2024-10-31 Stan Grishinpbr: update to 1.1.7-47
2024-10-31 Yury Potapovopenconnect: introduced script parameter
2024-10-31 Rosen Penevlibseccomp: update to 2.5.5
2024-10-31 Álvaro Fernández... bcm27xx-eeprom: update to latest version
2024-10-31 Eric Fahlgrenattendedsysupgrade-common: give the uci-defaults script...
2024-10-30 Rosen Penevapparmor: update to 3.0.13
2024-10-30 Rosen Penevnsutils: update to latest master
2024-10-30 Rosen Penevluasoap: update to latest release
2024-10-30 Javier Marcetdocker-compose: Update to version 2.30.1
2024-10-30 Javier Marcetdocker-compose: Update to version 2.30.0
2024-10-30 Rosen Penevpptp: fix compilation with GCC14
2024-10-30 Dillon Dixonddns-scripts: porkbun bugfix for subdomain on A/AAAA...
2024-10-29 Othmar Trunigerknxd: bump to new version 0.14.66
2024-10-29 Rosen Penevlibuwifi: update to latest master
2024-10-29 Florian Eckertmwan3: bump PKG_RELEASE
2024-10-29 Stijn Tintelkeepalived: bump to 2.3.1
2024-10-29 Stijn Tintelkeepalived: bump to 2.3.0
2024-10-29 Christian Marangiluajit2: switch to GIT source and adapt to APK friendly...
2024-10-29 Florian Eckertmwan3: close flock fd when starting mwan3.user scripts
2024-10-29 Stan Grishinpbr: update to 1.1.7-29
2024-10-29 Stan Grishinadblock-fast: bugfix: fix allowed domains for dnsmasq...
2024-10-28 Evgeny Grin... libmicrohttpd: Fix too long title
2024-10-28 Jonas Jelonekeza: update to 0.20.5
2024-10-28 Jonas Jelonekcroc: update to 10.0.13
2024-10-28 Sandro Jäckeltailscale: update to 1.76.3
2024-10-27 Javier Marcetschroot: add boost-1.85 compatibility patch
2024-10-27 Paul Donaldclamav: bump PKG_RELEASE
2024-10-27 Paul Donaldclamav: freshclam: Add documented options
2024-10-27 Paul Donaldclamav: freshclam: Remove UpdateLogFile option
2024-10-27 Paul Donaldclamav: milter: Add Debug option
2024-10-27 Paul Donaldclamav: Add syslogging options
2024-10-27 Paul Donaldclamav: Align with milter options and remove LogFile...
2024-10-27 Paul Donaldclamav: milter: Remove deprecated AllowSupplementaryGro...
2024-10-27 Paul Donaldclamav: Fix UCI error
2024-10-27 Evgeny Grin... libmicrohttpd: Use external hashing functions
2024-10-27 Evgeny Grin... libmicrohttpd: Fixed 'TITLE'
2024-10-27 Evgeny Grin... libmicrohttpd: Drop unneeded libgcrypt dependency
2024-10-27 Evgeny Grin... libmicrohttpd: Enable 'poll()' usage
2024-10-27 Jen Wolflibmicrohttpd update to 1.0.1
2024-10-27 Christian Marangimicropython: bump to 1.23.0 release
2024-10-27 Dirk Brenkenadblock: update to 4.2.2-8
2024-10-26 Dirk Brenkentravelmate: update to 2.1.3-2
2024-10-26 Dirk Brenkenadblock: update to 4.2.2-7
2024-10-26 Dirk BrenkenbanIP: update to 1.0.0-9
2024-10-26 Daniel Gollemptcpd: add package
2024-10-26 Daniel Golleell: add package
2024-10-26 Ivan Chashkinyggdrasil: bump to 0.5.9
2024-10-26 John Audiagperftools: bump to version 2.16
2024-10-26 Luiz Angelo... ruby: fix yjit for target and host build
2024-10-26 Luiz Angelo... ruby: update to 3.3.5
2024-10-26 Christian Marangisstp-client: bump to 1.0.20 release
2024-10-26 Jianhui Zhaolibuhttpd: update to 3.14.2
2024-10-26 Eric Fahlgrenowut: update to 2024.10.25
2024-10-25 Wesley Gimenesnetbird: update to 0.30.3
2024-10-24 Stan Grishinadblock-fast: explicitly allowing domains for dnsmasq...
