-13 Rosen Penevtreewide: remove rpath-link
2022-03-12 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #18041 from turris-cz/syslog-ng...
2022-03-11 Oskari Rautacatatonit: add new package