2018-08-12 Andy Walshowfs/owshell: remove librpc depends
2018-08-12 Andy Walshmc: switch to libtirpc
2018-08-12 Andy Walshlsof: update to 4.91, switch to libtirpc
2018-08-12 Andy Walshpython/twisted: switch to libtirpc
2018-08-12 Andy Walshsnort: switch to libtirpc
2018-08-12 Andy Walshnetatalk: remove librpc depends
2018-08-12 Andy Walshnfs-kernel-server: switch to libtirpc, enable ipv6
2018-08-12 Andy Walshrpcbind: add rpcbind package, remove portmap
2018-08-12 Florian FainelliMerge pull request #6683 from neheb/stoken
2018-08-12 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6739 from zhouruixi/nginx_fix-warning
2018-08-12 Ruixi Zhounginx: Fix warnings while compile rtmp and ts modules
2018-08-12 Dirk BrenkenMerge pull request #6737 from neheb/gammu
2018-08-11 Rosen Penevgammu: Update to 1.39.0
2018-08-11 tripolarMerge pull request #6708 from Andy2244/libtirpc-enable...
2018-08-11 tripolarMerge pull request #6706 from Andy2244/nfs-kernel-serve...
2018-08-10 Dirk BrenkenMerge pull request #6732 from dibdot/travelmate
2018-08-10 Dirk BrenkenMerge pull request #6688 from neheb/sysrepo
2018-08-10 Dirk BrenkenMerge pull request #6692 from neheb/tgt
2018-08-10 Dirk BrenkenMerge pull request #6712 from neheb/patch-24
2018-08-10 Dirk BrenkenMerge pull request #6724 from neheb/patch-22
2018-08-10 Dirk BrenkenMerge pull request #6730 from EricLuehrsen/unbound_20180808
2018-08-10 Dirk Brenkentravelmate: update 1.2.2
2018-08-10 Eric Luehrsenunbound: log openssl-1.0.2 lacks TLS host verification
2018-08-09 W. Michael... luajit: install libluajit-5.1.so.2
2018-08-09 Rosen Penevlogrotate: Update to 3.14
2018-08-09 W. Michael... luajit: add .hpp to InstallDev
2018-08-08 Andy Walshlibtirpc: enable host build
2018-08-08 Dirk BrenkenMerge pull request #6696 from neheb/arp
2018-08-08 Dirk BrenkenMerge pull request #6713 from neheb/patch-22
2018-08-08 Andy Walshnfs-kernel-server: fix missing host symbol res_querydom...
2018-08-07 Rosen Penevjoe: Update to 4.6
2018-08-07 Rosen Penevgzip: Update to 1.9
2018-08-07 Daniel GolleMerge pull request #6711 from neheb/patch-24
2018-08-07 Rosen Penevcryptsetup: Update to 2.0.4
2018-08-07 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6699 from wvdakker/master
2018-08-07 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6544 from diizzyy/bluez550
2018-08-06 W. van den... Shorewall6: Bump to version
2018-08-06 W. van den... Shorewall: Bump to version
2018-08-06 W. van den... Shorewall6-lite: Bump to version
2018-08-06 W. van den... Shorewall-lite: Bump to version
2018-08-06 W. van den... Shorewall-core: Bump to version
2018-08-06 Eneas U de... samba4: add nfs-kernel-server/host build dependency
2018-08-06 Dirk BrenkenMerge pull request #6693 from BKPepe/netdata
2018-08-06 Rosen Penevarp-scan: Update to 1.9.5
2018-08-06 Yousong Zhouqemu: bump to version 2.12.1
2018-08-06 Andy Walshsamba4: add missing avahi service definitions
2018-08-06 Andy Walshqemu-userspace: remove package
2018-08-06 Andy Walshsamba4: switch to waf cross-answer files
2018-08-05 Josef Schlehofernetdata: create missing folder /etc/netdata/customs...