2024-10-22 Francesco Beninikeepalived: fix dnsmasq reload
2024-10-22 Francesco Beninikeepalived: fix ambigiuos functions in hotplug.sh
2024-10-22 Francesco Beninikeepalived: add option to override service running...
2024-10-22 Wesley Gimenesnetbird: update to 0.30.2
2024-10-22 Eric Fahlgrenowut: update to 2024.10.15
2024-10-21 Christian Maranginginx: Add support for NJS module
2024-10-21 Christian Maranginginx: add patch to make libexslt optional
2024-10-21 Christian Maranginginx: disable additional entry in feature test
2024-10-21 Christian Marangilibxslt: install header for libxlt by default
2024-10-21 Martin Schillerrp-pppoe: update to 4.0
2024-10-17 Florian Eckertmodemmanger: bump PKG_RELEASE number
2024-10-17 Florian Eckertmodemmanager: add pin check attempts
2024-10-17 Florian Eckertmodemmanager: improvement of readability by reversing...
2024-10-17 Florian Eckertmodemmanager: add missing interface argument to functio...
2024-10-17 Florian Eckertmodemmanager: move modemmanager_check_state failed...
2024-10-17 Florian Eckertmodemmanager: fix value call with modemmanager_get_fiel...
2024-10-17 Florian Eckertmodemmanager: extend log message with count on boot
2024-10-17 R4SAS I2Pi2pd: Update to 2.54.0
2024-10-17 Jan Chren ... wifischedule: fix init.d START
2024-10-17 Chen Minqiangpptpd: update to 1.5.0
2024-10-17 Jan Hákknot: update to verion 3.4.1
2024-10-17 Miroslav Lichvarchrony: update to 4.6.1
2024-10-16 Koen Vandeputtegst1-plugins-bad: add support for srt
2024-10-16 Koen Vandeputtelibs/srt: add new package v1.5.3
2024-10-16 Peter van Dijkpdns: update to 4.9.2
2024-10-15 Lehua Zhangddns-scripts: add ddns-scripts for huaweicloud
2024-10-14 Robert Markolibmaxminddb: fixup lib and include dirs in pkg-config
2024-10-14 Lukas Voegllibgudev: remove package
2024-10-14 Lukas Voeglfwupd: Update to 2.0.0
2024-10-14 S. Bruschcrowdsec-firewall-bouncer: updated nftables rules
2024-10-14 Wesley Gimenesnetbird: update to 0.30.1
2024-10-14 Hauke Mehrtensfluent-bit: Deactivate sasl2, zlib and zstd
2024-10-14 Hauke Mehrtensgst1-plugins-good: Remove gudev
2024-10-14 Othmar Trunigerknxd: bump to version 0.14.65
2024-10-13 Vladimir Ermakovgo2rtc: run service as regular user
2024-10-12 Eric Fahlgrenowut: update to 2024.10.11
2024-10-12 Tianling Shenv2raya: Update to 2.2.6
2024-10-11 Peter van Dijkpdns-recursor: update to 5.1.2
2024-10-11 Dirk BrenkenbanIP: update to 1.0.0-8
2024-10-10 Dirk Brenkenadblock: update to 4.2.2-6
2024-10-10 Vladimir Ermakovqemu: fix guest agent patch
2024-10-10 Jen Wolfmtools: update to 4.0.45
2024-10-10 Milinda Brantiniadguardhome: Update to 0.107.53
2024-10-09 Matthias Schifferecdsautils: update to 0.4.2
2024-10-09 Maxim Storchaktmux: update to 3.5a