2018-08-05 Rosen Penevwavemon: Switch to codeload tarballs
2018-08-05 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6560 from neheb/mtr2
2018-08-05 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6595 from MikePetullo/loudmouth
2018-08-05 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6613 from neheb/cocoa
2018-08-05 Rosen Penevstoken: Update to 0.92 and switch to normal tarball.
2018-08-05 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6660 from neheb/sdr
2018-08-05 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6685 from neheb/digi
2018-08-05 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6674 from neheb/upnpd
2018-08-05 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6662 from neheb/433
2018-08-05 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6669 from neheb/patch-9
2018-08-05 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6529 from gladiac1337/feature-hapro...
2018-08-05 Jo-Philipp... usbip: remove nonshared flag (#6681)
2018-08-05 Rosen Penevrtl-ais: Update to 0.3 and switch to codeload (#6661)
2018-08-05 Rosen Penevntripcaster: Switch to codeload (#6653)
2018-08-05 Rosen Penevntripserver: Fix version and switch to codeload (#6689)
2018-08-05 Rosen Penevntripclient: Fix version and switch to codeload (#6690)
2018-08-05 Rosen Penevtgt: Switch to codeload
2018-08-05 Rosen Penevsysrepo: Switch to codeload tarballs
2018-08-04 Rosen Penevdigitemp: Switch to codeload
2018-08-04 Rosen Penevminiupnpd: Update to 2.1.20180706
2018-08-04 Christian Lachnerhaproxy: Update HAProxy to v1.8.13 & Lua library to...
2018-08-03 Rosen Penevfio: Update to 3.8
2018-08-03 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6496 from neheb/patch-3
2018-08-03 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6665 from EricLuehrsen/unbound_20180801
2018-08-03 Eric Luehrsenunbound: fix boot time and default run directory
2018-08-03 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6664 from zhaojh329/libuhttpd
2018-08-03 Jianhui Zhaolibuhttpd: Update to 2.2.1
2018-08-03 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6641 from neheb/patch-9
2018-08-03 Rosen Penevrtl_433: Update to 18.05 and switch to codeload
2018-08-03 Rosen Penevrtl-sdr: Update to 0.5.4 and switch to tarballs
2018-08-02 Kevin D-BMerge pull request #6657 from ldir-EDB0/maintainer
2018-08-02 Kevin Darbyshire... miniupnpd: remove my maintainership
2018-08-02 Peter Wagnernfs-kernel-server: add -Wno-error=format-security to...
2018-08-02 Ted HessMerge pull request #6652 from neheb/patch-21
2018-08-02 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6491 from neheb/pci
2018-08-02 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6590 from neheb/bridge
2018-08-02 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6583 from zhaojh329/wifidog-ng
2018-08-02 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6603 from neheb/email
2018-08-02 Stijn TintelMerge pull request #6423 from micmac1/strongswan-uclibc...
2018-08-02 Stijn TintelMerge pull request #5069 from dedeckeh/pr-netsnmp-fw
2018-08-02 Stijn TintelMerge pull request #6405 from TDT-AG/pr/20180704-strong...
2018-08-02 Stijn TintelMerge pull request #6655 from cshoredaniel/pr-fix-nut...
2018-08-02 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6236 from cotequeiroz/mailsend_open...
2018-08-02 Daniel F. Dickinsonnut: Fix for nut-upsmon without nut-server
2018-08-02 Rosen Penevneon: Fix URL
2018-08-02 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #6648 from neheb/patch-20
2018-08-02 Rosen Penevshairport-sync: Update to 3.2.1
2018-08-01 Ted HessMerge pull request #6643 from neheb/patch-11
2018-08-01 Rosen Penevredsocks: Update to 0.5
2018-08-01 Rosen Penevcrelay: Update to 0.12 and switch to codeload
2018-08-01 Rosen Penevknxd: Update to 0.14.25 and switch to codeload